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How Proud You Must Be of Crooked, Incompetent Biden

Wow, yall really touchy. I didn't say "don't vote for demarcates!". I described the system as I see it and think it sucks. Voting for Biden is the best option. I agree. Should he be the best option? Hell no. Yipikaye MF.

Nobody has argued that Biden should be the best option. Absolutely nobody. I personally did not vote for him to win the nomination, and I do not want him to run for reelection. I still think that he was the best option in the general election, just as you do.

Okey-doke. Yet, some seem to have an issue with my discussing other options judging by the ole "vote dem or die" mantra.
Do you have someone in mind who would have been better AND beaten the Republican?
Nope. Does this mean I should shut up now?
No, just curious.

After Obama said we are well on the way to energy independence, in 2015 Republicans voted to make the US export 30 percent of our oil. They got some Democrats to go along with this scheme by agreeing to provide some meager funding to renewables. Democrats under Trump tried to get this reversed but Trump refused.
And remember how expensive gas was when Trump was president?
Yes, I do. Here is link to a site that has the average US price of a gallon of gasoline adjusted for inflation ( Gas price adjusted for inflation 1978 to 2021). I do apologize that I cannot figure out how to get the table here, but in inflation-adjusted gas price for gas in the US was $3.101 in 2016 and fell to $3.049 in 2020. In 2021, it was $3.13. Looking at that table, inflation-adjusted gas was more expensive under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Obama.

The Trump administration's plan to top off the Strategic Petroleum Reserve ran into a blockade Wednesday after lawmakers excluded $3 billion in funding for oil purchases from the massive stimulus package before Congress.

Senate Democrats took credit for stripping out that money from the Senate bill, unveiled Wednesday, calling it a “bailout” for the oil industry.

We’re so lucky the Dems blocked the plan to fill up the strategic reserve at record low prices.

It is always a bad idea to buy lots of something you do not need immediately at top market prices. With shortages in Europe to to Russia - Ukraine and Saudis cutting production, oil will shortly be expensive again.
Wow, yall really touchy. I didn't say "don't vote for demarcates!". I described the system as I see it and think it sucks. Voting for Biden is the best option. I agree. Should he be the best option? Hell no. Yipikaye MF.

Nobody has argued that Biden should be the best option. Absolutely nobody. I personally did not vote for him to win the nomination, and I do not want him to run for reelection. I still think that he was the best option in the general election, just as you do.

Okey-doke. Yet, some seem to have an issue with my discussing other options judging by the ole "vote dem or die" mantra.
Do you have someone in mind who would have been better AND beaten the Republican?
Nope. Does this mean I should shut up now?
Yes, please. This is the Internet... a Discussion Web Board and alternate opinions will not be tolerated! :D
No, not at all. In fact, I'd bet the left likes him more than moderates do.
Can confirm. He campiagned as a moderate, but is governing far more to the left. Attempted $3.5T Spendapalooza, cancelling student debt, going easy on #BLM rioters and arsonists like Montez Lee, Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman, to name a few issues.
Who the heck are Montez Lee, Colinford Mattis, and Urooj Rahman?

I know there's been a lot of talk across the political spectrum about cancelling student debt and government spending is a perennial topic of conversation, but do you have any examples of people on the left taking about those three people? Or have you just been hearing about them from right wing sources and assumed the left wingers were talking about them, too?
Looking at that table, inflation-adjusted gas was more expensive under Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Obama.
Actually the chart seems to indicate a slight downward trend regardless of party in power. There was an increase between 1987-2002, but that's a matter of 12 cents. There was Which all means that gas prices have been generally pretty stable.
Who the heck are Montez Lee, Colinford Mattis, and Urooj Rahman?
They are #BLM rioters who have gotten sweetheart deals from Biden/Garland DOJ.
Montez Lee killed a man when he burned down a pawn shop in Minneapolis. He got mere 5 years, well below federal sentencing guidelines, because the prosecutor argued he should be given leniency based on the arson being committed during a #BLM "protest".

Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman are two NYC lawyers who made, distributed and used Molotov cocktails. To wit, they used them to burn down a police vehicle in Brooklyn. While they initially faced long prison terms, they got a sweetheart deals that will likely see them get no jailtime whatsoever.

She seems to be the more ideological one. He probably just did it for the pussy (or at least, a hope of it), but he is still an accomplice in what is basically a terrorist attack (act of violence for a political purpose).

do you have any examples of people on the left taking about those three people?
The terrorist lawyers have been very popular in leftist circles. A lot of laudatory writeups at the time. Example:
The Making of a Molotov Cocktail Two lawyers, a summer of unrest, and a bottle of Bud Light.

And they raised half a million dollars in donations. Leftist terrorism pays. Especially when Dem DOJ will give you nothing but a slap on the wrist.

Or have you just been hearing about them from right wing sources and assumed the left wingers were talking about them, too?
I have heard about the politically motivated leniency shown Montez Lee from Sen. Tom Cotton mentioning him.
But should that matter? It is wrong no matter who brings it up.
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Thanks for the information. I don't remember discussing them or their cases.

Do you have any examples of people on the left taking about them? Or have you just been hearing about them from right wing sources and assumed the left wingers were talking about them, too?
Thanks for the information. I don't remember discussing them or their cases.

Do you have any examples of people on the left taking about them? Or have you just been hearing about them from right wing sources and assumed the left wingers were talking about them, too?
That New Yorker puff piece not left wing enough for you?
Ok here's VICE.
Trump’s Justice Department Is Targeting Black Lives Matter Demonstrators as Domestic Terrorists
And CNN.
How two promising lawyers found themselves facing life in prison for alleged Molotov cocktail attack during protests in NY
And NY Times.
The 2 Lawyers, the Anti-Police Protests and the Molotov Cocktail Attack
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Thanks for the information. I don't remember discussing them or their cases.

Do you have any examples of people on the left taking about them? Or have you just been hearing about them from right wing sources and assumed the left wingers were talking about them, too?
That New Yorker puff piece not left wing enough for you?
Ok here's VICE.
Trump’s Justice Department Is Targeting Black Lives Matter Demonstrators as Domestic Terrorists
And CNN.
How two promising lawyers found themselves facing life in prison for alleged Molotov cocktail attack during protests in NY
And NY Times.
The 2 Lawyers, the Anti-Police Protests and the Molotov Cocktail Attack
Citing news articles about the three people you named is fine, but that's not what I was asking for.

blastula said he'd bet the left likes Biden more than moderates do and you said you can confirm. I was hoping to see examples of leftists or left leaning organizations fawning over Biden the way rightists and rightwing organizations do for Trump. I don't think it's happened. Biden is far too moderate for strong leftists to embrace him the way they went for Bernie Sanders, or for left leaning organizations to support him the way they support Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
Perhaps if everyone would bother to vote, things would be better.

100% agree.
its not the voting or lack of voting that is the problem. It is that those who vote are no longer represented in our so called democracy which is supposed to be based on self-rule via elected representatives. Our representatives are not only dependent on votes but also on campaign contributions, and these mainly come from organized interest groups who purchase our representative’s election for him by paying the advertising bills and various fixes. The representative owes his position to the few who financed it, and his loyalty is to them. He does what he can for his constituents, but never at the expense of the interests of the groups that finance him.

Not long ago the Supreme Court ruled that campaign contributions are a First Amendment right and that interest groups have the constitutional right to purchase the government which ends up serving their interest rather than the people’s.. As long as this system remains in place, it is impossible for American democracy to represent the people.

Ordinary people actually had better representation under the aristocracy and English Kings than under current US American democracy. The kings and aristocracy had the government by birthright and did not need to sell their souls to interest groups. Therefore, they were free to consider the little people’s interests and did so, as the continuation of the country depended on ordinary people willing to behave and to do service. When the king and aristocracy became too absorbed in their privileges and neglected the people, the French king and aristocracy at least were worried about their heads. Thats clearly not the case today with our elected officials. Look at all of Pelosi's insider stock trading for example, even after being warned and criticized for it. She'll remain perfectly corrupt right in front of everyone and you and all the other lefties will love her for it.

