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Former Clinton adviser says Hillary will run in 2020

Just how high was this record voter turnout in the 2016 election? This most heated election in which Trump became your leader? It must have been huge right? Who did the majority of eligible voters vote for?

Oh. Nobody. More people didn't vote than voted for Hillary or for Trump. Had more voted, Hillary could easily have won so says your survey, but they didn't come out to vote.

Your turnout was high compared to other elections, 58.1%. That's below relatively tame Canada's lowest voter turnout on record, of 58.8%. Canadian elections get announced about a month or two ahead instead of years, and Canadian Conservatives are usually to the left of your Democrats. And US influence is a hundred fold Canada's. Your elections are vitally important and your people are not voting in high numbers. Something is broken.

Why are there so many complaints from Americans of Russia controlling America, if Americans have so little interest in controlling themselves?
Just how high was this record voter turnout in the 2016 election? This most heated election in which Trump became your leader? It must have been huge right? Who did the majority of eligible voters vote for?

Oh. Nobody. More people didn't vote than voted for Hillary or for Trump. Had more voted, Hillary could easily have won so says your survey, but they didn't come out to vote.

Your turnout was high compared to other elections, 58.1%. That's below relatively tame Canada's lowest voter turnout on record, of 58.8%. Canadian elections get announced about a month or two ahead instead of years, and Canadian Conservatives are usually to the left of your Democrats. And US influence is a hundred fold Canada's. Your elections are vitally important and your people are not voting in high numbers. Something is broken.

That's not the focus of Koy's post, it was offered as a (lame imho) bit of supporting evidence. I agree with him that HRC has a truly stellar lifelong record of service and consistent dedication to the principles she has espoused. She would have made a good president. But that's water under the bridge. The decades of shit-dumping by republicans have had their intended effect; she is now not only a non-viable candidate, but if she were somehow installed in an executive position, every item on her agenda would be challenged in the light of the propaganda tsunami in which she will forever be awash. Time to let it go and look forward.
JYour elections are vitally important and your people are not voting in high numbers. Something is broken.

Wouldn't it be more correct to say that something is working? With an unengaged and uncaring population, it's that much easier for special interests to push through their own narrow agendas because there's less chance of blowback from the electorate due to nobody giving much of a shit about what's going on.
if she were somehow installed in an executive position, every item on her agenda would be challenged
Heh, then put her in charge of building Trump's Wall. Make the Republicans do the work of convincing their base that it's a bad idea, and kill it.
Then make her Secretary of the Space Force...
Tariff Czar...
Immigration Prevention Administration...
Just how high was this record voter turnout in the 2016 election? This most heated election in which Trump became your leader? It must have been huge right? Who did the majority of eligible voters vote for?

Oh. Nobody. More people didn't vote than voted for Hillary or for Trump. Had more voted, Hillary could easily have won so says your survey, but they didn't come out to vote.

Your turnout was high compared to other elections, 58.1%. That's below relatively tame Canada's lowest voter turnout on record, of 58.8%. Canadian elections get announced about a month or two ahead instead of years, and Canadian Conservatives are usually to the left of your Democrats. And US influence is a hundred fold Canada's. Your elections are vitally important and your people are not voting in high numbers. Something is broken.

That's not the focus of Koy's post, it was offered as a (lame imho) bit of supporting evidence. I agree with him that HRC has a truly stellar lifelong record of service and consistent dedication to the principles she has espoused. She would have made a good president. But that's water under the bridge. The decades of shit-dumping by republicans have had their intended effect; she is now not only a non-viable candidate, but if she were somehow installed in an executive position, every item on her agenda would be challenged in the light of the propaganda tsunami in which she will forever be awash. Time to let it go and look forward.

I agree as well that the baggage makes it extremely difficult for her to rise up, but then, that's what's been said of her all the time. What's more, if she should run again (and I doubt it), it would necessarily mean she'd have to be even more herculean in her efforts than any time previously, because it would most surely be her last possible attempt.

Which means that we would either see her fizzle out pretty quickly, OR see a side of her previously missing or muted. Either way we get the benefit of her (and her husband's) fundraising prowess so it's a win-win as far as the DNC is concerned.
Either way we get the benefit of her (and her husband's) fundraising prowess so it's a win-win as far as the DNC is concerned.

By fundraising prowess, do you mean ability to pander to the rich and become beholden to them? Yes, I think that's what you mean. Oh no, I'm sorry. She doesn't pander to the rich. She tells them to Cut It Out and waves her finger at them while she takes their money.
Just how high was this record voter turnout in the 2016 election? This most heated election in which Trump became your leader? It must have been huge right? Who did the majority of eligible voters vote for?

Oh. Nobody. More people didn't vote than voted for Hillary or for Trump. Had more voted, Hillary could easily have won so says your survey, but they didn't come out to vote.

