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Fine-Tuning Argument vs Argument From Miracles

These have been pointed out to you (in specific detail) several times by several posters but you appear to be completely incapable of self examination, I assume because of your complete ignorance of logic.
THESE HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO ME …. Give me a break
Enough of these false charges. Provide some evidence.
I dare you to show me where I ignored a single charge.
I dare you to show me where I did not refute or rebut a single charge.
Your charge without evidence……and therefore itself special pleading.
And post 435
Well said... I think you have a decent definition of 'blind faith'.

Blind faith does not mean devoid of reason. It is more assuming the conclusion as absolute truth
To assume the absolute conclusion as truth infers devoid of reason and evidence…..which is blind faith.
You two are getting desperate.
Again…………Reasons not a blind faith.
Seems this is the basic point of all your arguing since you first came here. You think you've reasoned things through better than atheists have, so you jump in whenever you see an atheist saying or implying something about "blind faith"; then get voluminously intent to get your point across: 'Not me! See my reasoning, can you SEE it?!'

Let's understand the term "blind faith" since it's clear it informs what the arguments are for.

What is "blind faith"?

1) No reasons at all for a belief, just dogmatic assertions and nothing more.
2) Has 'reasons' for a belief but they seem "reasonable" only because a blind eye is turned to the reasons against that belief.

You always present it as #1.

Personally I've never assumed theists are totally devoid of reasons. The problem is they're lame reasons that result in dogmatic assertions even though some rationalization process has been applied. So when I see someone say "you've got no reason to believe" it clearly means "you don't have reasons that'd convince anybody that wasn't already convinced". I think you see the occasional statement like "you've got no reason to believe" and read it all too literally.

So... anyone who sees this and wants to answer: What does "blind faith" mean?


Seems this is the basic point of all your arguing since you first came here. You think you've reasoned things through better than atheists have,
There you going playing the victim again. Look at what you reasoned. It is not ok to think you know what you are talking about?
so you jump in whenever you see an atheist saying or implying something about "blind faith";
No. I did not jump in for that reason. I simply defended my reasoning against the false charge against me of having a blind faith. Defined as (1) below. Read it yourself. You actually fault me for that. You may not have asserted that, but steve and skep sure did. And I responded. Was I just supposed to turn a blind eye to their error and deny I had evidence and reason for my position?

You are constantly showing up here with me whining about the margins. and... Earlier it was atrib didn’t like the way my premises were constructed as true. Which he emoted to presumption. Sorry I didn’t turn a blind eye to that charge either…did I?

then get voluminously intent to get your point across: 'Not me! See my reasoning, can you SEE it?!'
So now you are emoting that I…………should not provide a defense (turn a blind eye) and admit to all false charges?

Let's understand the term "blind faith" since it's clear it informs what the arguments are for.

What is "blind faith"?

1) No reasons at all for a belief, just dogmatic assertions.
Yep that’s it. But I like Dawkins… he would add it’s a belief against the evidence. And I prefer that one when it comes to dealing with a past finite universe. You know, the “more blind faith to be an atheist thing.”
But this……oh but this wild emotive escape…..doesn’t quite rescue you….because….
2) Has reasons for a belief but they seem "reasonable" only because a blind eye* is turned to the reasons against that belief. (*blind eye = strong bias).
…..is no definition of faith whatsoever. It’s simply an obvious description of someone blind to the fact that their reasoning is ineffective….more like you. So atheists are included. I’ll bet you really didn’t see that there.

Note the subjective judgement implicit in your attempted definition. “seem” it is so blindly ad hoc and subjective.

But your emotional attempt was to infer that I was blind to my ineffectiveness.
I have not turned a blind eye to any reason offered against my reasoning. Including for emotive definition.
As of yet despite the self-delusions not a one of you as offered anything but the common easy to refute charges I always see.
That is getting so old.

You are here actually complaining that I get voluminous when I directly address the reasoning against me and then in the same tantrum falsely assert I turn a blind eye to it. You are not making any sense when you emote against yourself like that.

Case in point…..you reasoned that you were open minded to supernaturalism and then laid out a counter argument against my reason based on the blind belief of yours. I rather concisely revealed your circular reasoning.
I did not turn a blind eye to your counter argument which you were blindly emoting. I countered your reason, which you now fault me for as being arrogant and voluminous. And at the same time assert I’m blind to the reasoning asserted against me even in the sight of me destroying that reasoning.

Seriously you are the one trying to emote your way out of this and doing a very poor job of it.

Personally I've never assumed theists are totally devoid of reasons.
Oh and that was your emotive basis for the above…so sorry….I did not say you did. I was addressing skep and steve who definitely assert that exactly. Should I turn a blind eye to it and ignore them?

The problem is they're lame reasons that result in dogmatic assertions even though some rationalization process has been applied.
Here is another case in point. Should I ignore you (turn a blind eye) so you can assert that I’m wrong or address your obvious error again and still be wrong in with your emotion that I being voluminous. Nice set up I’m wrong either way. Well just emotionally wrong.

Your probably right the brevity of emotion is shorter…
So ....
you are just wrong and you are blind to it….
Got it…good now….go play somewhere else.

Now get use to that.
I get it all the time.

I wonder if that really worked for you. Let me know.
The Bible says a lot of things. Aleister Crowley committed no crimes, as far as I know.

I used Crowley intentionally. That tells me something. I read his book Diary Of A Drug Fiend in the 70s. It is taken to be autobiographical. A very tortured soul. He convinced some people he had real magical powers.And he took their money. A precursor to the 60s drug scene mixed with paranormal and mysticism. Timothy Leary, aka Dr Tim. Sandoz anybody?

Like today the occult for the sophisticated mostly about sex and drugs. An aphrodisiac. There are alleged links between Crowley and L Ron Hubbard who also created a religion for fun and profit. Con artists.


Aleister Crowley (/ˈæleɪstər ˈkroʊli/; born Edward Alexander Crowley; 12 October 1875 – 1 December 1947) was an English occultist, ceremonial magician, poet, painter, novelist, and mountaineer. He founded the religion of Thelema, identifying himself as the prophet entrusted with guiding humanity into the Æon of Horus in the early 20th century. A prolific writer, he published widely over the course of his life.
Well said... I think you have a decent definition of 'blind faith'.

