[2406.04311] From super-Earths to sub-Neptunes: Observational constraints and connections to theoretical models
Earthlike planets go to roughly 2 Re and 10 Me.
Neptune-like planets go from roughly 2 Re and 5 Me to roughly 11 Re and 100 Me.
Jupiter-like planets continue at radius 11 Re. So Jupiter is almost as large as a planet can be, even if not the most massive.
Solar System: Moon 0.2724 0.0123, Mercury 0.383 0.0553, Mars 0.2724 0.0123, Venus 0.949 0.815, Earth 1 1 (reference), Uranus 4.01 14.5, Neptune 3.88 17.1, Saturn 9.45 95.2, Jupiter 11.21 317.8
Their fit of planets' masses and radii to some power laws:
(radius) ~ (mass)^p for p ~ 0.28 for Earthlike planets, 0.61 for Neptune-like planets, and 0.01 for Jovian planets
(mass) ~ (radius)^p where p ~ 3.57 for Earthlike planets and 1.49 for Neptune-like planets.
This is consistent with Earthlike planets being mostly rocky with some compression, and with Neptune-like planets being more and more volatiles with increasing mass.
They also consider the distribution of planets from Earth size to Neptune size, and they find that F, G, and K main-sequence stars have similar distributions, with a lot of super-Earths and sub-Neptunes, and that M stars have mostly Earth-size planets and super-Earths.
This says something about differences in how planets form.
A complication in such an assessment is where the planets are relative to the star's habitable zone. Those that are easily observable for M stars are in or near their star's habitable zone, while those that are easily observable for Sunlike stars (spectral class G2V) are well inside the star's habitable zone.