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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

In truth Ukranians are dying because
of evil murderous regime in Washington.
Just not in ANY way that you can demonstrate. You had your chance to show us and the world all the bad things the US did in Ukraine, and you came up with NOTHING. Because the US DID nothing to instigate this war. (A war that Russian scum are still too panzy-assed to even call a war)

This war was entirely concocted, instigated and executed by decisions made in Russia. Every violent death in Ukraine is a result of Putin's callous greed and ego. And every filthy sycophant who enables Putin in his bloody endeavors has blood on their hands too.
Pootie surrounded himself with stupid yes men who assured him Ukrainians would welcome Russian invaders as liberators. They didn't. Nobody but Russia is responsible for this amazingly stupid invasion. Russia very much wanted Crimea because of Russia's big naval base at Sevastipol. That is now useless to Russia thanks to Ukranian drones and missiles. Pootie blew that too. And may even lose Crimea over time. The biggest miscalculation since Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
Pootie surrounded himself with stupid yes men who assured him Ukrainians would welcome Russian invaders as liberators. They didn't
The did, they totally did. Current fascist regime in Ukraine is based on terror.
And piece of shit Biden surrounded himself by imbeciles who convinced him that Russia will fall from .... sanctions.
That is now useless to Russia thanks to Ukranian drones and missiles.
NATO fascists launched 12 ($1mil each) missiles to hit two bridges. Only 3 reached it.
Again these are air launched missiles. What these degerates achieved is that all runaways will soon be destroyed by cheap russian drones.
Eventually Ukraine will become Russia again, Non Black Sea NATO countries will lose all millitary access to Black Sea. That's assuming NATO still exists. Baltic states will finally shut the fuck up, or else, they will become Russia Again.
In the end The West will pay reparations to Russia and Ukraine (part of Russia)
Your degenerate generals really believed their own shit about Ukraine getting to Crimea as a result of counter-offensive, fucking imbeciles.
Counter-offensive have totally failed, even mildly pro-russian western commentators are surprised how complete this failure os. And you are left with couple of really insignificant bridges to talk about. Snap out of it!
~40,000 ukrainian soldiers dead in this retarded attempt to attack russian defensive lines. For what? for helping biden to defeat trump?
Fucking idiots. And now, Elensky is issuing general mobilization, things must be going great.
In the end The West will pay reparations to Russia and Ukraine (part of Russia)
Your degenerate generals really believed their own shit about Ukraine getting to Crimea as a result of counte-roffensive, fucking imbeciles.
Counter-offensive totally failed and you are left with couple of really insignificant bridges to talk about.
~40,000 ukrainian soldiers dead in this retarded attempt to attack russian defensive lines. For what? for helping biden to defeat trump?
Fucking idiots. And now, Elensky is issuing general mobilization, things must be going great.
Has it been three days already? My, how time flies!

interesting article about Russian internal disintegration and the fear that this war will exacerbate internal dissension. The answer is to crack down further. Full on military dictatorship is the answer. Full on war mobilization to defeat Ukraine is imperative. Putin’s popularity has soared despite the failures he’s induced. But the threat of Russian disintegration is very real. Further military setbacks may create untenable conditions. Ukraine can stop them though. The continuing failures of Russia to win outright is creating serious issues for Russia that Putin can’t sweep under the rug. The Wagner revolt showed incredible weakness for Putin. No consequences for Prigozhin despite killing a dozen Russian pilots. Putin is scared. As well he should be.

The problem with the solution is best explained by Princess Leia, the tighter your grip, the more will slip through your fingers. Putin is setting himself and Russia up for a failure of massive proportions.

Pound them Ukraine. Pound them!

The only failure here is Russians inability to crush an obviously weaker neighbor, with something like one tenth of the military capability that your supposed vaunted troops have. Any half way decent military should have captured Kiev in two weeks and ended this war. Instead, you’re forced to defend a line of advance against serious counterattacks. You can crow all you want about how you’ve stopped them, but the point is you aren’t the ones advancing. Your comrades are just dying for nothing. Ukraine is the one who dictates what is happening offensively, not Russia. Because your military is utterly incompetent. Just listen to General Popov’s comments about the failure to support his troops and how he and other generals have been stabbed in the back.

It doesn’t matter if Ukraine takes back one more meter, you have already lost. Good luck burying your dead.
Just listen to General Popov’s
LOL, not this shit again. People concluded long time ago that it was "Маскировка" :)
It doesn’t matter if Ukraine takes back one more meter, you have already lost. Good luck burying your dead.
Well, yours are dying at 10x the rate. And you WILL pay for this, There will be criminal charges brought against your generals for that by .... ukrainians. All these talking head generals might end up in prisons. And it's not me talking, it's american military people are talking.
The only failure here is Russians inability to crush
Tell that poor ukrainian bastards.
You mean the ones who are fighting and dying for their homes and families against a marauding invader?
Against huge odds, with lukewarm support from other countries?

You mean those "Ukrainian Bastards"?
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