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Father arrested and jailed for calling his biologically female daughter "she": this week in the strange death of Canada

As a liberal male I have trouble understanding why other liberals or progressives seem so eager to support these gender roles.]

This is crucial point.
Thank you for bringing it up.

If gender roles weren't so fixed, why would anyone care? If everyone could just be themselves, as they are, why would anybody want to identify as a different gender? If a dude with lots of feminine traits, or a chick with lots of masculine traits, could just be themselves without stressing out over the cultural artifact of gender, what problem would there be?

Split wood. Use makeup. Get covered in grease fixing a car. Develop a sense for this year's fashion trends. Love whomever you love. Use whichever bathroom you're comfortable in(just don't get creepy, that's you guys).

For most of recorded history, most everywhere, people who didn't fit into gender box were treated horribly. Either you identify as a male or female, or you were ostracized, or worse. We don't have to do that, I don't care what people think God meant by anything.

If gender roles were not so harshly enforced by our societies, there would still be a very small subset of people with extreme gender dysphoria who would transition. But it would likely be on the same order of magnitude as the people who transitioned in the sixties and seventies - only those who were so dysphoric with respect to their genitals and overall sexed bodies that they pursued complete sex reassignment surgery.

Those are the people that we used to refer to as "transsexuals", and a very large portion of them are very strongly against transing children, as well as against self-id. They're also people who tend to have a very clear understanding of the distinction between the gender roles that they take on as part of alleviating their dysphoria... and their sex. In general, if they are now transitioned and living as a woman, they are very clear and open about the fact that they are male. And if they are living as a man, they are pretty clear about the fact that they are female.

The current crop of transgender folks came up with a lovely derogatory name for the people who paved the way for them. They're referred to as "TruScum".
If you had read your full link with a modicum of comprehension, you'd see your point was moot. What the child did not want to view his view where he publicly talked about her case because he was trying to use it to dissuade her - her not viewing was not about it being public. Which means your comment about her wanting to go public was moot.

You're an evil abuser, LD - you just misgendered that child!!!!!!
If I was badgering her to do something, you'd have a real point.

Go read more about this case. I don't think the father was badgering his child. The father is opposing what I think is a bad law by the state, that has decided that the child is old enough to understand the consequences of cross-sex hormones, and is capable of consenting to voluntary sterilization... and the parents have no say in the matter.
Well, for one, this child is not making the decision on their own.


Age of consent is based on having no guidance. If you could put in a reasonable guidance system lowering it wouldn't be a problem. (But there's no compelling reason to, either.)
Because, and I can't believe this requires discussion, it's not all about what you do, how you behave, or what you look like.

This would be all good and fine except for the fact that for most trans and nonbinary persons, the issue is not about the outside, per se. Rather, the issue is as much on the inside.

We have in us gonads and those gonads produce hormones and those hormones cause our bodies to change. It is about which drugs we feel the constant effects of.

And now that you are a person who likes handbags and high heels and whose body is rocking estrogen instead of testosterone. Perhaps now with this new balance you have, you find yourself wanting to be wanted by people who are masculine, and like the aesthetic you are going for.

But there's the rub. That goal, the goal to catch people's eyes and feel "wanted" that way is not commensurate to people knowing popularly what is in your pants on the basis of how people refer to you: people will subconsciously disregard "men" even if they are beautiful.

And so it has to do with privacy. Because regardless of whether we care about gender roles, there is still a matter of privacy concerning private parts.

You present this great world... And as a person who is full up on "trans ideology" I would only make one change: that it were taboo to know or assume what is in another person's pants at all.

We don't have to know that either.

What problem would there be?

As a person with a penis, you have the privilege of not having to care about what other people have in their pants. As a person with a vulva, I care rather a bit more. I care because people with penises (not all mind you) have this really disturbing habit of raping those of us with vulvas, sexually assaulting those of us with vulvas, and physically dominating and committing violence against those of us with vulvas. People with penises have this tendency to cop a feel by grabbing our breasts or our butts without our consent in public places. People with penises have this habit of taking photos of us when we're naked - without our consent - and posting them on the internet. The penis-bearers do things like sneak into ladies locker rooms so they can ogle our bodies without our consent and against our will. And people with penises also tend to be the ones who engage in flashing, and take sexual pleasure from forcing us to be exposed to their genitals without our consent and against our will.

