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EAC: We're doing a good job!

The irony here is that I'm cutting and pasting from quotes by atheists about atheism and I get called judgmental.

These aren't MY opinions about atheism - those are atheists' opinions about atheism.

That's what THEY say they believe and I take them at their word. If some individual 'atheist' wants to claim a mere lack of belief - agnosticism - to describe their personal version of non-theism that's fine. We live in an age where people get to call themselves whatever they want.

The Stanford Encyclopedia provides a concise explanation of why atheism is not merely a lack of belief about God/gods.

Theist - I think God exists.
Atheist - I think God doesn't exist.
Rhea - I need 30 pages of waffle and minutiae to describe all the nuance of what I'm not sure I don't believe.

Forgive them Lion, for they erm ..know what they do.

Just WOW.... So you see your part in this thread is as that of Jesus and Lion is your FATHER in heaven?

Um. Earth to Mekus. He was joking.

Atheism means simply, having no belief in God or gods. It does not matter if that atheist has bad reasons for not believing in god(s), very good reasons for not believing in god(s) or offers no reasons at all for not believing in god(s). It is that simple. Anything else is bullshit.
I know why atheists want to change the definition of the word atheism so that it means something along the lines of non-stamp collecting. That's agnosticism. Agnostics have zero burden of proof. That's cool.
I can see why you'd like that as the proof of design or creation column is rather thin too.

This is usually a fun thing because a person like Lion uses this red herring to help 'prove' his god position. 'If you can't define god, then my God exists.' A person that can't even prove Jesus even existed, thinking they can prove god.
The Stanford Encyclopedia provides a concise explanation of why atheism is not merely a lack of belief about God/gods.

Theist - I think God exists.
Atheist - I think God doesn't exist.
Rhea - I need 30 pages of waffle and minutiae to describe all the nuance of what I'm not sure I don't believe.

11,776 words on the Atheism and Agnosticism page, not including citations and footnotes. In other words, not concise at all. And even a cursory scan of the page would reveal that the definition of atheism is complex and nuanced. This has all been pointed out to you, but you insist on pretending that you are right.
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The irony here is that I'm cutting and pasting from quotes by atheists about atheism and I get called judgmental.

These aren't MY opinions about atheism - those are atheists' opinions about atheism.

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Atheism is damned easy to understand. It is the lack of belief in any of the claimed gods that you don't believe exists plus the god you claim to believe in.

If you understand why you don't believe the existence of Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra, Baal, etc., etc. then you understand atheism.
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The irony here is that I'm cutting and pasting from quotes by atheists about atheism and I get called judgmental.

These aren't MY opinions about atheism - those are atheists' opinions about atheism.

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Atheism is damned easy to understand. It is the lack of belief in any of the claimed gods that you don't believe exists plus the god you claim to believe in.

If you understand why you don't believe the existence of Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra, Baal, etc., etc. then you understand atheism.
Also, let's be clear. His 'cutting and pasting' is the long xian tradition of quote mining. It's dishonest, at best, and the fact that he thinks it 'wins' him points says a lot more about him than it does us.

For instance, we could all say that in order to really be xian, you'd have to believe <insert really ridiculous thing that probably isn't as bad as what they REALLY believe>, then tell him he's not a real xian. But that would be stooping to their level, and at least we atheists are morally superior to most of them. ;)
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The irony here is that I'm cutting and pasting from quotes by atheists about atheism and I get called judgmental.

These aren't MY opinions about atheism - those are atheists' opinions about atheism.

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Atheism is damned easy to understand. It is the lack of belief in any of the claimed gods that you don't believe exists plus the god you claim to believe in.

If you understand why you don't believe the existence of Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra, Baal, etc., etc. then you understand atheism.

If someone says they believe in Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra etc. I know who they mean.

blind men and elephant.jpg
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The irony here is that I'm cutting and pasting from quotes by atheists about atheism and I get called judgmental.

These aren't MY opinions about atheism - those are atheists' opinions about atheism.

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Atheism is damned easy to understand. It is the lack of belief in any of the claimed gods that you don't believe exists plus the god you claim to believe in.

If you understand why you don't believe the existence of Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra, Baal, etc., etc. then you understand atheism.

