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Giuliani: Trump reimbursed Cohen for $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels

The fact that so many corporations gave money in a relatively short period of time suggests that they are used to doing this.

That in turn suggests that this is normal operating procedure and Trump/Cohen just got caught due to sheer incompetence.

I do hope that what was learned here results in the media and prosecutors digging more carefully through the shell companies in the orbit of other politicians as well.
Oh man Cohen is fucked! Granted, I suppose this is how DC works, but usually the lawyer of a porn star isn't the one to break this sort of relationship. And who knows what else Mueller knows.

Under the "normal" order of things, that's inarguable. But these jokers seem to be proceeding as if they expect the entire problem to go away. The only way I can see that happening is if Trump and his Altr-Right Congressional conspirators actually manage to overthrow American democracy and install the authoritarian regime that they obviously desire. The fact that they aren't ALL screaming, pointing fingers at each other and running like rats off a sinking ship, makes me think that they do have a plan to make that happen. Trump seems to have already "turned" some generals... if he can get the military to act on his behalf, it could get very bloody. Putin's delight...
Oh man Cohen is fucked! Granted, I suppose this is how DC works, but usually the lawyer of a porn star isn't the one to break this sort of relationship. And who knows what else Mueller knows.

Under the "normal" order of things, that's inarguable. But these jokers seem to be proceeding as if they expect the entire problem to go away. The only way I can see that happening is if Trump and his Altr-Right Congressional conspirators actually manage to overthrow American democracy and install the authoritarian regime that they obviously desire. The fact that they aren't ALL screaming, pointing fingers at each other and running like rats off a sinking ship, makes me think that they do have a plan to make that happen. Trump seems to have already "turned" some generals... if he can get the military to act on his behalf, it could get very bloody. Putin's delight...

I don't think that they expect the problem to go away. Their goal is more likely just to stave off impeachment until Trump makes as many changes as he can with the full powers of the presidency and the complicity of a Republican-controlled Congress. Even if the House or Senate flips in the midterm elections, the chances of impeachment actually removing this cancer on democracy are low. The best we can hope for, it seems, is to slow Trump down until 2020 and then send in the repair crew.
I don't think that they expect the problem to go away. Their goal is more likely just to stave off impeachment until Trump makes as many changes as he can with the full powers of the presidency and the complicity of a Republican-controlled Congress. Even if the House or Senate flips in the midterm elections, the chances of impeachment actually removing this cancer on democracy are low. The best we can hope for, it seems, is to slow Trump down until 2020 and then send in the repair crew.

The best thing about that is that you can then immediately turn around and blame all the problems on the repair crew.
Oh man Cohen is fucked! Granted, I suppose this is how DC works, but usually the lawyer of a porn star isn't the one to break this sort of relationship. And who knows what else Mueller knows.

Under the "normal" order of things, that's inarguable. But these jokers seem to be proceeding as if they expect the entire problem to go away. The only way I can see that happening is if Trump and his Altr-Right Congressional conspirators actually manage to overthrow American democracy and install the authoritarian regime that they obviously desire. The fact that they aren't ALL screaming, pointing fingers at each other and running like rats off a sinking ship, makes me think that they do have a plan to make that happen. Trump seems to have already "turned" some generals... if he can get the military to act on his behalf, it could get very bloody. Putin's delight...

I don't think that they expect the problem to go away. Their goal is more likely just to stave off impeachment until Trump makes as many changes as he can with the full powers of the presidency and the complicity of a Republican-controlled Congress. Even if the House or Senate flips in the midterm elections, the chances of impeachment actually removing this cancer on democracy are low. The best we can hope for, it seems, is to slow Trump down until 2020 and then send in the repair crew.