And as a society, people with penises have been disproportionately favored and have held the vast majority of the power... and have used that power to limit the agency of people with vulvas. People with penises use their physical strength to dominate people with vulvas, classing them as not fully human, or treating them as the property of other penis-bearers. Penis bearers are the ones who dictate that vulva-havers in some parts of the world are not allowed to own property or drive cars or receive an education or vote. People with penises are the ones who have created system where if a person with a vulva is raped, she should be stoned to death as punishment for being spoiled. It is people with penises who mutilate the genitals of people with vulvas, to ensure that they are unable to experience sexual pleasure, and relegating them to brood mares for the offspring of penis-havers. It is penis havers who enforce the selective abortion of female offspring in favor of having other penis-bearers as children.

It is people with penises who control the government and the economy. It is people with penises who control the laws. It is people with penises who have refused - for more than half a decade - to pass the equal rights amendment, granting females full equality to males in society. In fact, they refused to pass the ERA until now... now that it has expanded the definition of sex so that people with penises can count as both male and female. It is people with penises who have decided that people with vulvas are obligated to allow penis-havers to compete against them in high school and collegiate sport, regardless of the clear biological advantage that those penis-bearers have. It is people with penises who have decide that other people with penises are *entitled* to enter spaces reserved for females, where people with vulvas are naked and vulnerable, without the consent of the vulva-havers. IT is people with penises who have decided that people with penises are *entitled* to choose to be incarcerated with vulva owners. The people with penises have decided these things - things which increase harm to vulva havers - and have decided that the only requirement that penis havers are faced with, in order to dominate people with vulvas... is to say the magic words out loud.

It is your privilege, as a person with a penis, to reduce vulva havers to repressive and insulting stereotypes such as "likes handbags and high heels" and to reduce womanhood to a costume you feel entitled to put on and prance around in. It is your privilege, as a person with a penis, to wear femininity like blackface.
As a liberal male I have trouble understanding why other liberals or progressives seem so eager to support these gender roles.]

This is crucial point.
Thank you for bringing it up.

If gender roles weren't so fixed, why would anyone care? If everyone could just be themselves, as they are, why would anybody want to identify as a different gender? If a dude with lots of feminine traits, or a chick with lots of masculine traits, could just be themselves without stressing out over the cultural artifact of gender, what problem would there be?

Split wood. Use makeup. Get covered in grease fixing a car. Develop a sense for this year's fashion trends. Love whomever you love. Use whichever bathroom you're comfortable in(just don't get creepy, that's you guys).

For most of recorded history, most everywhere, people who didn't fit into gender box were treated horribly. Either you identify as a male or female, or you were ostracized, or worse. We don't have to do that, I don't care what people think God meant by anything.

If gender roles were not so harshly enforced by our societies, there would still be a very small subset of people with extreme gender dysphoria who would transition. But it would likely be on the same order of magnitude as the people who transitioned in the sixties and seventies - only those who were so dysphoric with respect to their genitals and overall sexed bodies that they pursued complete sex reassignment surgery.

Those are the people that we used to refer to as "transsexuals", and a very large portion of them are very strongly against transing children, as well as against self-id. They're also people who tend to have a very clear understanding of the distinction between the gender roles that they take on as part of alleviating their dysphoria... and their sex. In general, if they are now transitioned and living as a woman, they are very clear and open about the fact that they are male. And if they are living as a man, they are pretty clear about the fact that they are female.

The current crop of transgender folks came up with a lovely derogatory name for the people who paved the way for them. They're referred to as "TruScum".

The portion of our society that is "dysphoric" is already small.

You keep repeating this misconception that people who are trans today, who seek hormonal transition don't really understand what they want.

The fact is, many people change absolutely nothing about themselves in their transition beyond their hormones. It is not about genitals in the first place, or even gender roles. Rather, it is about disapproving of the hormonally driven personality traits and their discordance with a person's desired core self.

You probably dislike me. In fact I KNOW you dislike me. You have never even MET the "me" whose brain is not swimming in testosterone. Imagine one day if you started feeling like you wanted to say the kinds of things I say, be rude in the way I am rude, get aggressive in the way I am aggressive.

Imagine that you had to deal with this constant background desire to fight, and fuck, the entire world, and that you really wish you didn't feel that way.

I imagine that if you started feeling that way, you might want to just shut that off and instead feel like you expect to feel, though I have less than the merest inking what that other way may be.

