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Europe submits voluntarily

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Ah yes, the vibrant diversity of one East London neighborhood dies on the vine.

Cockneys are becoming an endangered species in a London borough after 70,000 immigrants have moved in over the past 15 years, a BBC documentary has revealed. The white population of Newham is leaving in droves, according to the Last Whites of the East End, which claims 73 per cent of the local population is now made up of ethnic minorities and Black British. It was previously almost all white working class, with the majority dockworkers, but has now become the most multicultural place in the UK, with 147 languages spoken across the borough. Although many of the area's new residents consider themselves 'proper East Enders', some say the differences in culture and religion are creating divides, with ethnic groups sticking together.


A story that is unfolding across Europe.

Mr. Cunningham told the cameras: 'I’ve been to church before and I’d say half the people there are eastern Europeans. 'I think they’ll bring something very good to the area but not quick enough for Charlotte. These schools around here will make her lose her identity. 'There are no more nativity plays, no more Christmas cards, nothing like that is celebrated any more, it’s rubbed out. 'I don’t care if Charlotte goes to a school where there’s a mix of races and everything is on an even keel, but that’s not the case around here.' But Emma Peltier, headteacher at Drew Primary, has defended its multicultural make-up and said it promotes a happy society in Newham. According to The Sun, she said: ' We no longer live in a mono-cultural society, we have 43 languages spoken and at least once a week we have a child arrive who has no English. Really quickly children pick up the language. 'Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into society because children don’t see colour and children don’t see religion.'

Emma Peltier sounds a bit like she's stuck in a bunker on the side of a country that has lost the war but refuses to believe it or can't comprehend it.
Ah yes, the vibrant diversity of one East London neighborhood dies on the vine.


A story that is unfolding across Europe.

Mr. Cunningham told the cameras: 'I’ve been to church before and I’d say half the people there are eastern Europeans. 'I think they’ll bring something very good to the area but not quick enough for Charlotte. These schools around here will make her lose her identity. 'There are no more nativity plays, no more Christmas cards, nothing like that is celebrated any more, it’s rubbed out. 'I don’t care if Charlotte goes to a school where there’s a mix of races and everything is on an even keel, but that’s not the case around here.' But Emma Peltier, headteacher at Drew Primary, has defended its multicultural make-up and said it promotes a happy society in Newham. According to The Sun, she said: ' We no longer live in a mono-cultural society, we have 43 languages spoken and at least once a week we have a child arrive who has no English. Really quickly children pick up the language. 'Schools and children can be a fantastic way of people assimilating into society because children don’t see colour and children don’t see religion.'

Emma Peltier sounds a bit like she's stuck in a bunker on the side of a country that has lost the war but refuses to believe it or can't comprehend it.

How about a class analysis? Immigrants tend to occupy the bottom most rung of the social ladder. And in effect bumping up the natives. People of low social class are relatively poor and it's considered low status to live in their communities. This isn't necessarily racism. This might as well just be social dynamics. Then it would make sense that immigrants would displace whites in previously working class neighbourhoods.

I'm not saying I'm correct. I don't know. But there is a way to read that without it coming across as nefarious or a threat in any way.
Ah yes, the vibrant diversity of one East London neighborhood dies on the vine.


A story that is unfolding across Europe.

Emma Peltier sounds a bit like she's stuck in a bunker on the side of a country that has lost the war but refuses to believe it or can't comprehend it.

How about a class analysis? Immigrants tend to occupy the bottom most rung of the social ladder. And in effect bumping up the natives. People of low social class are relatively poor and it's considered low status to live in their communities. This isn't necessarily racism. This might as well just be social dynamics. Then it would make sense that immigrants would displace whites in previously working class neighbourhoods.

I'm not saying I'm correct. I don't know. But there is a way to read that without it coming across as nefarious or a threat in any way.

Not in Daily Mail world there isn't.

The Daily Mail presents anything to do with foreigners as nefarious and threatening. That's pretty much it's sole reason for existing.


