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His Flatulence really doesn't like reporters

OK I can ignore the rest for now and focus on just the part Keith agrees with. Lying is sometimes bad and sometimes good, and it needs a cost / benefit analysis. The benefit is the outcome (assuming a positive outcome). So you agree that SOMETIMES the ends justify the means.
So, yeah, sometimes.
If you really do think that the Dems will "save the world" from the "horrible horrible long term and deadly damage" that the Reps are allegedly doing, then doesn't that pass your cost / benefit test? Save the world, at the cost of stretching the truth a bit.
No, I do not think so. You went from telling comforting lies to children all the way to lying to voters in order to gain/retain power.
I don't want comforting lies from our leaders, even if they're Democrats telling democratic lies.
I really want to be able to trust the people at the helm.

When Jimmy Carter became Governor of Georgia, he wooed the Klan because they were a political power in the state. He talked about supporting them, their goals.
Once in office, however, he worked for equal opportunity, at the cost of white supremacist desires.

I think that what he did in office was good.
I think that what he did to GET into office was bad.
Seems the Liberal handicap prevents consistent thinking.
Odd how you got to that conclusion about my answer before you got my answer...
Then be smart and throw down some cards and declare "Gin" and demand your winnings.
You're losing the picture. THE GAME is chess. The constitution is chess. If they are throwing chess out the window to take control at the expense of the constitution, the right thing to do is hold them accountable for that, NOT to try to throw the constitution out before they do.

... and yes, I truly do completely suck at analogies. If I were any worse at telling stories to make a point, I'd be a Democrat.
My, what a meaningless noise. But at least you got a dig in at the end.
Kind of a shaggy-dog post.
So, yeah, sometimes. No, I do not think so. You went from telling comforting lies to children all the way to lying to voters in order to gain/retain power.
I don't want comforting lies from our leaders, even if they're Democrats telling democratic lies.
I really want to be able to trust the people at the helm.

When Jimmy Carter became Governor of Georgia, he wooed the Klan because they were a political power in the state. He talked about supporting them, their goals.
Once in office, however, he worked for equal opportunity, at the cost of white supremacist desires.

I think that what he did in office was good.
I think that what he did to GET into office was bad.
Seems the Liberal handicap prevents consistent thinking.
Odd how you got to that conclusion about my answer before you got my answer...

... and I want cars to be banned and everyone on horseback. Really. I do. But, the phrase that comes to mind is, "too fucking bad. This is how it is now".
and you know what... I believe the second amendment shall not impede the right of the people to form a militia (who themselves may bare arms), and that militia is called the police force. But, it was interpreted oddly, and everyone gets a gun. hurrah! My favorite pastime. This is just how it is now.

I'm just trying to help you guys out here. I don't really want you to win (you never will, more clear after reading you guys)... This is like a parent helping a child learn chess... to make the game more fun to play with them.

I understand the desire to be "Jesus like" in morality and be able to bask in your own goodness to others. Keep on trying that even though it obviously isn't working. Try and bore us out of office with all the winning we are doing.
Well I'm so glad we have this new guy here to help steer us in the right direction.

He approves of a congresscritter assaulting a reporter who asked a question he didn't like.

Its the integral part of his Barnum Bailey circus act and you and CNN are falling for it. You are looking at a game of checkers and Trump is playing 3D chess.

Exactly... I see the Dems as a football team that has decided that they will not tackle without written consent from the opposing player... and they are wandering around the field, bloody and bruised, wondering why the fans haven't stormed the scoreboard and just given them the game. How many points is moral high ground worth in football anyway?

Yeah, the Dems won't tackle because it's a game of flag football.

The Democrats have been losing because they're trying to play fair. The Republicans don't care about the rules, they cheat, cheat, cheat.
I'm just trying to help you guys out here.
No, you're really not. You're just bragging.
That's the funny part.

After all these years, the GOP pretended to be the party protecting the Constitution, the party defending the law, the party for the worker, now they're just a cult of personality for a guy who cannot stop lying even when the actual truth would make him look better, and they brag about this total shit-canning of the ideals they pretended to hold in high esteem.
I understand the desire to be "Jesus like" in morality and be able to bask in your own goodness to others. Keep on trying that even though it obviously isn't working. Try and bore us out of office with all the winning we are doing.
Jesus like? Fuck the Lamb.
I simply took an oath to the Constitution way back when. I self-identify as law-abiding.
You're just an authoritarian with a "business man" who's gone bankrupt almost as often as he's cheated on his wives...
Well I'm so glad we have this new guy here to help steer us in the right direction.

I'm disappointed too.

