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Europe submits voluntarily

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View attachment 4538

The left column is attacks of refugee reception centers in Germany during the first 6 months of 2015. The right column is islamist attacks during the same period.

If Europe is submitting, it is submitting to the reemergence of fascism.
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence. Anti immigration parties are doing quite well in elections in Europe lately.
Like he said, it's the re-emergence of fascism.
View attachment 4538

The left column is attacks of refugee reception centers in Germany during the first 6 months of 2015. The right column is islamist attacks during the same period.

If Europe is submitting, it is submitting to the reemergence of fascism.

You also get gangs of people who profess to be Muslim which are not shown in this


There are districts where immigrant gangs are taking over entire metro trains for themselves. Native residents and business people are being intimidated and silenced... The reasons for this: the high rate of unemployment, the lack of job prospects for immigrants without qualifications for the German labor market and ethnic tensions among migrants." — Der Spiegel.

Most immigrants work well Ive met Palestinian and Egyptian engineers in Italy and others. However to say there is no immigrant violence would be absurd as saying there is no right wing violence. If you equate attacks on receptions centres with Islamic attacks what does that mean? Islamic attacks on reception centres?
I didn't say it was. But the number of immigration suddenly flooding Europe does worry a lot of Europeans.
And some Europeans are vicious fascists who resort to violent attacks on refugees in order to exert some political influence.

Spare the the 'ordinary Mums and Dads' politician-speak; it won;t make me any more sympathetic towards these ignoramuses.
The point is anyone with an iPhone isn't anything like destitute. It's perfectly reasonable for a Syrian refugee to have an iPhone but for someone fleeing economic conditions it's clear that they weren't that badly off.

One simple test they could do: Require them to list on their asylum application anyone else they wish to bring over. Any application with non-Syrian addresses is refused. They can't bring over family that they didn't list on the initial application.
That as well as refusing to accept any asylum seeker who has destroyed their identity papers!

But how can you tell destroyed from simply lost in the struggle to escape Syria.
That as well as refusing to accept any asylum seeker who has destroyed their identity papers!

But how can you tell destroyed from simply lost in the struggle to escape Syria.

As loads of discarded Bangladeshi and Pakistani IDs discarded in Hungary, as in does not speak Arabic.

As in fake passports if this is true


As in no borders so it doesn't matter anyway.

Any African or Asian who has a chance for a better income will consider going to Europe.

However we don't have the resources when Europe isn't even looking after its own disadvantaged persons such as pensioners, sick and poor people.
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View attachment 4538

The left column is attacks of refugee reception centers in Germany during the first 6 months of 2015. The right column is islamist attacks during the same period.

If Europe is submitting, it is submitting to the reemergence of fascism.
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence. Anti immigration parties are doing quite well in elections in Europe lately.

You are condoning terrorism.
You mean just in Germany right? When the government's policies don't meet with approval of a part of the population, some of the dissenters turn to violence. Anti immigration parties are doing quite well in elections in Europe lately.

This is on the rise. Being anti immigration does not automatically equate with racism.

How do you define "racism"? "He's not racist at all, he's just trying to kill people because they're different, leave him alone!"
View attachment 4538

The left column is attacks of refugee reception centers in Germany during the first 6 months of 2015. The right column is islamist attacks during the same period.

If Europe is submitting, it is submitting to the reemergence of fascism.

You also get gangs of people who profess to be Muslim which are not shown in this


If the below is a real quote from the Spiegel, could you please provide a direct link? Gateston Institute is not a credible source.

There are districts where immigrant gangs are taking over entire metro trains for themselves. Native residents and business people are being intimidated and silenced... The reasons for this: the high rate of unemployment, the lack of job prospects for immigrants without qualifications for the German labor market and ethnic tensions among migrants." — Der Spiegel.

I've never lived in Berlin or stayed there longer than a week, but I know people who do live their. This doesn't sound like anything they've experienced.

Most immigrants work well Ive met Palestinian and Egyptian engineers in Italy and others. However to say there is no immigrant violence would be absurd as saying there is no right wing violence. If you equate attacks on receptions centres with Islamic attacks what does that mean? Islamic attacks on reception centres?