Calling it chicken little doesn't make it so.
How about a class analysis? Immigrants tend to occupy the bottom most rung of the social ladder. And in effect bumping up the natives. People of low social class are relatively poor and it's considered low status to live in their communities. This isn't necessarily racism. This might as well just be social dynamics. Then it would make sense that immigrants would displace whites in previously working class neighbourhoods.

I'm not saying I'm correct. I don't know. But there is a way to read that without it coming across as nefarious or a threat in any way.

Not in Daily Mail world there isn't.

The Daily Mail presents anything to do with foreigners as nefarious and threatening. That's pretty much it's sole reason for existing.
Newspapers like The Australian and Daily Mail should be shut down, right?
Not in Daily Mail world there isn't.

The Daily Mail presents anything to do with foreigners as nefarious and threatening. That's pretty much it's sole reason for existing.
Newspapers like The Australian and Daily Mail should be shut down, right?

Not at all. But all media outlets should be mocked mercilessly when they fail to present the facts. News media should tell us what happened, not how we should feel about it. And they should never knowingly lie or mislead.

The Daily Mail fails on all counts. So here I am, pointing out what a steaming pile of shite it is, and warning everyone not to take it seriously, lest they make fools of themselves.
Not in Daily Mail world there isn't.

The Daily Mail presents anything to do with foreigners as nefarious and threatening. That's pretty much it's sole reason for existing.
Newspapers like The Australian and Daily Mail should be shut down, right?

Of course not. But no-one with a brain considers those papers credible.
Of course not. But no-one with a brain considers those papers credible.

Of course left leaning papers are paragons of virtue! :p

We don't get 'left leaning papers' where I live, so I wouldn't know.

I'll take your response as admission that you know your sources are biased, unreliable and lacking in credibility, but you just don't care because they sing your favourite tunes.
Of course left leaning papers are paragons of virtue! :p

We don't get 'left leaning papers' where I live, so I wouldn't know.

I'll take your response as admission that you know your sources are biased, unreliable and lacking in credibility, but you just don't care because they sing your favourite tunes.

Correction. I have no idea which way a paper's editor leans. I would think a reader is smart enough to make up his/hers own opinion. It's a known fact that most reporters lean somewhat to the left. One only has to see the number of ABC reporters who have stood for the Labor party at one time or other. Actually, the only ABC person who comes to mind right now who stood for the Liberal party and was elected to parliament and has now retired was ABC's 6WN breakfast host Eion Cameron. I stand to be corrected on that.
Ah yes, the vibrant diversity of one East London neighborhood dies on the vine.


A story that is unfolding across Europe.

Emma Peltier sounds a bit like she's stuck in a bunker on the side of a country that has lost the war but refuses to believe it or can't comprehend it.

How about a class analysis? Immigrants tend to occupy the bottom most rung of the social ladder. And in effect bumping up the natives. People of low social class are relatively poor and it's considered low status to live in their communities. This isn't necessarily racism. This might as well just be social dynamics. Then it would make sense that immigrants would displace whites in previously working class neighbourhoods.

I'm not saying I'm correct. I don't know. But there is a way to read that without it coming across as nefarious or a threat in any way.

There is no sign immigrants are bumping up the wages of British citizens (all ethnical backgrounds). Check out the wages in London and more are increasingly around the minimum wage, even for educated people. Then we have a scheme called ZERO contacts. Many people sign up for a job for work whenever it is required but get nothing. Then there are the unrecorded illegal immigrants, Estimates vary from a few hundred thousand to around a million. If a company can get cheap labour from abroad, then he can pay polish workers who live on a minimum wage but can send money back home to their family who have a house. Meanwhile he may share a room with a few others while he is in the UK. However a British person with a house in the UK cannot afford to compete on low pay. Who then pays for the unemployed? The taxpayer while some companies can seek to enrich themselves on cut price labour.
How about a class analysis? Immigrants tend to occupy the bottom most rung of the social ladder. And in effect bumping up the natives. People of low social class are relatively poor and it's considered low status to live in their communities. This isn't necessarily racism. This might as well just be social dynamics. Then it would make sense that immigrants would displace whites in previously working class neighbourhoods.

