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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Ukro-mobilization is going according to plan:

By the way,
NATO expanded only AFTER RUSSIA ATTACKED UKRAINE! Because Finland and Sweden knew Russia was not going to stop at Ukraine. Over the last decade, Russia has threatened Moldavia and the three Baltic nations repeatedly. Russia will do whatever Russia thinks it can get away with.
No. Not just in West, they have a Central Asian initiative also. West's intentions are not honorable. That has led to the trouble.
Putin is getting bad, not quite Stalin bad, but Pootie is tending Stalin's way. Currently bombing civilians in Ukraine in a terrorist war. Massacres like in Bucha.
War leads to such things.
Russian army does not bomb civilians. There is no point in doing that. Russia is winning and has plenty of legitimate targets which they can hit. Ukro-Regime, on the other hand is losing and was tacitly allowed to attack civilians by the West.
They can't hit that many legitimate military targets because they are heavily protected by Air Defence. So they bomb civilians targets and report it as military, or don't even care to do that.

Russia attacks civilian targets in Ukraine every bloody day.
That Russia aggression is to blame for NATO expansion
Which is factually incorrect.
Amigo! I enjoy the back and forth with you. However, this statement is absurd! Of course, NATO expansion is due to Russian aggression. Putler invasion of Ukraine directly lead to Finland and Sweden joining Nato. The soviets invaded and brutally occupied eastern Europe for 40 years after WW2. Why do you think that they voluntarily joined NATO? They joined because they wanted to have great economies and be free from soviet brutality and bullying. There's no doubt that their would-be soviet soldiers in the Baltics right now for example if they weren't in NATO.
Russia was given money after the fall of the USSR.
Don't recall that at all. I recall trash you could not sell in US being sold to Russia. But that was loan.
If we were going to rely on your intellect to dictate history the whole world would be Russian by now.
Becausse they are nazis.
LOL. Just not in any material, tangible, or realistic way that you can actually demonstrate.
And they are nazis according to your own fuckiung Congress.
LOL Your propaganda sources are misinforming you to a ridiculous degree. All the Nazi accusations are coming from Russia. And the only demonstrable Nazi behavior here is coming from Russia. And you didn't even bother to deny it this time. You just snipped it out! Looks like tacit agreement that Russia AND YOU are acting like NAZIs. Thanks for that tacit admission.
No, Congress designated Azov regiment as Nazi long time ago.
You are acting as Nazi.
Your Wagner fighters are Nazis.
Ukraine has that now.
What world are you living in, dude?
Russians are slaughtering their civilians, destroying their crops and infrastructure, kidnapping their kids … you call that a “great economy free from [soviet] brutality and bullying”?
You’re fucking insane or deluded by Pootey propaganda. As a NATO parter, invaders would have been smacked down immediately, if Pootey was dumb enough to try it.
From the military aspect, I still find it shocking just how inept the Russian military is, but that probably goes back to learning about Seven Days to the Rhine and works of fiction depicting a Soviet invasion of western Europe.

I'd expected an overwhelming combined arms assault that would overwhelm Ukraine in days. Instead we got a bunch of discombobulated and poorly coordinated maneuvers that were beaten back and then locked into a stalemate. If Putin had anything to lose (which he doesn't) he'd call a propaganda conference, say that everything they'd set out to achieve had been accomplished, and then order his troops home.

Were it not for nukes, nobody would take Russia seriously.
Meanwhile, you act unconcerned, leaving others to deal with the threat, smug in the satisfaction that you don’t have to.
What can we do if people do not listen to what we say.
Yeah they should just commit suicide per your recommendation, and they’ll no longer be a bother.
That Russia aggression is to blame for NATO expansion
Which is factually incorrect.
Amigo! I enjoy the back and forth with you. However, this statement is absurd! Of course, NATO expansion is due to Russian aggression. Putler invasion of Ukraine directly lead to Finland and Sweden joining Nato. The soviets invaded and brutally occupied eastern Europe for 40 years after WW2. Why do you think that they voluntarily joined NATO? They joined because they wanted to have great economies and be free from soviet brutality and bullying. There's no doubt that their would-be soviet soldiers in the Baltics right now for example if they weren't in NATO.

I disagree. The Soviet Union invaded and occupied Eastern Europe during WW2. After WW2, Stalin did not hold his end of the bargain of having free election once the war was over. He stationed a bunch of soldiers through the area and propped up puppet Leninis-Marxist governments. His intend was to use those new communist party states as a buffer against further invasions.