It's like a when a Champion for Jesus shows up claiming to be able to prove that the Good News is true. I'll start reading, curious to see if they have something interesting to say, but it invariably ends up being more of the same, already hashed out detritus that's been sifted through countless times before.
... and I want cars to be banned and everyone on horseback. Really. I do. But, the phrase that comes to mind is, "too fucking bad. This is how it is now".
and you know what... I believe the second amendment shall not impede the right of the people to form a militia (who themselves may bare arms), and that militia is called the police force. But, it was interpreted oddly, and everyone gets a gun. hurrah! My favorite pastime. This is just how it is now.

I'm just trying to help you guys out here. I don't really want you to win (you never will, more clear after reading you guys)... This is like a parent helping a child learn chess... to make the game more fun to play with them.

I understand the desire to be "Jesus like" in morality and be able to bask in your own goodness to others. Keep on trying that even though it obviously isn't working. Try and bore us out of office with all the winning we are doing.

WTF is any of this supposed to mean?

It's like a blackout drunk typing the last random floaties making their way through his brain before they pass out and wake up not knowing how they got where they are.
Exactly... I see the Dems as a football team that has decided that they will not tackle without written consent from the opposing player... and they are wandering around the field, bloody and bruised, wondering why the fans haven't stormed the scoreboard and just given them the game. How many points is moral high ground worth in football anyway?

Yeah, the Dems won't tackle because it's a game of flag football.

The Democrats have been losing because they're trying to play fair. The Republicans don't care about the rules, they cheat, cheat, cheat.
In wrestling terms, the heel actually has babyface fans. It is as if the NWO assumed the Presidency. The more they cheat and manipulate, the bigger the cheers.
Ya'll should funnel some of that hostility into productive use. I don't think I directly insulted any of you. As a group, I think Liberal Democrats are idiotic, and not even for all of their policy beliefs, or religious beliefs... but their failure to succeed.
You know, I did't just join this site out of the blue. I have been reading what ya'll been talking about for over 3 months. I can say for sure that I know you all a lot better than you all know me. You constantly fight amung yourselves, insult each other, and then wonder why you fail to have the right support from the right people, politically.

I'm here for two reasons. To promote safe gun ownership and discuss related politics (which I haven't even gotten to yet!). And also to try and point out how badly you don't even realize you are doing in the political races. I'd like a fair fight, but if you think that means that the Reps are going to just stop doing what is working for them, then you guys are too crazy, lazy, or have your heads too far up in the clouds to represent a dog, much less any Americans.
Ya'll should funnel some of that hostility into productive use.

Thank you for your constructive criticism. I'm sure that the monolithic block of opinionated posters to whom you refer as "y'all", will eagerly take up your advice.

I'd like a fair fight, but if you think that means that the Reps are going to just stop doing what is working for them, then you guys are too crazy, lazy, or have your heads too far up in the clouds to represent a dog, much less any Americans.

TRANSLATION: "I'd like a fair fight, but you'll never get one until you try to create an unfair fight, just like my side is doing."

There's a word for that... it starts with "H" and ends with "YPOCRISY".
I, for one, do appreciate your being so transparent about it though.
Ya'll should funnel some of that hostility into productive use.
And you demonstrate this principle by...?
I don't think I directly insulted any of you.
So, what, we should not take umbrage because you paint the whole group with a wide brush?
As a group, I think Liberal Democrats are idiotic, and not even for all of their policy beliefs, or religious beliefs... but their failure to succeed.
So you're the ones succeeding, but you gotta cheat to do so. Kay.
You know, I did't just join this site out of the blue. I have been reading what ya'll been talking about for over 3 months.
And...you still don't know how the site works?
I can say for sure that I know you all a lot better than you all know me.
Unless we say 'Dupe.'
You constantly fight amung yourselves, insult each other, and then wonder why you fail to have the right support from the right people, politically.
Sounds a bit more like something you BRING to this site than you found on it, but go ahead.
I'm here for two reasons. To promote safe gun ownership and discuss related politics (which I haven't even gotten to yet!).
So, that's your purpose, but after three months of prep, you have failed to start?
No wonder you lke Trump and his never-to-fulfill campaign promises.
And also to try and point out how badly you don't even realize you are doing in the political races.
After 3 months, you have not found the threads discussing the results of the political races?

Just how illiterate are you?
Ya'll should funnel some of that hostility into productive use.

Thank you for your constructive criticism. I'm sure that the monolithic block of opinionated posters to whom you refer as "y'all", will eagerly take up your advice.

I'd like a fair fight, but if you think that means that the Reps are going to just stop doing what is working for them, then you guys are too crazy, lazy, or have your heads too far up in the clouds to represent a dog, much less any Americans.

TRANSLATION: "I'd like a fair fight, but you'll never get one until you try to create an unfair fight, just like my side is doing."

There's a word for that... it starts with "H" and ends with "YPOCRISY".
I, for one, do appreciate your being so transparent about it though.

