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Former Clinton adviser says Hillary will run in 2020


Veteran Member
Jun 17, 2003
Hallandale, FL
Basic Beliefs
Right leaning skeptic
Oh boy...she is a failed candidate. I sure hope not:

Two-time Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will mount a third bid for the White House, longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn wrote in an op-ed published Sunday by The Wall Street Journal, predicting that the former first lady and secretary of state is readying a "Hillary 4.0" campaign for 2020.


Also note what she said here a couple weeks ago:

“Well, I’d like to be president,” she said, during the public taping at the 92nd Street Y of Ms. Swisher’s podcast. "The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been at the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department, and it’s just going to be a lot of heavy lifting.”


“I’m not even going to even think about it until we get through this Nov. 6 election,” she said. “But I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure we have a Democrat in the White House come January of 2021.”


In other words, not a definite no. She still plans on thinking about it.

I wonder if she would even survive the primaries.
Some 70 million registered voters would disagree with the notion that she was a "failed" candidate.
Saying that people voted for her and not Trump is not saying much.

She is a terrible candidate.
Who is her running mate going to be - Al Franken?
I hope this isn't true.

She would have made a great POTUS, but the time for that opportunity has passed. The Democratic party needs younger, more inspirational leaders now.

I hate letting the GOP win its 25 year battle to assassinate her character and accomplishments, but at some point you have to change tactics to win the fight, and deploying Hillary again would result in another predictable loss.
Saying that people voted for her and not Trump is not saying much.

It says she's not a "terrible candidate."

In the same way that saying Bush Jr. wasn't a terrible president because he isn't Trump?

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I hope this isn't true.

She would have made a great POTUS, but the time for that opportunity has passed. The Democratic party needs younger, more inspirational leaders now.

I hate letting the GOP win its 25 year battle to assassinate her character and accomplishments, but at some point you have to change tactics to win the fight, and deploying Hillary again would result in another predictable loss.

As much as I'd oppose her, I actually think she'd win this time, though it would be closer than with a better candidate.
Me said:
JP said:
Saying that people voted for her and not Trump is not saying much.
It says she's not a "terrible candidate."
In the same way that saying Bush Jr. wasn't a terrible president because he isn't Trump?

No for a painfully obvious reason. Let's see if you can figure out what it is.

Strategically a big blunder on the Dems if they nominate her. They need to clear out the gerontocracy and hand leadership over to younger pols who aren't so business-as-usual.
Oh boy...she is a failed candidate. I sure hope not:

Two-time Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will mount a third bid for the White House, longtime Clinton adviser Mark Penn wrote in an op-ed published Sunday by The Wall Street Journal, predicting that the former first lady and secretary of state is readying a "Hillary 4.0" campaign for 2020.


Also note what she said here a couple weeks ago:

“Well, I’d like to be president,” she said, during the public taping at the 92nd Street Y of Ms. Swisher’s podcast. "The work would be work that I feel very well prepared for having been at the Senate for eight years, having been a diplomat in the State Department, and it’s just going to be a lot of heavy lifting.”


“I’m not even going to even think about it until we get through this Nov. 6 election,” she said. “But I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure we have a Democrat in the White House come January of 2021.”


In other words, not a definite no. She still plans on thinking about it.

I wonder if she would even survive the primaries.
She isn't a failed candidate. However, I don't want her running in 2020 either. Her time as a Presidential nominee is up.

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In the same way that saying Bush Jr. wasn't a terrible president because he isn't Trump?
She won the popular vote. You can't say someone is a failure as a candidate if they won more votes than their opponent.
She won the popular vote. You can't say someone is a failure as a candidate if they won more votes than their opponent.

You can say they're a failure as a candidate if they lose the office they are seeking to a feckless moron like Trump.
She won the popular vote. You can't say someone is a failure as a candidate if they won more votes than their opponent.

You can say they're a failure as a candidate if they lose the office they are seeking to a feckless moron like Trump.

Agreed. She made obvious blunders and employed a bad strategy, which resulted in her not winning the White House. Granted, it took a freaky set of circumstances for it to happen, but it still happened. And assuming our elections remain untampered with, and that Trump is even still alive in 2020, there's no way in hell the Dem candidate is going to be as complacent as Hillary was.

I do shudder to think about another highly qualified and dignified person having to "debate" Trump again. God, what a fucking disgrace that was.
She won the popular vote. You can't say someone is a failure as a candidate if they won more votes than their opponent.

You can say they're a failure as a candidate if they lose the office they are seeking to a feckless moron like Trump.

