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Fearing Punishment for Bad Genes


Jun 23, 2010

Insurance companies discriminating based on genetic testing. That's fun.

About 700,000 Americans have had their DNA sequenced, in full or in part, and the number is rising rapidly as costs plummet — to $1,000 or less for a full genome, down from more than $1 million less than a decade ago.

But many people are avoiding the tests because of a major omission in the 2008 federal law that bars employers and health insurers from seeking the results of genetic testing.

The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, known as GINA, does not apply to three types of insurance — life, disability and long-term care — that are especially important to people who may have serious inherited diseases. Sponsors of the act say that they were well aware of the omission, but that after a 14-year effort to write and pass the law, they had to settle for what they could get.

That leaves many patients who may be at risk for inherited diseases fearful that a positive result could be used against them.

They include Brian S., a 33-year-old surgical resident in Pennsylvania, who has a 50 percent chance of carrying a genetic mutation that causes Cadasil, a fatal neurological disorder that afflicts his mother. “I kind of want to get tested,” Dr. S. said, speaking on the condition that his last name and other identifying details be withheld. But because he wants to apply for life and long-term-care insurance, he has decided against it.

A Quake to Remember, Insurance Companies Want Your Gene Tests, Your Inner Fish 25:16
Fifty years ago an Alaskan earthquake changed the way we understand earth science; as genetic testing becomes commonplace, so may the use of those results to determine health coverage; Neil Shubin talks about his new series on PBS and the fish inside all of us.
Subscribe to the Podcast » David Corcoran, Claudia Dreifus and Jeffery DelViscio
There is no way of knowing how many people fall into this category, but experts say such concerns are mounting.

“It was all moot a few years ago,” said Dr. James P. Evans, a professor of genetics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. “It’s suddenly now become real because people increasingly have access to what’s in their genomes.”

Dr. Robert C. Green, a genetics researcher at Harvard Medical School, studied the behavior of those who had recently learned they carried a genetic marker that predisposes them to early Alzheimer’s disease. They were five times as likely to buy long-term-care insurance as those in a control group.

But while patients seek the protection that insurance offers, many are concerned about the possibility of paying higher premiums or being denied coverage altogether because of the known existence of a dangerous mutation.

“The fear is potent in our society that insurance companies are asking,” Dr. Green said. “The No. 1, 2 and 3 issue that subjects are concerned about is, will they be discriminated against if this is in their medical record?”

Just three states — California, Oregon and Vermont — have broad regulations prohibiting the use of genetic information in life, long-term-care and disability insurance.

At least one insurer, the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, asks potential customers in Massachusetts about genetic testing — and stipulates that refusing to share results could lead to a declined application or an extra premium. Jean Towell, a spokeswoman, says applicants are told “out of fairness” that insurers have the right to decline coverage if any medical information is omitted.

“We think it’s best to have it all spelled out in black and white so buyers can make a well-informed decision,” she said.

At least for now, 12 other companies ask no explicit questions about genetic testing. But when Dr. Green asked company executives why not, he said, “at least one of them has told me, ‘We would do this, but we don’t want to be the first.' ”

Still, he added, “you can imagine a world where millions of people have this information, and that would reach a tipping point that the insurance companies can no longer ignore.”

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Even if most insurers are not asking now, they do seek out medical records and can use genetic test results listed there. By contrast, under the federal law, an employer who asks for an employee’s records must tell the provider to withhold any genetic information.

Robin Bennett, a genetics counselor at the University of Washington, sees patients almost every day who express fears about how their test results might be used.

Some ask, “could we not put it in their medical records,” she said, “but they don’t realize that if we’re going to take action on their information” — such as preventive surgery to lower risk for breast cancer — “it has to be in their records.”

The American Medical Association’s code of ethics states that “it may be necessary” for doctors to maintain a separate file for genetic test results so the information is not sent to insurers. A study published last year by Dr. Robert L. Klitzman, who directs the Masters of Bioethics Program at Columbia University (in which this reporter is a student), found that 4.5 percent of 220 general internists admitted to hiding or disguising genetic information.

“With electronic medical records, it’s not clear what will happen,” he said. “Will it become impossible to hide certain kinds of data? Will there be a way to section some things off? A lot of this is still being worked out.”

But even if such results can be kept private, patients could be penalized. A life insurance broker for Accuquote, an online service that compares insurance policies, said that if an applicant carried a highly predictive marker for a disease like Alzheimer’s and failed to disclose it, that would be “guilt by omission.”

As the cost of sequencing falls, some experts worry that insurers may run their own tests on specimens they collect. Only one state, New Mexico, requires that applicants be informed of such tests.

Fear of discrimination affects research participants as well as patients. Dr. Green said that 23 out of 94 volunteers who walked away from a sequencing study did so because of concerns about insurance.

To recruit subjects who refuse genetic testing, Dr. Steven M. Hersch, a laboratory director at the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease, designed a study to allow patients at risk for Huntington’s disease to participate in a clinical trial without being told their mutation status.

“Insurance fears play a big role,” he said. These worries, he added, are spreading to a growing community of people aware of predictive testing for hereditary illnesses like Alzheimer’s, breast cancer and colon cancer.