Attacks motivated by Islamist ideology, against perceived enemies of the faith.
You also get gangs of people who profess to be Muslim which are not shown in this


If the below is a real quote from the Spiegel, could you please provide a direct link? Gateston Institute is not a credible source.

There are districts where immigrant gangs are taking over entire metro trains for themselves. Native residents and business people are being intimidated and silenced... The reasons for this: the high rate of unemployment, the lack of job prospects for immigrants without qualifications for the German labor market and ethnic tensions among migrants." — Der Spiegel.

I've never lived in Berlin or stayed there longer than a week, but I know people who do live their. This doesn't sound like anything they've experienced.

Most immigrants work well Ive met Palestinian and Egyptian engineers in Italy and others. However to say there is no immigrant violence would be absurd as saying there is no right wing violence. If you equate attacks on receptions centres with Islamic attacks what does that mean? Islamic attacks on reception centres?

Attacks motivated by Islamist ideology, against perceived enemies of the faith.

After all, Islam is not exactly a peaceful religion now is it?

It's as peaceful as any other.

The only thing unique about Islam is that the US and it's henchmen have been killing and torturing Muslims non-stop for over a decade and this has created incredible hostility and has led to further violence.
If we are going to insist that a new citizen must have a certain minimum level of education in specified fields; that he must pass a medical, be sponsored by an employer, and/or have a certain amount of monetary net worth, then surely there is a desperate need to close the loophole by which millions of completely unqualified individuals become citizens every year, despite having no marketable skills, no money, and not being able to speak a word of any language?
Show your work.
There are strict rules making it very hard to become a citizen.

Those rules are waived for a particular class of persons (newborn babies).

The rules are therefore being applied in an inconsistent, irrational and unreasonable way.
"Inconsistent" does not mean "the criterion is more complicated than my description of it". Your declaration that it's irrational is content-free until you have identified the goals the policy is intended to accomplish. Whether it's unreasonable is a point still in dispute; but let's say it is for the sake of discussion...

It is not moral to harm people by imposing inconsistent, irrational and unreasonable rules.
Step 1: Harmful, inconsistent, irrational and unreasonable rules do not satisfy your moral standards.

Step 3: Surely there is a desperate need to switch to rules you'd consider moral, consistent, rational, and reasonable.

What's Step 2?

If we are going to grant citizenship to people who have done nothing at all to earn it, then what justification is there for refusing it to some people on the basis of something over which they had no control?
The legal justification is that that's the law; and that's the law because we're democracies and that's the way the voters want it. They want it that way because they perceive it to be in their self-interest. Are you advocating abolishing democracy and replacing it with the rule of philosopher-kings?
A small group of people voting for a law that denies rights held by that small group to the disenfranchised majority is not democracy. I am advocating abolishing whatever ... has led to this situation, and replacing it with something more democratic - ie voted upon by all of the people it affects, and not just a small, wealthy oligarchy.
I.e., you're advocating abolishing local autonomy and subjecting everyone to a world government; do I have that right? How do you propose getting to that situation? Please pick one of the following, or offer an alternative I haven't thought of.

World government is established by conquest.
World government is established by corruption of local political processes.
World government is established by popular vote in every nation state.
A 10 km comet is definitely going to hit the Earth in three months; nobody cares where anyone goes to die.
Extraterrestrials shoot all border police with an apathy beam as a psychology experiment.
Human-capable teleporters are invented, making border control attempts futile.
Dr. Haber the megalomaniacal psychiatrist tells his psychic to dream that all of our borders are thrown open.
People stop wanting to take other people's stuff or make other people follow their religions.
People stop minding other people taking their stuff and being forced to follow other people's religions.

(Options listed in order of decreasing probability.)

If you mean moral justification, what kind of an answer are you looking for? Are you a moral realist, and you're asking for facts that will lead to that conclusion via whatever is-to-ought inference rule you think is correct? Are you a moral subjectivist who thinks "It's justified" means "I like it", and you're asking people to explain to you why you like it? Are you a moral noncognitivist who thinks "It's justified" means "Yayyy!" and you're asking for an argument with "Yayyy!" as its final proposition?
I am a democrat (small 'd') who opposes the arbitrary disenfranchising of the majority of the world population.
Did you not understand the question? Or are you refusing to answer it?
If the below is a real quote from the Spiegel, could you please provide a direct link? Gateston Institute is not a credible source.