Thank you, Elixir. I respect your manner.

I'm sure we will disagree on much, but it seems like you might be a pleasant person to talk about things with.

I think I agree with what you are saying... that the Reps are being dirty.. .or maybe all politicians have been dirty for many years and the Reps have discovered they don't need to be so careful hiding it anymore. whatever it is, I am not here to tell you guys that the Reps are right about lying. I am here to tell you that the Dems have to change with the times, like it or not, or die.

do you have a theory on why this message I bring is being met with such hostility? Fucking Hillary said something recently.. "when they go low, we used to go high.. now, we need to kick them when their down". Any comment about that? I suppose Keith is sending her hate mail too, hahaha.
all politicians have been dirty for many years and the Reps have discovered they don't need to be so careful hiding it anymore.

I might add that Republicans have also discovered that there is no different set of repercussions for really REALLY dirty tactics than for slightly eyebrow-raising ones, so they're going all-in on the former.

I am here to tell you that the Dems have to change with the times, like it or not, or die.

I just voted... for a bunch of Democrats, an Independent and zero Republicans, even though the one running for Sheriff is a friend and neighbor whom I like and trust.
Now I am cancelling my affiliation with the Dem party. If they fail to get control of at least one House of Congress this cycle, I have a plan to liquidate my fortune (such as it is) and move out of the Country.
I hope it doesn't come to that, but you'll probably concur that if/when any not-Republican entity gains majority power in the US government, it will not be an entity name "Democrats".

do you have a theory on why this message I bring is being met with such hostility?

Probably because it sounds like you're endorsing a psychopath.

Fucking Hillary said something recently.. "when they go low, we used to go high.. now, we need to kick them when their down". Any comment about that? I suppose Keith is sending her hate mail too, hahaha.

I believe that was Eric Holder, not Hillary (though she has voiced a similar "get tough" message), and he fucked up the soundbyte massively. He never said "when they're down" and actually qualified a few seconds after saying "we kick 'em" that he meant nothing illegal, but just play to win and blah blah blah.
IMHO he should have simply said "We kick em. Out of office", so he couldn't have been so easily taken out of context.

I have noticed that one can raise quite a bit of ire around here with mis-attributions like yours above, that look intentional, or like someone has been consuming too much Fox or Breitbart. Appearing to endorse a psychopath will do it every time though.
Ya, the "divided country" seems to put me in that box... since there are only two boxes... maniacal Hillary follower or loyal Trump follower. That's playing for a team, not for a set of principles.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm also not voting for anyone who is so incredibly blind to reality either.

Think of me more as a referee than a player, if you like.
Ya, the "divided country" seems to put me in that box... since there are only two boxes... maniacal Hillary follower or loyal Trump follower. That's playing for a team, not for a set of principles.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm also not voting for anyone who is so incredibly blind to reality either.

Think of me more as a referee than a player, if you like.

I know of exactly ZERO maniacal Hillary followers. (Hillary who? She is about as relevant as Hubert Humphrey is right now, except as a foil for Republican vitriol)
I do know a number of rabid Rumpsuckers though. Most of them are enraptured by the personality, the empty pie-in-the-sky promises and the sheer entertainment value of someone railing against "the establishment" (which, ironically is Trump himself). Just today, one of them was expressing delight in the increase in her paycheck from the god-ordained tax cuts. I gently asked how much... $30/wk. Do you have a 401K? Yes... how's that doing? "Well it WAS doing fine..."
I didn't have the heart to disillusion her with the facts...
Ya, the "divided country" seems to put me in that box... since there are only two boxes... maniacal Hillary follower or loyal Trump follower. That's playing for a team, not for a set of principles.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm also not voting for anyone who is so incredibly blind to reality either.

Think of me more as a referee than a player, if you like.

I know of exactly ZERO maniacal Hillary followers. (Hillary who? She is about as relevant as Hubert Humphrey is right now, except as a foil for Republican vitriol)
I do know a number of rabid Rumpsuckers though. Most of them are enraptured by the personality, the empty pie-in-the-sky promises and the sheer entertainment value of someone railing against "the establishment" (which, ironically is Trump himself). Just today, one of them was expressing delight in the increase in her paycheck from the god-ordained tax cuts. I gently asked how much... $30/wk. Do you have a 401K? Yes... how's that doing? "Well it WAS doing fine..."
I didn't have the heart to disillusion her with the facts...

:) another little fact... as it approaches the end of the year, 401k maxes out. employers stop making contributions, because, like, the law. So, your paycheck goes up the amount you were contributing.. I only know this because my company does bonuses around then and I can never tell if I am getting a raise, bonus, or its just my money that is not going into savings.
wonder if her 30 bucks was that, even. hahaha.
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