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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Problem with sanctions is that dictators like Putin don't care about how their people are doing, they care about their own prestige. It's actually the threat of sanctions that may cause them to think twice. In case of Ukraine, Putin thought the west was weak and wouldn't do anything. If he had known the extent of the sanctions and what a clusterfuck the war would become, he wouldn't have invaded. It's partially the US and Europe's fault for not being able to make this clear from the outset... which is probably because they didn't even know how far they'd go themselves.

Actually, Biden sent that message repeatedly, loudly, and clearly. The Europeans were perhaps a little more reticent, but Putin was defiant. He had bragged that it would take 3 days to overrun Ukraine. What did him in was his own reckless bravado, ego, and ignorance of what it would take to occupy such a huge country. He didn't understand the true state or preparedness of his military and had never commanded any troops in battle. Everybody was praising him for playing 3D chess. He was a genius who couldn't lose. It didn't matter what the Americans or Europeans said. He was going to show them where they could stick their warnings. I think he finally started to get the message when they impounded all those super yachts. I think he managed to save his, but I don't recall. It was going to be refurbished in Germany, I believe.

Pootie's yacht was held by a straw owner. And yes, the yacht has been siezed.
That is now useless to Russia thanks to Ukranian drones and missiles.
NATO fascists launched 12 ($1mil each) missiles to hit two bridges. Only 3 reached it.
Again these are air launched missiles. What these degerates achieved is that all runaways will soon be destroyed by cheap russian drones.
Eventually Ukraine will become Russia again, Non Black Sea NATO countries will lose all millitary access to Black Sea. That's assuming NATO still exists. Baltic states will finally shut the fuck up, or else, they will become Russia Again.
Five stages of grief:

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

You seem to be between steps 1 and 2.

NATO is expanding, Russia failed to take Odessa, and the Black Sea fleet is cowering in fear of a few exploding speed boats.
Lots of projecting.

interesting article about Russian internal disintegration and the fear that this war will exacerbate internal dissension. The answer is to crack down further. Full on military dictatorship is the answer. Full on war mobilization to defeat Ukraine is imperative. Putin’s popularity has soared despite the failures he’s induced. But the threat of Russian disintegration is very real. Further military setbacks may create untenable conditions. Ukraine can stop them though. The continuing failures of Russia to win outright is creating serious issues for Russia that Putin can’t sweep under the rug. The Wagner revolt showed incredible weakness for Putin. No consequences for Prigozhin despite killing a dozen Russian pilots. Putin is scared. As well he should be.

The problem with the solution is best explained by Princess Leia, the tighter your grip, the more will slip through your fingers. Putin is setting himself and Russia up for a failure of massive proportions.

Pound them Ukraine. Pound them!
What part of "Western Media is lying to you" do you not understand?
In truth Ukranians are dying because
of evil murderous regime in Washington.
zorq said:
Just not in ANY way that you can demonstrate
So you are saying that US did murder democratically elected prime minister of Congo?
As a rule, any post that starts "So you are saying...", will continue with something that the person being addressed isn't, in fact, saying at all.

But usually at least some attempt is made to connect the strawman claim to the things actually said, or at least implied, by that person.

This post should win some kind of an award for most irrelevant non-sequitur on the Internet.
Wow, so you are not aware of that fact.
Maybe you are not aware of Pinochet either?
I am glad that the West is finally where it is now concerning Russia. 2014 would have been a better time to be where we are now.
If it was not for the Biden crime family need to keep themselves in power they would have left Ukraine already.
In truth Ukranians are dying because
of evil murderous regime in Washington.
zorq said:
Just not in ANY way that you can demonstrate
So you are saying that US did murder democratically elected prime minister of Congo?
As a rule, any post that starts "So you are saying...", will continue with something that the person being addressed isn't, in fact, saying at all.

But usually at least some attempt is made to connect the strawman claim to the things actually said, or at least implied, by that person.

This post should win some kind of an award for most irrelevant non-sequitur on the Internet.

