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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Yanko was legally impeached by Ukraine
Nope, he was not legally impeached.

Of course the US meddles in Ukraine
If you mean organizing violent nazi revolt meddling than yes.

As do the Russians.
No, we don't meddle, especially in US, especially organizing violent coup.

He was impeached by their congress by a vote of 232 to 0!
It does not give you a pause? 232 to 0? really?
He was not impeached. They did not have quorum, that's first.
Second, parliament members were beaten and threaten with death if they don't vote they way Nuland's Nazi wanted.
That's how you get 232 to zero (!!!)
He also had more than 100 peaceful protestors killed.

Stop propagating absolute lies. We now know that he had absolutely nothing to do with killings.
Don't believe me? Then tell me why newly minted Nazi Regime refused to investigate these killings?
? And you want Ukraine to be defenseless?
No. I want the war to end with mutually agreed terms between Russia and Ukraine (meaning not the terms that NATO may have in mind).
Russia has laid out their terms: give up land, give up arms, give up future alliances, give up autonomy, give up nazis (how does a country give up people that don't exist?); pay back reparations. Sure, this will stop the hostilities now. But then once Russia rebuilds, it will invade and take the rest of Ukraine. Then the gulags will come. Do you understand why this scenario is not very appealing to the Ukrainians?
These terms are very appealing to people in these regions. they want to be in Russia and they voted to be in Russia.
As for the rest which might find that unappealing, how about you get to be alive and live on what's left of Ukraine?
Still unappealing? then prepare to die you fucking nazi piece of shit!

Do you know how many people died during "occupation" events in Crimea? - One guy from a heart attack, and he was pro-russian obviously. Ask yourself how did that happen if ukrainians are so pro-ukrainian?
I will tell you how. When all that happened, ukro-nazi were bussing their "soldiers" in all these pro-russian regions, including Crimea. So the first of the busses with licence plates from nazi part of Ukraine was stopped in Crimea and they were given choice do go back and never return, or be shot right there. So they returned and never bothered to come back, that's why only one guy died in these events.
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They should distribute them all around India, so that one hit does not destroy everything.
No worries-
They have enough nukes to “destroy everything” several times over, even if only a fifth of them actually work.
? And you want Ukraine to be defenseless?
No. I want the war to end with mutually agreed terms between Russia and Ukraine (meaning not the terms that NATO may have in mind).
Russia has laid out their terms: give up land, give up arms, give up future alliances, give up autonomy, give up nazis (how does a country give up people that don't exist?); pay back reparations. Sure, this will stop the hostilities now. But then once Russia rebuilds, it will invade and take the rest of Ukraine. Then the gulags will come. Do you understand why this scenario is not very appealing to the Ukrainians?
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
Aupmanyav: hypo question to you: if Pakistan invaded a portion of India, took it over, and demanded "terms" to end the conflict, do you think India would accept similar terms if offered from Pakistan?
Eastern Ukraine voted to leave Ukraine after 8 years of NATO sponsored terror by nazi Regime in Kiev.
They more than deserved the right to leave that shithole called "Independent" Ukraine.
The rest of Ukraine deserves to have the same referendum. The whole Ukraine should be split according to results of individual oblast based referendums. I am being politically generous here cause I don't think independent Ukraine should exist at all. Ukraine ia a mistake Lenin made.
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I know of no Russians that have been killed prior to 2014.
Yes, until Nuland came along and ordered her nazis to start killing russians.

And then and only then, russians said "We want out of this shithole called Ukraine"
What stopped them from leaving?

So you see, don't kill russians and don't invite NATO scambags and you will have your country safe from russian "invasion"
Don't send unmarked Russian soldiers into another country and they won't be killed.
The whole Ukraine should be split according to results of individual oblast based referendums.
Then let's do the same for Russia, Oblast by Oblast.
It would be interesting to see what you'd be left with, if anything.
Of course in Russia your vote doesn't count; your vote counts YOU.
The whole Ukraine should be split according to results of individual oblast based referendums.
Then let's do the same for Russia, Oblast by Oblast.
It would be interesting to see what you'd be left with, if anything.
Of course in Russia your vote doesn't count; your vote counts YOU.
All of Ukraine can vote to have part of Ukraine leave but part of Ukraine does not get to vote to leave. It's downright unconstitutional.

I'd like to see part of the Russian Federation vote to leave. See what happens. Maybe Leningrad Oblast would like to vote to break away from Russia. That'd probably be okay with all concerned, I'm sure.
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