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Hillary vs Tulsi

That the Republicans are filled with rot doesnt in any way mean that the Democratic party doesn't have plenty of rot of its own. Logic 101.

Yet you seldom mention it. With every post, you further cement your reputation as a poe.

I have mentioned it every single time I have been asked about it, Poe.

Lol us calling each other po has a whole other reverse meaning in Tagalog.

Yet you have to be asked about it while you continuously propound on the idea that the "Democrat" party is bad and so many liberals aren't really true liberalsTM unasked.
I have mentioned it every single time I have been asked about it, Poe.

Lol us calling each other po has a whole other reverse meaning in Tagalog.

Yet you have to be asked about it while you continuously propound on the idea that the "Democrat" party is bad and so many liberals aren't really true liberalsTM unasked.

Your really odd hangup about the "Democrat" vs "Democratic" party wording is pure poe. Its ridiculous. As if I am supposed to know which you prefer or that you even think there's a difference. That I criticize Hillary more often than Trump is because pretty much 100% of this board agrees with me regarding Trump. I speak where I disagree with people pushing something here. I'm not a cheer squad. Trump is an ass. Hillary is also a problem. Both are standing in the way of actual progress.

Now, maybe you can get off your personal judgments and attacks and get back to the topic? Last I checked, I wasn't the topic of this thread.
If Bernie wins the nomination and Hillary backs him I will happily be wrong. But I very much doubt it.
At this point Tulsi is more likely to win the nomination than Bernie. And Tulsi's chances are infinitesimal.

Why do you think that? Bernie is way way way ahead of Tulsi in the polls. What are they overlooking?
So... Hillary now comes out and outright accuses Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian Agent.... with no evidence whatsoever being offered to back that up. She also points at Jill Stein and accuses the same. Van Jones has the right response.


Is Hillary really that spiteful and that in denial about 2016 still? Or is this some sort of weird attempt for her to actually get attention and help Tulsi's faltering campaign? Tulsi has gained more support from this than the opposite.


Another good vid about Tulsi, Bernie, and Yang. Showing 3 outsiders facing off against the corporate democrats and Hillary.

Can you explain to me how any of those three are 'outsiders?'
Can you explain to me how any of those three are 'outsiders?'

You think they aren't? Really?

It would be wonderful if they weren't and if the Hillary type insiders were ousted or welcoming of outsiders. We saw them in 2016, we see them now. Van Jones is exactly right when he says Russia is accused of spreading misinformation to divide Americans, but here is Hillary doing exactly that, pushing out smears without pushing out any facts to back anything up. Again, Stein isn't even running for office at all now, but she has to "give it up" because she's "also a russian asset"? lol

Update to the second vid you quoted above: Bernie has since come out in defence of Tulsi from Hillary's smears, much to his credit.
Why do you think that? Bernie is way way way ahead of Tulsi in the polls. What are they overlooking?

I think Sanders has reached his ceiling, more or less, especially with Warren taking up support on the left.
Then there is also age (78) and health (heart attack). And potential voters already know who he is. Unless Warren drops out, I do not foresee him gaining any significant additional support.
Tulsi, as much as she is unlikely to win, is at least young and healthy, plus she is unknown enough she can can some hope to increase her support levels as people get to know her.
Should both Biden and Trump implode I do think Bernie will win the nomination. I don't see Buttigieg taking it. Nobody else has much of a chance, as much as I would like to see Yang win (and Yang beats Trump for sure, which isn't a sure thing for Biden or Warren)
Can you explain to me how any of those three are 'outsiders?'

You think they aren't? Really?

It would be wonderful if they weren't and if the Hillary type insiders were ousted or welcoming of outsiders. We saw them in 2016, we see them now. Van Jones is exactly right when he says Russia is accused of spreading misinformation to divide Americans, but here is Hillary doing exactly that, pushing out smears without pushing out any facts to back anything up. Again, Stein isn't even running for office at all now, but she has to "give it up" because she's "also a russian asset"? lol

Update to the second vid you quoted above: Bernie has since come out in defence of Tulsi from Hillary's smears, much to his credit.

Ironically, the day may come when anyone helping Trump is no longer a Russian asset. As a powerless pariah, Russia probably won't want anything to do with him.
Should both Biden and Trump implode I do think Bernie will win the nomination. I don't see Buttigieg taking it. Nobody else has much of a chance, as much as I would like to see Yang win (and Yang beats Trump for sure, which isn't a sure thing for Biden or Warren)

I seriously doubt that. Bernie has a substantial following, but he doesn't appeal to most Democrats. Hillary lost primarily because a lot of people simply didn't like her. Bernie isn't liked by a large percentage of Democrats. Plus most Democrats aren't as far to the left as Bernie. Whether that's rational or not is besides the point. Many Americans simply won't vote for someone they don't like. I've spoken to people like that. You can't reason with them.

It's a dream to think that if someone like Bernie were actually able to become president that he or she would be able to accomplish their plans or goals. Obama was a very idealistic progressive candidate when he was running, but once her landed in the WH, he learned that he couldn't get everything he wanted. He also tried, unlike the current president, to represent all of the people and not just his base.

