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Foreign Election Influencers in Social Media

Drug addled son actually applies more to {snip}

Talking of the drug addled president's son with dodgy business dealings, Hunter's trial for tax evasion is under way. Looks like he will be pleading guilty to a few of his 14 or so charges.
So, Biden's son has more integrity {snip, the TDS is strong in this one}

The dead one?

But the drug addled alive one, the drug and hooker fiend, he's as trashy as they come. No wonder Brandon didn't want this tawdry episode coming to light.
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.
Drug addled son actually applies more to {snip}

Talking of the drug addled president's son with dodgy business dealings, Hunter's trial for tax evasion is under way. Looks like he will be pleading guilty to a few of his 14 or so charges.
So, Biden's son has more integrity {snip, the TDS is strong in this one}

The dead one?

But the drug addled alive one, the drug and hooker fiend, he's as trashy as they come. No wonder Brandon didn't want this tawdry episode coming to light.
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
If you go after the trolls, scammers, grifters, and fake accounts YouTube and FaceBook will go after you. If some conspiracy theorist chemtrail UFO asshole is getting lots of views with their bullshit YouTube will protect them from the debunkers.

Except if the story is about the president's drug addled son. Just before an election. Big tech at the time seemed pretty quick to cooperate with trying to bury that story and go with the "Russian misinformation" conspiracy theory.
You must not be watching the same CNN,NBC,CBS,ABC reporting that I have.

Hunter Biden's issues have been well covered, certainly on all major media platforms. Global media. It was prime time news for a while.

It is Trump who payed hush money to cover up having sex with a porn star.
And the National Enquirer buying rights to a story of a woman who had sex with Trump while mnarried to kill the story.

Pecker Seiko
NEW YORK, April 26 (Reuters) - Former National Enquirer publisher David Pecker testified on Friday at Donald Trump's criminal trial that he suppressed a story about an alleged affair to help Trump's 2016 presidential bid, even though it would have boosted sales of his tabloid.
Testifying for a third day, Pecker, 72, agreed with a prosecutor who asked whether it would have been "National Enquirer gold" to publish the story of former Playboy model Karen McDougal's claim that she had an affair with Trump in 2006 and 2007.
Drug addled son actually applies more to {snip}

Talking of the drug addled president's son with dodgy business dealings, Hunter's trial for tax evasion is under way. Looks like he will be pleading guilty to a few of his 14 or so charges.
So, Biden's son has more integrity {snip, the TDS is strong in this one}

The dead one?

But the drug addled alive one, the drug and hooker fiend, he's as trashy as they come. No wonder Brandon didn't want this tawdry episode coming to light.
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
Drugs have been normalized and is not breaking news, and using hookers is not exactly breaking news either about somebody with money.

Back in the day JFK was bringing women to the White House, Jacki Kennedy knew and the press knew, but in the day nobody reported it. It was a gven policians had sex with other than wives.

People from wealthy prominent families leading ultra decedent lives is not exactly breaking news.

Drug abuse among pr athetes and entrainmnet, Matew Perry.

America's first family was hit by a drugs scandal yesterday when the daughter of the Florida governor, Jeb Bush, was arrested in Tallahassee on charges of forging a prescription for tranquillisers.

I guess I am saying, what exactly is your point on Hunter Biden usng drugs and hookers?

And if it is about how somebdy thibnks about woemn how about Trump?

Drug addled son actually applies more to {snip}

Talking of the drug addled president's son with dodgy business dealings, Hunter's trial for tax evasion is under way. Looks like he will be pleading guilty to a few of his 14 or so charges.
So, Biden's son has more integrity {snip, the TDS is strong in this one}

The dead one?

But the drug addled alive one, the drug and hooker fiend, he's as trashy as they come. No wonder Brandon didn't want this tawdry episode coming to light.
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
Drugs have been normalized and is not breaking news, and using hookers is not exactly breaking news either about somebody with money.