Blind faith does not mean devoid of reason. It is more assuming the conclusion as absolute truth
To assume the absolute conclusion as truth infers devoid of reason and evidence…..which is blind faith.
You two are getting desperate.

Real cute. You illustrate exactly what I criticised. You ignored (and omitted) my explanation of your reasoning rather than addressing it.

The post you butchered was:
Posted by skepticalbip

Well said... I think you have a decent definition of 'blind faith'.

Blind faith does not mean devoid of reason. It is more assuming the conclusion as absolute truth then reasoning what would be necessary to support the conclusion while dismissing counter reasons.

Remez's 'arguments' reminds me of arguing with someone who 'absolutely knows' that the Moon landing was faked. They are far from devoid of reasoning. They can easily give you pages and pages of argument of why we can not land people on the Moon. The blind faith part is that they ignore or summarily dismiss any evidence offered that we could and did land on the Moon.

You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong. Just for one case... you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth) by refusing to accept the accepted definition of 'hearsay' and denying the lack of reliability of hearsay.

It just struck me that you did the same thing with my comparison of the evidence for Korea's Kim Il Song being a god and the evidence for Jesus being a god... completely ignored.
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The logic in your parsing doesn't work if the reading comprehension of the phrases you're parsing doesn't work.

The dilemma of addressing your posts is always: 1) much of it must be corrections of your errors in reading let alone errors of logic, 2) you're just going to misread and create more errors with every response, 3) so there's an endless loop created by your strategy.

This needs to be addressed because it's why this and other arguments go to pieces. It's not because anyone resists your invincible logic. :rolleyes: It's because your logic relies too much on asserting what others 'really mean'. It's a legitimate complaint.


There you going playing the victim again. Look at what you reasoned. It is not ok to think you know what you are talking about?
Here, you saw "not ok to think you know" where I didn't say anything at all about what's "ok". It's descriptive: you've made it plain that showing you have reasoned faith is something you want to get across to atheists.

I simply defended my reasoning against the false charge against me of having a blind faith.
But did you ask how they meant the charge of blind faith? It's no surprise you picked #1 because you routinely read the worst possible interpretation into what others say. It's possible they meant #2.

Was I just supposed to turn a blind eye to their error and deny I had evidence and reason for my position?

No. And this is yet another example that you're not able to parse things accurately. skepticalbip already said he meant #2. And your claim remains that he plainly meant #1. But a person is always the final authority on the content of his own mind.

I've argued with a couple atheists about such claims too. Some folk say "no evidence" to mean "doesn't meet a reasonable standard of evidence". Where I'd call it "weak evidence" rather than the overly short shorthand of "no evidence".

Same with "no reasons". It could very well mean "no reasons that convince" rather than "you're totally automated".

So, finding what people really mean rather than just parsing what you 'logically deduce' that they mean (ie, assert what they mean) is important in communicating. That's all I'm saying... Why don't you ask the next atheist who says "no reasons" or "no evidence" how they mean it rather than telling them how they mean it?
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Pagan and what we call occult rituals are mutualy excl;usive with Christianity.
But last time i looked up the word, occult just means a belief in the soopernatural. Magic, mystic, powers. So Christainity is part of the occult.

Yea, I suppose that is what I am saying. Especially the RCC. In a general context priests are magicians who are given special powers from a god when ordained.

As Moe said to Larry 'Want your palm red' while holding a paintbrush. I find it hard to take all of it seriously. If I think too much of the scope of the beliefs I will start laughing uncontrollably. Until the serious consequences of what is done in the name of beliefs comes to mind.
The written accounts of the Jesus miracle acts are evidence that he did those acts.

(continued from previous Wall of Text)

. . . we still find within [these accounts] strong evidence not of a miracle, but of natural events that were either mistaken for miracles or . . .

No, with the Resurrection accounts we have evidence of a miracle, and no evidence of a natural event which could have been mistaken for a miracle.

Of course you can insist that it was a "natural event" which was mistaken for a miracle. You can conjecture this for ANY miracle claim, no matter what, even for a NON-miracle claim, or any claim at all, of any kind. But in this case there is no "evidence" for your conjecture. The 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes does not constitute evidence for your conjecture that he did not die.

. . . mistaken for miracles or simply got embellished over time to be turned into miracles that actually were not.

No, the Resurrection belief was too early to claim it developed "over time" and didn't exist at an early point. Far more likely is that it was a very early belief, from the beginning, because this explains what inspired the earliest followers to start this new cult/religion and make Jesus into the "Messiah" and "savior" and "risen Christ" we find in Paul's writings in the 50s AD. All the indications are that the believers at the beginning, the direct disciples, did believe the Resurrection happened, as Paul said they did, as they had witnessed the appearances afterward, believing obviously that he had died and then returned to life. So there's nothing in the accounts to indicate that the Resurrection belief evolved gradually "over time" through embellishment, even though some other parts of the story may have developed that way.

The real meaning of "strong evidence not of a miracle, but of natural events that were either mistaken for miracles" is: There can never be any evidence for a "miracle" event, because we can imagine the possibility that the evidence might be incorrect or mistaken.

That's the only "evidence" you have found. You can find that kind of "evidence" to debunk not only a miracle claim, but any historical fact you want not to have happened. You can always come up with something, with any account of a past event, and inject your own "facts" into it which contradict a part of the account which you want not to have happened.

The only "evidence" you've cited is the 75 pounds of "myrrh and aloes" brought by Nicodemus. It's not certain that the quantity was really this much, but even if it was, all the evidence is that this was done in accordance with Jewish burial custom for dead bodies, with no evidence that its purpose was medical. Large quantities of spices were sometimes used for Jewish burials. At the funeral of King Herod we're told by Josephus that 500 attendants carried spices (Jewish War I.33.9), and at the death of rabbi Gamaliel a large quantity of balsam was consumed:


Spices and Plants at the Burial.