I dunno.... looks from here like there are a lot of co-conspiring congresscritters who might be exposing themselves to criminal charges - if conspiracy or obstruction charges are in the works. There is obviously a conspiracy - anyone not involved in it has made remarks to the effect of "you can't shake a tree in the Trump forest without a Russian falling out", which speaks to the huge number of people involved. But those people pushing for shit like impeaching Rosenstein, are gleefully and blatantly pursuing obstruction, and are apparently confident that they'll be shielded from consequences by the outcome they expect. What could THAT outcome possibly be?
Well, Giuliani has just been let go resigned from his law firm.


Apparently, their reaction to his statement about Cohen making these kinds of payments on Trump's behalf is the kind of thing lawyers do all the time for their clients caused the other lawyers in the firm to say "Fuck that shit. No we don't" and they didn't want to be associated with him anymore.

I guess sharks DO eat lawyers after all. :D
I think that they would have looked the other way, had Giuliani not publicly stated that he would have paid the hush money out of funding from his law firm, which happened to be them. At the time, Giuliani was on a leave of absence from the firm, but attention immediately focused on them after this bizarre claim. It may well have been an accurate claim that they do such things all the time, but they certainly didn't want to have a public reputation for doing it. They had little choice but to dismiss Giuliani.
And probably hoping their statement is enough for clients to stop calling the firm, asking, "do you really spend my money without my knowledge or permission? How does that show up on my bill?"
And probably hoping their statement is enough for clients to stop calling the firm, asking, "do you really spend my money without my knowledge or permission? How does that show up on my bill?"

It's not that bad, if every partner in the firm has only three clients...
Now, there's more issues because Giuliani said that Trump blocked the AT&T / Time Warner merger in order to show that all the money paid t Cohen didn't influence anything. However, the DoJ lawyer in charge of the case made a sworn statement that their decision was based solely on anti-trust matters and there was no political influence given by Trump, the White House or anyone else. So, now the question is whether that lawyer lied under oath.
Now, there's more issues because Giuliani said that Trump blocked the AT&T / Time Warner merger in order to show that all the money paid t Cohen didn't influence anything. However, the DoJ lawyer in charge of the case made a sworn statement that their decision was based solely on anti-trust matters and there was no political influence given by Trump, the White House or anyone else. So, now the question is whether that lawyer lied under oath.

The more people who (get away with a) lie under oath, the better for Cheato. By the time he is forced to lie under oath, lying under oath will be the "new normal", and whataboutism will set him free.
Anyone watch The Good Wife? They had this one old lawyer who used to be good but was now just a doddering old fool who wandered around the office with his pants off and they have to try to keep him busy so he doesn't embarrass the firm.

I think that's Guiliani and then when he went off on his own with Trump, there was no one to make sure he put his pants on before going outside.
Anyone watch The Good Wife? They had this one old lawyer who used to be good but was now just a doddering old fool who wandered around the office with his pants off and they have to try to keep him busy so he doesn't embarrass the firm.

I think that's Guiliani and then when he went off on his own with Trump, there was no one to make sure he put his pants on before going outside.

I'm hoping he took his pants off to put on a dress. That will make this shitshow way more fun to watch when all hell breaks loose.
Anyone watch The Good Wife? They had this one old lawyer who used to be good but was now just a doddering old fool who wandered around the office with his pants off and they have to try to keep him busy so he doesn't embarrass the firm.

I think that's Guiliani and then when he went off on his own with Trump, there was no one to make sure he put his pants on before going outside.

I'm hoping he took his pants off to put on a dress. That will make this shitshow way more fun to watch when all hell breaks loose.
That only works with a curly wig and him insisting he is Shirley Temple.

Remember When Rudy Giuliani Dressed Up in Drag and Let Donald Trump Grope His Fake Breasts?


Beat me to it by days.


I'm sure he "resigned" from that law firm and was not fired because he humiliated himself as a lawyer by getting his client in deeper legal trouble on his first day on the job. I'm sure the law firm wasn't desperate to disassociate themselves from that kind of public incompetence.

I heard the law firm didn't like it when Rudy said that law firms make non-disclosure contracts and pay offs all the time. Exposing the dirty little secrets.
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