DrZoidberg said:
That is the subject I am discussing.
No, you changed it. You earlier claimed or implied that Christian teachings were no better than Christian ones. But present-day Christian teachings are in nearly all cases more friendly than present-day Muslim teachings.
DrZoidberg said:
If we keep the faith of our parents then how do you account for the evolution of ideas?
I didn't say that people keep the faith of their parents. I said that people
usually keep the faith they already have, if it's strong and the faith dominant around them. And of course they often tend to try to pass on the faith to their children, to different degrees. But other members of the community they interact with children (older children, young adults, people generally admired in the community) can have a huge influence as well, sometimes greater than those of their parents.
And yes, third parties can have an influence too; I'm talking about what
usually happens, not what always happens
Moreover, I'm talking about a person who has
faith, not a person who nominally holds a belief she doesn't care about. Faith involves (or is, depending on one's conception) an emotional commitment to some belief. If the commitment is strong, it's much more difficult to remove. And in present-day Islam, the commitment (the faith) is a lot stronger on average than it is in present-day European Christianity (and overall, than in Christianity).
DrZoidberg said:
How come people converted in the first place?
Plenty of different ways, but in many cases, there were no conversion, but claims of conversion at sword point. That still works over time, because if people fear they'll be killed or otherwise seriously punished unless they show adherence to Islam, they probably will, and their children will be raised showing
real adherence to Islam.
Of course, that's not the only reason. People in some cases have no strong faith in any religion, and then they can be converted to Islam. Or it may be that some people they hold in high regard, or even are loyal to (like community leaders) convert - or claim to convert out of fear, or for personal gain, etc.
There are plenty of reasons. But the fact is that the Muslims going to Europe for the last several years (and decades) have remained Muslims in nearly all cases, and their children are also nearly always Muslims, and their teachings have not gotten significantly better (in many cases, they got worse, due to influence from other Muslims).
Another fact is that you're still changing the subject. The point remains that current Christian teachings are overall considerably less evil than current Muslim teachings.
But with regard to the new point you're making, let me try from another perspective: if people just respond to economic incentives and not what they were taught (and have faith in) by parents, leaders, peers, etc., then why is it the case that the vast majority of people do not convert?
Let me get back to that. You said:
DrZoidberg said:
Islam today is different than Christianity today because economic incentives are different in the different regions. This can explain all the differences. This means that a Muslim moved to the west should start to change their faith in a liberal fashion. Which is exactly what we get. The fact that it doesn't happen overnight is used as evidence of Islamic evil. As if that proves that Islam is fundamentaly different to Christianity. I'm sorry if reality disagrees with you.
But that is not at all exactly what we get. What we get is greater Islamic influence in Europe, and less freedoms as a result. Yes, some Muslims do change. But your theory is that that explains all the differences, and that "a Muslim moved to the west should start to change their faith in a liberal fashion".
Sometimes that happens, and sometimes - more often - it seems it does not, or it does to a very small extent (so, that the result is a person a bit more liberal than before, but still far less so than what is common in non Muslim Europeans).
At least, that is what appears to be the case based on what's happening in Europe, how freedom is being eroded, how so many people fear for their lives due to Islamic threats, how young women are treated (forced marriages, etc.), how Muslims tend to threat gay Muslims or former Muslims, etc.
DrZoidberg said:
I have another theory to why you don't want to keep discussing this
Of course you do. It's a false and epistemically unjustified theory.