Embalming, practised in Egypt (Gen. 1. 2, 26) and in the case of Aristobulus in Rome (Josephus, "Ant." xiv. 7, § 4), was unknown, or at least exceedingly rare, in Judea. But—undoubtedly with the view of removing the odor—spices were put on the coffin or otherwise used at funerals (Ber. viii. 6; John xii. 7, xix. 39), and myrtles and aloes (in liquid state) were carried in the procession (Beẓah 6a; John xix. 39). In honor of dead kings "sweet odors and diverse kinds of spices" were burned (Jer. xxxiv. 5; II Chron. xvi. 14, xxi. 19), together with the bier and the armor (see 'Ab. Zarah 11a), or carried along in the procession (Josephus, "Ant." xv. 3, § 4; xvii. 83; idem, "B. J." i. 33, § 9). Onkelos (Aquila), the proselyte, burned 80 manehs of balsam in honor of R. Gamaliel the Elder (Sem. viii.; 'Ab. Zarah 11a). Later practise added an infusion of the spices to the water with which the dead was washed (see Ṭaharah).

(Most accounts seem to have the maneh being a heavier unit than the pound.) In all this there is no indication that the purpose of the spices is to treat the body for wounds or to heal it.

Why would such spices be used in this one case only, the death of Jesus, for medical purposes, when there is no such case in all the other burials, in which it was common practice to include the spices as part of the burial custom? If an account is of a physician treating a patient, that might be the purpose in some cases. But there is no evidence in the Gospel accounts that this was for a medical purpose.

Yes, you can start out with the premise that ALL evidence for any "miracle" event is automatically disqualified, because there is no evidence, for ANY event, which is immune to the possibility of error. So, we can pretend that ANY evidence for an apparent "miracle" event must be erroneous, and so you have the automatic UNIVERSAL MIRACLE REFUTER for any miracle claim whatever, no matter how strong the evidence might be that the event did happen.

But a reasonable person is not required to start out with such a premise. It's not unreasonable to leave open the possibility of a miracle event, if there's extra evidence. It's not required by logic to start out with the PREMISE that any miracle claim must necessarily be based on mistaken evidence. It's only by imposing that special dogma that you can then disqualify the evidence for the Jesus miracles in the Gospel accounts.

Just being an intelligent adult is all that is necessary to see into the actual accounts we do have how easily such natural events could be mistaken for something else, particularly among . . .

If such natural events could be easily mistaken for something else, we should have a few other examples of it, in the written record, e.g., where an apparent resurrection miracle really did not happen. But you can't give any example of it. Your best shot is your claim that Jesus really did not die, and this explains the apparent "resurrection" event. But all the evidence is that he did die, and there's nothing to show otherwise. You can't explain how such a mistake happened ONLY ONCE in all the known historical record. Why is there no other case of a crucified victim surviving and "resurrecting" later, after being taken down prematurely? If there's no other case of such a thing, we should not assume that it happened in this one case only, as a single one-of-a-kind case in history. Nothing requires a reasonable person to assume that this happened this one time only in all the known historical record.

You can believe this goofy theory if you choose, as there are many oddball theories about historical events, which contradict the evidence we have. But a reasonable person is not required by logic to adopt this goofy theory contradicting the clear evidence and testimony, in the written record, saying that Jesus did in fact die when he was crucified. You have to come up with something better than this goofy theory in order to show how the reported event is contrary to what really happened.

Oddball theories about Jesus
Is there EVIDENCE, or not?

There are many oddball theories about Jesus, for which usually there is no evidence. But in some cases there might be evidence for the theory, in which case it might be taken more seriously.

• There's no evidence: The theory that he did not really die, that he was taken down prematurely and awoke and was healed by the oils or spices, has no evidence for it. The mere existence of a large amount of the spices is not evidence for this theory, as this is just as easily explained by the need for them for the burial custom, to counteract the unpleasant odor. That healing wounds was also sometimes a use for them, in other cases, is not evidence for anything here, as the only use for them reported here was for the burial custom, never for healing. So this theory is a conjecture only, with no evidence.

• There is evidence: Here is an example of a theory for which there is some evidence: The person who "cleansed" the temple by casting out the money-changers was not really Jesus Christ, but Jesus Barabbas, the criminal mentioned at the trial, who was released to the crowd which demanded that Jesus Christ be crucified.

The story of the casting out of the money-changers makes more sense if it was Barabbas who did it, rather than Christ. Because in all likelihood anyone who would do such a thing would be arrested immediately by the police.

(Mark 11:15) -- And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons; 16 and he would not allow any one to carry anything through the temple.

It's not likely anyone could commit this violence without being arrested immediately, because it likely would lead to a riot, and in fact this might have been the intention of the perpetrator. If it was really Barabbas who committed this violence, the whole scenario makes much more sense:

(Mark 15:7) -- And among the rebels in prison, who had committed murder in the insurrection, there was a man called Barab'bas.

So for this theory there is at least some evidence. It's an "oddball" theory, because it contradicts the Gospel claim that it was Jesus Christ who committed this violence. But there's "evidence" for this theory: I.e., the whole story makes much more sense if it was Barabbas and not Christ who perpetrated this criminal act. Barabbas was in fact arrested, as the instigator surely would be. And that both had the same name "Jesus" helps explain how the two got confused with each other, and how Christ might have got blamed for a crime Barabbas had committed.

But the theory that Jesus did not die when he was crucified has no evidence for it. There's nothing in the Gospel accounts which is explained by replacing the dead Jesus with a Jesus still alive and being healed with the spices. Other than just the need to eliminate the miracle of the resurrection. But that's the only need for this oddball theory. There's nothing else, in any written record, suggesting that crucified victims were ever taken down prematurely by mistake and then healed with spices or oils or ointments. Or taken down by someone knowing the victim was still alive, as a conspiracy to thwart the executioners. Rather, everything suggests that such a scenario could never happen against the intentions of those in power.