Now imagine that on top of all of that, your body starts irreversibly becoming something you HATE. You not only fail to grow hips, but get an ugly knob on your throat, the voice you love melts away, your shoulders get square... Everything you have ever wished you could ever be falls away from you irretrievably, and not even because you can't actually have achieved what you did want but rather because someone else who is not you stands against you becoming that thing that you really want to be.

THIS more than anything else is why people transition: they do not like the person their own body is pressuring them to be.

At any rate, yes, the old school assholes who grew up believing half of society's bullshit and still addicted to the teat of sex essentialism. They have made their compromises, and accepted their beliefs.

Now as to the rest of it, you keep wanting to insist on some vast social communication of what is in people's pants. You seem to keep wanting to take it for granted, let people shout it from the roof tops, you seem to expect everyone to make it public and let it be public knowledge.

The issue comes here in that the difference is that TRANS people generally understand that physical genital configuration is a private matter, for private times with private people. You seem to wish very badly to violate that privacy.

It is a vanishingly small percentage of people who transition in any capacity, teen or not. And as Metaphor has already helpfully pointed out, even being completely non-reproductive and non-adoptive still affords plenty of chances of passing on who you are and what you believe to the next generation.

You keep arguing that the < 0.5% of the population that seeks to have the puberty that 50% of the population already experiences (but which their own body needs assistance to engage), ought not have the right to do what half of the population already does.

I find that ridiculous.
Well, for one, this child is not making the decision on their own.


Age of consent is based on having no guidance. If you could put in a reasonable guidance system lowering it wouldn't be a problem. (But there's no compelling reason to, either.)

Based on this reasoning, you may as well say a 12 year old can have sex, if both parents agree it's best for their child.
If gender roles were not so harshly enforced by our societies, there would still be a very small subset of people with extreme gender dysphoria who would transition.

But nobody would care.
I already don't care about other people's gender stuff, beyond the pain it causes them. If I'm not interested in banging them, which I'm not because I'm married to someone else, other people's gender issues have absolutely nothing to do with my personal life. Do whatever floats your boat, as long as you aren't causing trouble for someone else. Which most trans folks aren't interested in doing.

It's the people who want to get up in the business of people who aren't hurting anybody that I get annoyed by.
Now as to the rest of it, you keep wanting to insist on some vast social communication of what is in people's pants. You seem to keep wanting to take it for granted, let people shout it from the roof tops, you seem to expect everyone to make it public and let it be public knowledge.

Jarhyn keeps repeating his hobby horse that 'outing' trans people, presumably by correctly referring to their sex, is "about" wanting to let people know what's in their pants.

It hasn't occurred to Jarhyn that people will tell complete strangers what is 'in the pants' of their children including unborn children. This is normal. When I describe my nieces and nephews to my work colleagues, I am 'revealing' what's 'in their pants' and it is normal to do so.

Jarhyn also seems convinced that, but for 'outing', trans people generally 'pass'. It is my experience that they generally do not.
If I was badgering her to do something, you'd have a real point.

Honestly, I think it's pretty shit you fell into calling him by female pronouns. This is exactly the reason this whole thing blew up. It's deeply disrespectful, and the disrespect isnlt even channeled towards those who have been otherwise disrespectful to him or stood as peanut gallery gatekeepers to his life, but rather to him, a fairly young child.

You tell him. Clearly LD is a transphobe. :rolleyes:
The portion of our society that is "dysphoric" is already small.

You keep repeating this misconception that people who are trans today, who seek hormonal transition don't really understand what they want.
No, actually, that's not true. I think that children probably don't really understand what they want, and probably don't comprehend what they're sacrificing. I don't even think that transition should be completely forbidden to children. I do, however, think that children who only begin exhibiting any dysphoria at the onset of puberty should not begin transitioning until they're older. If a child has persistently expressed dysphoria since well before the onset of puberty, I don't really have an objection to an earlier transition. But the reality is that almost all children experience some degree of dysphoria during puberty - especially female children. This isn't something you would have experience of... but the beginning of puberty for a female is like being painted with a huge target that makes you prey, and males of all sorts very quickly turn into predators. Puberty changes the rules for females in a really dramatic way, a way that is probably invisible to you. What we can wear changes dramatically. We're suddenly faced with having to choose our clothing with an eye to the sexuality of everyone else, rather than for our own comfort. Something as simple as a tank top suddenly risks being viewed as an advertisement for sexual advances. We can't sit the same as we used to, because some male might see our crotches and become aroused. Our entire reality shifts, and instead of being people, we become an object that males look on with sexual desire - regardless of whether we want that attention or not.