Dzhokhar Musayevich Dudayev. First president of post Soviet Chechnya. Assassinated by the Russian military. Wanna play this game Barbos? Yes, the U.S. did some unsavory things in the past. Reagan's support for dirty wars in Nicarugua, El Salvador and Argentina come to mind. But past and present Russian atrocities are not excused by that. Killing civilians with rockets today cannot be excused by whataboutism.
He was a US supported terrorist, and he was not even a head of a country.
Present atrocities are on the US, same way as Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It's your doing, not russian.
Terrorist regime in Washington has been scheming since forever.

interesting article about Russian internal disintegration and the fear that this war will exacerbate internal dissension. The answer is to crack down further. Full on military dictatorship is the answer. Full on war mobilization to defeat Ukraine is imperative. Putin’s popularity has soared despite the failures he’s induced. But the threat of Russian disintegration is very real. Further military setbacks may create untenable conditions. Ukraine can stop them though. The continuing failures of Russia to win outright is creating serious issues for Russia that Putin can’t sweep under the rug. The Wagner revolt showed incredible weakness for Putin. No consequences for Prigozhin despite killing a dozen Russian pilots. Putin is scared. As well he should be.

The problem with the solution is best explained by Princess Leia, the tighter your grip, the more will slip through your fingers. Putin is setting himself and Russia up for a failure of massive proportions.

Pound them Ukraine. Pound them!
What part of "Western Media is lying to you" do you not understand?
What part of you’re full of shit do you not understand?
What part of you’re full of shit do you not understand?
No, you are the one who is full of shit if you believe anyone other than small idiot minority in western world is buying your shit.
Your time is up. Western world is in the state of decay as far as their world domination is concerned.
Your talking heads know that, but they think they have no choice but to continue to lie.
What part of you’re full of shit do you not understand?
No, you are the one who is full of shit if you believe anyone other than small idiot minority in western world is buying your shit.
Your time is up. Western world is in the state of decay as far as their world domination is concerned.
Please, then, tell us why your vaunted military is so fucked up. They’re getting their asses kicked by a country that you say is a bunch of idiotic corrupt nazis. You had air and armor superiority on the order of ten times. Yet you got kicked out of Kiev, Kherson, and Kharkiv. Your military is as incompetent as your reasoning skills.
Please, then, tell us why your vaunted military is so fucked up.
It's not. Your media is lying to you.
They’re getting their asses kicked by a country that you say is a bunch of idiotic corrupt nazis.
Coming from a guy whos millitary was in fact kicked out by goat hearders in Afghanistan.
And once again, your media is lying to you. For all intents and purposes Ukraine is done, three times over.
It only exists because the West sends weapons and money to the corrupt terrorist regime.
Please, then, tell us why your vaunted military is so fucked up.
It's not. Your media is lying to you.
They’re getting their asses kicked by a country that you say is a bunch of idiotic corrupt nazis.
Coming from a guy whos millitary was in fact kicked out by goat hearders in Afghanistan.
And once again, your media is lying to you. For all intents and purposes Ukraine is done, three times over.
It only exists because the West sends weapons and money to the corrupt terrorist regime.
Tell ya what, Barbos, try invading Poland and see how bad our military is. We’re actually very good at destroying things. We suck at rebuilding. That’s why we lost Afghanistan and Vietnam.
Tell ya what, Barbos, try invading Poland and see how bad our military is.
OK, buy me a plane ticket and I will invade Warsaw. Just need to get a passport.

We suck at rebuilding.
Please do tell more.
That’s why we lost Afghanistan and Vietnam
Well, you were kicked from both places, I mean videos don't lie.
Speaking of which, soviets left with way more dignity after 10 years than you after 20.
And don't forget that your Vietnam war was based on a lie. Same as your current war on Russia.
Problem with sanctions is that dictators like Putin don't care about how their people are doing, they care about their own prestige. It's actually the threat of sanctions that may cause them to think twice. In case of Ukraine, Putin thought the west was weak and wouldn't do anything. If he had known the extent of the sanctions and what a clusterfuck the war would become, he wouldn't have invaded. It's partially the US and Europe's fault for not being able to make this clear from the outset... which is probably because they didn't even know how far they'd go themselves.

