It is estimated that Islam, since it's inception, has been responsible for perhaps over 100 million people. And that's a conservative number.
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How is that number even calculated?
The population of this planet has grown a lot. So all the deadliest wars were fought in the 20'th century... a time when the Islamic world was at it's weakest, since the dawn of Islam.
So I think it's an incredibly uninteresting statistic.
Add to that that the Ottoman caliphate conquering lands for Islam wasn't so much Islamic as the Ottoman sultans just wanting more land. So political rather than religious.
So few of the Islamic wars were especially Islamic
The muslim invasion of India alone claimed a conservative number of 80 million. Some scholars place estimates of over 400 million dead and enslaved. The West Pakistan slaughter of 2 to 3 million East Pakistani's in the late 70's. Buddhists the rough estimates are in excess of 11 million. Armenian genocide by muslim Ottoman's 1.5 million. In the last 1400 years the numbers of dead and enslaved are staggering. The enormity of the slaughters of the "religion of peace" are so far beyond comprehension that even honest historians overlook the scale. And this is just in the modern era. When one looks beyond our myopic focus, Islam is the greatest killing machine in history
The "Islamic" invasion of India was about as Islamic as the British colonization of India was a crusade. Due to promotion of science the Mughals had the worlds most technologically advanced military technology. And they put it to good use. That wasn't a gift from God. That was the result of hard work.
The Mughal emperors had famous drinking parties. One famously drank himself to death. The Mughals were famous for being extremely liberal. The first Mughal emperor who took the Quran seriously was the late Aurangzeb. It was the beginning of the end. It alienated the hindu Indians which opened up for the British take-over.
The Brits exploited religion to divide and conquer India. They did their best to encourage hate between the group's. That genocide was a result of British propaganda.
The Armenian genocide was nationalistic. If you read about it Islam is hardly mentioned anywhere. It was committed in a time when Turkey had an extreme anti-Islamic trend. The last Ottoman Caliph was seen as corrupt and incompetent. The Young Turks who rose to power after his fall were secular to the extreme. They banned Islamic symbols and Islamic wear. That was the kind of "Muslims" guilty of the Armenian genocide.
I question how Islam can be pinned on any of these.
I don't think Islam is the religion of peace. But hardly the religion of war. Humans seem to need very little encouragement to murder eachother. With or without religion