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Europe submits voluntarily

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You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence. Anti immigration parties are doing quite well in elections in Europe lately.

You are condoning terrorism.
It would be a change for the muzzies to get some of their own medicine back!
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This is on the rise. Being anti immigration does not automatically equate with racism.

How do you define "racism"? "He's not racist at all, he's just trying to kill people because they're different, leave him alone!"
Every person who criticised the doo gooder politicians for their immigration policy is a racist?
Were the many Germans who critisicised the nazi party way back then also racists?
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence. Anti immigration parties are doing quite well in elections in Europe lately.

You are condoning terrorism.
After all, Islam is not exactly a peaceful religion now is it?

It's as peaceful as any other.

The only thing unique about Islam is that the US and it's henchmen have been killing and torturing Muslims non-stop for over a decade and this has created incredible hostility and has led to further violence.
I see! The 95.000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 were all committed by Baptists disguised as Moslems?
I suppose some of the bad press is a matter of what you are used to. Anyone who lived in LA and surrounding areas in the past 25 years is familiar with the new demographics, the take-over by many ethnic, national, and racial enclaves and the resulting changes in patterns of violence, gang wars, sky-rocketing property prices, grime, etc. Yet, for those accustomed to it, it is "normal" to have many unsafe areas - for those accustomed to the way it was before mass immigration its a frightfully violent and depressing.

Many Swedes and Germans may be alarmist because they are not used to the increased crime, street conflict over nationality, education problems, etc. But whether or not it affects the typical German or Swede, those that experience it directly are shocked. What is acceptable for L.A. is not acceptable for Hamburg.

None the less, if even half of what is written is true then you can't avoid a truth: letting Muslim poor into a First World society means higher levels of crime and rape (by European standards).

As Gatestone articles provide links, the real question is do the links show this to be true?

Already, as of three years ago, immigrants, mostly of Muslim descent, were responsible for about 50 percent of the rapes in three Italian cities. [52% of rapes in Rome committed by immigrants, 59% in Milan, 40% in Italy, by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag, December 26, 2012] Now Norway, Sweden, and other nations have also been ravaged by Islamic rapists and even honor killings. [Germany: Muslim father strangled daughter to death in ‘honour killing’ after she shoplifted condoms, by Tom Porter, International Business Times, September 28, 2015]

And the problem will get a lot worse. In 2015, Germany will bring in at least half a million “migrants.” Only now that it’s too late does Germany appear to be regretting its decision to open the gates.

The “migrants” are already running—and ruining—major cities. The police in Hamburg have “capitulated” to Muslim gangs that “outnumber and overwhelm them,” and Muslim rapists, also operating in gangs, are waging sexual jihad. [Polizei kapituliert vor kriminellen Flüchtlinge, Die Welt, November 30, 2014]

Attacks motivated by Islamist ideology, against perceived enemies of the faith.

http://www.vdare.com/articles/memo-to-merkel-refugees-rape?content=The Gatestone Institute,

Alarmist? Perhaps, but if you read the whole article the overwhelming evidence suggests that this truth is durable.
Someone should tell the natives that they had better get used to this violence as they've seen nothing yet!
But how can you tell destroyed from simply lost in the struggle to escape Syria.

As loads of discarded Bangladeshi and Pakistani IDs discarded in Hungary, as in does not speak Arabic.

As in fake passports if this is true


As in no borders so it doesn't matter anyway.

Any African or Asian who has a chance for a better income will consider going to Europe.

However we don't have the resources when Europe isn't even looking after its own disadvantaged persons such as pensioners, sick and poor people.

Sure we know many destroyed their IDs. The problem is figuring out which ones.
After all, Islam is not exactly a peaceful religion now is it?

It's as peaceful as any other.

The only thing unique about Islam is that the US and it's henchmen have been killing and torturing Muslims non-stop for over a decade and this has created incredible hostility and has led to further violence.

Look at the trouble spots of the world. Almost all involve Muslims--but they involve various other groups also. Why should we not conclude that the problems stem from the factor in common?

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But how can you tell destroyed from simply lost in the struggle to escape Syria.
You're been sarcastic right? Over 70% of them are single young men. I've said it before, but if things are so dire wherever they're from, how come they are leaving their loved ones behind to face the chaos?

