The accomplishment of the Christian intention of a universal community of freedom and equality is inevitable. Christianity leads to liberalism, liberalism to ideal socialism, ideal socialism to communism, as the fascist philosophers are accustomed nowadays to assert.--
The Clue to history / John Macmurray, p. 206.
Christianity is fundamentally authoritarian. You cannot deny that. The basis of Christianity is not the red words in the NT. The basis of Christianity is that magical father-god who you have to worship and bow to and
hand over your conscience to (or rather,
to father-god's proxies on Earth) or burn forever.
Very few sects and denominations of Christianity do not teach these basic things. Very few -- in fact I only know of one -- sects or denominations of Christianity have figured out how to remove the elements of authoritarianism that create that framework that is so conducive to abuse and not at all able to police itself.
Liberalism may exist as a little pellet within that wider, inherently (and proudly, flagrantly, gleefully) authoritarian patriarchy, but it's not the basis, it's not the bones, it's not the core, it's not the purpose of Christianity (except for that one sect) to spread the red words. The red words are just the face. It's a pretty face that a lot of people like and a lot of people find inspiring, but its hierarchical framework and punitive mentality will always be conducive to abuse and oppression.
I'm not saying every authority figure within that framework is abusive. I am saying that any authority figure within that framework
who is at all inclined to abuse will find Christian churches a comfortable place with compliant victims and a willingness among the congregation and its leadership to cover up or dismiss complaints of abuse. In some Christian churches and communities, they will blame and attack accusers (who are overwhelmingly women and children). It is almost always secular society that steps in to protect victims and hold abusers accountable.
And most importantly, it is always, always, alfuckingways O*T*H*E*R H*U*M*A*N B*E*I*N*G*S who stop religious abusers, or any abusers anywhere. No god ever stopped religious abusers from abusing. Christianity has a great capacity for allowing abuse but little for self policing. Equality (not hierarchy) and holding authority figures accountable (not blind obedience) are -- forgive me for yet more formatting but this needs some emphasis --
essential to liberalism, at least if we're talking about the socialist, progressive, caring-for-and-protecting-the-least-among-us kind of liberalism.
So either Macmurray was talking about Quakers or he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about.
Edit: those aren't the only two options. Some others might be full on delusion or purposely working to manipulate people into the cult because he's a sociopath who recognizes the path to power in Christian ideas.