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Forgery suspect killed by cop restricting his airway

How come there are no "context" reports about any excessive force complaints against any of the the four police officers in this thread? Hmmmm.
When I watched the video last night on the news, I did't want to believe my eyes. This was obviously a case where some out of control police officers murdered a suspect. He wasn't even suspected of a violent crime. He was suspected of forgery. This was a murder. In fact, I think it was likely murder in the 2nd degree. To make matters worse, the police officers lied about what happened. If it wasn't for videos taken by the people who were watching, they would have probably gotten away with this crime. I think these police officers should be arrested and charged with murder. Let a jury decide their fate. That would be a lot more fair than how they treated their suspect, who never had the opportunity to defend himself in a court of law. That right was taken away from him.


The video clip laid bare, once again, a phenomenon of the cellphone era: official police versions of events that diverge greatly from what later appears on videotape.
This year alone, video recordings have altered the official narratives of numerous encounters, raising the question of what might have occurred had no cameras been around.

That in itself should be enough to fire these police officers. Not only did they use a banned technique, but they lied about it.

The F.B.I. is conducting a federal civil rights investigation into Mr. Floyd’s death, the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension said in a statement. The state bureau also said that it was conducting its own investigation at the request of the Police Department, and that it would release its findings to the Hennepin County district attorney’s office.

That's good news. Maybe, just maybe, justice will be served. Whatever happened to protect and serve? Just who were these officers protecting and serving when they killed this man? It's good to see that most of the posters here are well aware that it was the police who were the out of control thugs in this case. It's frightening and disappointing that so many police departments in the US have become full of people who act more like criminals than like protectors. I have no desire to argue about this. It's obvious that you either realize what happened was wrong or you don't. Trying to convince someone who isn't outraged by the actions of these police is a waste of time and energy.
Frey: Arrest, charge officer who knelt on George Floyd's neck before death

Mayor Jacob Frey on Wednesday called for an arrest and charges against the now-fired Minneapolis police officer who knelt on the neck of George Floyd as he pleaded to breathe shortly before his death, in an incident caught on video that drew international outrage.

"There are precedents and protocols sitting in the reserves of institutions just like this one that would give you about a thousand reasons not to do something, not to speak out, not to act so quickly, and I've wrestled with that more than anything else over the last 36 hours, with one fundamental question: Why is the man who killed George Floyd not in jail?" Frey said in a news conference. "If you had done it or I had done it we would be behind bars right now and I cannot come up with an answer to that question."

The city identified the officers involved as Derek Chauvin, whose knee was on Floyd's neck, Thomas Lane, Tou Thao and J Alexander Kueng. All were fired Tuesday.

Well Mr. Mayor, you could google "supreme court law enforcement leeway" and get plenty of answers. LEOs are free to do their jobs in just about any manner they see fit.

The mayor should not be calling for anybody to be arrested and charged. There is a separation of powers for a reason.
It is especially disgraceful to call for arrests and charges before any investigation has been done and before we even know the cause of death!

Jacob Frey said:
If you had done it or I had done it we would be behind bars right now and I cannot come up with an answer to that question.
Well Mr. Mayor, you could google "supreme court law enforcement leeway" and get plenty of answers. LEOs are free to do their jobs in just about any manner they see fit.

Well law enforcement officers' job is to apprehend suspects. Because of that they have greater leeway in use of force than a regular citizen. It is amazing that Jacon Frey, supposedly a lawyer, missed the class the day they taught monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force.
When I watched the video last night on the news, I did't want to believe my eyes. This was obviously a case where some out of control police officers murdered a suspect.
No, it is not! We do not even know the cause of death yet.

That in itself should be enough to fire these police officers. Not only did they use a banned technique, but they lied about it.

Minneapolis has one of the highest crime rates in the country.
I suspect the anti-police attitude of the city's elected officials such as Frey have a lot to do with that.
Firing these officers before any investigation has been done and before we even know the cause of death is unconscionable.

