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Europe submits voluntarily

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So we can predict with good confidence that we've right now reached the peak of African migrants to Europe. In 20 years, max, they will be gone from Europe. {snip}This is just a phase. They'll soon be gone.

:hysterical: Using this logic, the European settlers in North America should have left long ago. What a load of codswallop.

There's lots of African countries who finally have gotten their act together. The first thing that happens is that there's a population explosion. This is a pattern that has been true for every other country on the planet. Africa is the last

Europe peaked at 1880. Sub-Saharan Africa at 1990. That's born vs dead. The demographic gap. But catching up "ie a Tiger economy" is much easier than being a trail blazer. Which means that the demographic gap will close quicker. Morocco peaked around 1960. In 2010 they reached the same level as Europe.

With IT technology the sub-Saharan will develop even faster. Botswana, for instance, has right now the worlds most advanced smart phone services. We're importing innovations from them right now.

So we can predict with good confidence that we've right now reached the peak of African migrants to Europe. In 20 years, max, they will be gone from Europe. And Africa will be struggling with find enough staff for their companies. Probably sooner. Nairobi today is very similar to any modern Western city. If you stay downtown it's identical. Expats are flooding in to start companies.

If you don't believe me, check the numbers yourself.


So relax about the hysteria about African migrants. This is just a phase. They'll soon be gone.

Economic migration into Europe will not slow unless all European countries close their borders tight not as they are now leaking like a sieve.
So we can predict with good confidence that we've right now reached the peak of African migrants to Europe. In 20 years, max, they will be gone from Europe. {snip}This is just a phase. They'll soon be gone.

:hysterical: Using this logic, the European settlers in North America should have left long ago. What a load of codswallop.

Ehe... How does that follow? It doesn't look like you're so good at logic.
There's lots of African countries who finally have gotten their act together. The first thing that happens is that there's a population explosion. This is a pattern that has been true for every other country on the planet. Africa is the last

Europe peaked at 1880. Sub-Saharan Africa at 1990. That's born vs dead. The demographic gap. But catching up "ie a Tiger economy" is much easier than being a trail blazer. Which means that the demographic gap will close quicker. Morocco peaked around 1960. In 2010 they reached the same level as Europe.

With IT technology the sub-Saharan will develop even faster. Botswana, for instance, has right now the worlds most advanced smart phone services. We're importing innovations from them right now.

So we can predict with good confidence that we've right now reached the peak of African migrants to Europe. In 20 years, max, they will be gone from Europe. And Africa will be struggling with find enough staff for their companies. Probably sooner. Nairobi today is very similar to any modern Western city. If you stay downtown it's identical. Expats are flooding in to start companies.

If you don't believe me, check the numbers yourself.


So relax about the hysteria about African migrants. This is just a phase. They'll soon be gone.

Economic migration into Europe will not slow unless all European countries close their borders tight not as they are now leaking like a sieve.

Economic migration will continue as long as European economies are stronger than African. Desperate people won't give a fuck. All we can chose between is whether or not those who come will work in the criminal market or the taxable market. That's been the reality of migration since forever.
This is a slight derail, but having a group of muslims that are very serious about punishing apostasy and not allowing the women to marry non muslims while being fine with the muslim men marrying outside (the women usually becoming muslim) NEXT to a people who are not so strict....

Won't after a period of time the amount of muslims increase at the expense of non muslims?


This is not just about personal faith, but also about a literally virulent ideology/scam.
Economic migration into Europe will not slow unless all European countries close their borders tight not as they are now leaking like a sieve.

Economic migration will continue as long as European economies are stronger than African. Desperate people won't give a fuck. All we can chose between is whether or not those who come will work in the criminal market or the taxable market. That's been the reality of migration since forever.

It is possible to reduce these coming in. Criminal organisations are making billions in ships that kill people and the the Laisezz Faire EU organisation has only encouraged this.

I understand another 5 million are waiting to pack in. Certainly countries like the UK will do nothing about house building, especially now that the useless Teresa May is in charge.

While there will always be illegal immigrants there can be much less. I think the UK has up to one million illegal immigrants. Many left or tried to leave as work became more scarce.

This is also exacerbated by the fact that statements such as no human is illegal, and at the same time illegal immigration are being fused together as legal.

At one time we didn't have such a problem until Merkeler effectively drove in illegals on the back of the refugees and asylum seekers.