Back in the day JFK was bringing women to the White House, Jacki Kennedy knew and the press knew, but in the day nobody reported it. It was a gven policians had sex with other than wives.

People from wealthy prominent families leading ultra decedent lives is not exactly breaking news.

Drug abuse among pr athetes and entrainmnet, Matew Perry.

America's first family was hit by a drugs scandal yesterday when the daughter of the Florida governor, Jeb Bush, was arrested in Tallahassee on charges of forging a prescription for tranquillisers.

I guess I am saying, what exactly is your point on Hunter Biden usng drugs and hookers?

And if it is about how somebdy thibnks about woemn how about Trump?

I know, right? Hunter Biden does not hold any office and is a private citizen. OTOH, the Trump family are known criminals, and at least some use illegal drugs and/or legal drugs illegally. Trump is well known to use prostitutes ( I’m guessing he doesn’t have many takers who do it out of love or affection—including his current wife.)
Drug addled son actually applies more to {snip}

Talking of the drug addled president's son with dodgy business dealings, Hunter's trial for tax evasion is under way. Looks like he will be pleading guilty to a few of his 14 or so charges.
So, Biden's son has more integrity {snip, the TDS is strong in this one}

The dead one?

But the drug addled alive one, the drug and hooker fiend, he's as trashy as they come. No wonder Brandon didn't want this tawdry episode coming to light.
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
Again, Hunter Biden is a private citizen and is not seeking office.

Unlike Trump who has been adjudicated as a rapist, paid his money to a woman he had sex with illegally, in order to influence an election and has been charged with 34 felonies.
Why isn't there so much coverage on Jared getting billions of dollars from foreign governments while he had easy access to top government military secrets?

Why is Hunter's past a big deal when Trump and family are selling out the country from Mar-a-lago? And the evidence is right there in front of God and everyone? And Trump and family lying about it?
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
Again, Hunter Biden is a private citizen and is not seeking office.

I know Hunter Biden is not seeking office and I have never said Hunter Biden was seeking office. You seem be of the opinion Russian's view women as whores (a bit racist I think) and I was just pointing out the president's son seems to have that view judging by the vast wads of cash he paid for prostitutes. Did you see the pictures? Oooft, not a pretty sight. No wonder so much effort was put into trying to bury that.
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There was coverage of the Trump family corruption and influence peddling.

I am wondering why Harris is not using it.
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
Again, Hunter Biden is a private citizen and is not seeking office.

I know Hunter Biden is not seeking office and I have never said Hunter Biden was seeking office. You seem be of the opinion Russian's view women as whores (a bit racist I think) and I was just pointing out the president's son seems to have that view judging by the vast wads of cash he paid for prostitutes. Did you see the pictures? Oooft, not a pretty sight. No wonder so much effort was put into trying to bury that.
I don't understand your point. Hunter Biden has had issues with substance abuse and has made poor decisions. Why is that up for discussion?

What is much more pertinent is the substance abuse, mental health, mental acuity, prostitute use, criminal record and general morality of someone who is seeking to be POTUS and who, while holding that office, employed his adult children, at least some of whom are known to have issues with substance abuse and apparently some serious mental health issues (which is not surprising). And his son in law, who, like the others, was unqualified for the positions for which he was hired and who seems to be....not exactly loyal to the USA.
There was coverage of the Trump family corruption and influence peddling.

I am wondering why Harris is not using it.
There hasn't been very much coverage of Trump corruption and influence peddling. While in office, I am certain that Trump used his influence to keep it quiet and so did his bosses. In fact, it appears that Russia (and I suspect others) have had their hands all the way up to their shoulders in US media/news, influencers, etc. Why isn't that a bigger story?
If you go after the trolls, scammers, grifters, and fake accounts YouTube and FaceBook will go after you. If some conspiracy theorist chemtrail UFO asshole is getting lots of views with their bullshit YouTube will protect them from the debunkers.
I noticed this with Instagram. Anytime I got anything pornographic sent I reported it and in lots of cases nothing was done. The poster sending it didn't get blocked or anything .
From reporting the Chinese, Russian, and Iranian attacks are very sophisticated.

