Nearly 99.9% of all deaths and destruction today, throughout the world is caused by extreme islam.
Let's pick this apart. Most deaths are down to a dodgy heart, which in turn is down to genetics. There's more people who die from straining while taking a shit on the loo than from all deaths from human conflict put together. If we take away deaths from disease most common death is traffic accidents. By far. Alcohol abuse is a bigger bane. As is depression. All these are problems that warrant more focus than Islam. Domestic violence outstrips war by far. Some places are better than others. But culture has reason to get up on their high horse. Track records are terrible all over the planet. That's a more worrying foe than Islam.
In fact deaths due to Islamic attacks are so few and rare that we might as well just ignore them. They don't even make the tiniest blip in the statistics.
Get your facts straight.
Well, obviously the main cause of death is natural. I think he was talking about criminal deaths. His number is obviously still way out of line but you're about as far off in the other direction--look at the Middle East and you'll find at least 6-figure death tolls, mostly due to Islam fighting Islam.