We need an example of something which was mistaken for a miracle, even though there's a plausible explanation of what really happened. But it's not plausible if it requires us to believe that a one-of-a-kind event, the only one in history, happened in this case, and never in any other case historically. That a dead body was taken down earlier than usual is not unlikely, if the victim was dead. But if a live body was taken down early, thought to be dead, and then later awakened, we should see some other example of it, reported in the record as something unusual, and happening in defiance of some precautions taken to prevent such an act. Those who performed these executions did not let the victims be taken down if they were still alive. They had motivation to leave them in place for the symbolism and also to continue the suffering as long as possible.

. . . particularly among people who already believed in such things as gods and resurrection from the dead and the like.

No, those people, or people generally, did not already believe in such things as are reported here. There are no earlier examples -- no miracle reports, no resurrections they believed in. The only "miracles" believed in were ancient myths from centuries earlier, not any recent events. The only gods believed in were the ancient deities with their priests practicing the ancient prescribed rituals.

There were no beliefs in a recent historical person doing miracles, healing people, or rising from the dead. There are no other examples of anyone believing such things. There was only belief in the ancient gods whose worshipers prayed for healing and did the prescribed rituals, and when they sometimes recovered from an illness, they credited the ancient gods. The same as today, and throughout history.

But what's reported in the Gospel accounts -- the Jesus miracle acts, the Resurrection -- are not something already believed in by anyone, at that time or earlier. Whatever claims there were of recent miracle-workers, of "Messiah" figures doing superhuman acts, other than ordained priests or prophets practicing the ancient religions and standard rituals, were ignored or rejected by virtually everyone, especially by writers, or the educated, so there is no written record of recent alleged miracle acts. I.e., "recent" meaning acts which happened less than 50/100 years earlier than the written record reporting them.

So it's not true that people believed in "such things as gods and resurrection" etc., other than the popular ancient deities, heroes, etc., passed on in legends from centuries earlier. Unlike the Gospel accounts which report a recent event, or recent reputed miracle-worker, of which there is no other example in the written record. Any recent miracle claims were NOT believed or taken seriously, outside of a few nutcase cult members, and so were not reported in written accounts and are thus totally forgotten.

If it were true that people believed in "such things as gods and resurrection" such as Jesus in the Gospel accounts, we'd have some indication of it in a written record near to the time of the alleged event. But there is no other case of such a thing.

(this Wall of Text to be continued)
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The written accounts of the Jesus miracle acts are evidence that he did those acts.

Absolutely. They are indeed.

Also, the apparent flatness of the ground and/or ocean is evidence that the Earth is flat.

The Earth ISN'T flat. But that doesn't mean there's no evidence for a flat Earth; It just means that what evidence there is is weak as piss, and completely overwhelmed by much stronger evidence to the contrary.

Jesus didn't perform miracles. Fuck, Jesus might well not even have existed. But there is evidence that he performed miracles. Just as there is evidence that Sherlock Holmes solved crimes.

Stuff written in books is weak evidence for there being actual events that inspired those writings.

If you want to believe stuff on the basis of such incredibly weak evidence, then you are a fool - but there's no law against being a fool, and the fact that your evidence is far too weak to convince anyone who has the slightest objectivity is entirely irrelevant to your motivated reasoning if you really want to believe.

Good luck with that. Just expect disappointment if you imagine that your rationalisations will convince anyone who doesn't already agree with you.

No matter how many words you use to express them.
Well said... I think you have a decent definition of 'blind faith'.

Blind faith does not mean devoid of reason. It is more assuming the conclusion as absolute truth
To assume the absolute conclusion as truth infers devoid of reason and evidence…..which is blind faith.
You two are getting desperate.
Real cute. You illustrate exactly what I criticised. You ignored (and omitted) my explanation of your reasoning rather than addressing it.
I completely addressed it and I’ll show you in a moment when I address the rest of your post. But first….right back at you….real cute. You ignored the more important part and addressed the afterthought. This is what you ignored…………….
These have been pointed out to you (in specific detail) several times by several posters but you appear to be completely incapable of self examination, I assume because of your complete ignorance of logic.
THESE HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO ME …. Give me a break
Enough of these false charges. Provide some evidence.
I dare you to show me where I ignored a single charge.
I dare you to show me where I did not refute or rebut a single charge.
Your charge without evidence……and therefore itself special pleading.
…..see? Or was that a silent concession upon going back and discovering your error?
That was far more important. So now back to the afterthought……
Well said... I think you have a decent definition of 'blind faith'.

Blind faith does not mean devoid of reason. It is more assuming the conclusion as absolute truth
To assume the absolute conclusion as truth infers devoid of reason and evidence…..which is blind faith.
You two are getting desperate.

(1) I did not ignore the rest because the rest was all predicated on your misunderstanding of blind faith. Look at what I reasoned there. You in attempting to form a line of reasoning for abaddon’s (2) actually defined abaddons’s (1) belief w/o evidence. I was very clear and concise. I may not have quoted the whole thing but I sure felt like I addressed the issue. So I’ll try to quote and address everything with you to avoid your assertion. Rather than being reasonable with the length.

(2) the rest of your prior post and this last post was still addressing faith w/o evidence. As I reasoned it. So again Watch……
You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong.

Focus here………. “You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption….”
Your problem there….and I keep addressing this…..is your “AND THEN”. Your assumed order of your operations is backwards for me. Now it is not backwards for someone operating w/a blind faith. Those people do exist. But it is backwards for me.

In very short verse…..sorry administrators….

Science and reasoning made a god reasonable to me. My search then reasonably lead to the Biblical God was the only one reasonable of all the contenders. Now with that already established “IT THEN” became reasonable to investigate the Bible further for validity. I’m not done with ALL of that yet…..but one of the “stories” (to use your term) I reasoned through was the resurrection. And this argument I find very convincing, compelling and defendable. Again that was very short. I didn’t want to preach a testimony to you, because this board is a little testy there. But I reasoned to God not from God. Originally, prior to science and reasoning, the biblical God was just one of the contenders that were all pushed aside by my apathy to all things religious anyway. I have reasons based upon evidence why I believe he exists. THUS my faith is not blind. If I didn’t have the evidence I have I would not believe in him.