Then of course we have acute housing shortages due to gross incompetence which started several years ago and are exacerbated by the wet dreams of Champagne Socialists who are oblivious to the fact that existing citizens are short of housing and we have increasing NHS and school shortages.
This is a slight derail, but having a group of muslims that are very serious about punishing apostasy and not allowing the women to marry non muslims while being fine with the muslim men marrying outside (the women usually becoming muslim) NEXT to a people who are not so strict....

Won't after a period of time the amount of muslims increase at the expense of non muslims?


This is not just about personal faith, but also about a literally virulent ideology/scam.

A hundred years ago most people in the west were, by today's standards, extremely conservative and religious. They had lots of babies. Where did all they go? Religion and culture isn't a genetic trait. They change over time. Superior cultural practices survive and thrive. Inferior cultural practices die out. There's a reason Sweden no longer has arranged marriages. They sucked.
There probably was a zeitgiest phase change having to do with treating apostates with anger or even violence. I can happen either way quicker than it would seem, because it can be nonlinear.

I can happen with Islam, but I think it is more difficult since it is more in their text.

There probably was a zeitgiest phase change having to do with treating apostates with anger or even violence. I can happen either way quicker than it would seem, because it can be nonlinear.

I can happen with Islam, but I think it is more difficult since it is more in their text.

Christianity used to be extremely intolerant. Completely analogous to Islam. I mean... the first American settlers didn't go to USA to escape persecution. They moved to USA to be free to persecute. For most of Islamic history they used to be the liberal one of the two religions. The thing with Islam being more conservative than Christianity started in the 1830, as a reaction to British colonialism. Before that it wasn't. Europe has liberalised extremely quickly.

My point is that the idea that Islam can't become liberal is just dumb. Of course it can. And it is. In every Pride parade you will be able to spot some gay Muslims being out and proud as well as gay, with a sign to prove it. It's already happening. It's not like the numbers of openly gay Muslims is shrinking. There's liberal Muslims all over the west today.
Typical of leftard loonies such as yourself wanting to hang anyone who dares to differ, or wanting to preserve Western Culture from idiots such as yourself!

Like you'd know fuck all about how to preserve Western culture when you can't even put a coherent thought together.
There probably was a zeitgiest phase change having to do with treating apostates with anger or even violence. I can happen either way quicker than it would seem, because it can be nonlinear.

I can happen with Islam, but I think it is more difficult since it is more in their text.

Deuteronomy 13, 6-10:

6 “If your brother, the son of your mother, your son or your daughter, the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, secretly entices you, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, neither you nor your fathers, 7 of the gods of the people which are all around you, near to you or far off from you, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, 8 you shall not consent to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him or conceal him; 9 but you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. 10 And you shall stone him with stones until he dies, because he sought to entice you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
Economic migration into Europe will not slow unless all European countries close their borders tight not as they are now leaking like a sieve.

Economic migration will continue as long as European economies are stronger than African. Desperate people won't give a fuck. All we can chose between is whether or not those who come will work in the criminal market or the taxable market. That's been the reality of migration since forever.

While most of Europe have such generous welfare, the mostly muslims will trample to death anyone who opposes them. 50.000 of them have arrived in italy so far this year. Much higher than 2016 at the same time. Perhaps the welfare magnet should also be shut tight.
Economic migration will continue as long as European economies are stronger than African. Desperate people won't give a fuck. All we can chose between is whether or not those who come will work in the criminal market or the taxable market. That's been the reality of migration since forever.

While most of Europe have such generous welfare, the mostly muslims will trample to death anyone who opposes them. 50.000 of them have arrived in italy so far this year. Much higher than 2016 at the same time. Perhaps the welfare magnet should also be shut tight.

The idea that migrants move to Europe to get hold of welfare is a just a lie/misconception. They might think that's what they get, but quickly find that's not how it works.

I once volunteered in a homeless shelter in Stockholm. We had a bunch of African migrants there. Illegal aliens. These guys knew nothing. They were farmers who hoped to be able to do farm work in Sweden. That's just ludicrous. Sweden's agricultural sector is highly mechanised. You need to be an engineer to work at a Swedish farm. They had no idea.

Many migrants are attracted to Europe through lies. They're told they'll get good jobs and housing, and then when they show up they're given slave wages and basically screwed out of any profit. Many Italian companies have put this into practice. Their entire business model is based around African migrant slave labour. I spoke to several who had gone to Italy, been totally screwed over, then used their Italian visa to get to Sweden, ie "the promised land of welfare", and found that it's not. And ended up living on the streets, with no hope of getting home.