Dysphoria among pubescent girls is *incredibly* common. But it alleviates as we get older, and as our peers get older, and as we come to terms with our own sexuality.

Growing a beard and lopping of breasts isn't the solution to the dysphoria that all girls - especially homosexual girls - face at puberty. Your inability to sympathize with this, as well as with the long-term consequences of infertility and surgery, seems to indicate both privilege on your part and a deep lack of care for females.

The fact is, many people change absolutely nothing about themselves in their transition beyond their hormones. It is not about genitals in the first place, or even gender roles. Rather, it is about disapproving of the hormonally driven personality traits and their discordance with a person's desired core self.
Lots of adult males change nothing about themselves beyond their hormones. Lots of teenage females are having double mastectomies.

You probably dislike me. In fact I KNOW you dislike me.
Actually, I only dislike you on this one topic. On other topics, we seem to agree on a fair number of things. I don't harbor any ill will toward you at all. I do, however, think that your views on this topic are very personalized (which is understandable), and that you are either unable or unwilling to think of the consequences and impacts that your policies have on other people - even on other transgender people. What would have worked best for you when you were younger isn't necessarily what would have been most effective for someone else.

You have never even MET the "me" whose brain is not swimming in testosterone. Imagine one day if you started feeling like you wanted to say the kinds of things I say, be rude in the way I am rude, get aggressive in the way I am aggressive.

Imagine that you had to deal with this constant background desire to fight, and fuck, the entire world, and that you really wish you didn't feel that way.

I imagine that if you started feeling that way, you might want to just shut that off and instead feel like you expect to feel, though I have less than the merest inking what that other way may be.
Welcome to being human.

First off... no shit. How do you think young females feel when we suddenly start growing tits and males - much older adult males at that - start looking at us as if we were a rabbit and they a wolf? How do you think young females feel at menarche, when we start literally bleeding out of our privates? Cramps are no fun, periods are no fun, the risk of pregnancy is no fun. How do you think athletic young girls feel when their hips shift and their entire gait changes as a result? When their boobs get in the way of everyday activities? This isn't something limited to transgender people. What you're describing is the horror that is puberty, and all children of all sexes feel that to some degree or other.

Secondly... Grow the fuck up and learn some self control. Seriously. If you're constantly feeling like you want to fight or fuck something, then you probably need to see a counselor, because that's not what most males seem to experience. Most men seem capable of controlling their baser impulses and have the cognitive function to belay the effects of testosterone. Don't blame your lack of maturity and capability on testosterone, buddy.

Now imagine that on top of all of that, your body starts irreversibly becoming something you HATE. You not only fail to grow hips, but get an ugly knob on your throat, the voice you love melts away, your shoulders get square... Everything you have ever wished you could ever be falls away from you irretrievably, and not even because you can't actually have achieved what you did want but rather because someone else who is not you stands against you becoming that thing that you really want to be.

THIS more than anything else is why people transition: they do not like the person their own body is pressuring them to be.
Oh noes! Genetics aren't under your complete control! How awful!

Yes, that's overly snarky. But you keep relying on this rhetoric of "choosing" your puberty and "choosing" your sex. You don't get to choose. Nobody gets to choose. It's what happens. It happens to all humans, all mammals, all animals... hell, it even happens to plants (thought I doubt they care about it). You don't get to choose your genetic background. I sure as fuck didn't "choose" to be epileptic, and I also can't fucking "identify" out of it.

Now, with that bit of venting done... Yes, some people genuinely have extreme dysphoria. And for those people, an appropriate diagnosis, counseling, and a meaningful medical transition should be available and shouldn't present an unreasonable barrier. I have sympathy for anyone who faces such distress about their sexed body. It sounds like it sucks beyond measure.

At any rate, yes, the old school assholes who grew up believing half of society's bullshit and still addicted to the teat of sex essentialism. They have made their compromises, and accepted their beliefs.

Now as to the rest of it, you keep wanting to insist on some vast social communication of what is in people's pants. You seem to keep wanting to take it for granted, let people shout it from the roof tops, you seem to expect everyone to make it public and let it be public knowledge.