There are districts where immigrant gangs are taking over entire metro trains for themselves. Native residents and business people are being intimidated and silenced... The reasons for this: the high rate of unemployment, the lack of job prospects for immigrants without qualifications for the German labor market and ethnic tensions among migrants." — Der Spiegel.

I've never lived in Berlin or stayed there longer than a week, but I know people who do live their. This doesn't sound like anything they've experienced.

Most immigrants work well Ive met Palestinian and Egyptian engineers in Italy and others. However to say there is no immigrant violence would be absurd as saying there is no right wing violence. If you equate attacks on receptions centres with Islamic attacks what does that mean? Islamic attacks on reception centres?

Attacks motivated by Islamist ideology, against perceived enemies of the faith.


The Spiegel article, alarmist as it is, doesn't say what the translation by Gateston institute says. For example Straßenbahnlinien nähmen die Menschen abends und nachts "als Angsträume wahr" (tramways are being perceived as unsafe spaces by some people at night) is a very different claim from There are districts where immigrant gangs are taking over entire metro trains for themselves..
If the below is a real quote from the Spiegel, could you please provide a direct link? Gateston Institute is not a credible source.

I suppose some of the bad press is a matter of what you are used to. Anyone who lived in LA and surrounding areas in the past 25 years is familiar with the new demographics, the take-over by many ethnic, national, and racial enclaves and the resulting changes in patterns of violence, gang wars, sky-rocketing property prices, grime, etc. Yet, for those accustomed to it, it is "normal" to have many unsafe areas - for those accustomed to the way it was before mass immigration its a frightfully violent and depressing.

Many Swedes and Germans may be alarmist because they are not used to the increased crime, street conflict over nationality, education problems, etc. But whether or not it affects the typical German or Swede, those that experience it directly are shocked. What is acceptable for L.A. is not acceptable for Hamburg.

None the less, if even half of what is written is true then you can't avoid a truth: letting Muslim poor into a First World society means higher levels of crime and rape (by European standards).

As Gatestone articles provide links, the real question is do the links show this to be true?

Already, as of three years ago, immigrants, mostly of Muslim descent, were responsible for about 50 percent of the rapes in three Italian cities. [52% of rapes in Rome committed by immigrants, 59% in Milan, 40% in Italy, by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag, December 26, 2012] Now Norway, Sweden, and other nations have also been ravaged by Islamic rapists and even honor killings. [Germany: Muslim father strangled daughter to death in ‘honour killing’ after she shoplifted condoms, by Tom Porter, International Business Times, September 28, 2015]

And the problem will get a lot worse. In 2015, Germany will bring in at least half a million “migrants.” Only now that it’s too late does Germany appear to be regretting its decision to open the gates.

The “migrants” are already running—and ruining—major cities. The police in Hamburg have “capitulated” to Muslim gangs that “outnumber and overwhelm them,” and Muslim rapists, also operating in gangs, are waging sexual jihad. [Polizei kapituliert vor kriminellen Flüchtlinge, Die Welt, November 30, 2014]

Attacks motivated by Islamist ideology, against perceived enemies of the faith.

http://www.vdare.com/articles/memo-to-merkel-refugees-rape?content=The Gatestone Institute,

Alarmist? Perhaps, but if you read the whole article the overwhelming evidence suggests that this truth is durable.
I didn't say it was. But the number of immigration suddenly flooding Europe does worry a lot of Europeans.
And some Europeans are vicious fascists who resort to violent attacks on refugees in order to exert some political influence.

Spare the the 'ordinary Mums and Dads' politician-speak; it won;t make me any more sympathetic towards these ignoramuses.
You'd be happy to see the end of western culture in Europe. Typical self loathing, blame every single problem on the planet on this same western culture and to see it replace by islamfacists! Careful what you wish for as your children and grandchildren may one day curse this generation for letting in an alien culture and its sharia.
That as well as refusing to accept any asylum seeker who has destroyed their identity papers!

But how can you tell destroyed from simply lost in the struggle to escape Syria.
You're been sarcastic right? Over 70% of them are single young men. I've said it before, but if things are so dire wherever they're from, how come they are leaving their loved ones behind to face the chaos?
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