Immigration has always benefitted the host country as they generally take the jobs the natives shun. In the case of Moslems, that's completely turned upside down. In my country for example, more than 85% of asylum seekers granted asylum, are still collecting government benefits five years, and in most cases, even longer. A huge burden on any country's budget!
Lets, see; according to
the Australian Federal Government:
In 2009, Australia received 6170 asylum applications
So IF your figure is correct, and if EVERY SINGLE application was granted, five years later - last year - of 6,170 asylum seekers who arrived in 2009, 5,244.5 were still claiming benefits last year.
From the same source quoted above:
Refugees have the same entitlements as all other permanent residents
According to the Centrelink website, the benefits a 45 year old asylum seeker without children who is unemployed might be entitled to claim are:
Newstart - $523.40 per fortnight
Income Support Bonus (if eligible) - $110.60 per fortnight
They may also be entitled to a low income health card.
The total cash benefit per Asylum seeker is therefore around $635 per fortnight, or $16,510 per annum; for 5,250 claimants, this would be a total of 86.7 million per annum. You describe this as "A huge burden on any country's budget!"; it represents $4 per annum from every Australian - that's about 1c per person per day; or to look at it another way, it is about 0.02% of the 420 Billion (with a B)
Australian Federal budget; or about 0.06% of the total federal Social Security and Welfare budget. You can multiply those numbers by five (or even ten if you feel like it) to account for five years of arrivals - the figures are still insignificant at $40 per annum per capita.
If the price of a cup of coffee a month is "a huge burden" then we have bigger worries than a few asylum seekers.
The cost of supporting these asylum seekers is rather less than the rounding error in our Federal Budget; EVEN IF your 85% figure was correct, the burden this places on our budget is almost too small to even measure.
You really, really need to start checking your information before regurgitating the bullshit you find on anti-immigration fear-mongering websites, or read from such fucking evil scumbags as Andrew Bolt.
We could easily afford to pay 100% of asylum seekers welfare for the rest of their lives; it would hardly impact the budget at all for us to do so - however I am very sceptical indeed of that 85% figure, and would love to know whose arse it was originally pulled from.