The issue comes here in that the difference is that TRANS people generally understand that physical genital configuration is a private matter, for private times with private people. You seem to wish very badly to violate that privacy.

It is a vanishingly small percentage of people who transition in any capacity, teen or not. And as Metaphor has already helpfully pointed out, even being completely non-reproductive and non-adoptive still affords plenty of chances of passing on who you are and what you believe to the next generation.

You keep arguing that the < 0.5% of the population that seeks to have the puberty that 50% of the population already experiences (but which their own body needs assistance to engage), ought not have the right to do what half of the population already does.

I find that ridiculous.

"Sex essentialism" is reality. Sex is reality, Jarhyn. It's not something made up, it is very real.

I don't insist on communication about what is in people's pants. But as a female, sex really does have a great impact on my life - it affects me physically, and it affects me socially in ways I have no control over and to which I did not consent. I didn't "choose" my puberty. And even if you had had access to cross sex hormones as a child - you would still not get to choose your puberty. You cannot experience the puberty of a female. The best you can do is avoid developing some secondary male characteristics, and grow some boobs. But that is NOT female puberty. It just isn't. Don't delude yourself into imagining that having access to testosterone blockers and estrogen at the onset of puberty could have transformed you into a female.

I'm sorry that this causes you distress. You truly do have my sympathy.
If I was badgering her to do something, you'd have a real point.

Go read more about this case. I don't think the father was badgering his child. The father is opposing what I think is a bad law by the state, that has decided that the child is old enough to understand the consequences of cross-sex hormones, and is capable of consenting to voluntary sterilization... and the parents have no say in the matter.
I have read up on it. Yhe fsthet is badgeing his child. Apparently, the mithet is ok with it.
Well, for one, this child is not making the decision on their own.


Age of consent is based on having no guidance. If you could put in a reasonable guidance system lowering it wouldn't be a problem. (But there's no compelling reason to, either.)

Based on this reasoning, you may as well say a 12 year old can have sex, if both parents agree it's best for their child.

See parents being allowed to make the choice on transition?? It needs to be a competent, disinterested third party.
My opinion... which is quite harsh and certainly not intended to apply to every single person... is that the reason it is so eagerly supported is:
1) Double Virtue Signaling Points
2) Ideological Capture
3) The people most harmed are females, and nobody (especially ejaculators and prostate owners) gives a fuck about females

You are not being harsh so much as ideological, engaging in virtual signaling to ideological tribe, and playing up to females in the forum trying to get them to agree with you. I mean, come on, let's be honest here, not engaging in toxicity.

I'm a male and am in agreement with what Emily has posted in this forum.

Also, I would put her and myself in the camp (or tribe) that is concerned about about how trans ideology is a threat to women. And by "woman" I mean a mature female.

One can support legal protections for trans people without accepting trans ideology. And since this is a political forum: I wish more Democrats would drop their support of that ideology. Trying to argue that a trans girl is being denied participation in high school sports because she is not allowed to compete against those of the female sex is a losing cause. If sports are that important to a trans girl she is free to compete against her male peers.
So in your opinion, Ms. Clayton should be forced by society or the state to identify as a man, wear men's clothing, and call herself by a male name?

Because that's at the heart of this whole argument. You want authority to force people into gender roles that you approve of, and what they want is irrelevant.

Actually critics of transgender ideology want quite the opposite: they don't think biological males or females should be forced to accept traditional gender roles.

It is transgender ideology that reinforces and supports gender roles.

It is perfectly fine if a male wishes to accept some of the gender roles that have been traditionally assigned to those of the female sex. What is not fine is thinking that by adhering to those roles that makes a man a 'real woman' for that just adds support to traditional gender roles.

As a liberal male I have trouble understanding why other liberals or progressives seem so eager to support these gender roles.

My opinion... which is quite harsh and certainly not intended to apply to every single person... is that the reason it is so eagerly supported is:
1) Double Virtue Signaling Points
2) Ideological Capture
3) The people most harmed are females, and nobody (especially ejaculators and prostate owners) gives a fuck about females

While 1) and 2) seem plausible in my experience, I do not see support for 3). Do you see any greater support for trans claims among males than females? I do not see any clear sex-based pattern here. As far as I can tel, it just correlates very well with the rest of the Woke ideology, for both females and males.
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