If someone says they believe in Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra etc. I know who they mean.
Cute but a fail. All the different gods have mutually contradictory powers and stories. The story given about your god would have him condemning you to hell for following the expectations attributed to other gods. If you think Quetzalcoatl is a description of an aspect of your god then you have no idea of what either expect of their believers.
Also, let's be clear. His 'cutting and pasting' is the long xian tradition of quote mining. It's dishonest, at best, and the fact that he thinks it 'wins' him points says a lot more about him than it does us.

Whoa - slow down pal.
Quote mining would be when the person quoted DOES NOT hold the view suggested by the partial quote. Conservapedia quotes lengthy remarks by atheists who DO think exactly what their quote implies.
And as for wins, winning, winners, I suggest you take a look at the title of this thread!

For instance, we could all say that in order to really be xian, you'd have to believe <insert really ridiculous thing...

Yeah. That NEVER happens here at TFF

...then tell him he's not a real xian.

You make it sound like I've never been on the receiving end of a strawman argument.
If I don't hold the view I'm being accused of holding I don't have to defend anything.
Oh, and BTW, in case you didn't know, it's quite common for some Christian denominations to deny that other denominations are True Christians. (Yawn)

But that would be stooping to their level, and at least we atheists are morally superior to most of them. ;)

we atheists are morally superior
to most of them

That sounds like an atheist billboard I saw once.
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The irony here is that I'm cutting and pasting from quotes by atheists about atheism and I get called judgmental.

These aren't MY opinions about atheism - those are atheists' opinions about atheism.

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Atheism is damned easy to understand. It is the lack of belief in any of the claimed gods that you don't believe exists plus the god you claim to believe in.

If you understand why you don't believe the existence of Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra, Baal, etc., etc. then you understand atheism.

If someone says they believe in Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra etc. I know who they mean.

View attachment 24583
Noticed you exclude Ba'al.

According to this article, we're growing and doing a better job at keeping our adherents! Next stop we conquer the world!

I note with interest that he attributes the rise of atheism to the backlash of the Christian Right take over of the Republican Party. Our founders warned that mixing politics with religion would be bad for both and they were right.


I don't agree with your premise at all. It's pretty clear the Founders wanted a secular government but allowed for religious people. The founders did not have a homogeneous view of religion. There were theists, deists and atheists.
I can't believe this has devolved to this asinine argument. At this point most people on this board know I am a theist. But as someone who believes in God, I understand it is a belief. I am also scientist. There is a difference between science and religion. There is a difference between truth and Truth. For people to come here and try to convince atheists their religious beliefs are scientifically true is the height of folly..

You will never be able to prove God exists. There are arguments for the existence of God. But they are just arguments. You will never be able to prove it to anyone, so stop trying. The idea there are no atheists in a foxhole is moronic. People rarely chnage their view. In fact. of those people who survived the holocaust, (for the most part) those that went in believers came out believers. Those that went in as non believers came out as non believers. Yes, there are many Jewish atheists.

I'm all in favor in having a discussion on the rise of atheism and the decline in religion, But theists truing prove to atheists God exists, really.?
If someone says they believe in Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra etc. I know who they mean.
Noticed you exclude Ba'al.

I hear Yahweh had a falling out with Ba'al, and they haven't spoken to each other in ages. Apparently Ba'al, who goes by the street name of Hadad, released a rap album that spoke about putting a cap in Yahweh's pompous ass. Ba'al also got Lamborghini (hence the bull that is often associated with Ba'al) to build him a custom, naturally aspirated V-32 12.0L powered supercar while Yahweh was still driving around in a turbo Ecoboost 4-banger1.6L made by Ford, and this added fuel to the fire. These guys should know better, but they still behave like children.
Atheism is damned easy to understand. It is the lack of belief in any of the claimed gods that you don't believe exists plus the god you claim to believe in.

If you understand why you don't believe the existence of Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra, Baal, etc., etc. then you understand atheism.

If someone says they believe in Odin, Loki, Apollo, Zeus, Ra etc. I know who they mean.

