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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

What a surprise, Putin's claims about human rights abuses by the Azov brigade turned out to be bullshit.

Removing the only justification Putin has been using to fight this war. I'm assuming Putin will stick to his guns and keep lying. Why would he stop now?
Why did not you do that earlier?
Azov are nazis, and you know that. Otherwise you would have defended them the first time I mentioned it.
instead you all had been carefully avoiding this issue and woke up only when US decided to stop calling nazis a nazi.
They ARE nazis.
Yes, and any time you ignore my news repost you essentially admit that you have nothing against facts I just posted.
These are the facts. When I post a video of ukro-gestapo calling emergency and then kidnaping these people you have nothing to respond. Meanwhile in Odessa they said they are not going to respond to emergencies from Gestapo, imagine that. One part of the government is openly says "Go and fuck yourself, we are not coming to help you if you are dying"
Soon they will simply refuse to go to any military related part of the government.

That, and people simply quitting their jobs (critically important ones) unless they are protected from gestapo kidnapping.

What? I'm confused about who you are referring to. I can't remember ever having agreed to any of your facts. You seem to be trawling Putin propaganda sources and uncritically reposting his garbage. What you so lovingly refer to as "news". The only side kidnapping people is the Russians. And that's actually true. I wonder how all those Ukrainians who have has their kids held as hostages feel about that?
Even in places like.... (gasp) Russia???!!!!
There was no forced conscription in Russia this time. Not like in Ukraine.
First, people who never served are not sent to Ukraine.
Second, people who served and were mobilized were free to leave the country if they did not want to to be mobilized. Borders are open. And mobilization is over. Russia has enough willing men, Ukraine ran out of them long time ago.

What? Firstly, that's a lie. Secondly, Ukraine has fewer people than Russia. Obviously they need to have forced conscription. How else are they supposed to win? Almost nobody wants to be a soldier. That's just normal.
Seems Ukraine is hitting Russian S-300 and S-400 surface to air missile systems with wanton abandon. So much so Russia is reshuffling these systems around leaving Crimea exposed. Recently Ukraine reported Russia has brought in a S-500 system into Crimea to protect the Kerch bridge. There are likely precious few of these S-500 systems as production delays due to a lack of machine tools and dependency on Western sources for radar components have slowed manufacturing.
The rail portion of the Kerch bridge is rarely used these days. Only recently has Russia dared transport fuel across the bridge. It looks like an act of desperation. Ukraine has been increasing its reach into the Sea of Azov hitting what it can to diminish military supply to Russian forces in Crimea. So, not only has Russia had to pull back its Black Sea Fleet to Novorossiysk, its naval assets in the Sea of Azov are now at risk. What's a poor Putin to do? Find a safe harbor in Cuba, I guess.
Anyways, if this continues, Crimea would be the logical piece for Russia to have to let go. Ukraine has been hitting not only SAM systems but other radar, airfields, comms centers, supply ferrys, and command posts there. Now if they could just hit that bridge and put it OOC once and for all.
Russia is building new rail routes from Rostov-on-Don down along the coast to supply Crimea, but once other means of transport are sufficiently diminished, this lifeline will become a focal point for Ukraine. Oh, and I almost forgot, F-16s will start trickling in soon and with a lack of air cover, any remaining military assets in Crimea should be easy pickins'.
So this will hardly be the end of it, Russia will still have its meat wagons running poor soldiers into Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv with guns at their backs. But losing Crimea will be not only a major miitary defeat for Putin but quite a blow to his self-esteem. And after all isn't that what this is all about?

With ATACMS, all things are possible.
Even in places like.... (gasp) Russia???!!!!
There was no forced conscription in Russia this time. Not like in Ukraine.
First, people who never served are not sent to Ukraine.
Second, people who served and were mobilized were free to leave the country if they did not want to to be mobilized. Borders are open. And mobilization is over. Russia has enough willing men, Ukraine ran out of them long time ago.

What? Firstly, that's a lie. Secondly, Ukraine has fewer people than Russia. Obviously they need to have forced conscription. How else are they supposed to win? Almost nobody wants to be a soldier. That's just normal.
That's not my problem.
Secondly, As I said, Russia has no problems recruiting people - 1000 per day.
What a surprise, Putin's claims about human rights abuses by the Azov brigade turned out to be bullshit.