Or you can say that it’s a failure of a nation which let it happen.
She won the popular vote. You can't say someone is a failure as a candidate if they won more votes than their opponent.

You can say they're a failure as a candidate if they lose the office they are seeking to a feckless moron like Trump.

Or you can say that it’s a failure of a nation which let it happen.

So... she should have run in Canada. Whose fault is that she can't handle da frozen nort?
Oh God please no. I know she a good-ish person, and is popular with her base, and that her base is very large, but winning a primary and winning an election are different things, and I can't take another election as close as the last one was.

I have a bad feeling about the whole Trump thing anyway. You can't take down radicalism easily; you have to be able to play hardball without getting egg on your own face, and Hillary has never been good at the election game. Politics, yes. Campaigns, no. It always puts her worst qualities on display, while her virtues are often silent.

Or you can say that it’s a failure of a nation which let it happen.

So... she should have run in Canada. Whose fault is that she can't handle da frozen nort?

The Clintons do run Haiti, more or less. That bastion of liberal democracy.
Saying that people voted for her and not Trump is not saying much.

It says she's not a "terrible candidate."

It says that Trump is a horror. Nothing more.

I would have voted for a baloney sandwich before Trump.

But Hillary was not somebody I supported. I do not support her ideas. She is not a liberal.

She is a moderate Republican.
She won the popular vote. You can't say someone is a failure as a candidate if they won more votes than their opponent.

You can say they're a failure as a candidate if they lose the office they are seeking to a feckless moron like Trump.

Or you can say that it’s a failure of a nation which let it happen.

Agreed. We get the government that we deserve. American turnout was low in 2016. And we're paying price for that.
Or you can say that it’s a failure of a nation which let it happen.

Agreed. We get the government that we deserve. American turnout was low in 2016. And we're paying price for that.

I don't know why these things persist, but we actually had a record turnout in 2016 (the third highest for president since the voting age was lowered to 18 in 1971 no less).

It's only "low" when you compare it to the first place outlier of 2008, but no one should do that for obvious reasons. You don't use the record holder as a mean baseline, unless you have an agenda to make anything you would compare that with lesser than it actually was (and/or are duped by people with such an agenda as it seems is the case with so many in the press and on the left that keep repeating this misnomer).

By the way, it works with Obama as well. If you compare 2008 to 2012, then turnout was "low" for 2012. But, again, you don't use the highest record ever as a mean baseline for comparison to properly assess it, other than to say something truly impressive (such as, it was the third largest turnout since 1971 or the like).

And, while we're at it you also don't factor in the total pool of eligible voters (or, for that matter, registered voters) other than as a factor of potential votes. As has been abundantly established, there are a myriad of reasons why someone doesn't vote (or register to vote), the majority of which having little to nothing to do with partisan/candidate issues (i.e., indicating a dislike of a candidate). Again, those on the right and with an agenda within the Democratic party always try to write the narrative that NO ONE liked Hillary--that everyone just "held their nose and voted" and other right wing talking points--but we have conclusive evidence that this is simply not the case.

Once you unpack all of the decades of Republican lies constantly hurled at Clinton and strip away ALL the undeserved feces from Sanders bots and look at her actual record dispassionately and without agenda, she has been nothing but a tireless defender of Democratic rights her entire life. I think the worst anyone can objectively say about her is that she is not as dynamic a speaker as her husband. In all other ideological matters, she is firmly and consistently left of center. She believes strongly in intelligent government regulation; a strong, but surgical and last resort military; diplomacy in all matters first and foremost; equal rights for all, equally applied; a strong economy promoting American interests (as all Presidents should); and a society of inclusiveness where everyone helps each other to work out mutual problems/issues. Etc.

Yes, I know, I can hear the feces sluicing down your collective colons--most likely "neoliberalism" weighted--but, again, if you set aside your own political bias/ideology for just ten seconds and think instead what qualities are necessary for the job of President--and it is a job--the fact that she doesn't give great speech (ironically) is the most irrelevant part of the job.

Plus, the very fact that ten thousand tons of shit have been dumped upon her for three decades from the Republicans (which has infected a small but vocal and persistent minority of liberals) conclusively proves that she was the one they most feared. If nothing else sinks in, that fact--that they went to such herculean lengths to repeatedly beat her down for decades--proves all on its own how much they feared what she could have accomplished in the office against their agenda.

It can't be both ways; that she's "just like them" while at the same time they have spent hundreds of millions of dollars over the decades to constantly undermine her at every turn. Again, that fact alone should be all the proof anyone would need in regard to where she stands in the political landscape.
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