My conclusions are certainly open for debate. But if you are going to debate my conclusion you must look at the evidence and reason that lead me to that conclusion……AND STOP….telling me I don’t have any evidence b/c you are assuming that I just assume he exists. Thus your special pleading counter is refuted here as well. I was waiting for you to do your part there and make your case for that naked assertion from earlier, but it seemed reasonable to refute your blind faith and special pleading counters at the same time with the one stone.

(3) Note I certainly did not turn a blind eye, abaddon’s(2) to either of your counters, which was the grossly mistaken abaddon’s (2). So neither the proper def (1) nor the emotive escape hatch (2) apply to me. Both are properly rejected. Therefore your concerns over (1) or (2) really amounted to nothing, hence why I was so brief in quoting your last post.

But as stated I’ll address the rest of your post…………….
You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong.
Focus here…. ”while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong. “
This bring me back to my more important request………………..so again…..
These have been pointed out to you (in specific detail) several times by several posters but you appear to be completely incapable of self examination, I assume because of your complete ignorance of logic.
THESE HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO ME …. Give me a break
Enough of these false charges. Provide some evidence.
I dare you to show me where I ignored a single charge.
I dare you to show me where I did not refute or rebut a single charge.
Your charge without evidence……and therefore itself special pleading.
You ignored my post and falsely charged me ignoring you again……obviously I’m not ignoring you at all. Evidence….. the length of this post to dispel that charge I hope.
You added a second part there this time………….following the "or"

”…. or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong. “
What could you possibly be inferring there by dismissing? (again note I’m not ignoring any of it)
Are you inferring that I dismissed something without addressing it?
That would be ignoring it …..wouldn’t it? Again you have provided no evidence to your charge.
So no….
You must have meant that you didn’t like the way I dismissed/refuted your counters so efficiently. Well that is your problem. If you felt my reasoning for dismissing/refuting your counter was incorrect then by all means make your counter more reasonable. If it is still back there on the dismissed side of the ledger then you did not restore its validity. Again that is hardly my concern.

Now that was my guess at what you meant by dismissing. By all means defend what you meant there if you can.
Now………you’re are not going to like this….why did you pick this one……this…..
Just for one case... you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth) by refusing to accept the accepted definition of 'hearsay' and denying the lack of reliability of hearsay.
…………..is why I think I was correct with your “dismissing”. Because you actually then provided an example and tried to defend your previously dismissed counter.
(1) I addressed it…..you let it go……not my burden until you make an attempt to defend it.
So…..now I must address your attempt. Not ignore it but possibly find fault or concede and adjust……here we go…..by necessity of detail this will could be lengthy….

(2)…… “you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth)”
No you reason that is what I asserted. And your reasoning is wrong.
If I stopped right there like you, then it would be simply a naked assertion…see above dare.
So then….
I will properly support my naked assertion there. Please look back at our conversation. (this is the long part) I did not challenge your definition of hearsay. I was fine with it and how it is applied judicially in today’s system of jurisprudence. No problems.
But then…..
You extended that strict application to ancient history devoid at the time of historical criticism. I countered with goodbye Alexander b/c your misapplied hearsay process would wipeout ancient history. Thus your counter was properly dismissed. (now that did not infer that I at any time reasoned biblical accounts were absolute truth, because biblical accounts as I reasoned all along would also fall under the proper judgement of historical criticism.)
So then……………
Your reply to my counter was super great. Rhea jump in as well. You both took my representation of what YOUR poor reasoning would do (wipeout ancient history…goodbye Alexander) and chastised me for being so stupid. You both missed the fact that it was YOUR reasoning that was being reflected so both were chastising YOUR reasoning. WOW that is evidence of how good my counter was. You even corrected your reasoning (my representation) with the proper application of historical criticism which is what I was overtly espousing long before that point.
That was how I dismissed your hearsay process.

Now with all of that on the table for perspective………..I can was once AGAIN properly dismiss your misrepresentation about my reasoning regarding hearsay. For I repeatedly agreed with you what it was. I reasonably showed you how it couldn’t be applied to ancient history as you were trying to reason. Thus I properly dismissed it. I, from long before that exchange properly advocated for historical criticism over your newly present counter of your hearsay process.
And ….
I, at no time, asserted what you called biblical hearsay as absolute truth. Historical criticism was my support for my four facts….always was. All I challenged you to do was reconcile historical criticism with your process of applying modern hearsay jurisprudence to ancient history.
So this…………………
Just for one case... you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth) by refusing to accept the accepted definition of 'hearsay' and denying the lack of reliability of hearsay.
….has not been ignored and has been in my reasoning properly dismissed. You are free to challenge my assessment.
You went on…….
It just struck me that you did the same thing with my comparison of the evidence for Korea's Kim Il Song being a god and the evidence for Jesus being a god... completely ignored.
Let’s check that out……
AHA. so by your "reasoning" there have been a hell of a lot of real live gods and demigods that have walked among us such as Mithras, Zoroaster, all the Egyptian pharaoh gods, etc. and even Hanuman, the Hindu flying monkey god, and Ganesha, the Hindu elephant headed god. All have been reported to be real and to have miraculous powers. Hell, even Julius Caesar was reported to have performed miracles and was officially declared to be a god. To look at more recents gods, Kim Il Sung is reported to have been a god with miraculous powers which he used and the feats recorded. The god myths of Kim Il Sung are better documented than the Jesus myths because they were written by people who actually knew him so could actually be eye witnesses. And the fact that Kim actually existed is much better documented since he is referenced and recognized by many, many other sources than those in his god myths.

The question is why you are so fixated only on this one god, Jesus, while you ignore the thousands of others that are as well or, in some cases, better documented. Special pleading not being allowed, I again ask why?
My response……………….after quoting just the last paragraph…..
And the answer is really quite easy and reasonable.
Because I have good reason (supported by science, philosophy and theology) to believe that the Biblical God is the real, one and only, transcendent creator of a universe/nature that most plausibly began to exist. All other alleged non-transcendent gods can reasonably be rejected. That leaves only? Yeah…look it up.
Again…………Reasons not a blind faith.
You and I have battled over that in the past, on numerous occasions.
Is Kim Sung Il (now Kim Sung dead) transcendent?