If my smooth brain remembers, Churchill thought Roosevelt was far too trusting of Stalin.
Just simply stop being such assholes! Stop bombing your neighbors. Stop looting their goods, stealing their land, kidnapping their children.
Ukraine as a state must be destroyed, All nazis and top of their government executed for war crimes.
People must go through denazification and reeducation process and integrated into Russia.
Russia can not allow this kind of shit on its border regardless of their claims of sovereignty or anything. They lost all their rights for the statehood which were a communist era fiction to begin with. Ukraine is Russia, has always been Russia and will be Russia. There is simply no reason for that entity to exist.
I am sick and tired of "ukrainism". You are lucky that I am not president of Russia. Of course, if I had been, then russian establishment would have stopped me.
So you admit your objective is genocide.

You are putting Ukraine in a position where they can't concede. Of course they're going to fight to the bitter end!
Like the Germans defending Berlin in 1945.
Not that it matters that much. I have been reading some russian forum and someone dug out some russian documents from the era of the USSR dissolution. Long story short, I had thought that Russian government had simply forgotten about Crimea when USSR self-dissolved (illegally I must say), I was wrong. Russian Duma had not forgotten, they laid the claim on Crimea and hence Budapest Memorandum 2 years later and not signed by anyone does not cover Crimea.
Interesting legal tidbit. Also I will remind you all again that Sevastopol has never been gifted to Ukraine, not it 1954, not ever. Hence all these rent money Russia paid to Kiev should be returned, along with 250 billions of aid Russia paid over the years.
So Lviv Regime is in big trouble. You keep BSing about Putin this, Putin that. In reality Democratic Russian government of the 90s you love so much said "Crimea is Russia"
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From the military aspect, I still find it shocking just how inept the Russian military is, but that probably goes back to learning about Seven Days to the Rhine and works of fiction depicting a Soviet invasion of western Europe.

I'd expected an overwhelming combined arms assault that would overwhelm Ukraine in days. Instead we got a bunch of discombobulated and poorly coordinated maneuvers that were beaten back and then locked into a stalemate. If Putin had anything to lose (which he doesn't) he'd call a propaganda conference, say that everything they'd set out to achieve had been accomplished, and then order his troops home.

Were it not for nukes, nobody would take Russia seriously.
You and your ignorant garbage again?
You fucking lost in Afghanistan, and nobody helped Afghanistan.
You are losing in Yemen.
You have not fought a real army since Vietnam (you lost that one by the way)
Russian "invasion" force of 2022 was around 40K soldiers and Ukraine had a shitty but real and well equipped army of a half a million. And Russian force of 40K did accomplish what they were told to do. Ukrainian regime agreed to pretty much surrender but then US/UK ordered Elensky to fight promising him everything including retirement in Florida in case everything was not enough. Russian plan was to show that we meant business with relatively small force and they did.
Incompetent are the NATO idiots who train ukro-idiots. Ukro-idiots say that themselves. Yes they say that.
The training they receive is useless. It's not applicable to the kind of war they have.
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They joined because they wanted to have great economies and be free from soviet brutality and bullying.
Ukraine has that now. Let us see who else?
Ukraine is suffering from soviet brutality because they are not want to be in Nato.
Fixed for you. Of course that's not the only reason. The other reason is 8 years of their nazi terrorism towards russian part of former Ukraine. And there are more reasons.
Ukraine is suffering from soviet brutality because they are not in Nato.
They want to be in NATO, but NATO does not agree. NATO wants Ukraine to fight Russia as its stooge. That is how much they care about Ukraine.
Yeah they should just commit suicide per your recommendation, and they’ll no longer be a bother.
That will be greatly disappointing to NATO. NATO wants them to fight Russia.
What world are you living in, dude?
Russians are slaughtering their civilians, destroying their crops and infrastructure, kidnapping their kids … you call that a “great economy free from [soviet] brutality and bullying”?
You’re fucking insane or deluded by Pootey propaganda. As a NATO parter, invaders would have been smacked down immediately, if Pootey was dumb enough to try it.
Ukraine and other former members of USSR wanted to have great economies by siding with West. Ukraine has already got the "fucking* great economy". Allah knows who else will get it next. Poland?
* I have never used this beautiful word in original IIDB and its later avataras, but you made me use it. I am a member since 2006, it has been 17 years now. I had some 20,000 posts in IIDB and 20,000 (or so) in Secular Cafe too.
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