Sites with fake news that look like actual mainstream media sites. You may think you are on the NYT site.
So can all these people being funded by Russia to spread their propaganda be charged with being unregistered foreign agents?
H s definitely not as tawdry or criminal as either of Trump’s sons or daughter or son in law or daughters in law. I mean, I understand that whorish is how you Ruskies like to think of women but.

We know how Hunter views women;

Hunter Biden spent a staggering $870,000 on prostitutes, sex club memberships and porn and took out $1.6million from cash machines in the wild spending spree laid out in the bombshell tax evasion indictment filed on Wednesday night.

Daily Mail
Again, Hunter Biden is a private citizen and is not seeking office.

I know Hunter Biden is not seeking office and I have never said Hunter Biden was seeking office. You seem be of the opinion Russian's view women as whores (a bit racist I think) and I was just pointing out the president's son seems to have that view judging by the vast wads of cash he paid for prostitutes. Did you see the pictures? Oooft, not a pretty sight. No wonder so much effort was put into trying to bury that.
I don't understand your point. Hunter Biden has had issues with substance abuse and has made poor decisions. Why is that up for discussion?

What is much more pertinent is the substance abuse, mental health, mental acuity, prostitute use, criminal record and general morality of someone who is seeking to be POTUS and who, while holding that office, employed his adult children, at least some of whom are known to have issues with substance abuse and apparently some serious mental health issues (which is not surprising). And his son in law, who, like the others, was unqualified for the positions for which he was hired and who seems to be....not exactly loyal to the USA.

Ever since Biden withdrew from the race, obliterating months of planning by the Trump campaign overnight, Republicans like TSwizzle have been suffering from Biden Derangement Syndrome (BDS). They just can't stop talking about Joe Biden and the problems with his son's past. It was all so clear. There was a plan. And then suddenly, Poof! It's all gone. Trump now assumes the Old Geezer role, and his VP pick turns out to be seriously obsessed with men and women who do not have children (well, mostly women). What happened? Harris has a funny laugh and is maybe some kind of African-Asian half breed? Tim Walz has an old DUI where the charges got dropped? And what's with his embellishment of his resume about his army rank? How are they supposed to work with that kind of material? We all know about Hunter Biden. Let's talk about him. Yeah, that's the ticket! Teetotaler Trump or drug-addled Hunter Biden. The choice is obvious.
Drug addled son actually applies more to {snip}

Talking of the drug addled president's son with dodgy business dealings, Hunter's trial for tax evasion is under way. Looks like he will be pleading guilty to a few of his 14 or so charges.
Trumps sons are in the family business which is certainly dodgy. Have you forgotten that the Trump family is no longer allowed to operate a charity in NY because they stole from a children!/ cancer charity????
I know Hunter Biden is not seeking office and I have never said Hunter Biden was seeking office. You seem be of the opinion Russian's view women as whores (a bit racist I think) and I was just pointing out the president's son seems to have that view judging by the vast wads of cash he paid for prostitutes. Did you see the pictures? Oooft, not a pretty sight. No wonder so much effort was put into trying to bury that.
Democrats: Son paid for sex.
Republicans: Candidate paid for sex.

Which is more important?

(To me, the part that is relevant to me is that The Felon paid to cover it up. I don't care about the paying for it part.)
if the story is about the president's drug addled son.
It amazes me that Hunter is relevant but adderall-addicted Trump (who is actually vying for the presidency) and his coked-up kids are not.
Poor Swiz can’t seem to figure it out.
I hope Santa Ana winds don’t kick up this week, Swiz. Could get ugly in Santa Monica due to those non-climate-change-related wildfires. 😥
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