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His Flatulence really doesn't like reporters

Surprised that he didn't come out with "that fake news guy is lucky we didn't cut him up with a bone saw and haul him out in a bag".
"On behalf of all of Montana thank you Mr. Trump for giving us hope again."

Such a shame Montana lost hope when Obama was president.

The nation moved from near economic collapse when Obama took office to the stability we still see today.

But Montana lost hope for some reason.

One can only wonder why.
Surprised that he didn't come out with "that fake news guy is lucky we didn't cut him up with a bone saw and haul him out in a bag".

You should write for him. That was perfect. I seriously trust that at least one of my neighbors would have LOVED that.

No one is really getting what the red tide in America is doing. It's not about being right. It's about having the best dig on the other side. That was a good one.

He approves of a congresscritter assaulting a reporter who asked a question he didn't like.

Its the integral part of his Barnum Bailey circus act and you and CNN are falling for it. You are looking at a game of checkers and Trump is playing 3D chess.
If you mean playing 3D chess as in Trump knowing his base, like a bunch of 5 year olds, will desperately claw to support anything that the liberals are against (such as beating up reporters), so Trump makes statements he knows liberals will be quite WTF about so his base will support the cause (undefined) even more, I suppose you are right. But that really isn't what is meant by 3D Chess.

Also Trump is Sen. Iselin, Conway is his wife. To suggest Trump understands the intricacies is delusional.

He approves of a congresscritter assaulting a reporter who asked a question he didn't like.

Its the integral part of his Barnum Bailey circus act and you and CNN are falling for it. You are looking at a game of checkers and Trump is playing 3D chess.

Exactly... I see the Dems as a football team that has decided that they will not tackle without written consent from the opposing player... and they are wandering around the field, bloody and bruised, wondering why the fans haven't stormed the scoreboard and just given them the game. How many points is moral high ground worth in football anyway?
I see the Dems as a football team

...and that's the root of the problem with alt-rightism. Society is not a zero-sum game, except under autocratic rule.
I think that if "Nationalists" (racist xenophobes) want an autocratic government, they should come right out and say so, then let the electorate decide. Otherwise, autocracy will creep up upon us slowly with each violation of democratic principles committed by Cheato, and we are all going to wake up one day (very soon) wondering what happened to the vision of the Founders.
I see the Dems as a football team

...and that's the root of the problem with alt-rightism. Society is not a zero-sum game, except under autocratic rule.
I think that if "Nationalists" (racist xenophobes) want an autocratic government, they should come right out and say so, then let the electorate decide. Otherwise, autocracy will creep up upon us slowly with each violation of democratic principles committed by Cheato, and we are all going to wake up one day (very soon) wondering what happened to the vision of the Founders.
Or more importantly, the right-wing is playing dirty football and the Dems are trying to run the country.
I see the Dems as a football team

...and that's the root of the problem with alt-rightism. Society is not a zero-sum game, except under autocratic rule.
I think that if "Nationalists" (racist xenophobes) want an autocratic government, they should come right out and say so, then let the electorate decide. Otherwise, autocracy will creep up upon us slowly with each violation of democratic principles committed by Cheato, and we are all going to wake up one day (very soon) wondering what happened to the vision of the Founders.

That's like saying, If my opponent is going for the knight's gambit in chess, then he should just tell me so.
It's up to you to identify the opponents strategy and take the appropriate actions. Not wish upon a star that they took a different strategy.
The American people do not care about being nice in politics. The American people do not care about other people's disadvantages... as long as they feel advantaged. The American people are generally unimpressed with book smarts. The American people are going to vote accordingly.
Now, when ya'll get back from Mars and wish to join the rest of Earth, you can maybe adjust your strategy to win an election that is in line with the reality of how Americans actually think and act... not how your dorm mates in college theorized the world should be.

Step 1: win
Step 2: make the world how you want it.

You are doing it backwards:

Step 1: assume the world is how you want it to be
Step 2: be confused about why you are not winning.
I see the Dems as a football team

...and that's the root of the problem with alt-rightism. Society is not a zero-sum game, except under autocratic rule.
I think that if "Nationalists" (racist xenophobes) want an autocratic government, they should come right out and say so, then let the electorate decide. Otherwise, autocracy will creep up upon us slowly with each violation of democratic principles committed by Cheato, and we are all going to wake up one day (very soon) wondering what happened to the vision of the Founders.

That's like saying, If my opponent is going for the knight's gambit in chess, then he should just tell me so.

A decent chess player should know if that's happening. No decent player simply grabs the opponent's pieces when they're not looking - only a player whose irst objective is to "win" does that.

It's up to you to identify the opponents strategy and take the appropriate actions. Not wish upon a star that they took a different strategy.