…..NO? Then I addressed it. I just didn’t quote it.

He was part of the list you provided. I addressed the list in whole I thought. So I did not ignore it. The evidence is right there that I directly addressed it with all other non-transcendent gods are reasonably rejected. Since you did not question it further I properly reasoned the matter concluded and dismissed.
If you still have issue there then simply provide it.

Thus throughout this lengthy response I have dutifully shown you that I have ignored nothing and PROPERLY dismissed questionable reasoning. You on the other hand have numerous naked assertions of your own to address. I’ll be waiting. Be Fair

The logic in your parsing doesn't work if the reading comprehension of the phrases you're parsing doesn't work.

The dilemma of addressing your posts is always: 1) much of it must be corrections of your errors in reading let alone errors of logic, 2) you're just going to misread and create more errors with every response, 3) so there's an endless loop created by your strategy.

This needs to be addressed because it's why this and other arguments go to pieces. It's not because anyone resists your invincible logic. :rolleyes: It's because your logic relies too much on asserting what others 'really mean'. It's a legitimate complaint.

Here, you saw "not ok to think you know" where I didn't say anything at all about what's "ok". It's descriptive: you've made it plain that showing you have reasoned faith is something you want to get across to atheists.

But did you ask how they meant the charge of blind faith? It's no surprise you picked #1 because you routinely read the worst possible interpretation into what others say. It's possible they meant #2.

Was I just supposed to turn a blind eye to their error and deny I had evidence and reason for my position?

No. And this is yet another example that you're not able to parse things accurately. skepticalbip already said he meant #2. And your claim remains that he plainly meant #1. But a person is always the final authority on the content of his own mind.

I've argued with a couple atheists about such claims too. Some folk say "no evidence" to mean "doesn't meet a reasonable standard of evidence". Where I'd call it "weak evidence" rather than the overly short shorthand of "no evidence".

Same with "no reasons". It could very well mean "no reasons that convince" rather than "you're totally automated".

So, finding what people really mean rather than just parsing what you 'logically deduce' that they mean (ie, assert what they mean) is important in communicating. That's all I'm saying... Why don't you ask the next atheist who says "no reasons" or "no evidence" how they mean it rather than telling them how they mean it?

I did not touch your response at all...no parsing.


To respond to you I must first logically attempt to comprehend and interpret you. But according to you, my reading comprehension and interpretations are wrong and due to parsing. I don’t agree with that or your other misinterpretations either. But, I can’t even begin to support or discuss it with you further because you have left me no room to do so. If I attempt to do so, I’m wrong as soon as I begin to try to comprehend and interpret you. So you and I have shared our reasoning with one another here and have come to an impasse. So let’s simply just agree to disagree.

I completely addressed it and I’ll show you in a moment when I address the rest of your post. But first….right back at you….real cute. You ignored the more important part and addressed the afterthought. This is what you ignored…………….
These have been pointed out to you (in specific detail) several times by several posters but you appear to be completely incapable of self examination, I assume because of your complete ignorance of logic.
THESE HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO ME …. Give me a break
Enough of these false charges. Provide some evidence.
I dare you to show me where I ignored a single charge.
I dare you to show me where I did not refute or rebut a single charge.
Your charge without evidence……and therefore itself special pleading.
…..see? Or was that a silent concession upon going back and discovering your error?
That was far more important. So now back to the afterthought……
Well said... I think you have a decent definition of 'blind faith'.

Blind faith does not mean devoid of reason. It is more assuming the conclusion as absolute truth
To assume the absolute conclusion as truth infers devoid of reason and evidence…..which is blind faith.
You two are getting desperate.

(1) I did not ignore the rest because the rest was all predicated on your misunderstanding of blind faith. Look at what I reasoned there. You in attempting to form a line of reasoning for abaddon’s (2) actually defined abaddons’s (1) belief w/o evidence. I was very clear and concise. I may not have quoted the whole thing but I sure felt like I addressed the issue. So I’ll try to quote and address everything with you to avoid your assertion. Rather than being reasonable with the length.

(2) the rest of your prior post and this last post was still addressing faith w/o evidence. As I reasoned it. So again Watch……
You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong.

Focus here………. “You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption….”
Your problem there….and I keep addressing this…..is your “AND THEN”. Your assumed order of your operations is backwards for me. Now it is not backwards for someone operating w/a blind faith. Those people do exist. But it is backwards for me.

In very short verse…..sorry administrators….

Science and reasoning made a god reasonable to me. My search then reasonably lead to the Biblical God was the only one reasonable of all the contenders. Now with that already established “IT THEN” became reasonable to investigate the Bible further for validity. I’m not done with ALL of that yet…..but one of the “stories” (to use your term) I reasoned through was the resurrection. And this argument I find very convincing, compelling and defendable. Again that was very short. I didn’t want to preach a testimony to you, because this board is a little testy there. But I reasoned to God not from God. Originally, prior to science and reasoning, the biblical God was just one of the contenders that were all pushed aside by my apathy to all things religious anyway. I have reasons based upon evidence why I believe he exists. THUS my faith is not blind. If I didn’t have the evidence I have I would not believe in him.

My conclusions are certainly open for debate. But if you are going to debate my conclusion you must look at the evidence and reason that lead me to that conclusion……AND STOP….telling me I don’t have any evidence b/c you are assuming that I just assume he exists. Thus your special pleading counter is refuted here as well. I was waiting for you to do your part there and make your case for that naked assertion from earlier, but it seemed reasonable to refute your blind faith and special pleading counters at the same time with the one stone.

(3) Note I certainly did not turn a blind eye, abaddon’s(2) to either of your counters, which was the grossly mistaken abaddon’s (2). So neither the proper def (1) nor the emotive escape hatch (2) apply to me. Both are properly rejected. Therefore your concerns over (1) or (2) really amounted to nothing, hence why I was so brief in quoting your last post.

