That self loathing, hate of Western Democracies including Israel lame excuse for Islamic atrocities doesn't cut it.
Suicide bombers have only one origin, and that's the barbarism of the followers of what all muzzies are taught is Mohammed the most barbaric terrorist of all, as the most perfect man who ever lived, and it is imperitive that all muslims follow in his footsteps according to islam.
There is where the problem lays, not with some perceived wrong doing by any Western nation.
On the contrary, it was Western judeo/Christian based civilisation that brought about modernity and technology to the backward Arab world.
What the US and Britain have been doing in the region for decades is loathsome.
They should be despised for their sick interference and transformation of the region into a fundamentalist haven.
They are the cause of this period of heightened fundamentalism.
The problem is secular leaders want the US and Britain out of the region. This is why despotic dictatorial monarchies exist. This is why brutal leaders like Saddam Hussein were helped to gain power.
The level of fundamentalism we see today in the ME has nothing to do with Islam.
It was carefully planned by sick greedy interfering foreign powers.
Meh... mostly it's the Ottoman empire's fault. Who created a backward and mismanaged region. They successfully used religion to create unity in an ethnically diverse empire. But by doing so they sowed the seeds of Islamic extremism.
The Ottoman empires dismemberment after WWI was done extremely badly. So Britain, France and the ghost of Tzarist Russia has a lot of that blame. They used police state tactics and terror to control the population. They clung increasingly to religion as their symbol of defiance.
And then when the Western powers fucked off, they did that incredibly badly to, creating a power vacuum exploited by unscrupulous dictators.
And now it's now.
This is a soup with many terrible chefs. It shouldn't be a mystery why the region is so fucked up.