Your turnout was high compared to other elections, 58.1%. That's below relatively tame Canada's lowest voter turnout on record, of 58.8%. Canadian elections get announced about a month or two ahead instead of years, and Canadian Conservatives are usually to the left of your Democrats. And US influence is a hundred fold Canada's. Your elections are vitally important and your people are not voting in high numbers. Something is broken.

That's not the focus of Koy's post, it was offered as a (lame imho) bit of supporting evidence. I agree with him that HRC has a truly stellar lifelong record of service and consistent dedication to the principles she has espoused. She would have made a good president. But that's water under the bridge. The decades of shit-dumping by republicans have had their intended effect; she is now not only a non-viable candidate, but if she were somehow installed in an executive position, every item on her agenda would be challenged in the light of the propaganda tsunami in which she will forever be awash. Time to let it go and look forward.

I agree as well that the baggage makes it extremely difficult for her to rise up, but then, that's what's been said of her all the time. What's more, if she should run again (and I doubt it), it would necessarily mean she'd have to be even more herculean in her efforts than any time previously, because it would most surely be her last possible attempt.

Which means that we would either see her fizzle out pretty quickly, OR see a side of her previously missing or muted. Either way we get the benefit of her (and her husband's) fundraising prowess so it's a win-win as far as the DNC is concerned.

I think she should stay in the shadows until the Dems capture either both houses of Congress and/or the presidency. And even then, she'd do better at educating newbie congresscritters and cabinet members than taking on any public role.
Sure, she had the potential to be an excellent president, but her time is up. I doubt she will actually run again, despite her desire to be president. And, I can't imagine any way that she would make it through the primaries, unless her supporters are the major group that votes in the primaries. I didn't even think she should have run in 2016. I thought she had too much baggage and was hated by too many people, that didn't even have a clue regarding her accomplishments and voting record. I have personally known quite a few Bernie Bros that voted third party, simply because and I quote, "I don't like Hillary". This is what you get when your vote is based on your emotions and not on a rational look at the candidates experience and voting history if they were members of Congress.
Sure, she had the potential to be an excellent president, but her time is up. I doubt she will actually run again, despite her desire to be president. And, I can't imagine any way that she would make it through the primaries, unless her supporters are the major group that votes in the primaries. I didn't even think she should have run in 2016. I thought she had too much baggage and was hated by too many people, that didn't even have a clue regarding her accomplishments and voting record. I have personally known quite a few Bernie Bros that voted third party, simply because and I quote, "I don't like Hillary". This is what you get when your vote is based on your emotions and not on a rational look at the candidates experience and voting history if they were members of Congress.

All of which is why I would love for her to run a third time, actually. Like I said, it would either fizzle very quickly, OR it would be a side of her we've not yet seen before and it would knock everyone's socks off. A last-ditch Hillary--gloves off, stripped of awkward speaking stance and too self-conscious "establishment" decorum--would be a remarkable force to be reckoned with.

Iow, the only possible way she could ever get anywhere would be to perform in such a way that no one (of significance) could argue against it. I for one would love for that to happen. It probably won't, but I'm more than open to her stepping back in that ring and taking on anyone who dares.

It can only sharpen the next generation to go up against something like that and unlike Sanders (who was a fraud and a Russian dupe as well) a last-ditch-bitch Clinton would actually school them in policy and experience, something so far lacking in darlings like Beto and Kennedy.
Some 70 million registered voters would disagree with the notion that she was a "failed" candidate.

She lost to someone who was clearly going to be one of the worst presidents in history. I call that a collasial failure.
While Hillary Clinton has the credentials and experience to be the President, she has alienated (rightly or wrongly) too many voters to be viable candidate for the POTUS. Add her age in 2020 (73), and that if Trump is running for re-election that it makes her look like she is running for revenge, and she is an unattractive candidate.
No she shouldn't. Presidential elections are decided in a few select states, and she didn't win enough of those states.
Some 70 million registered voters would disagree with the notion that she was a "failed" candidate.

She lost to someone who was clearly going to be one of the worst presidents in history.

Once again, she didn't lose the vote. And "clearly" is obviously a subjective assertion from the perspective of the left (and some in the middle), but not at all from the right.

I call that a collasial failure.

Bully for you.
No she shouldn't. Presidential elections are decided in a few select states, and she didn't win enough of those states.

She won half of those states, he won the other half. The problem--as has been mentioned countless fucking times itt alone--was with just three of those few select states and then only within certain key counties within those three states and then only by teeny weenie tiny little miniscule percentages of votes within those key counties, such that NO CANDIDATE EVER could have done anything about them. Literally a candidate sneezing (and thus indicating ill health) could have tipped those tiny scales.

