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Here it Comes - A New Royal Proclamation from the Crown on Immigration


Veteran Member
Aug 30, 2005
SF Bay Area
Basic Beliefs
Libertarian-Conservative, Agnostic.
For some time I have been telling my associates and friends that the entire year, given King Obama's threats to "borrow power" from our Parliament has been a setup to issuing "Decrees" to grant royal amnesty to hundreds of thousands or millions, and to throw open borders; I suspect this may be the moment for the imperial hammer to strike.

One can predict the usual excuses for King's siezure - Congress didn't pass a reform, we can't wait, we have a crisis at the border because of Congresses failure to enact reform, no choice to do otherwise, must grant amnesty immediately before elections, must protect the children, yada yada.

On the plus side, it may help the Republicans take the Senate.
OMG! Somebody wants to do something instead of standing around posturing politically and doing nothing while crises magnify!

I know that making comparisons to Hitler is a horse that's been beaten to death in internet conversations, but it's safe to say that Obama makes Hitler look like Ghandi. It's too bad that comic books aren't real, because without the ability to have Superman fly to the White House to thwart this dastardly villian's malevolent schemes, everybody on the planet is about to die. Except for teh gheys, of course.
So you agree with Obama giving millions amnesty through an executive order?

Either that, or I find "King Obama" to be so fucking stupid that the only reasonable response to a post that uses it in an apparently serious manner is to cover my face in shame for the entire human race. But definitely one of the two.

I take it your response to my facepalm means that agree with the idea of intentionally infecting immigrant children with the Ebola virus before sending them back home.
I take it your response to my facepalm means that agree with the idea of intentionally infecting immigrant children with the Ebola virus before sending them back home.

I don't want to derail the thread on a side issue, but given that the entire problem of the immigrant children is based on the US having poor security, wouldn't it be more prudent to wait until after they're sent home to infect them with the Ebola virus?
LOL...reminds me of a Bloomberg editorial I read earlier today:

The president, along with the nation, will have to wait. In a statement that might as well have announced the death of irony, House leaders called on the president to address the problem unilaterally -- one day after having voted to authorize a lawsuit against him for addressing problems unilaterally.
Seriously. This Republican Congress should be held liable for every single irony meter that has busted in the last 2 years.

The damn Republicans in the House can't even find common ground amongst themselves to pass an Immigration bill. Certainly have more than enough of a majority to pass their own legislation. I mean, what in the hell is wrong with them? Elected too many partisan zombies that believe compromise is one of the seven deadly sins?
For some time I have been telling my associates and friends that the entire year, given King Obama's threats....


...I suspect this may be the moment for the imperial hammer to strike.

Kings don't have imperial hammers. Emperors have imperial hammers. Kings have royal ones.
What to do, and not do, about all those kids showing up along the southern border

What should be done with all those kids showing up on the southern U.S. border?

The basic answer is: let them come, let anyone who wants to take them or adopt them do so, but don't spend any tax dollars on them. And forget all the lawyers and judges and social workers, who cost us billions and billions of dollars.

If some of the children are not taken by private parties and become a threat, it should be possible to put them to work. These are not 3-year-olds.

There's lots of work to be done. As long as they're not paid anything other than basic food and shelter, there's plenty of work for them to do that would be worth that small cost.

It would be a harsh life for them, but it might be an improvement over the life they left behind.
So you agree with Obama giving millions amnesty through an executive order?

Either that, or I find "King Obama" to be so fucking stupid that the only reasonable response to a post that uses it in an apparently serious manner is to cover my face in shame for the entire human race. But definitely one of the two.
^^^ exactly

I take it your response to my facepalm means that agree with the idea of intentionally infecting immigrant children with the Ebola virus before sending them back home.
so that's why they are bringing those two infected missionaries home :p

- - - Updated - - -

For some time I have been telling my associates and friends that the entire year, given King Obama's threats....


...I suspect this may be the moment for the imperial hammer to strike.

Kings don't have imperial hammers. Emperors have imperial hammers. Kings have royal ones.

For some time I have been telling my associates and friends that the entire year, given King Obama's threats....


...I suspect this may be the moment for the imperial hammer to strike.

Kings don't have imperial hammers. Emperors have imperial hammers. Kings have royal ones.

Oh quite correct - I should have noted the mixed authoritarian metaphor that when I was thinking of him as a royal pain in the ass.

On the other hand, Emperor Obama is agreeable as well.

Agreed. The Flavorade has been consumed.

Can you provide a link to this decree from the throne?

Not yet, it seems that the King has delayed his royal proclamation. Apparently he is either waiting for our Parliament to recess (or perhaps waiting until after their new election) before announcing his latest usurpation and/or faithless non-execution of the Parliaments law. His Majesty grows impatient with democracy, and is vexed by troubles at the border of the Kingdom. His knights and squires, and men at arms, are helpless before the hordes of peasant children (it is rumored they cower in fear before the invaders might).

What is our King to do? Oh wail in fear and trepidation, throw open the Kingdom's borders to these children of the feared modern Vikings...run for you lives...and leave out the welcome mat for more!
Since when are Kings subject to judicial review?

This is just a sign the Republicans have nothing positive to add to any discussion. It's nothing but inane nonsense like this.
Since when are Kings subject to judicial review?

This is just a sign the Republicans have nothing positive to add to any discussion. It's nothing but inane nonsense like this.

King Obama has undergone little review and substantive control by our own Parliament, a Royal freedom not seen since before 1689, and the Glorious Revolution. They reaffirmed Parliament's claim to control taxation and legislation, and provided guarantees against the abuses of power which James II and the other Stuart Kings had committed...no 'selective enforcement' and 'unilateral law making' by the Sovereign was tolerated. "The Sovereign was forbidden from suspending or dispensing with laws passed by Parliament, or imposing taxes without Parliamentary consent."

"Parliament tightened control over the King's expenditure; ... as one Member of Parliament said, 'when princes have not needed money they have not needed us'.


Perhaps one day our Parliament will have such fine laws and Parliamentary rights.
What should be done with all those kids showing up on the southern U.S. border?

The basic answer is: let them come, let anyone who wants to take them or adopt them do so, but don't spend any tax dollars on them. And forget all the lawyers and judges and social workers, who cost us billions and billions of dollars.

If some of the children are not taken by private parties and become a threat, it should be possible to put them to work. These are not 3-year-olds.

There's lots of work to be done. As long as they're not paid anything other than basic food and shelter, there's plenty of work for them to do that would be worth that small cost.

It would be a harsh life for them, but it might be an improvement over the life they left behind.

Simple, they should be turned back. Mexico intentionally facilitated their migration and Mexico can (and would) not tolerate them in Mexico - they would promptly ship them back to Honduras (etc.).

Those that made it deeper into the US ought to be placed on buses, planes, in vented truck containers, and in freight cars and hauled out. Each should be tattoo'd with with an number and bar scan, and warned that should they ever try this again they will be breaking rocks at labor camps on the border for five years...and put to work building walls.
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