No, I'm not being sarcastic.

We can certainly conclude that the majority are economic refugees. The problem is figuring out which ones.
It's as peaceful as any other.

The only thing unique about Islam is that the US and it's henchmen have been killing and torturing Muslims non-stop for over a decade and this has created incredible hostility and has led to further violence.

Look at the trouble spots of the world. Almost all involve Muslims--but they involve various other groups also. Why should we not conclude that the problems stem from the factor in common?

The worst trouble spots in the world involve the US and Israel.

They are the common factor.
It's as peaceful as any other.

The only thing unique about Islam is that the US and it's henchmen have been killing and torturing Muslims non-stop for over a decade and this has created incredible hostility and has led to further violence.
I see! The 95.000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 were all committed by Baptists disguised as Moslems?

Since 911 the US has launched far more terrorist attacks with far more powerful weapons inflicting far more damage against Muslims.

The US invaded Iraq and started all kinds of trouble.

Yes, once the US starts trouble, it exists.
I see! The 95.000 terrorist attacks since 9/11 were all committed by Baptists disguised as Moslems?

Since 911 the US has launched far more terrorist attacks with far more powerful weapons inflicting far more damage against Muslims.

The US invaded Iraq and started all kinds of trouble.

Yes, once the US starts trouble, it exists.
Fuck me! There's no stopping ideology based history from telling the biggest porkies ever!
Shia versus Sunni battles have been happening ever since the paedophile kicked the bucket 1400 years ago. It was dictators like Hussain that stopped them slaughtering each other long before Americans set foot in Iraq.
Since 911 the US has launched far more terrorist attacks with far more powerful weapons inflicting far more damage against Muslims.

The US invaded Iraq and started all kinds of trouble.

Yes, once the US starts trouble, it exists.
Fuck me! There's no stopping ideology based history from telling the biggest porkies ever!
Shia versus Sunni battles have been happening ever since the paedophile kicked the bucket 1400 years ago. It was dictators like Hussain that stopped them slaughtering each other long before Americans set foot in Iraq.

There were no such hostilities in Iraq for many decades, long before Hussein, until the US invaded, started killing and torturing and terrorized the place and drove the people into the arms of the most fanatical religious leaders.

I watched it happen.

It is what is expected with such massive terrorism launched against a defenseless population. The most fanatical gain power and the moderate lose power.
Look at the trouble spots of the world. Almost all involve Muslims--but they involve various other groups also. Why should we not conclude that the problems stem from the factor in common?

The worst trouble spots in the world involve the US and Israel.

They are the common factor.
That's a ridiculous argument. First, Israel is not involved in most of the trouble spots, which disqualifies "US and Israel" as common denominator. If you meant "US or Israel", then you would be technically right (as US is involved in most trouble spots) but that would be just as reasonable as saying that the United Nations is involved in the worst trouble spots of the world.
The worst trouble spots in the world involve the US and Israel.

They are the common factor.
That's a ridiculous argument. First, Israel is not involved in most of the trouble spots, which disqualifies "US and Israel" as common denominator. If you meant "US or Israel", then you would be technically right (as US is involved in most trouble spots) but that would be just as reasonable as saying that the United Nations is involved in the worst trouble spots of the world.

Israel is involved in Syria. In Iran and Iraq.

What are you talking about?
That's a ridiculous argument. First, Israel is not involved in most of the trouble spots, which disqualifies "US and Israel" as common denominator. If you meant "US or Israel", then you would be technically right (as US is involved in most trouble spots) but that would be just as reasonable as saying that the United Nations is involved in the worst trouble spots of the world.

Israel is involved in Syria. In Iran and Iraq.

What are you talking about?
Israel's sporadic bombings in Syria are irrelevant to the conflict, and it's not present in Iran or Iraq in any way at all.

EDITED TO ADD: Besides, Iran is hardly one of the worst trouble spots in the world. It's not even in top-20.
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angelo said:
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence.

You are condoning terrorism.
It would be a change for the muzzies to get some of their own medicine back!
Well, in the first place that wouldn't be a change since Muslims are the primary target of Islamist violence. What Westerners do to them is negligible compared to what gets done to them by other Muslims.

