Senior Member
Lol. Plants are nothing like they used to be!Greger says to get rid of the flesh and advocates vegan eating. But he's not a nut in this regard. His message is to move away from the typical western diet, and to primarily jettison the junk food. He also goes to lengths to explain that things like the poultry we eat today is not the same as the poultry we ate three or four generations ago. When I was a kid most people around me raised their own chickens. The meat wasn't impregnated with a phosphate/brine/salt broth. There were no antibiotics. The chickens roamed and ate bugs and grass and would rip hell out of your garden if they got the chance. Today's poultry isn't close to the same thing, and the same goes for meat, pork, and even fish.
Here's a recent article about it:
This is (one reason) why I find it hard to believe that vegetables should be the main part, let alone the only part, of the human diet. Until relatively recently, it would be incredibly difficult to get enough nutrition from vegetables. The fact that we now can says a lot about human ingenuity, but not much about whether we should be eating them.
And where would our ancestors have got their B12 from?To get my B12 I'm presently using a bit of nutritional yeast, which as a side effect jumps the protein intake. So far all is well and after a month I've noticed that I don't react to cruciferous vegetables like I did before. They were a class of veggies I could not eat because of MCAS.
And this is another reason. To get adequate nutrition you need a wide variety of plants, which nowadays you can get because we have huge amounts of international trade, and have found ways to get seasonal goods all year round. How easily can you construct a year round nutritious diet consisting solely of plants which grow in one plant of the world?If you mean like peanut allergies then certainly. People have all types of sensitivities and allergies, yours truly included.Playball40 said:This is absolutely, positively incorrect. I know many instances where a 'plant based' only diet is not only unhealthy, but could kill.
Today's fare:
Hemp seed
Chia seed
Black Beans
Purple cabbage
Tart Cherry juice
WW pasta
Another point is that many of these plants, and others that people eat, require a lot of preparation to make them edible - some of them even require preparation to prevent them being poisonous! And the situation would have been even worse during the evolution of our species before we domesticated plants. Again, this says a lot about our ingenuity, but tends to go against the theory that we are meant to eat plants.
And yet another point is how bad so many plants taste - and again the situation was worse before we selectively bred them to taste better. This is surely a sign that they are not meant to be our primary source of food.
And one more for good measure: most vegetable matter ranges from hard to digest to impossible to digest - again suggestive that it is not the main thing we should be eating.
Meat, on the other hand, is delicious, available all year round, provides all the nutrition you need, is very easily digestible, and isn't really all that different to the meat our ancestors would have eaten.
Well done.Also did my standard exercises, which Greger talks about, always citing his advice with scientific data.