That's good news. Maybe, just maybe, justice will be served.
Justice does not mean crucify police officers in a knee-jerk fashion. It means doing a through and unbiased investigation and letting the chips fall where they may. But do not jump to conlusions like the media and politicians (including, to his shame, Joe Biden) are doing.

I have no desire to argue about this. It's obvious that you either realize what happened was wrong or you don't.

This is a discussion forum. It's not supposed to be about declaring one opinion a party line and demonizing everybody who deviates from it!
The mayor should not be calling for anybody to be arrested and charged. There is a separation of powers for a reason.
It is especially disgraceful to call for arrests and charges before any investigation has been done and before we even know the cause of death!

How much of an investigation is required in this case ? There's five/six minutes of video showing a policeman sitting on top of a handcuffed suspect who is clearly in distress. The officer should have helped Floyd, sat him upright to make him comfortable until medics arrived.
It is beyond belief that anyone thinks a police rule mandating police officers to intervene when one of their colleagues is using excessive force is stupid. It sets a clear standard for officers to stop rogue cops. It sends a clear signal that excessive force will not be tolerated. And if it reduces the use of excessive force, it reduces harm and potential lawsuits.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "#GeorgeFloyd should be alive. Instead, he was killed as he begged police for his life.
The impunity of police violence is a systemic problem we must face to save lives.
Autopsy results haven't even been released yet.

Police brutality is now a leading cause of death for young Black men in the US. The status quo is killing us."
That's bullshit! Young black men are far more likely to be killed by each other than by police. And only a very small percentage of police killings can be classified as "police brutality".

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Police shootings are now a leading cause of death for young men *across the board* in the US. For Black men and boys, the risk of being killed by police is *1 in 1,000.*
1 in 1,000. Terrifying and indefensible. https://t.co/HLGXZAVOTp" / Twitter
The 1 in 1000 figure is a lifetime risk, not annual risk. If it was annual risk, it would be terrifying. 1 in 1000 lifetime risk is not.
I think AOC (not the brightest bulb in the already rather dim congressional chandelier) most likely confused the two.

For men of all races with ages 25 - 29, causes of death per 100,000:
  • Accidental death (with car accidents and drug overdoses): 76.6
  • Suicide: 26.7
  • Other homicides: 22.0
  • Heart disease: 7.0
  • Cancer: 6.3
  • Police killings: 1.8

So even for young men, police killings rank very low. To put in one way, you are still more than three times more likely to die by heart disease or cancer by the age of 29 than to be killed by police by the age of 29. You are 15x more likely to deliberately kill yourself. You are 40x more likely to get killed accidentally.

That study did not distinguish those killings later judged to be justified and those that are not. FBI: about 400 - 500 / year, out of the total of 1,000 / year.
I would say probably 90% or more of the shootings are justified.

Police killings are far more common in the United States than in other advanced democracies. That’s partly because the U.S. has a much higher homicide rate — “25.2 times higher” — than economically similar countries, according to a 2016 study. One of the prime drivers of that difference, research shows, is the nation’s high rate of gun ownership: Americans make up 4 percent of the global population but own nearly half the guns in the world.
Race also plays a role. Blacks are more than five times more likely to kill somebody than whites.

The nation’s high rates of violence and gun ownership make many police fearful for their lives, research shows.

More than half of those killed by cops had guns with them, and about 20% had mental-health issues. “Austerity in social welfare and public health programs has led to police and prisons becoming catchall responses to social problems,” from the report.
Both sides played a role. Conservatives wanted to save money by defunding mental hospitals, and liberals wanted to make it very hard to commit somebody involuntarily.
How much of an investigation is required in this case ? There's five/six minutes of video showing a policeman sitting on top of a handcuffed suspect who is clearly in distress. The officer should have helped Floyd, sat him upright to make him comfortable until medics arrived.

