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Father arrested and jailed for calling his biologically female daughter "she": this week in the strange death of Canada

Typical dodge.
Ignore what I wrote and make it a personal insult.

In what world does one live where a CHILD wants to 'bang' a neighbor dude for a pony?

I did not write that hypothetical. YOU did.

Typical dodge.
Avoid responding to what I said and go on insulting me.

I've come to expect that from you.
Typical dodge.
Ignore what I wrote and make it a personal insult.

In what world does one live where a CHILD wants to 'bang' a neighbor dude for a pony?

I did not write that hypothetical. YOU did.

Typical dodge.
Avoid responding to what I said and go on insulting me.

I've come to expect that from you.

Use a different analogy Tom!
He "kept it up" because calling his female child 'she' is not insulting or offensive,
It was to the child and he knows it. So that makes it abusive for no beneficial purpose except to make him feel better. This man is an abusive jackass, and it makes me wonder about his fitness as a parent.

If a 14 yo identified as a black kid, despite being nordic pale, would you find it moot to compel the parent to refer to their child as "Leroy" because that's what the child wants and the child is offended if the parent fails to do so?


What the fuck to you mean by implying that names denote race?
Typical dodge.
Ignore what I wrote and make it a personal insult.

In what world does one live where a CHILD wants to 'bang' a neighbor dude for a pony?

I did not write that hypothetical. YOU did.

Typical dodge.
Avoid responding to what I said and go on insulting me.

I've come to expect that from you.

The dodge is you, referring to yourself refusing to explain an extremely repugnant hypothetical.

I actually used to think better of you but I can see that I was mistaken.
Are you sure about that?

I quoted it:
the judge's order includes:
a) CD shall be restrained from: i. attempting to persuade AB to abandon treatment for gender dysphoria; ii. addressing AB by his birth name; and iii. referring to AB as a girl or with female pronouns whether to AB directly or to third parties;

The father was ordered by the court to affirm the child's identity.
" "I am skeptical that you are transgender and will not desist, but I accept YOU come what may" is not an attempt to abandon treatment nor addressing anyone by a birth name or referring to the child in any pronoun, so I doubt that statement falls under the court order in your quote.
Typical dodge.
Avoid responding to what I said and go on insulting me.

I've come to expect that from you.

The dodge is you, referring to yourself refusing to explain an extremely repugnant hypothetical.

I actually used to think better of you but I can see that I was mistaken.

I feel the same way.
I used to think better of you. But you've proven me wrong.
Woah. TomC is a Brony.

It's the eye of the pony...

I'll assume that you're both insulting me because you'd rather avoid my posts.

I don't know what else to do. I don't know what a brony is or the eye of the pony.

A brony is a male My Little Pony fan.

Eye of the pony is a quote from the Stephanie Miller Show. One of her producers is a brony and EOTP is part of the good natured ribbing they give him.
I'll assume that you're both insulting me because you'd rather avoid my posts.

I don't know what else to do. I don't know what a brony is or the eye of the pony.

A brony is a male My Little Pony fan.

Eye of the pony is a quote from the Stephanie Miller Show. One of her producers is a brony and EOTP is part of the good natured ribbing they give him.

Maybe I'm just too old to even understand the insults on your forum.
What is my evidence of what? That there's no evidence the father was using pronouns in order to bully his child?

The people on the thread who claim the father was using pronouns in order to bully his child need to furnish the evidence, not me.

That's a pretty tall order to think a sitting court judge would impose such an order for such a trivial reason. It doesn't pass the smell test. You're coming to your conclusion with no evidence. Just like you're charging others of doing.

I did not say the judge did it for no reason.

Everyone on the thread agrees the father kept calling his female child 'she' after ordered to stop by the judge.

Then came the following, unevidenced claims:

That the father continued because he wanted to bully his child
The father went out of his way to find opportunities to call the child 'she'
The father knew he was causing harm but is a sadist who kept doing it for no reason at all.

Nobody has introduced evidence for the above claims, and I do not accept people's lack of imagination as to how it could be otherwise as evidence.
I'll assume that you're both insulting me because you'd rather avoid my posts.

I don't know what else to do. I don't know what a brony is or the eye of the pony.

A brony is a male My Little Pony fan.

Eye of the pony is a quote from the Stephanie Miller Show. One of her producers is a brony and EOTP is part of the good natured ribbing they give him.

Maybe I'm just too old to even understand the insults on your forum.

You don't understand it but you think it's an insult. How does that work?
On this thread, a number of hypotheticals are being used and then we are being asked "would that be okay? Would that be abuse"?

The "illustrations" highlight words that are intended to be harmful and abusive and equate them to the abuse of calling a female child 'she'.

Have you stopped to think about this?
On this thread, a number of hypotheticals are being used and then we are being asked "would that be okay? Would that be abuse"?

