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Europe submits voluntarily

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It's not until you expand it to include all rapes that this gets interesting. This isn't rapes in general. This is just rapes where the victim is randomly attacked in the street. That kind of rape is so rare that it takes very little to have a massive impact on the statistic.

Rare events fluctuate wildly in statistics. It wouldn't be surprising if next year 10/12 of all attack rapes are carried out by Danes. That of course wouldn't be news, so it's not reported. But Denmark does record ethnicity. So there's no reason to doubt that part of it is true.

I saw a funny story about random acts of violence in Malmö and Gothemburg between 2007 to 2017. Every second year they both had big headlines about the acts of random violence doubling in just a year, making it the violence capital of Sweden. The reality was that the number of these attacks fluctuated between 20 and 40 every year in these cities. And just by statistical chance it so happened that it jumped between 20 and 40 several years in a row. And they did it consecuetively. While rare, it's still just playing with numbers. The reality is that violence is incredibly rare in Sweden and if we take the median over the entire 10 year period the number of violent attacks were on a stable and low level. Ie, no news. The refugees haven't manage to make a dent in that.... already low statistic. But Sweden doesn't record ethnicity. So we don't know what is what.

But Denmark does record it. So we know. And the results is that refugees commit slightly more violent crime than Danes in general. It's 6 percent difference. Which is about twice the normal rate, for refugee-caused violence. Still not enough to cause any kind of alarm IMHO. It's not an epidemic of rape and violence. It's slightly elevated numbers. Which is worth discussing. But the West isn't about to collapse into anarchy. And there's no reason to be scared around refugees. Nearly all of them commit no crimes after arrival. We're only talking about the prevalence of rare events.

Here's the official Danish statistic. Just use Google translate to read it.

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Meanwhile, here in sunny Australia around 60 young African migrant hoodlums go in a rampage and wreck a house in the well to do suburb of Hawthorn in Melbourne. Residents said " they've never seen anything like it!"

Well, they better get used to it because it will only get worse. It seems police like their counterparts in Europe have lost control of law and order, not just in predominantly the western suburbs where muslim migrants congregate, but even in other non muzzie areas. In the not to distant future, all of our cities will be under siege by these incompatible savages to Western values and democratic civilasation.
Meanwhile, here in sunny Australia around 60 young African migrant hoodlums go in a rampage and wreck a house in the well to do suburb of Hawthorn in Melbourne. Residents said " they've never seen anything like it!"

Well, they better get used to it because it will only get worse. It seems police like their counterparts in Europe have lost control of law and order, not just in predominantly the western suburbs where muslim migrants congregate, but even in other non muzzie areas. In the not to distant future, all of our cities will be under siege by these incompatible savages to Western values and democratic civilasation.

Apparently you've never seen the Movie Project X. This is not the kind of thing only dark skinned immigrant do.
But Denmark does record it. So we know. And the results is that refugees commit slightly more violent crime than Danes in general. It's 6 percent difference. Which is about twice the normal rate, for refugee-caused violence. Still not enough to cause any kind of alarm IMHO.
Twice the normal rate is slightly more?
But Denmark does record it. So we know. And the results is that refugees commit slightly more violent crime than Danes in general. It's 6 percent difference. Which is about twice the normal rate, for refugee-caused violence. Still not enough to cause any kind of alarm IMHO.
Twice the normal rate is slightly more?

Twice as much of something that is extremely rare is still extremely rare.
Twice as much of something that is extremely rare is still extremely rare.
It is double, no matter how you dress it up to justify mass migration into Europe. "They are only twice as likely to commit violent crimes. Let's let in a few million more without vetting or any real chance to deport the criminals" is idiotic.
It's not until you expand it to include all rapes that this gets interesting. This isn't rapes in general. This is just rapes where the victim is randomly attacked in the street. That kind of rape is so rare that it takes very little to have a massive impact on the statistic.
But those are the violent rapes. Not "two drunk people had consensual sex and she regretted it the next morning and thus cried rape" fake rapes that feminists are so obsessed with.

Rare events fluctuate wildly in statistics. It wouldn't be surprising if next year 10/12 of all attack rapes are carried out by Danes.
Do you really believe that?

But Sweden doesn't record ethnicity. So we don't know what is what.
Very convenient if you want to hide criminality of so-called "New Swedes" your politicians are so enamored with.

But Denmark does record it. So we know. And the results is that refugees commit slightly more violent crime than Danes in general. It's 6 percent difference.
You are committing the fallacy of confusing "percent difference" and "percentage points difference". If you go from 6% to 12% that is a doubling, i.e. 100% increase, but 6 percentage points increase. Very different things.

Which is about twice the normal rate, for refugee-caused violence.
So it's not a 6% difference. It would be 6% difference if migrant violent crime rates were 6% higher, not twice as high. Twice as high is very significant. And when you look at violent rape, it's 5 times higher (10/12 means 10/2 =5 to do the math since you seem to have difficulties).

But the West isn't about to collapse into anarchy.
Maybe not quite yet. But continue with this policy of "mass migrants welcome" where you let in large numbers of uneducated, unvetted mass migrants from the third world and don't be surprised when your countries look more like third world with every passing year.
Still doesn't make her the reason the Syrian refugees fled from Syria
She is the reason they went from Turkey, Lebanon and other safe counties in the region and started flooding into Europe and not stopping until they reached the promised land of unlimited government handouts.






It also led people from places like Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Tunisia, Morocco, Bangladesh etc. to flood into Europe as well since there were no checks who these mass migrants were or where they came from. Out of one million people that Merkel let into Germany in 2015 alone (without any vetting or checks mind you) only about half were Syrians.
Meanwhile, here in sunny Australia around 60 young African migrant hoodlums go in a rampage and wreck a house in the well to do suburb of Hawthorn in Melbourne. Residents said " they've never seen anything like it!"

Well, they better get used to it because it will only get worse. It seems police like their counterparts in Europe have lost control of law and order, not just in predominantly the western suburbs where muslim migrants congregate, but even in other non muzzie areas. In the not to distant future, all of our cities will be under siege by these incompatible savages to Western values and democratic civilasation.

Apparently you've never seen the Movie Project X. This is not the kind of thing only dark skinned immigrant do.

All too common since the Muslim exodus into Western nations.
Twice as much of something that is extremely rare is still extremely rare.
It is double, no matter how you dress it up to justify mass migration into Europe. "They are only twice as likely to commit violent crimes. Let's let in a few million more without vetting or any real chance to deport the criminals" is idiotic.

In what way aren't they vetted? The hoops refugees need to jump through to get permanent residency are already absurdly difficult. It's layer upon layer of redundant bullshit. Don't confuse the right to stay in a refugee camp with permanent residency or a work permit. I think you are confusing them.


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Do you really believe that?

That's how statistics of rare events work. I've done statistics at university. I know how to read them.
Meanwhile, here in sunny Australia around 60 young African migrant hoodlums go in a rampage and wreck a house in the well to do suburb of Hawthorn in Melbourne. Residents said " they've never seen anything like it!"

Well, they better get used to it because it will only get worse. It seems police like their counterparts in Europe have lost control of law and order, not just in predominantly the western suburbs where muslim migrants congregate, but even in other non muzzie areas. In the not to distant future, all of our cities will be under siege by these incompatible savages to Western values and democratic civilasation.

Apparently you've never seen the Movie Project X. This is not the kind of thing only dark skinned immigrant do.

All too common since the Muslim exodus into Western nations.

Common? It's making news because it's uncommon.
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