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How are you celebrating Confederate Heritage month?

I was thinking of getting some gasoline soaked wood and building a cross, maybe hanging a few effigies of darkies around the yard, and cake. Ya gotta have cake for a great celebration.
Can I march through Georgia?

Can I march through Georgia?

Well, my greatx3 grandfather volunteered from Maine to join the Union army and then after several battles died of pneumonia in North Carolina. So I guess I could reenact that for pro-Confederate Southerners.
Piss on Jefferson Davis' grave.
Add Otis Redding to Stone Mountain.
Drink sweet tea and set off cherry bombs at Appamattox Courthouse.
By voting for Trump in the primaries, to ensure a GOP loss in November, thus reducing the influence of the South's Confederate heritage on current national policy.

Despite party alignments during the Civil War, since 1965, the GOP has sought to mostly represent those still proud of the worst that the Confederacy stood for: Bigotry and phony "states-rights" rhetoric motivated by trying to keep the US Constitution from protecting the civil and human rights of those in Confederate States not fortunate enough to be part of the Oligarchy.
Just want to remind people here that if you are not a southerner your Confederate Heritage celebration is probably a cultural appropriation.
Being a northerner living in the south my confederate heritage is being on the side that kicked their asses.
Being a northerner living in the south my confederate heritage is being on the side that kicked their asses.

As a member of the Dominant Culture you better watch out x2.
Confederate History Month: A celebration of a brief period of failure, mismanagement and defeat.
What´s next Nazi heritage month in Germany?

Maybe they are just proud of the heritage and not the wars of aggression, forced labor, concentration camps, rapes, torture, lamp shades made out of human skin, shooting children for sport, gas chambers, ripping gold fillings out of people's mouths, complete subservience to Hitler, codified bigotry, kangaroo courts, and genocide?
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