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ENOUGH with the "Surprise"!!!

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
You are no longer allowed to use the word "surprised" or any synonymous variation of the damn word when it comes to Trump lowering the bar (short of a preemptive nuclear strike... though that'd be more "I'm surprised the military launched it on his orders").

Trump rejected plans for a White House statement praising McCain

article said:
“It’s atrocious,” Mark Corallo, a former spokesman for Trump’s legal team and a longtime Republican strategist, said of Trump’s reaction to McCain’s death. “At a time like this, you would expect more of an American president when you’re talking about the passing of a true American hero.”
You'd expect? From Trump? At what point did he ever show any modicum of decency? The asshole was tossing paper towels to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico like he was tossing t-shirts to a crowd at a baseball game.

Anyone that expects any decent action from this troll is a actively lying to themselves. So stop acting surprised. There is no reason for it, and there hasn't been for at least 6 months (the North Korea "summit" and Vladimir Putin press conference put a knife into surprise).
You are no longer allowed to use the word "surprised" or any synonymous variation of the damn word when it comes to Trump lowering the bar (short of a preemptive nuclear strike... though that'd be more "I'm surprised the military launched it on his orders").

Trump rejected plans for a White House statement praising McCain

article said:
“It’s atrocious,” Mark Corallo, a former spokesman for Trump’s legal team and a longtime Republican strategist, said of Trump’s reaction to McCain’s death. “At a time like this, you would expect more of an American president when you’re talking about the passing of a true American hero.”
You'd expect? From Trump? At what point did he ever show any modicum of decency? The asshole was tossing paper towels to hurricane victims in Puerto Rico like he was tossing t-shirts to a crowd at a baseball game.

Anyone that expects any decent action from this troll is a actively lying to themselves. So stop acting surprised. There is no reason for it, and there hasn't been for at least 6 months (the North Korea "summit" and Vladimir Putin press conference put a knife into surprise).

More often than not, I say I'm not surprised, but always disappointed when he plumbs a new low.
You are no longer allowed to use the word "surprised" or any synonymous variation of the damn word when it comes to Trump lowering the bar ...
By Emily Tillett CBS News August 27, 2018, 7:34 AM
White House flag flies at full staff as nation honors John McCain

Knoller notes that Mr. Trump did not issue a formal proclamation on McCain's death. Typical practice is for flags to remain at half-staff through the day of internment. McCain's final resting service will take place Sunday at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. ...

Giving the devil his due, McCain did specify that Trump was not to speak at his funeral.
What it would take to be surprised...

The AP has just received a draft plan for next Easter. FFvC has requested to have the event staffed by the Playboy Bunnies. On the South Lawn it is reported that there will be a chocolate pudding bikini mud wrestling contest :D
The AP has just received a draft plan for next Easter. FFvC has requested to have the event staffed by the Playboy Bunnies. On the South Lawn it is reported that there will be a chocolate pudding bikini mud wrestling contest :D
That'd be very surprising because it would indicate they put a plan together before hand, unlike the last Easter Egg event which was done at the last second.
There is no lowest depth to Trump. Every time you think he couldn't be any cruder or more petulant or dumb or hate-provoking, he finds a sub-basement and plunges in. How are these Trumpanzees who supposedly think he represents American "greatness" blind to the way he trashes our standards? How are his Christian supporters blind to the fact that he thinks the Christian virtues are stupid?
What shit like this also does is inspire his base to love him even more.

No past POTUS would've done this, which shows Trump is real leader. He doesn't take shit from anyone and shows no mercy to his enemies.

Of course this is stereotypical bad action movie villain type of behavior, but that's their level of sophistication. The God Emperor liked soldiers who didn't get captured, so McCain's a piece of shit coward. One would think this might cause them to consider for a moment that Trump completely avoided military service, but they don't care about that.
The ONLY thing that would surprise me is if Trump voluntarily resigned

What a relief that would be. But given all the state charges that would be filed against him, the only thing keeping him from having his assets seized and tried and convicted is that he's POTUS. His existence would essentially end once that shield was taken. It's a scary thing to contemplate a self-centered, amoral SOB in such a position.
The ONLY thing that would surprise me is if Trump voluntarily resigned

What a relief that would be. But given all the state charges that would be filed against him, the only thing keeping him from having his assets seized and tried and convicted is that he's POTUS. His existence would essentially end once that shield was taken. It's a scary thing to contemplate a self-centered, amoral SOB in such a position.

No. A resignation would be bad.

That might lead to a repeat of Nixon in which none of the top people go to prison for their misdeeds.

That cannot happen if we are to keep the rule of law.

I live in Illinois where 4 out of the last 7 governors have gone to prison, and I know from bitter experience that you have to put a lot of chief executives in prison before they start to believe that the law applies to them. If we let Trump off the hook in the same way Nixon was, that would be incredibly bad for America.

Not only should Trump get convicted and face appropriate punishment for his crimes, but we really should put Bush in prison for the war crimes he confessed to in press conferences. Obama gave a bullshit excuse about letting the past remain in the past to excuse his refusal to prosecute top Bush admin officials for war crimes, and that all but made Trump inevitable. We can't let these things keep happening. The law has to apply to the president as well as everyone else, and not just for blow jobs.
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