The "illustrations" highlight words that are intended to be harmful and abusive and equate them to the abuse of calling a female child 'she'.

Have you stopped to think about this?

Again: the child is male in every way that matters to him. The child is no more mixed up about his identity than you are about your sexual preferences.
Define biological female.

Of the sex that normally produces large immobile gametes.

It isn't clear to me that a definition that includes the word "normally" is effective in a context that involves an uncommon subset of persons.

For example, suppose we were having a discussion about a lesbian teenager. Someone writes, "define female." and you respond with "of the sex that is normally attracted to males." That isn't at all effective in context.

Now perhaps you could change the wording of your definition and it could be more effective. I don't know. I'm not over-analyzing it. Or perhaps you could try again.

As far as I am concerned, when people say "sex is binary," I think they are wrong and when people say that sex is fluid I think that is also an over-simplifcation. To me, and I could be wrong, sex has multi-dimensional characteristics, not merely one, and some of these characteristics may be fluid, binary, or bimodal, but overall, I think that sex is bimodal.

Sex is functionally binary in mammals, including humans.
Accommodating Trans Athletes Without Rejecting the Reality of Human Biology – Quillette

[FONT=&quot]As a matter of biology, the sex of an individual human refers to one of two—and only two—functional roles that an individual may play in sexual reproduction. Males are defined as the sex that produces small, motile gametes (sperm), and females produce large, sessile gametes (ova). There is no third gamete between sperm and ova, and therefore there is no third biological sex apart from male and female. Yes, there is a small portion of the population born with intersex conditions—whereby they exhibit external sex ambiguity, or a mismatch between internal sexual anatomy and external phenotype—but they do not produce unique forms of gametes, or have primary sex organs that would normally produce them, and so they do not constitute a third sex, even if, in some extremely [/FONT]rare[FONT=&quot] cases, they can’t be definitively classified as male or female.[/FONT]
On this thread, a number of hypotheticals are being used and then we are being asked "would that be okay? Would that be abuse"?

The "illustrations" highlight words that are intended to be harmful and abusive and equate them to the abuse of calling a female child 'she'.

Have you stopped to think about this?

Again: the child is male in every way that matters to him. The child is no more mixed up about his identity than you are about your sexual preferences.

I did not call the child 'mixed up'. I called the child female.
What is my evidence of what? That there's no evidence the father was using pronouns in order to bully his child?

The people on the thread who claim the father was using pronouns in order to bully his child need to furnish the evidence, not me.

That's a pretty tall order to think a sitting court judge would impose such an order for such a trivial reason. It doesn't pass the smell test. You're coming to your conclusion with no evidence. Just like you're charging others of doing.

I did not say the judge did it for no reason.

Neither did I.

Everyone on the thread agrees the father kept calling his female child 'she' after ordered to stop by the judge.

Then came the following, unevidenced claims:

That the father continued because he wanted to bully his child
The father went out of his way to find opportunities to call the child 'she'
The father knew he was causing harm but is a sadist who kept doing it for no reason at all.

Nobody has introduced evidence for the above claims, and I do not accept people's lack of imagination as to how it could be otherwise as evidence.

So you cannot imagine other reasons for the judges order and everyone else has the lack of imagination. How does that work?
What is my evidence of what? That there's no evidence the father was using pronouns in order to bully his child?

The people on the thread who claim the father was using pronouns in order to bully his child need to furnish the evidence, not me.

That's a pretty tall order to think a sitting court judge would impose such an order for such a trivial reason. It doesn't pass the smell test. You're coming to your conclusion with no evidence. Just like you're charging others of doing.

I did not say the judge did it for no reason.

Everyone on the thread agrees the father kept calling his female child 'she' after ordered to stop by the judge.

Then came the following, unevidenced claims:

That the father continued because he wanted to bully his child
The father went out of his way to find opportunities to call the child 'she'
The father knew he was causing harm but is a sadist who kept doing it for no reason at all.

Nobody has introduced evidence for the above claims, and I do not accept people's lack of imagination as to how it could be otherwise as evidence.

No: whether the father intended it as bullying or not, it did bully the child. It is difficult to believe that the father continued to refer to his child with female pronouns because he was struggling to overcome the way he spoke to and about his child and less about trying to reinforce his own view of who his child is, in contradiction to what the child has repeatedly stated. THAT makes it bullying and possibly abuse.

I think the father did not do it because he is a sadist but because he refuses to accept his child for who the child actually is. This is not a sudden revelation but has been something that has been discussed and professionally evaluated and counseled about for several years now. That's a big chunk of this kid's life. If the father truly cares about his child, then he should make good faith efforts to honor his child's preferences, even if he thinks the child is confused. The child is surely in ongoing counseling and surely the father has the opportunity to meet with his child's therapists, doctors, etc. to better understand his child.
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