Migrants don't get welfare. The way the Swedish system works means that migrants will contribute more in taxes than they take out. That's how the rules are designed. And Sweden is one of the more generous countries.

Just changing the law won't fix it. We need to change the message we're sending. As long as right wing blogs keep complaining about how easy it is to get welfare in Europe African migrants will keep believing it. If they would stop spreading that lie, then perhaps migrants would get the message?

The African migrants I spoke to were all here to work. They didn't want to live of welfare. Who does?
There probably was a zeitgiest phase change having to do with treating apostates with anger or even violence. I can happen either way quicker than it would seem, because it can be nonlinear.

I can happen with Islam, but I think it is more difficult since it is more in their text.

Deuteronomy 13, 6-10:

6 “If your brother, the son of your mother, your son or your daughter, the wife of your bosom, or your friend who is as your own soul, secretly entices you, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, neither you nor your fathers, 7 of the gods of the people which are all around you, near to you or far off from you, from one end of the earth to the other end of the earth, 8 you shall not consent to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him or conceal him; 9 but you shall surely kill him; your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. 10 And you shall stone him with stones until he dies, because he sought to entice you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

There's a lot of bad stuff in the bible. As long as these are not applied then no problem.
While most of Europe have such generous welfare, the mostly muslims will trample to death anyone who opposes them. 50.000 of them have arrived in italy so far this year. Much higher than 2016 at the same time. Perhaps the welfare magnet should also be shut tight.

The idea that migrants move to Europe to get hold of welfare is a just a lie/misconception. They might think that's what they get, but quickly find that's not how it works.

I once volunteered in a homeless shelter in Stockholm. We had a bunch of African migrants there. Illegal aliens. These guys knew nothing. They were farmers who hoped to be able to do farm work in Sweden. That's just ludicrous. Sweden's agricultural sector is highly mechanised. You need to be an engineer to work at a Swedish farm. They had no idea.

Many migrants are attracted to Europe through lies. They're told they'll get good jobs and housing, and then when they show up they're given slave wages and basically screwed out of any profit. Many Italian companies have put this into practice. Their entire business model is based around African migrant slave labour. I spoke to several who had gone to Italy, been totally screwed over, then used their Italian visa to get to Sweden, ie "the promised land of welfare", and found that it's not. And ended up living on the streets, with no hope of getting home.

Migrants don't get welfare. The way the Swedish system works means that migrants will contribute more in taxes than they take out. That's how the rules are designed. And Sweden is one of the more generous countries.

Just changing the law won't fix it. We need to change the message we're sending. As long as right wing blogs keep complaining about how easy it is to get welfare in Europe African migrants will keep believing it. If they would stop spreading that lie, then perhaps migrants would get the message?

The African migrants I spoke to were all here to work. They didn't want to live of welfare. Who does?

The problem is the Smugglers are putting across this message and a family will club together and provide tens of thousands of dollars for a risky journey.

I'm not sure if Italy is entirely true. It's a poor country and pays low. It's very much based on a strong family unit. Even when I visited large companies, the parents and children are working in the same company.

One manager who was handling manufacturing contracts worth tens of millions of dollars told me he was earning €2,000.00 per month =US$2,282.97. Like many he was living at home.

In the UK he would earn more than double that amount.

Though the Italians are much poorer, they spend more on gadgets like robo-vacuum cleaners and rob-steam mobs, expensive bathrooms and dishwashers.

It was a nice place to work in but of course I was paid for travelling and for a flat.

A huge 1 bed flat cost €1,000.00 per month through a local Italian estate agent. Otherwise if I rented through international agencies I would pay €2,500.00 to €3,000.00 per month.

There are also a lot of talented people who arrive in Europe but there is a lack of jobs in their field.

I'll look into the Italian Slave model but where I saw factories and one workers' coop using staff from the Middle-East they were paid peanuts; ie the going rate.
Typical of leftard loonies such as yourself wanting to hang anyone who dares to differ, or wanting to preserve Western Culture from idiots such as yourself!

Like you'd know fuck all about how to preserve Western culture when you can't even put a coherent thought together.

Nice to see two old friends chatting away again. :)
While most of Europe have such generous welfare, the mostly muslims will trample to death anyone who opposes them. 50.000 of them have arrived in italy so far this year. Much higher than 2016 at the same time. Perhaps the welfare magnet should also be shut tight.