What evidently tipped those handful of counties and that 0.006% voting differential had to do with (1) racism (nothing Clinton could have done anything about, other than courted racism as well), (2) the Comey effect (nothing Clinton could have done anything about, since it was an unprecedented choice made by an FBI director at a crucial point in the election cycle and ironically exonerated her, but people are idiots and they mistook it instead for condemnation and voted accordingly), (3) these three states were considered a "lock" for Clinton, so Dems in those states didn't bother voting, (4) Trump, (as Axulus aptly demonstrated) was considered by Dems to be too terrible a candidate for ANYONE to actually vote for, so Dems in those states didn't bother to vote (5) the still unknown effect of a massive covert propaganda campaign by the Russians who specifically targeted two of those key states, (6) the lasting effects of a bitterly divisive and completely unnecessary civil war within the Democratic party, thanks entirely to an outsider who was defeated in March, but for egotistical reasons refused to leave the stage, thus escalating the divisiveness and (equally fueled by GOP and Russians alike) did enough damage to her campaign to have accounted for the tiny percentage shift in those blue states all on their own. Etc; etc., etc.

And yes, of course, there were those who just irrationally hated women generally and her personally and bought the equivocation lie that she and Trump were the same, or that she was "establishment" (which really just means "qualified for the job") and/or a "corporate whore" based on no legitimate argument or evidence whatsoever other than "speeches" she was paid for (out of office) that not a single person can show in any way caused her to "pay for play" at any point.

ALL of it factored in, no doubt, but very clearly--and most importantly--is the fact that IN SPITE OF ALL OF THAT she still won the popular vote by several million AND we now have an even clearer picture of the percentage of registered voters who, for various non-partisan reasons did not manage to cast a vote, making Clinton's preference percentage firmly jump into landslide territory (55% to Trump's 46%) and would have meant she beat the record holder--Obama in 2008--by a close margin.

Which all proves that Clinton was overwhelmingly the preferred candidate and not in a "hold your nose and vote" way that the fringe around here alway try to assert like they represent the mainstream. The overwhelming majority of Democrats (the only one's that fucking matter) WANTED HILLARY TO BE PRESIDENT.

Even now, at this point, her approval among Dems (and Dem-leaning Independents) is around 89%.

So, once again and for auld lang syne, ALL of this proves that people here are NOT reflective of the majority of Dems nor present any accurate interpretation of what actually happened. It's emotional and biased, but disproved by the actual facts.
Some 70 million registered voters would disagree with the notion that she was a "failed" candidate.

She lost to someone who was clearly going to be one of the worst presidents in history. I call that a collasial failure.
Actually, the failure would be the electorate that elected the guy who'd obviously be a terrible leader.
Some 70 million registered voters would disagree with the notion that she was a "failed" candidate.

She lost to someone who was clearly going to be one of the worst presidents in history. I call that a collasial failure.
Actually, the failure would be the electorate that elected the guy who'd obviously be a terrible leader.

Come now, Jimmy. You know that the narrative can only EVER be "It's all Hillary's fault" that she lost (in spite of the fact that she won).
Actually, the failure would be the electorate that elected the guy who'd obviously be a terrible leader.

Come now, Jimmy. You know that the narrative can only EVER be "It's all Hillary's fault" that she lost (in spite of the fact that she won).
Hillary made two mistakes, going for the knockout victory in Georgia and naming white bread as her running mate. Otherwise, Hillary Clinton won the three battlegrounds she needed to squeak out a victory, Nevada, Virginia, and New Hampshire. That Trump won PA, MI, and WI (by a combined aggregate total of 80,000 votes) was somewhat of something that no one saw coming, including Trump.
Actually, the failure would be the electorate that elected the guy who'd obviously be a terrible leader.

Come now, Jimmy. You know that the narrative can only EVER be "It's all Hillary's fault" that she lost (in spite of the fact that she won).
Hillary made two mistakes, going for the knockout victory in Georgia and naming white bread as her running mate. Otherwise, Hillary Clinton won the three battlegrounds she needed to squeak out a victory, Nevada, Virginia, and New Hampshire. That Trump won PA, MI, and WI (by a combined aggregate total of 80,000 votes) was somewhat of something that no one saw coming, including Trump.

To say the least. And, more importantly, due to the many different variables at play in those states, could not possibly see coming. And that would include warnings from local field operatives (and her own husband)! Just because someone yells, "The sky is falling!" and then it falls, it doesn't mean that their insight or alarm actually presaged a falling sky. Particularly when the "solution"--go visit the state--is demonstrably NOT a legitimate solution.

The argument is: in order to for these people to figure out that you're the better candidate, they must physically see you standing a hundred feet in front of them or no deal. That's patently absurd, but even more ludicrous when you take into consideration the other states where she (and he) did do that and still lost. Somehow only in Wisconsin is this magical requirement necessary to win?

But, facts very clearly don't seem to mean anything when it's all about emotional (and therefore irrational) responses.
Let's see, Trump refused to honor the veterans at that semetary in France, refused to honor the veterans at Arlington, the Mueller investigation is closing in on him, the Republicans just lost a bunch of seats in the last election and[ent]hellip[/ent]


It's time to change the subject to Hillary Clinton!

Hillary Clinton! Hillary Clinton! Uranium One! Benghazi! But her emaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaail!!!!!!!
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