Not everyone is convinced that such discrimination is a major problem.

“There’s this theoretical risk,” said Dr. Leslie G. Biesecker, a chief investigator at the National Human Genome Research Institute, adding that he was not aware of anyone who had faced discrimination after participating in genetic research.

“Participants are more likely to be in serious car crash going to or from the research center,” he said.

But Dr. Klitzman, at Columbia, says genetic discrimination can be subtle.

“Someone may not know exactly why they were turned down,” he said. Or patients who have been discriminated against “may not go public because then they’d be letting everyone know they have X mutation.”

Consumer advocates say comprehensive federal legislation is needed to assure people they can safely participate in genetic research and testing.

“We are already late in the process of addressing this issue through public policy and law,” said Jeremy Gruber, president of the Council for Responsible Genetics. “The question is how soon are we going to realize that we need to act now.”

Insurance industry representatives, by contrast, argue that they may need genetic information to make underwriting decisions.

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Barring long-term-care and life insurers from obtaining applicants’ test results “could lead to adverse selection and impact the stability of rates,” the American Academy of Actuaries said in a statement.

The author of the 2008 law, Representative Louise M. Slaughter, a Democrat from upstate New York, was noncommittal about any changes. “Given the rapid pace of technological innovation, the uncharted waters that we are navigating when it comes to genetic information, and the arduous, 14-year effort to finally pass GINA into law, we must be extremely judicious in our next steps,” she said.

As for Brian S., he and his wife want to have a baby. But because he has decided not to be tested for the fatal neurological disorder, they are considering in vitro fertilization with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.

That would allow any embryos carrying the dreaded mutation to be silently screened out, keeping him ignorant of his own status — and able to apply for life and long-term-care insurance without fear of being turned down.
This only highlights that insurance companies are the fundamental problem with healthcare in the US not uninsured people.
Insurance companies have long discriminated before genetic testing. I have a friend in her early thirties who has early onset diabetes and cannot buy any life or specialty insurance because of her condition.

She is really hoping to get a government job because it is her understanding that whoever underwrites the government group insurance is not allowed to make this discrimination. I have not verified her claims but I do recall the long list of questions that I had to answer many years ago when I purchased a convertible life insurance plan for myself. Hubby has a term insurance plan which is due to end shortly. There is an option to extend it, no questions asked, (he had a heart attack 5 years ago) but the premiums go way, way up because of his age and that he is still a smoker. He refuses to pay them, so it is fortunate that we have a couple of other fall back positions if he becomes incapacitated or worse.

Insurance companies are absolutely needed for some aspects of life, while in others, they rate right up there with parasites. Most people would benefit from doing some good research on where and when insurance is required or of benefit and then forget the rest.

Put that same amount of money into some sound basic investments and you will be better off, in most cases. Sadly, many folks do not have a decent living wage to even ponder such options.
Insurance companies have long discriminated before genetic testing. I have a friend in her early thirties who has early onset diabetes and cannot buy any life or specialty insurance because of her condition.

She is really hoping to get a government job because it is her understanding that whoever underwrites the government group insurance is not allowed to make this discrimination. I have not verified her claims but I do recall the long list of questions that I had to answer many years ago when I purchased a convertible life insurance plan for myself. Hubby has a term insurance plan which is due to end shortly. There is an option to extend it, no questions asked, (he had a heart attack 5 years ago) but the premiums go way, way up because of his age and that he is still a smoker. He refuses to pay them, so it is fortunate that we have a couple of other fall back positions if he becomes incapacitated or worse.

Insurance companies are absolutely needed for some aspects of life, while in others, they rate right up there with parasites. Most people would benefit from doing some good research on where and when insurance is required or of benefit and then forget the rest.

Put that same amount of money into some sound basic investments and you will be better off, in most cases. Sadly, many folks do not have a decent living wage to even ponder such options.

Being rejected from Health insurance because of a pre-existing condition is no longer legal. That is one good thing about the ACA
This only highlights that insurance companies are the fundamental problem with healthcare in the US not uninsured people.

How dare you suggest that our corporate masters could be wrong about anything? Don't you know that communofascism already failed? Do I need to provide links to the fall of the Berlin Wall to remind you? :cheeky:
The problem with knowing our personal genetic code is we really don't understand what most of it means.

Most of the "bad" genes are identified through genetic diseases and birth defects which can be traced through our family trees. The Cystic Fibrosis gene and the Sickle Cell Anemia gene are just two. The CF gene is common in people of North European descent. One CF gene gives a person resistance to Rheumatic Fever. Two CF genes give you Cystic Fibrosis, which until recently, meant a death in childhood. Even today, when the disease is well understood, most sufferers die before age 25. I had a friend in school who lived with CF to the age of 42, which was considered remarkable.
The Sickle Cell gene which is found in people of African descent, gives resistance to malaria. Two SC genes gives one Sickle Cell Anemia, another childhood killer.
This is the dilemma. Once the genes were identified, there was a natural desire to eliminate them. If we were to actually minimize either of these genes, through careful breeding, we might reduce childhood deaths, but greatly increase deaths from Malaria and Rheumatic Fever.
It's not just Africa; you'll find the Sickle Cell gene in various places where malaria is a problem.
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