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His Flatulence really doesn't like reporters

Well I'm so glad we have this new guy here to help steer us in the right direction.
This post should win some kind of prize. :D

Your welcome?

I know you guys LOVE your sarcasm... like your favorite flavor of humor. If fucking Hillary was able to wipe the sarcastic bitch-smile off her face for two seconds during the debates, and address lies with powerful and factual statements, instead of just rolling her eyes in a "lets all laugh on the inside about this" way and say NOTHING... Then we wouldn't be fighting with each other like this.

Learn something from that... like how to influence large numbers of people instead of be snippy with a handful.
If fucking Hillary <blah blah blah>

The only people that need Hillary for ANYTHING at this point are the lamest of the lame Republicans, who cannot talk about healthcare or any other salient issue without blatantly lying. They will use any excuse to change the subject and try to inflame hatred among their followers, in the hope that their legions of STUPID will come out and vote in sufficient numbers to suppress the majority.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not going to work this time.

Gun Nut, you keep saying Dems need to play dirty to have any chance - the numbers don't lie, and that's not true. All they have to do is
If fucking Hillary <blah blah blah>

The only people that need Hillary for ANYTHING at this point are the lamest of the lame Republicans, who cannot talk about healthcare or any other salient issue without blatantly lying. They will use any excuse to change the subject and try to inflame hatred among their followers, in the hope that their legions of STUPID will come out and vote in sufficient numbers to suppress the majority.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not going to work this time.

Gun Nut, you keep saying Dems need to play dirty to have any chance - the numbers don't lie, and that's not true. All they have to do is

OK, good luck.. since you will be fully relying on that. how did that work for ya last time? what is different today, besides the Reps being even more effective at influencing people's opinions? They say insanity is expecting the outcome to be different without changing your tactic.
If fucking Hillary <blah blah blah>

The only people that need Hillary for ANYTHING at this point are the lamest of the lame Republicans, who cannot talk about healthcare or any other salient issue without blatantly lying. They will use any excuse to change the subject and try to inflame hatred among their followers, in the hope that their legions of STUPID will come out and vote in sufficient numbers to suppress the majority.

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's not going to work this time.

Gun Nut, you keep saying Dems need to play dirty to have any chance - the numbers don't lie, and that's not true. All they have to do is

OK, good luck.. since you will be fully relying on that. how did that work for ya last time?

Thanks for the good luck wishes, and all the sincerity with which they are offered. :rolleyes:
Last time, fyi more eligible voters stayed home than voted for Hated Hillary OR Agent Orange.
Cross your fingers for a repeat, GN, because if most eligible voters come out, it's the beginning of the end of Republicans' minority rule - dirty tricks notwithstanding.
I'm here for two reasons. To promote safe gun ownership and discuss related politics (which I haven't even gotten to yet!). And also to try and point out how badly you don't even realize you are doing in the political races. I'd like a fair fight, but if you think that means that the Reps are going to just stop doing what is working for them, then you guys are too crazy, lazy, or have your heads too far up in the clouds to represent a dog, much less any Americans.

Make up your mind. You say you wan it to be fair but you also say the Republicans won't stop cheating. And you are in effect blaming the Democrats for not being slime like the Republicans are.
It's not just Trump that doesn't like reporters. It's the entire right (and yes, that includes libertarians).

Rightists hate reporters because, well[ent]hellip[/ent]


Because that.

People talk about a "post-fact society" as if this started with Trump. It didn't start with Trump. The entire right has been waging war on facts since long before Trump even thought about running for office.

That's why FOX News and the ranters on right wing radio constantly carry on about the "biased liberal media."
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