And in the second place, for a lot of them it isn't their own medicine. You're categorizing people incorrectly. The problem isn't Muslims hurting non-Muslims; it's lumpers hurting individualists. When Muslim lumpers hurt a Westerner who never hurt them, because they lumped him into the infidel category, and Western lumpers "retaliate" by hurting some completely different Muslim who never hurt an infidel, because they lump him into the Muslim category, that's lumpers dishing out lumpers' own medicine to individualists, both times. It's pretty much the same as a kangaroo court in a Pakistani village that "punishes" rape by ordering the rapist's sister to be raped.

What this means is: if you're a lumper then it's your medicine the "muzzies" are getting back. It's not retaliation if you hurt a different person from the original wrongdoer; it's another first strike. Don't be a lumper.
This is on the rise. Being anti immigration does not automatically equate with racism.

How do you define "racism"? "He's not racist at all, he's just trying to kill people because they're different, leave him alone!"
But being anti immigration does not automatically equate with trying to kill people. You knew that, didn't you?
Israel is involved in Syria. In Iran and Iraq.

What are you talking about?
Israel's sporadic bombings in Syria are irrelevant to the conflict, and it's not present in Iran or Iraq in any way at all.

EDITED TO ADD: Besides, Iran is hardly one of the worst trouble spots in the world. It's not even in top-20.
Apart from the fact they're chasing a nuclear device to wipe out Israel, and the fact that they sponsor Hezbolah and other terror groups throughout the middle East no, no trouble at all!!
When reality is unjust, immoral, or unpleasant, it is our duty to call for change.
I'm glad you feel that way. The reality of out-of-control immigration into Europe is unjust, immoral, and unpleasant. That's why we're calling for change. So does that mean you'll be switching to the sane side of the debate?
angelo said:
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence.

You are condoning terrorism.
It would be a change for the muzzies to get some of their own medicine back!
Well, in the first place that wouldn't be a change since Muslims are the primary target of Islamist violence. What Westerners do to them is negligible compared to what gets done to them by other Muslims.

And in the second place, for a lot of them it isn't their own medicine. You're categorizing people incorrectly. The problem isn't Muslims hurting non-Muslims; it's lumpers hurting individualists. When Muslim lumpers hurt a Westerner who never hurt them, because they lumped him into the infidel category, and Western lumpers "retaliate" by hurting some completely different Muslim who never hurt an infidel, because they lump him into the Muslim category, that's lumpers dishing out lumpers' own medicine to individualists, both times. It's pretty much the same as a kangaroo court in a Pakistani village that "punishes" rape by ordering the rapist's sister to be raped.

What this means is: if you're a lumper then it's your medicine the "muzzies" are getting back. It's not retaliation if you hurt a different person from the original wrongdoer; it's another first strike. Don't be a lumper.

The main reason so called moderate Moslems are lumped together is because you never see them marching and protesting, setting fire to public property, like for example in the Danish cartons saga at Muslim atrocities. In vain we wait for a protest from their main body when another death/s occur by their extremist hands.
angelo said:
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence.

You are condoning terrorism.
It would be a change for the muzzies to get some of their own medicine back!
Well, in the first place that wouldn't be a change since Muslims are the primary target of Islamist violence. What Westerners do to them is negligible compared to what gets done to them by other Muslims.

And in the second place, for a lot of them it isn't their own medicine. You're categorizing people incorrectly. The problem isn't Muslims hurting non-Muslims; it's lumpers hurting individualists. When Muslim lumpers hurt a Westerner who never hurt them, because they lumped him into the infidel category, and Western lumpers "retaliate" by hurting some completely different Muslim who never hurt an infidel, because they lump him into the Muslim category, that's lumpers dishing out lumpers' own medicine to individualists, both times. It's pretty much the same as a kangaroo court in a Pakistani village that "punishes" rape by ordering the rapist's sister to be raped.

What this means is: if you're a lumper then it's your medicine the "muzzies" are getting back. It's not retaliation if you hurt a different person from the original wrongdoer; it's another first strike. Don't be a lumper.

The main reason so called moderate Moslems are lumped together is because you never see them marching and protesting, setting fire to public property, like for example in the Danish cartons saga at Muslim atrocities. In vain we wait for a protest from their main body when another death/s occur by their extremist hands.
Why do you expect Muslim civilians to police extremists? You do not demand the same activism and self-moderation within other groups.
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