View attachment 24583

Wait, then why did they kill Jezebel, if she was simply worshiping one part of god?
When you make stuff up, Lion, it doesn’t fit the existing storyline.
Why did they kill Jezebel?
Well because God commanded...
Oh wait. I just remembered how futile it is to start engaging in a serious bible discussion with people like Rhea.
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But all she was doing was worshipping a different part of him! She had the tail, someone else had the trunk, right?

You just told us that all the different gods are just different views of the one god and all worshippers are correct in worshiping. But then your bible says she was killed for worshipping the wrong god.

So convoluted.
And i am very serious. I read, I consider. You and others keep assigning malign intent to my curiosity, which turns out to be bearing false witness again. Tsk tsk tsk. You should not say words about me that are not true. Your god does not like that.

nd seriously, these questions are quite genuine. It’s like a book I read and actually care about the plot line and it’s problems and you condemn me for discussing it?

So bizarre. I don’t follow your line of thought there.
Whoa - slow down pal.
Quote mining would be when the person quoted DOES NOT hold the view suggested by the partial quote. Conservapedia quotes lengthy remarks by atheists who DO think exactly what their quote implies.
And as for wins, winning, winners, I suggest you take a look at the title of this thread!

Yeah. That NEVER happens here at TFF

...then tell him he's not a real xian.

You make it sound like I've never been on the receiving end of a strawman argument.
If I don't hold the view I'm being accused of holding I don't have to defend anything.
Oh, and BTW, in case you didn't know, it's quite common for some Christian denominations to deny that other denominations are True Christians. (Yawn)

But that would be stooping to their level, and at least we atheists are morally superior to most of them. ;)

we atheists are morally superior
to most of them

That sounds like an atheist billboard I saw once.

Did that billboard have a winky smile after it? I've yet to see an atheist billboard, other than one that was supposedly outside of New York City, that said, "Good without God".

On the other hand, the south has many nasty Christian billboards that tell those of us with different beliefs that god's gonna punish us for all eternity. Yeah right! That's so convincing. They could have spent the money helping the poor, like Jesus told them to do.

Church attendance must be down a bit though because some people in my neighborhood had church signs on their lawns recently advertising their churches. The signs read, "You belong here on Sunday mornings." I guess they need money or something but I don't think I belong in their churches.

Oh wait. I received some junk main from a church recently. It said that believers and non believers were welcome. Hmmmm. Maybe they think if we attend their church, they can save us. Or maybe, they are so desperate, that they are welcoming non believers with the expectation that we will love them so much that we will part with some money to add to their coffers. Somebody's gotta pay the pastor and the utility bills.
Wait, then why did they kill Jezebel, if she was simply worshiping one part of god?
When you make stuff up, Lion, it doesn’t fit the existing storyline.
Killing Jezebel for feeling the wrong part of the elephant does fit the parable's storyline.

Lion IRC can have easily explained his take on the parable, but he's got an imaginary audience of lurkers that applaud whenever he "gets" an atheist. So discussions with Lion can't help but break down.

In the drawing, "It's a rope!" is the sacred truth to one and "It's a tree!" is the sacred truth to another. So if the rope-worshiper kills the tree-worshipper, it's in keeping with the story.

Perhaps Lion thinks he's the one who sees the whole elephant. This bigheartedness for the blind heathen religions - that they at least have partial visions of the true God - is supposed to get the problem for theism out of the way. Though it doesn't, because ALL the elephant-feelers are wrong. None are close to right, there's a total disconnect between a wall or a rope and an elephant.

There's a much more parsimonious reason the different cultures have different gods. They all want a god so each dreamed up a god. It's not parts of God but different gods, full stop. So the drawing should be seven blind persons feeling up seven little idols.

But, also, it's still presumption if anyone concludes there's an entire elephant.

So oft in theologic wars,
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean,
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!

~ from John Saxe's poem about the elephant parable

The Saxe poem is on the right track. The elephant as the total picture that the blind men are missing is a fantasy. If instead of fighting about their differences, they conferred with each other to find what's common between their partial perceptions (and the false metaphysics they derive from them), they'd have a pretty damn weird beast that looked more like an abstract cubist painting than like an elephant. They can't make the partial perceptions (a snake, a fan, a tree-trunk, a wall, a rope, a spear) add up to an elephant. That is, add up to 'God' (or any other metaphysical absolute).
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