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Giuliani: Trump reimbursed Cohen for $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels

And the cover-ups of the cover-ups of the cover-ups just increase the number of accomplices after the fact.
When this bubble bursts, the prosecution's going to look like open auditions for Chorus Line.
I honestly think that the GOP believes, "They can't indict all of us."

Bob Mueller: "Here - hold my beer"
Just had an SNL sketch appear in my head.

The $130,000 Pyramid

Host: Okay, congrats to President Trump and his partner for making it to the final round.
Trump: Thank you. I want to say I'm so glad you have me on here. It's going to be a big ratings boost for your show.

Host: Who'll give and who'll receive?
Trump: Well umm... Cohen made the original payment, but I paid him back, totally above the board.
Host: I meant give the hints.
Trump: Oh, I will.
Host: Okay, your 60 seconds starts now.
Trump: Ah.... a witch hunt... I knew nothing about it... my lawyer dealt with it... I did pay her off.
Trump Partner: Things people say to avoid telling the truth.
Trump: It's a lie... I have the best legal team... lawyers are lining up to serve me...
Trump Partner: Things people say when they can't hire a lawyer.
Trump: The electoral college... illegal immigrants... voter fraud.
Trump Partner: Excuses people make for not winning the popular vote.
Trump: Melania... Ivana...
Trump Partner: People that have poor judgement?
Trump: Umm... umm... ahh...
Trump Partner: *Shrugs*
Trump: Oh gosh, umm...
Trump Partner: *looks at host*
Trump: Nothing is coming to mind.
Trump Partner: Things that are empathetic or have compassion.

Host: Ah, so close. You almost completed it, but don't feel bad.

This thing will be fun for the Trumpanzees (assuming they even hear about it, or think about it, which is a leap.)
So, according to Trump, there was no hookup with Stormy. And he didn't know that his lawyer was paying her off. So, unlike the dozen or so "liars" that he called bad people on the stump, and promised to sue after the election, this woman got an eighth of a million to shut up about nothing. And Trump, finding out about the payoff, reimbursed the lawyer. Right.
This is the same Donald who, in 1990, fell for a Spy Magazine prank to see which rich high rollers would actually cash a supposed rebate check for 13 cents. Donald was one of two who did.
Sad, sad, sad, sad, that he is such an oily, constant liar that he may be able to muddy the water permanently -- did anyone read the list of Mueller questions apparently leaked by Trump's team and not imagine the fuzzy, deceitful lies with which Trump would answer each one? He has found, beginning at least with his life as a Birther, that he can tell any amount of lies and not pay a price.
Trump is a major tragedy in our history. To the extent that he lies and swears and threatens his supposed enemies around the world -- without paying a price -- he shows that we have lost our way.
Just wondering... wouldn't it make sense for Trump to just admit to campaign finance violation, pay the fines or whatever, and move on? It sounds to me that the case that Stormy Daniels violated the NDA is pretty strong, and he could easily settle that and prevent further leaks from Daniels.
Just wondering... wouldn't it make sense for Trump to just admit to campaign finance violation, pay the fines or whatever, and move on? It sounds to me that the case that Stormy Daniels violated the NDA is pretty strong, and he could easily settle that and prevent further leaks from Daniels.

I suspect that Daniels's attorney is correct that when he says that Trump never signed the NDA so it isn't valid. Trump and Cohen were doing everything they could to keep Trump's involvement hidden so I wouldn't be surprised if it was unsigned.
Just wondering... wouldn't it make sense...

I'm going to have to stop you right there. The physical world works logically. The human mind does all kinds of weird things for weird reasons. In Trump's case, his ego means a lot to him.
Just wondering... wouldn't it make sense for Trump to just admit to campaign finance violation, pay the fines or whatever, and move on? It sounds to me that the case that Stormy Daniels violated the NDA is pretty strong, and he could easily settle that and prevent further leaks from Daniels.

I suspect that Daniels's attorney is correct that when he says that Trump never signed the NDA so it isn't valid. Trump and Cohen were doing everything they could to keep Trump's involvement hidden so I wouldn't be surprised if it was unsigned.

Why would Trump have to sign it, as long as he held to his end of the bargain? The only reason seems to be that there was a line in the NDA for Trump's alias, but other than that there is really no reason as long as his lawyer put his name on it.
No, a contract is an agreement between two parties. If one of those parties doesn’t agree to it, then there’s no agreement.
Just wondering... wouldn't it make sense for Trump to just admit to campaign finance violation, pay the fines or whatever, and move on? It sounds to me that the case that Stormy Daniels violated the NDA is pretty strong, and he could easily settle that and prevent further leaks from Daniels.

I suspect that Daniels's attorney is correct that when he says that Trump never signed the NDA so it isn't valid. Trump and Cohen were doing everything they could to keep Trump's involvement hidden so I wouldn't be surprised if it was unsigned.