Our elected representatives could give 2 shits about you or any other voter. And it clearly shows by their actions,.
I was on board until you slipped on and fell into partisan poop.
Then to be more non partisan about it McConnell is no better than Pelosi with his ties to China. None of them left or right care about representing individual voters. Not if you look passed what they say with what they actually do.
There are two words worse than inflation, stagflation and deflation. And as the paper notes, this isn't the only inflation, it only was part of the inflation.
What's wrong with deflation? What's wrong with prices getting progressively lower? What was wrong when vcr's and computer's became much cheaper and more affordable? What's wrong with Moores law of faster and better processing at lower cost of production.

Deflation is not bad despite what the fed or other egg heads will try to tell you.
Perhaps if everyone would bother to vote, things would be better.

100% agree.
its not the voting or lack of voting that is the problem. It is that those who vote are no longer represented in our so called democracy which is supposed to be based on self-rule via elected representatives. Our representatives are not only dependent on votes but also on campaign contributions, and these mainly come from organized interest groups who purchase our representative’s election for him by paying the advertising bills and various fixes. The representative owes his position to the few who financed it, and his loyalty is to them. He does what he can for his constituents, but never at the expense of the interests of the groups that finance him.

Not long ago the Supreme Court Justices appointed by the Republican party ruled that campaign contributions are a First Amendment right and that interest groups have the constitutional right to purchase the government which ends up serving their interest rather than the people’s..
FIFY. The judges from one party are always leaning towards rights expansions, the judge from the other party (in the last 20 years) have leaned hard on providing more rights to businesses and fewer rights to people. Justices Kennedy and O'Connor, both appointed by a Republican were conservatives, but they veered towards rights expansions. That type of judge disappeared from the right-wing with the retirement of Justice Souter.
As long as this system remains in place, it is impossible for American democracy to represent the people.
There is this misconception that there was a point in our history where there was no ruling elite. There has always been a ruling elite. It is just that one half of it doesn't give a fuck about the people fawning over them. The others give a fuck.
Ordinary people actually had better representation under the aristocracy and English Kings than under current US American democracy. The kings and aristocracy had the government by birthright and did not need to sell their souls to interest groups.
Yes, we'll ignore the whole Nobles thing.
Therefore, they were free to consider the little people’s interests and did so, as the continuation of the country depended on ordinary people willing to behave and to do service. When the king and aristocracy became too absorbed in their privileges and neglected the people, the French king and aristocracy at least were worried about their heads.
Oh... we have gone to war with France again... better suit up. Hope you like the cold and pestilence.
Thats clearly not the case today with our elected officials. Look at all of Pelosi's insider stock trading for example, even after being warned and criticized for it. She'll remain perfectly corrupt right in front of everyone and you and all the other lefties will love her for it.
No one loves Pelosi for he enriching herself via her position. Some are impressed with how she has been one of the best Speakers of the House ever in her ability to control outcomes of votes. And Pelosi also didn't vote to overturn a fair election, unlike over half of the GOP in the House.
There is this misconception that there was a point in our history where there was no ruling elite. There has always been a ruling elite.
There most certainly was a point in our history during George Washington's days when there wasn't a ruling elite. Washington was asked to play a monarch role and he profusely refused. Washington also slept in tents outside with his men in the cold. That's not my idea of ruling elite.

But as Ben Franklin predicted, we have not been able to keep what was given to us. Liberty is long gone now.
No one loves Pelosi for he enriching herself via her position. Some are impressed with how she has been one of the best Speakers of the House ever in her ability to control outcomes of votes. And Pelosi also didn't vote to overturn a fair election, unlike over half of the GOP in the House.
I could care less what kind of golden cow you think she is. She represents the perfect example of our elite not afraid to corrupt herslef in public daylight since she knows no one will touch her. Doing exactly what Marth Stewart could not do because she is our royalty.
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