But as stated I’ll address the rest of your post…………….
You accept the Bible story as absolute truth and then make asinine assertions trying to justify and support that assumption while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong.
Focus here…. ”while ignoring or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong. “
This bring me back to my more important request………………..so again…..
These have been pointed out to you (in specific detail) several times by several posters but you appear to be completely incapable of self examination, I assume because of your complete ignorance of logic.
THESE HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO ME …. Give me a break
Enough of these false charges. Provide some evidence.
I dare you to show me where I ignored a single charge.
I dare you to show me where I did not refute or rebut a single charge.
Your charge without evidence……and therefore itself special pleading.
You ignored my post and falsely charged me ignoring you again……obviously I’m not ignoring you at all. Evidence….. the length of this post to dispel that charge I hope.
You added a second part there this time………….following the "or"

”…. or dismissing any and all that point out where your assertions and justifications are wrong. “
What could you possibly be inferring there by dismissing? (again note I’m not ignoring any of it)
Are you inferring that I dismissed something without addressing it?
That would be ignoring it …..wouldn’t it? Again you have provided no evidence to your charge.
So no….
You must have meant that you didn’t like the way I dismissed/refuted your counters so efficiently. Well that is your problem. If you felt my reasoning for dismissing/refuting your counter was incorrect then by all means make your counter more reasonable. If it is still back there on the dismissed side of the ledger then you did not restore its validity. Again that is hardly my concern.

Now that was my guess at what you meant by dismissing. By all means defend what you meant there if you can.
Now………you’re are not going to like this….why did you pick this one……this…..
Just for one case... you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth) by refusing to accept the accepted definition of 'hearsay' and denying the lack of reliability of hearsay.
…………..is why I think I was correct with your “dismissing”. Because you actually then provided an example and tried to defend your previously dismissed counter.
(1) I addressed it…..you let it go……not my burden until you make an attempt to defend it.
So…..now I must address your attempt. Not ignore it but possibly find fault or concede and adjust……here we go…..by necessity of detail this will could be lengthy….

(2)…… “you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth)”
No you reason that is what I asserted. And your reasoning is wrong.
If I stopped right there like you, then it would be simply a naked assertion…see above dare.
So then….
I will properly support my naked assertion there. Please look back at our conversation. (this is the long part) I did not challenge your definition of hearsay. I was fine with it and how it is applied judicially in today’s system of jurisprudence. No problems.
But then…..
You extended that strict application to ancient history devoid at the time of historical criticism. I countered with goodbye Alexander b/c your misapplied hearsay process would wipeout ancient history. Thus your counter was properly dismissed. (now that did not infer that I at any time reasoned biblical accounts were absolute truth, because biblical accounts as I reasoned all along would also fall under the proper judgement of historical criticism.)
So then……………
Your reply to my counter was super great. Rhea jump in as well. You both took my representation of what YOUR poor reasoning would do (wipeout ancient history…goodbye Alexander) and chastised me for being so stupid. You both missed the fact that it was YOUR reasoning that was being reflected so both were chastising YOUR reasoning. WOW that is evidence of how good my counter was. You even corrected your reasoning (my representation) with the proper application of historical criticism which is what I was overtly espousing long before that point.
That was how I dismissed your hearsay process.

Now with all of that on the table for perspective………..I can was once AGAIN properly dismiss your misrepresentation about my reasoning regarding hearsay. For I repeatedly agreed with you what it was. I reasonably showed you how it couldn’t be applied to ancient history as you were trying to reason. Thus I properly dismissed it. I, from long before that exchange properly advocated for historical criticism over your newly present counter of your hearsay process.
And ….
I, at no time, asserted what you called biblical hearsay as absolute truth. Historical criticism was my support for my four facts….always was. All I challenged you to do was reconcile historical criticism with your process of applying modern hearsay jurisprudence to ancient history.
So this…………………
Just for one case... you assert that hearsay accounts are not hearsay (but absolute truth) by refusing to accept the accepted definition of 'hearsay' and denying the lack of reliability of hearsay.
….has not been ignored and has been in my reasoning properly dismissed. You are free to challenge my assessment.
You went on…….
It just struck me that you did the same thing with my comparison of the evidence for Korea's Kim Il Song being a god and the evidence for Jesus being a god... completely ignored.
Let’s check that out……
AHA. so by your "reasoning" there have been a hell of a lot of real live gods and demigods that have walked among us such as Mithras, Zoroaster, all the Egyptian pharaoh gods, etc. and even Hanuman, the Hindu flying monkey god, and Ganesha, the Hindu elephant headed god. All have been reported to be real and to have miraculous powers. Hell, even Julius Caesar was reported to have performed miracles and was officially declared to be a god. To look at more recents gods, Kim Il Sung is reported to have been a god with miraculous powers which he used and the feats recorded. The god myths of Kim Il Sung are better documented than the Jesus myths because they were written by people who actually knew him so could actually be eye witnesses. And the fact that Kim actually existed is much better documented since he is referenced and recognized by many, many other sources than those in his god myths.

The question is why you are so fixated only on this one god, Jesus, while you ignore the thousands of others that are as well or, in some cases, better documented. Special pleading not being allowed, I again ask why?
My response……………….after quoting just the last paragraph…..
And the answer is really quite easy and reasonable.
Because I have good reason (supported by science, philosophy and theology) to believe that the Biblical God is the real, one and only, transcendent creator of a universe/nature that most plausibly began to exist. All other alleged non-transcendent gods can reasonably be rejected. That leaves only? Yeah…look it up.
Again…………Reasons not a blind faith.
You and I have battled over that in the past, on numerous occasions.
Is Kim Sung Il (now Kim Sung dead) transcendent?

…..NO? Then I addressed it. I just didn’t quote it.

He was part of the list you provided. I addressed the list in whole I thought. So I did not ignore it. The evidence is right there that I directly addressed it with all other non-transcendent gods are reasonably rejected. Since you did not question it further I properly reasoned the matter concluded and dismissed.
If you still have issue there then simply provide it.