Why would Trump have to sign it, as long as he held to his end of the bargain? The only reason seems to be that there was a line in the NDA for Trump's alias, but other than that there is really no reason as long as his lawyer put his name on it.
If he doesn't sign, he isn't a part of the NDA, he has no roll to fulfill.
No, a contract is an agreement between two parties. If one of those parties doesn’t agree to it, then there’s no agreement.

More specifically in two ways: he didn't sign it, he claims he was not aware of it.

As an aside, this is a catch 22 for him. If he says he was aware of it and approved it, then he gets into other trouble. If he claims he was ignorant, then it is non-binding and she gets to talk.
Why would Trump have to sign it, as long as he held to his end of the bargain? The only reason seems to be that there was a line in the NDA for Trump's alias, but other than that there is really no reason as long as his lawyer put his name on it.
If he doesn't sign, he isn't a part of the NDA, he has no roll to fulfill.
Does he have to be part of it? The agreement is that Stormy Daniels shuts up about the affair in exchange for $130,000. The payment was made by Cohen, so from Stormy's point of view the other party kept its part of the contract. Whether Trump himself knew about it or not is between him and his lawyer.
Why would Trump have to sign it, as long as he held to his end of the bargain? The only reason seems to be that there was a line in the NDA for Trump's alias, but other than that there is really no reason as long as his lawyer put his name on it.
If he doesn't sign, he isn't a part of the NDA, he has no roll to fulfill.
Does he have to be part of it? The agreement is that Stormy Daniels shuts up about the affair in exchange for $130,000. The payment was made by Cohen, so from Stormy's point of view the other party kept its part of the contract. Whether Trump himself knew about it or not is between him and his lawyer.

But that would mean that only Cohen could enforce it, not Trump. Or at least that argument could be made. If Trump is saying he's not a party to the contract, he has no right to enforce it. For example, if my neighbor stopped making his car payments to Ford Financing, I couldn't go repossess his car in order to enforce the contract...

Oh Jesus, Trump just said that Giuliani will "get his facts straight ... he's still learning..."


So this entire thread has been decapitated by Trump's pinball-like mouth.
Does he have to be part of it? The agreement is that Stormy Daniels shuts up about the affair in exchange for $130,000. The payment was made by Cohen, so from Stormy's point of view the other party kept its part of the contract. Whether Trump himself knew about it or not is between him and his lawyer.

But that would mean that only Cohen could enforce it, not Trump. Or at least that argument could be made. If Trump is saying he's not a party to the contract, he has no right to enforce it. For example, if my neighbor stopped making his car payments to Ford Financing, I couldn't go repossess his car in order to enforce the contract...

Oh Jesus, Trump just said that Giuliani will "get his facts straight ... he's still learning..."


So this entire thread has been decapitated by Trump's pinball-like mouth.
I hate it when the Stupid thread keeps spilling over into the other threads. :D
Why would Trump have to sign it, as long as he held to his end of the bargain? The only reason seems to be that there was a line in the NDA for Trump's alias, but other than that there is really no reason as long as his lawyer put his name on it.
If he doesn't sign, he isn't a part of the NDA, he has no roll to fulfill.
Does he have to be part of it? The agreement is that Stormy Daniels shuts up about the affair in exchange for $130,000. The payment was made by Cohen, so from Stormy's point of view the other party kept its part of the contract. Whether Trump himself knew about it or not is between him and his lawyer.

No, the other party did not keep their part of the contract because there was no other party. The fact that there was this separate person who gave her money isn't related to the NDA because that NDA specifies who the two parties involved in it are.
Does he have to be part of it? The agreement is that Stormy Daniels shuts up about the affair in exchange for $130,000. The payment was made by Cohen, so from Stormy's point of view the other party kept its part of the contract. Whether Trump himself knew about it or not is between him and his lawyer.

No, the other party did not keep their part of the contract because there was no other party. The fact that there was this separate person who gave her money isn't related to the NDA because that NDA specifies who the two parties involved in it are.

I've read the NDA. It specifies the two parties as: A) "EC LLC" and/or "David Dennison" aka Donald Trump, and B) "Peggy Peterson" aka Stormy Daniels. I think the "and/or" is crucial. DD doesn't have to sign if EC LLC signs, and vice versa, and Cohen signed it on behalf of EC LLC.
Does he have to be part of it? The agreement is that Stormy Daniels shuts up about the affair in exchange for $130,000. The payment was made by Cohen, so from Stormy's point of view the other party kept its part of the contract. Whether Trump himself knew about it or not is between him and his lawyer.

No, the other party did not keep their part of the contract because there was no other party. The fact that there was this separate person who gave her money isn't related to the NDA because that NDA specifies who the two parties involved in it are.

I've read the NDA. It specifies the two parties as: A) "EC LLC" and/or "David Dennison" aka Donald Trump, and "Peggy Peterson" aka Stormy Daniels. I think the "and/or" is crucial. DD doesn't have to sign if EC LLC signs, and vice versa, and Cohen signed it on behalf of EC LLC.

Well, if that's the case it's probably valid. Unless it was signed in furtherance of a criminal conspiracy for something like bank fraud or violating campaign finance laws, in which case it would be invalid anyways.
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