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Pinned Folding team - The Godless Ones

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Some may have noticed I've been folding a bit lately. After that pause I took the fans seemed to work better for a couple days. Now they're beginning to act up again. I'm taking myself off folding until I've completed a proper diagnosis process. The ways things sound I unless I can replace one of the fans I'll have to quit folding.
Well, my laptop had intermittent shut downs from a bad battery. New one in place, seems to have fixed the problem.
And sadly, we've dropped to only 3 consistent members at this time. None of us are particularly big contributors either, and I'm speaking as the one putting in the fewest points of active folders. The only reason I'm as far up on the list as I is the amount of time I've been doing this. As a team, we've been in freefall and are not out of the top 400 teams. As of this posting we're 407 and still dropping rapidly. My only consolation at this point is that we're still making some progress and helping to advance science.
Well, we're really down to a trickle now. A scant shadow of our former presence. The team is now out of the top 500 teams and soon to be below 550 in overall rank. I've got another machine here I could hook up, but it'd still be just a drop in the bucket and would barely do anything to stop our downward slide. I know F@H in general got a real boost from people coming on to help out with Covid, but not our team. In fact, I noticed the work got lighter then with all the new people who joined.
Nice to see Never has picked up the pace a bit, and we had a brief outburst by Anonymouse boosting our total on one day. The whole output of the team is up slightly these last few months, it seems, though we're still way off where we used to be. If little else changes, I'll be up to the #14 spot come autumn.
Hey! moving up! Approx 4 am, moving one step further up the ladder!

I should set an alarm.
Of course, by the time the alarm goes off, my wife asks, "Why?" and i explain, and she beats me soundly, I'll probably miss it, anyway.
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