I'm not saying I'm correct. I don't know. But there is a way to read that without it coming across as nefarious or a threat in any way.

Not in Daily Mail world there isn't.

The Daily Mail presents anything to do with foreigners as nefarious and threatening. That's pretty much it's sole reason for existing.

aha. Missed that it was the Daily Mail. Silly me. Thanks for pointing it out. Feel slightly embarrassed now that I bothered to reply to it.

- - - Updated - - -

Not in Daily Mail world there isn't.

The Daily Mail presents anything to do with foreigners as nefarious and threatening. That's pretty much it's sole reason for existing.
Newspapers like The Australian and Daily Mail should be shut down, right?

Do you really not understand how free speech works? Or how a free society operates? I find it suspicious that you're this amazingly ignorant. Are you just having us on?

The qualification for publishing in a free society is nothing. It doesn't have to be true at all. Which is why it is important to be able to disagree with things, published or not. I'm fine with lying newspapers to exist and keep publishing. I actually think it's a good thing. A mind that isn't tested becomes dull. But that doesn't mean I agree with them.
We don't get 'left leaning papers' where I live, so I wouldn't know.

I'll take your response as admission that you know your sources are biased, unreliable and lacking in credibility, but you just don't care because they sing your favourite tunes.

Correction. I have no idea which way a paper's editor leans. I would think a reader is smart enough to make up his/hers own opinion. It's a known fact that most reporters lean somewhat to the left. One only has to see the number of ABC reporters who have stood for the Labor party at one time or other. Actually, the only ABC person who comes to mind right now who stood for the Liberal party and was elected to parliament and has now retired was ABC's 6WN breakfast host Eion Cameron. I stand to be corrected on that.

For printed press the custom is to state it clearly on the editorial page. So it can't be that hard to figure out. All papers have a political stance.

For radio and tv, it doesn't really matter since the news reporting is so superficial they barely scratch the surface on anything anyway.
We don't get 'left leaning papers' where I live, so I wouldn't know.

I'll take your response as admission that you know your sources are biased, unreliable and lacking in credibility, but you just don't care because they sing your favourite tunes.

Correction. I have no idea which way a paper's editor leans.

I find it hard to believe that you don't know which way the Australian's editorial team leans. Or any Murdoch paper, for that matter.

I would think a reader is smart enough to make up his/hers own opinion.

As we've seen in this thread, some readers will count anything as credible, including fascist hate blogs, so long as those sources echo their own sentiments.

It's a known fact that most reporters lean somewhat to the left. One only has to see the number of ABC reporters who have stood for the Labor party at one time or other. Actually, the only ABC person who comes to mind right now who stood for the Liberal party and was elected to parliament and has now retired was ABC's 6WN breakfast host Eion Cameron. I stand to be corrected on that.

Fun fact: the ABC has been investigated and found to be an unbiased. Here's a report from your pet paper stating just that:


But despite that fact that the ABC has been found to be a fair outlet, politicians and commentators on the right, including those writing for News Corp, continue to insist that the ABC is a bunch of one-eyed lefties.

Let's see if you can figure out how a news outlet manages to remain unbiased while employing a left-leaning staff.
What ideology a reporter may follow may differ from editorial staff and vice versa. Since the ABC is taxpayer funded, it should show no bias at all. Programs like Q & A have shown anything but neutrality in the past.
What ideology a reporter may follow may differ from editorial staff and vice versa.

You're the one who brought up ABC reporters.

Since the ABC is taxpayer funded, it should show no bias at all. Programs like Q & A have shown anything but neutrality in the past.

As if you've ever watched Q&A--you're just repeating Tony Abbott's talking points. Stop the Boats! Team Australia! Suppository of Wisdom!

Q&A was also investigated for bias, and the review found that Tony's idiotic claim of a 'lefty lynch mob' was unsubstantiated:


You and your mates aren't interested in facts at all.
TThat review was like Dracula investigating vampires.


If you're going to reject the findings of the review (how unsurprising) then explain why the results are not credible.

I don't expect anything but a bullshit non-answer, but please try to surprise me.
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