I was a smoker for well over 30 years and have tried all imaginable means to quit. Including first and second generations of electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs. That is, before they were even trendy. Several days ago I decided to give one another shot and I was amazed - now we're talking!
At pretty much the same time, I started to look for articles centered on the ”vaping” topic - the more scientific, the better, I thought. But, to my amazement, this over 10 year old phenomenon has a slim to none scientific basis. As for the regular press, liberals embrace it while conservatives are reluctant - no surprise there.
I have yet to read a fair and balanced (if possible, scientific) article.
I was unable to find one, maybe some of you fine guys can help.
My ultimate goal is to quit one bad habit, not to replace it, and I see this as a viable step (now, finally).
I feel better already and I don't abuse it, but as a heart patient I am still concerned of possible side-effects coming from either the nicotine or the glycerin (or any other eventually harmful substances) that liquid may contain.