I do hope that some public servants can identify the opponents strategy and take the appropriate actions against the terrorist who is sending bombs to people who have spoken up against Mr. Marmalade, despite his not-so-tacit endorsement of such tactics.

The American people do not care about being nice in politics.

You probably don't remember, but the last time this country was truly under threat, it came together and prevailed. That was "nice". Had we not come together, we would likely be under the rule of people who follow your advice:

Step 1: win [at all cost, because the end justifies the means]
Step 2: make the world how you want it.
(parenthetical added above)

If you want to be controlled by people who subscribe to that [lack of] ethic, you are free to vote for Cheato again. I have no problem with that.
I do have a problem with voter suppression, gerrymandering, fear tactics, divisive lies, intimidation and terrorism.
But go ahead and join your ideological doppleganger who is mailing bombs to people with whom (s)he disagrees. They obviously agree with you that the only first priority that matters is to "win". See where that gets you in the long run.
That's like saying, If my opponent is going for the knight's gambit in chess, then he should just tell me so.
No, the complaint is that in a middle of a game of chess, the opponent is dealing himself a winning hand of poker. While pretending to be winning at the chess game.
I think anyone can agree that the ends do not always justify the means. but sometimes they do.
Is this a word liberals are familiar with: "SOMETIMES"

Is murder bad? Yes? Well what about war?
Is lying bad? Yes? Well why do you tell your children that everything is going to be OK (it's not - not everything).
Is breaking the law bad" Yes? when is the last time you exceeded the speed limit?

Yes... No... Sometimes....
I think anyone can agree that the ends do not always justify the means. but sometimes they do.
Is this a word liberals are familiar with: "SOMETIMES"

Is murder bad? Yes? Well what about war?
Bad example. If murder is the unlawful taking of human life, then a soldier's actions in a declared war are not murder. He's been authorized by the state to operate in that theatre and take the enemy's life.
Note that shooting his own troops or innocent civilians, even in war, can be prosecuted as murder.
Is lying bad? Yes?
Good example. It's usually a cost/benefit analysis, will a white lie do more good than absolute truth.
Is breaking the law bad" Yes?
Well, yeah.
Especially if, in context, we're talking about the people who are representing us to MAKE the laws.
when is the last time you exceeded the speed limit?
Another bad example. Asking if I have broken a law does not change my answer to whether or not it was bad to do so.
That would be pretty psychotic, wouldn't it? If I said lawbreaking was a bad thing EXCEPT when _I_ did it? Then it's good?

Kind of like if I was the president of some shithole third-world country, saying "it's not illegal if the presidente does it."

As it is, I recognize that speeding is bad. So when I get a ticket for speeding, I pay it. I don't try to argue with the cop that it was okay to speed.
Yes... No... Sometimes....
One out of three.

Man, you really suck at analogies and examples.
OK I can ignore the rest for now and focus on just the part Keith agrees with. Lying is sometimes bad and sometimes good, and it needs a cost / benefit analysis. The benefit is the outcome (assuming a positive outcome). So you agree that SOMETIMES the ends justify the means.

If you really do think that the Dems will "save the world" from the "horrible horrible long term and deadly damage" that the Reps are allegedly doing, then doesn't that pass your cost / benefit test? Save the world, at the cost of stretching the truth a bit. Seems the Liberal handicap prevents consistent thinking.
That's like saying, If my opponent is going for the knight's gambit in chess, then he should just tell me so.
No, the complaint is that in a middle of a game of chess, the opponent is dealing himself a winning hand of poker. While pretending to be winning at the chess game.

Then be smart and throw down some cards and declare "Gin" and demand your winnings. Deny the existence of chess. Claim the opponent already folded. Show pictures of dogs playing poker and put a Trump wig on the ugliest dog. Blanket Facebook with stories of people getting shot at poker tables and every story ever of anyone getting caught cheating in a casino. Spread rumors that they were playing with Tarot cards and were trying to cast demonic spells on the spectators. Play.the.game. All the winning is getting boring, just like he said it would.

- - - Updated - - -

... and yes, I truly do completely suck at analogies. If I were any worse at telling stories to make a point, I'd be a Democrat.
That's like saying, If my opponent is going for the knight's gambit in chess, then he should just tell me so.
No, the complaint is that in a middle of a game of chess, the opponent is dealing himself a winning hand of poker. While pretending to be winning at the chess game.

Then be smart and throw down some cards and declare "Gin" and demand your winnings. Deny the existence of chess. Claim the opponent already folded. Show pictures of dogs playing poker and put a Trump wig on the ugliest dog. Blanket Facebook with stories of people getting shot at poker tables and every story ever of anyone getting caught cheating in a casino. Spread rumors that they were playing with Tarot cards and were trying to cast demonic spells on the spectators. Play.the.game. All the winning is getting boring, just like he said it would.
You seem to have a good handle on how Trump communicates.
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