The Republicans saw this as a weakness and did everything in their power to obstruct him at every turn. What makes any of you think that this isn't what would happen if someone even more progressive than Obama were to become president? Even if the Democrats were able to take back the Senate, it's doubtful they'd hold a large enough majority to accomplish anything perceived as too progressive, and more than half of the Democrats are just left of center, ( by traditional definitions of the terms left and right ), so those who support the more progressive candidates are bound to be disappointed even if their candidate should somehow become president.

Bernie said he would legalize cannabis by executive order. I'm all for the legalization of cannabis, and the legalization or decriminalization of all recreational drugs, but I know damn well, despite Trump's abuses of executive privilege that weed isn't going to be legalized by executive order. That's nonsense. It would take Congressional action to change the drug laws in the country. No president has the power to make laws by executive order. We need to decrease executive power, not increase it. Trump has abused power. No president should ever get away with that again, not even when they support the same things that I do.
Should both Biden and Trump implode I do think Bernie will win the nomination.
I take it you mean Biden and Warren imploding?
And I don't think so. The vacuum left by Biden will be filled by some other moderate. And while Sanders would get a bump from most Warren supporters going to him, he will be hobbled by advanced age and health problems. Were Sanders 8 years younger, Warren's age, he'd have a decent chance if Waren were t implode, but not this year.

I don't see Buttigieg taking it.
I think you are discounting him too soon.

Nobody else has much of a chance, as much as I would like to see Yang win (and Yang beats Trump for sure, which isn't a sure thing for Biden or Warren)

Where was Bill Clinton in October 1991? Given the advanced age of the frontrunners, the nominee for 2020 might well emerge late.
It's a dream to think that if someone like Bernie were actually able to become president that he or she would be able to accomplish their plans or goals. Obama was a very idealistic progressive candidate when he was running, but once her landed in the WH, he learned that he couldn't get everything he wanted. He also tried, unlike the current president, to represent all of the people and not just his base.

The Republicans saw this as a weakness and did everything in their power to obstruct him at every turn. What makes any of you think that this isn't what would happen if someone even more progressive than Obama were to become president? Even if the Democrats were able to take back the Senate, it's doubtful they'd hold a large enough majority to accomplish anything perceived as too progressive, and more than half of the Democrats are just left of center, ( by traditional definitions of the terms left and right ), so those who support the more progressive candidates are bound to be disappointed even if their candidate should somehow become president.

You may be right. You may not have the democracy people think you have. Maybe its all shadowy figures in a back room who won't let progress happen for your country even if the people want it. But what's the alternative? Don't try? Just give up to the oligarchs and let the rich get richer and run over everyone as automation lands them in starvation and death? Surely you need to at least try to make a difference.

Trump has abused power. No president should ever get away with that again, not even when they support the same things that I do.

Why not? No really. Why not? I don't see you putting in sweeping reforms to stop the next president from acting as brashly as Trump is. I am surprised not to see any substantial efforts made in this regard, but I don't. Why not? I have no idea. But I don't see why the next president can't abuse his/her power just as much. Trump has opened a lot of eyes to what was mere tradition and not law, so why would future presidents hold to those traditions once they are broken open by Trump?
Where was Bill Clinton in October 1991? Given the advanced age of the frontrunners, the nominee for 2020 might well emerge late.

That's a good point. Is it possible that the winner isn't even running yet? I always thought it was ridiculous how far ahead of elections the USA starts things running. Canada just had a federal election and pretty much nobody except for the politicians themselves knew it was happening until a couple of months before.There were only 2 debates that I'm aware of (one in english and one in french)
Counterpoint: anybody who voluntarily signs up to follow orders in America's armed forces and doesn't feel constant shame about it is untrustworthy.

An interesting point. You have elsewhere posted that if someone has served that person should not run for elective office. Yet you support warmongers.

Say what now
Where was Bill Clinton in October 1991? Given the advanced age of the frontrunners, the nominee for 2020 might well emerge late.

That's a good point. Is it possible that the winner isn't even running yet?
Very likely in the race at the moment.
I always thought it was ridiculous how far ahead of elections the USA starts things running. Canada just had a federal election and pretty much nobody except for the politicians themselves knew it was happening until a couple of months before.There were only 2 debates that I'm aware of (one in english and one in french)
It is ridiculous. Having primaries in August and General Election in November seems quite doable. With California stepping their primary up, we are seeing more states move forward in the primary season, maybe making a shortened regional primary system closer to the General Election a possible dream.

This is assuming, of course, that we continue having elections.
Bernie has since come out in defence of Tulsi from Hillary's smears, much to his credit.

Nice. A Russian asset has "come out in defence" of a Russian asset and you're still pretending to not understand what being an "asset" entails in order to continue to smear Hillary.
Tulsi's points went up a little. So, while Hillary barely qualifies, she's somewhat of a Tulsi asset.
Bernie has since come out in defence of Tulsi from Hillary's smears, much to his credit.

Nice. A Russian asset has "come out in defence" of a Russian asset and you're still pretending to not understand what being an "asset" entails in order to continue to smear Hillary.

So everyone who doesn't support Hillary is a Russian asset?
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