The idea that migrants move to Europe to get hold of welfare is a just a lie/misconception. They might think that's what they get, but quickly find that's not how it works.

I once volunteered in a homeless shelter in Stockholm. We had a bunch of African migrants there. Illegal aliens. These guys knew nothing. They were farmers who hoped to be able to do farm work in Sweden. That's just ludicrous. Sweden's agricultural sector is highly mechanised. You need to be an engineer to work at a Swedish farm. They had no idea.

Many migrants are attracted to Europe through lies. They're told they'll get good jobs and housing, and then when they show up they're given slave wages and basically screwed out of any profit. Many Italian companies have put this into practice. Their entire business model is based around African migrant slave labour. I spoke to several who had gone to Italy, been totally screwed over, then used their Italian visa to get to Sweden, ie "the promised land of welfare", and found that it's not. And ended up living on the streets, with no hope of getting home.

Migrants don't get welfare. The way the Swedish system works means that migrants will contribute more in taxes than they take out. That's how the rules are designed. And Sweden is one of the more generous countries.

Just changing the law won't fix it. We need to change the message we're sending. As long as right wing blogs keep complaining about how easy it is to get welfare in Europe African migrants will keep believing it. If they would stop spreading that lie, then perhaps migrants would get the message?

The African migrants I spoke to were all here to work. They didn't want to live of welfare. Who does?

How can they pay any taxes when they aren't employed or earn a salary?

Here are refugees entitlements. And lets not argue about genuine or economic migrants. More than 60% are found to be economic refugees.
The idea that migrants move to Europe to get hold of welfare is a just a lie/misconception. They might think that's what they get, but quickly find that's not how it works.

I once volunteered in a homeless shelter in Stockholm. We had a bunch of African migrants there. Illegal aliens. These guys knew nothing. They were farmers who hoped to be able to do farm work in Sweden. That's just ludicrous. Sweden's agricultural sector is highly mechanised. You need to be an engineer to work at a Swedish farm. They had no idea.

Many migrants are attracted to Europe through lies. They're told they'll get good jobs and housing, and then when they show up they're given slave wages and basically screwed out of any profit. Many Italian companies have put this into practice. Their entire business model is based around African migrant slave labour. I spoke to several who had gone to Italy, been totally screwed over, then used their Italian visa to get to Sweden, ie "the promised land of welfare", and found that it's not. And ended up living on the streets, with no hope of getting home.

Migrants don't get welfare. The way the Swedish system works means that migrants will contribute more in taxes than they take out. That's how the rules are designed. And Sweden is one of the more generous countries.

Just changing the law won't fix it. We need to change the message we're sending. As long as right wing blogs keep complaining about how easy it is to get welfare in Europe African migrants will keep believing it. If they would stop spreading that lie, then perhaps migrants would get the message?

The African migrants I spoke to were all here to work. They didn't want to live of welfare. Who does?

How can they pay any taxes when they aren't employed or earn a salary?

Here are refugees entitlements. And lets not argue about genuine or economic migrants. More than 60% are found to be economic refugees.

Though many are now rehoused outside London, refugees take priority over housing which is fine but what about the poor English homeless or those seeking affordable rents.

Having said that the amount given is extremely low but better than nothing. A big family can live better on this but the amount is poor. They live on £7.00 a day but it's possible to survive on this.

There are many economic migrants as you say. In all honesty I think if we were in those countries we'd be packing up and heading for the UK. It's the fault of Western governments who literally have driven people in plus the smugglers who make up all types of promises.

Successive government failed to address housing shortages and keep up with demand which includes new arrivals, and population growth.

The UK with Europe should concentrate on ensuring as best as possible refugees and asylum seekers are who they say they are and kicking out pure economic migrants after an investigation.
Many migrants are attracted to Europe through lies. They're told they'll get good jobs and housing, and then when they show up they're given slave wages and basically screwed out of any profit. {snip}

Just changing the law won't fix it. We need to change the message we're sending. As long as right wing blogs keep complaining about how easy it is to get welfare in Europe African migrants will keep believing it. If they would stop spreading that lie, then perhaps migrants would get the message?

So what "right wing blogs" are these migrants reading that they would get such an idea ? Don't you think it had more to do with Merkel announcing that Europe will welcome everyone ?
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