Thus throughout this lengthy response I have dutifully shown you that I have ignored nothing and PROPERLY dismissed questionable reasoning. You on the other hand have numerous naked assertions of your own to address. I’ll be waiting. Be Fair

Just damned, what a pile of invention and evasion. We did land on the moon regardless of how much "science" you offer that we didn't because we couldn't.

I'm not about to try to address all the total bull shit in your Gish Gallop. I'll just stick with your mischaracterization and/or dismissal of Kim Il Sung and the 'proof' he is a god. According the the written testimony he is transcendent and still looks over Korea. When he descended from heaven into his mother's arms (when he was born) a new star appeared in the heavens over Korea and the Titanic sank at the same moment to demonstrate the beginning of the death of the west and the rising of a new sun in Asia. He was able to read the minds of everyone so knew all Korans thoughts so he could, and did, care for their needs and desires. He changed the weather at will to fit the situation. He never pissed or shit. etc. etc. All this is true (if we use the 'reasoning' offered for evaluating Biblical tales) because it and much more is written in the eig[VINE][/VINE]ht volumes of his biography by people who actually knew him. If you accept the Jesus story written in the Bible then by the same reasoning you will have to accept Kim story written in the eight volumes of his biography.

That is unless you continue to assume your conclusion that Jesus was god therefore all the claims must be true while assuming your conclusion that Kim was a mere mortal therefore all the claims must be false.
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(continued from previous Wall of Text)

Quote Originally Posted by Koyaanisqatsi View Post
. . . we still find within [these accounts] strong evidence not of a miracle, but of natural events that were either mistaken for miracles or . . .

No, with the Resurrection accounts we have evidence of a miracle, and no evidence of a natural event which could have been mistaken for a miracle.

Of course you can insist that it was a "natural event" which was mistaken for a miracle. You can conjecture this for ANY miracle claim, no matter what, even for a NON-miracle claim, or any claim at all, of any kind. But in this case there is no "evidence" for your conjecture. The 75 pounds of myrrh and aloes does not constitute evidence for your conjecture that he did not die.

List of articles with modern confirmations of people who woke up days after being declared dead

And those are all in the last 10 years!!!
I recall one from Africa where it was 3 days later - this back in the early 2000s. Certainly as we go back further in time and medicine is less and less skilled, it would happen even more. And note, the Jesus story doesn't even claim 3 days. It's a day and a half, and most of that was with the Jesus character unsupervised, so he couyld have been out only a few hours, for all your story can attest. He may have woken up early Saturday morning and spent the next 12 hours trying to move that stone, and left just after nightfall on Saturday. For all you know.

Waking up days after being declared dead is in NO WAY miraculous. It happens ALL THE TIME, even with modern medicine.

It just struck me that apparently this resurrection of Jesus has become a much bigger deal in Christianity and the point of focus of both you and Lumpy to "prove" that Jesus is unique and the only god. You really should read a little of other mythology. Jesus is a late comer to the claims of resurrected gods schtick... Kim Il Sung is the latest that I am aware of that has supposedly resurrected. But earlier (earlier than Jesus) religions' resurrected gods include Osiris, Baal , Asclepius, Achilles, Melqart, Adonis, Eshmun, Dumuzi, etc, etc.

In effect you show no evidence that you have any idea what other religions mythology include and yet you discount them because you have assumed your conclusion that Jesus is the only god which makes the Biblical stories absolutely true for you and any other stories false even though you don't know those other stories.

Back to the Jesus myths vs. Kim Il Sung myths: The only evidence that either have any truth is the stories in their respective tales. The Kim myths have a little edge in that they were written by people that actually knew him while the Jesus myths were written by people over 2000 Kilometers away and decades after his death so by people that could not have possibly be witnesses. The only reason you accept the Jesus myths and even though you don't even know the Kim myths you reject them is because you assume the conclusion you unquestionably accept as true... Sorta like the 9/11 truthers, flat Earthers, and Moon hoaxers.
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Without the resurrection of Jesus and the promise or belief in personal resurrection there is no Christianity.
Without the resurrection of Jesus and the promise or belief in personal resurrection there is no Christianity.

Yes, I know. It just seems that there has been a drastic increase in stressing Jesus' resurrection lately. When I was growing up as the grandson of a Methodist minister I was drilled with bible stories but the stress of the religion at the time was heaven and hell. The resurrection was only seriously talked about at Easter. Judging by the advocates on this forum, it seems that the Christian primary focus has shifted from heaven and hell to resurrection.
Without the resurrection of Jesus and the promise or belief in personal resurrection there is no Christianity.

I disagree with skeps of course. Imo its been the opposite and for quite a few years. First it was more on the notion "Jesus never exisited" or pehaps the one about mistaken identity e.g. more than one Jesus, a different Jesus. I agree with Remez regarding desperation.

Strangely I became Christian not by the ressurection (firstly).
List of articles with modern confirmations of people who woke up days after being declared dead

And those are all in the last 10 years!!!
I recall one from Africa where it was 3 days later - this back in the early 2000s. Certainly as we go back further in time and medicine is less and less skilled, it would happen even more. And note, the Jesus story doesn't even claim 3 days. It's a day and a half, and most of that was with the Jesus character unsupervised, so he couyld have been out only a few hours, for all your story can attest. He may have woken up early Saturday morning and spent the next 12 hours trying to move that stone, and left just after nightfall on Saturday. For all you know.

Waking up days after being declared dead is in NO WAY miraculous. It happens ALL THE TIME, even with modern medicine.

I think that people 2000 years ago would be intelligent enough to know the difference between mistaken for dead which sounds quite a comon thing as in your links. Unless... you are to believe this mistake ONLY ever happened once in those times which happened to be Jesus, of all people. (Jesus-never-existed is a little more sensible imo)
Without the resurrection of Jesus and the promise or belief in personal resurrection there is no Christianity.

I disagree with skeps of course. Imo its been the opposite and for quite a few years. First it was more on the notion "Jesus never exisited" or pehaps the one about mistaken identity e.g. more than one Jesus, a different Jesus. I agree with Remez regarding desperation.

Strangely I became Christian not by the ressurection (firstly).
What did you become Christian by firstly?
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