I don't know if he was clearly in distress. He could talk normally. So his airway wasn't constricted. The cops probably thought he was faking.
And since we do not have the autopsy/tox screens results, we don't even know if the knee on neck had anything to do with Floyd's death in the first place. For all we know, he could have died from a drug overdose.
That is outrageous. WTF is wrong with these cops ?

They're cops. That's what's wrong. Cops are no longer trained in de-escalation, and are trained in officer safety over all. That eventually leads to abuses such as this where excessive force is excused to the point where it is used even when completely unnecessary.

Some people are focusing on the race of the victim. Others are focusing on them focusing on the race of the victim.

What they need to focus on is that the police in general see the population in general as the enemy. They feel more free to oppress the lower classes because the higher one is in the socio-economic structure the more they can make trouble after-the-fact.

The police are trained to see the people as the enemy and themselves as a separate and distinct group. Those who have not been arrested are those who have gotten away with something and not been caught.

They would have gotten away with it had it not been for the video recording. Because we have this recording technology now, it is easier to spread news of events like this. That is why the police hate recording technology.

Now there are some very justified protests going on. I urge extreme caution when considering using violence in these protests, but I understand it if it happens. Just be very careful because a little bit of violence is all the police need for a very disproportionate response. Still, unless one of these days the police start to reform, there will be real violence meted out against police, with real injury and possibly death. Mob violence is a messy thing. Rumor is that the police may be using technology to suppress cell-phone connectivity, but that is unconfirmed.
It is like complaining how unfair people are to doctors who's

patients die when the doctor severs an artery and ignores the other people in the operating room who insist he do something about it.
No. It's like saying we should await the results of the autopsy to see whether the doctor made some mistake (like nicking the artery) or whether the patient's death had nothing to do with what the surgeon did. Condemning the surgeon or the police officers before we have any facts is jumping to conclusions.
How much of an investigation is required in this case ? There's five/six minutes of video showing a policeman sitting on top of a handcuffed suspect who is clearly in distress. The officer should have helped Floyd, sat him upright to make him comfortable until medics arrived.

I don't know if he was clearly in distress. He could talk normally.

Ultimately, he was in distress, he's dead !!

And since we do not have the autopsy/tox screens results, we don't even know if the knee on neck had anything to do with Floyd's death in the first place. For all we know, he could have died from a drug overdose.

It doesn't really matter what Floyd died from at the moment. What matters is that a thug cop was torturing a handcuffed suspect and appeared to be on a power trip. He should not be in the police force at the very least and some sort of criminal charges should be made against him.
That is outrageous. WTF is wrong with these cops ?

They're cops. That's what's wrong. Cops are no longer trained in de-escalation, and are trained in officer safety over all. That eventually leads to abuses such as this where excessive force is excused to the point where it is used even when completely unnecessary.

Over the years the police have become like a paramilitary type force.

I was going to make a similar point. Left-wingers normally LOVE unions, but there is one union they HATE with a passion - the police union.

Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "No more brutality. No more murder. No more hashtags.
Just justice.
May it rain down like a mighty river." / Twitter

Justice means to let the investigation to proceed. Not to prejudge the police officers as guilty just because you dislike police.

Besides, many "victims" of justified shootings became hashtags. #SeanReed became a hashtag recently even though he shot at police. "No more hashtags" means that police should not shoot anyone, even when the perp is armed and shooting at them.
Ultimately, he was in distress, he's dead !!
Yes, tragically.
But look at it from police point of view. If they had a nickel every time a perp feigned injury or illness when getting arrested, they could all afford to retire early.
He had no visible signs of distress at the time. He could speak normally for example.
And they DID call him an ambulance.
In any case, we should await the results of the autopsy and not just assume that police caused his death.

It doesn't really matter what Floyd died from at the moment. What matters is that a thug cop was torturing a handcuffed suspect and appeared to be on a power trip. He should not be in the police force at the very least and some sort of criminal charges should be made against him.

It certainly makes a difference whether police actions caused somebody's death or whether his death was largely independent from anything police did.
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