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Ebola vaccine works!

Indeedy-doody - and that's what I call 'science' - something done, and proven to have been done, for the benefit of mankind!
Where's the proof that it works? All you have are online articles claiming that it works and the people involved with supposedly developing the vaccine claiming that their research and testing works. Why do you believe them?

It's just a scam to provide medical researchers with jobs and funding. The vaccine doesn't work or even exist if you ask me.

Some people will believe anything.
Interestingly, it appears from the last infections here in the US, if you catch Ebola and get medical treatment early enough, and have good and constant medical care, you survive Ebola. Apparently a lot of the deaths from Ebola in Africa stem from lack of good medical care, not the disease so much.
Interestingly, it appears from the last infections here in the US, if you catch Ebola and get medical treatment early enough, and have good and constant medical care, you survive Ebola. Apparently a lot of the deaths from Ebola in Africa stem from lack of good medical care, not the disease so much.

Even in America, we did a pretty shitty job (pun intended), and we only had a few cases.

Someone with ebola is losing liters of fluid per day, which has to be replaced or the victim dies. Further, that enormous quantity of fluid is highly infectious. This is not like treating a measles outbreak.
An Ebola vaccine is fairly good news.

But Ebola is rare (largely because it's so deadly that victims don't survive long enough to infect too many others, so it rarely breaks out of a few small areas in Africa).

The really good news would be a Malaria vaccine. There are literally millions of Malaria deaths for every death from Ebola.

Oh, look: http://www.medicaldaily.com/glaxosmithkline-sees-staged-roll-out-malaria-vaccine-345390.

Now THAT is some really good news. Even better than an Ebola vaccine. Millions of times better, in fact.
How long before Jenny Tits and Booby jr. Kennedy claim the vaccine is UNHEALTHY because vaccines CAUSE autism?

Eldarion Lathria
Not only is this good news in itself, but I hope the people who developed the vaccine have learnt something and so can do it again for something else.
There are literally millions of Malaria deaths for every death from Ebola.
A few thousand = literally millions for sufficiently small values of literally.

That depends a lot on the period you consider for Ebola; mean worldwide deaths per annum were less than 1 for the three decades to 2010; while Malaria deaths were in the hundreds of thousands.

The Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea outbreak of 2013-15 is a massive outlier, with around 400 deaths per annum.

Of course, a vaccine for either disease is very good news (particularly if you live in one of the three aforementioned countries, where both diseases are currently rampant).
When are we going to get an HIV vaccine? Or a vaccine for the common cold...
Not only is this good news in itself, but I hope the people who developed the vaccine have learnt something and so can do it again for something else.

They will. These are real scientists not self-serving charlatans.
"These Are." That's a positive claim.
You can provide evidence this is true? At least as much evidence to show that others ARE charlatans?
A few thousand = literally millions for sufficiently small values of literally.

That depends a lot on the period you consider for Ebola; mean worldwide deaths per annum were less than 1 for the three decades to 2010;
Wikipedia lists five outbreaks between 1980 and 2010, killing, respectively, 254, 224, 128, 187, and 37.

The Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea outbreak of 2013-15 is a massive outlier, with around 400 deaths per annum.
Same source says it killed 11,295. Where are you getting your numbers?
That depends a lot on the period you consider for Ebola; mean worldwide deaths per annum were less than 1 for the three decades to 2010;
Wikipedia lists five outbreaks between 1980 and 2010, killing, respectively, 254, 224, 128, 187, and 37.

The Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea outbreak of 2013-15 is a massive outlier, with around 400 deaths per annum.
Same source says it killed 11,295. Where are you getting your numbers?

How is 'around 400 per annum' inconsistent with 11,295 over three years?
"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense." - John McCarthy
"He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense." - John McCarthy

400 per annum over 3 years is 12,000. That's close enough to 11,295 for me.

"Consistency is a virtue for trains: what we want from a philosopher is insights, whether he comes by them consistently or not." - Stephen Vizinczey
Bomb#20 is back! :D :joy:
bilby said:
400 per annum over 3 years is 12,000.
No, it's 1,200.

The difference is zero. ;)

Yes, I fucked up, by an order of magnitude. Sorry.

Regardless, the death rate from Malaria is several orders of magnitude greater than that from Ebola, so it doesn't affect my point - an Ebola vaccine is good news, and a Malaria vaccine is even better news.
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