Actually, Biden sent that message repeatedly, loudly, and clearly. The Europeans were perhaps a little more reticent, but Putin was defiant.
Germany in particular. Putin thought his gas blackmail would keep Germany and by extension rest of the EU in line.

Putin thought he'd win the war in a couple of days, just like in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014. The assumption was that he'd get a slap on the wrist, a few individuals being sanctioned, but no major repercussions, because there were no repercussions previous times either. I'm not sure what Biden could have done differently to send the message that this war is not a good idea. Boots on the ground? US air force patrolling the skies?

He had bragged that it would take 3 days to overrun Ukraine. What did him in was his own reckless bravado, ego, and ignorance of what it would take to occupy such a huge country. He didn't understand the true state or preparedness of his military and had never commanded any troops in battle. Everybody was praising him for playing 3D chess. He was a genius who couldn't lose. It didn't matter what the Americans or Europeans said. He was going to show them where they could stick their warnings. I think he finally started to get the message when they impounded all those super yachts. I think he managed to save his, but I don't recall. It was going to be refurbished in Germany, I believe.
Putin thought his gas blackmail would keep Germany and by extension rest of the EU in line.
What line that would be?
US blew up Nord Stream to keep germany in line, not Russia.

Putin thought he'd win the war in a couple of days, just like in Georgia in 2008 and Crimea in 2014.
Yes, he thought that, and he pretty much did, Zelensky was prepared to leave NATO and give Eastern Ukraine autonomy. Nuland&Co disagreed and ordered Zelensky to fight.
what Biden could have done differently to send the message that this war is not a good idea
That piece of shit could have left Ukraine alone and accept the reality which is Eastern Ukraine should be autonomous and Crimea is and has always been Russia. And no NATO expansion.
Nobody thinks the sanctions will cause Russia to fall
Yes, nobody thinks that NOW, but they THOUGHT that when they decided to attack Russia. That was their plan.
They did not plan on doing what they are doing now.
Nobody attacked Russia, and I don't think that in 2021 most western leaders even considered Russian invasion imminent.

No doubt Russia would have been sanctions at least to some extent even if Putin's "3-day war" had been successful, but I don't think anybody in the west or in Kremlin anticipated how far they'd go. Nor did they expect Ukraine to be able to resist Russia this long. Hindsight is 20/20, what's more important that we give all the possible help Ukraine needs now so that it remains a sovereign state, and makes sure Russia will be rewarded as little as possible for it's imperial wars.

Russia started the war; and it could end it in 24 hours if it wanted to.
In truth Ukranians are dying because
of evil murderous regime in Washington.
zorq said:
Just not in ANY way that you can demonstrate
So you are saying that US did murder democratically elected prime minister of Congo?
As a rule, any post that starts "So you are saying...", will continue with something that the person being addressed isn't, in fact, saying at all.

But usually at least some attempt is made to connect the strawman claim to the things actually said, or at least implied, by that person.

This post should win some kind of an award for most irrelevant non-sequitur on the Internet.

Dzhokhar Musayevich Dudayev. First president of post Soviet Chechnya. Assassinated by the Russian military. Wanna play this game Barbos? Yes, the U.S. did some unsavory things in the past. Reagan's support for dirty wars in Nicarugua, El Salvador and Argentina come to mind. But past and present Russian atrocities are not excused by that. Killing civilians with rockets today cannot be excused by whataboutism.
He was a US supported terrorist, and he was not even a head of a country.
Present atrocities are on the US, same way as Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. It's your doing, not russian.
Terrorist regime in Washington has been scheming since forever.
In most of the "scheming" that happened during the cold war, you had the USSR scheming on the other side. So this hardly gives Russia any kind of moral high ground when it comes to assassinations and atrocities.

The difference is that the US seems to have learned its lesson lately, whereas Russia has become a fascist totalitarian regime that yearns to get back to the good old times.
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