Removing the only justification Putin has been using to fight this war. I'm assuming Putin will stick to his guns and keep lying. Why would he stop now?
Why did not you do that earlier?
Azov are nazis, and you know that. Otherwise you would have defended them the first time I mentioned it.
instead you all had been carefully avoiding this issue and woke up only when US decided to stop calling nazis a nazi.
They ARE nazis.
Yes, and any time you ignore my news repost you essentially admit that you have nothing against facts I just posted.
These are the facts. When I post a video of ukro-gestapo calling emergency and then kidnaping these people you have nothing to respond. Meanwhile in Odessa they said they are not going to respond to emergencies from Gestapo, imagine that. One part of the government is openly says "Go and fuck yourself, we are not coming to help you if you are dying"
Soon they will simply refuse to go to any military related part of the government.

That, and people simply quitting their jobs (critically important ones) unless they are protected from gestapo kidnapping.

What? I'm confused about who you are referring to. I can't remember ever having agreed to any of your facts. You seem to be trawling Putin propaganda sources and uncritically reposting his garbage. What you so lovingly refer to as "news". The only side kidnapping people is the Russians. And that's actually true. I wonder how all those Ukrainians who have has their kids held as hostages feel about that?
Reading comprehension problem?
I am not trawling Putin's propaganda. I posting video links from Ukraine. And you are ignoring them. I correctly interpret your lack of response as having nothing to say.
The only side kidnapping people is the Russians. And that's actually true.
Nope, that was demonstrated to be a lie. And the ICC judge who made such a claim should face 25 years in russian prison.
Along with that ukro-nazi cunt who claimed that russian soldiers rape everything that moves.
Along with all western media cunts who propagated that crap. Yes virtually all western media people are criminals according to russian anti-fake laws.
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Seems Ukraine is hitting Russian S-300 and S-400 surface to air missile systems with wanton abandon. So much so Russia is reshuffling these systems around leaving Crimea exposed. Recently Ukraine reported Russia has brought in a S-500 system into Crimea to protect the Kerch bridge. There are likely precious few of these S-500 systems as production delays due to a lack of machine tools and dependency on Western sources for radar components have slowed manufacturing.
The rail portion of the Kerch bridge is rarely used these days. Only recently has Russia dared transport fuel across the bridge. It looks like an act of desperation. Ukraine has been increasing its reach into the Sea of Azov hitting what it can to diminish military supply to Russian forces in Crimea. So, not only has Russia had to pull back its Black Sea Fleet to Novorossiysk, its naval assets in the Sea of Azov are now at risk. What's a poor Putin to do? Find a safe harbor in Cuba, I guess.
Anyways, if this continues, Crimea would be the logical piece for Russia to have to let go. Ukraine has been hitting not only SAM systems but other radar, airfields, comms centers, supply ferrys, and command posts there. Now if they could just hit that bridge and put it OOC once and for all.
Russia is building new rail routes from Rostov-on-Don down along the coast to supply Crimea, but once other means of transport are sufficiently diminished, this lifeline will become a focal point for Ukraine. Oh, and I almost forgot, F-16s will start trickling in soon and with a lack of air cover, any remaining military assets in Crimea should be easy pickins'.
So this will hardly be the end of it, Russia will still have its meat wagons running poor soldiers into Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv with guns at their backs. But losing Crimea will be not only a major miitary defeat for Putin but quite a blow to his self-esteem. And after all isn't that what this is all about?

With ATACMS, all things are possible.
That's a nice repost of western propaganda garbage.
You are losing your war on Russia.
experienced (nazi) ukrainian commanders are complaining that recently mobilized replacement are either get killed quickly or surrender at the first opportunity. Recently one such dude surrendered himself saying "What's the point? we are not going to win"
The only side kidnapping people is the Russians. And that's actually true.
Nope, that was demonstrated to be a lie. And the ICC judge who made such a claim should face 25 years in russian prison.
Along with that ukro-nazi cunt who claimed that russian soldiers rape everything that moves.
Along with all western media cunts who propagated that crap. Yes virtually all western media people are criminals according to russian anti-fake laws.

By the indipendent and free Russian judciary? Lol.

Russian troops have been committing atrocities. That's been proven. Wtf?

If you want to convince anyone, how about sandwitching your lies between something that is true. If everything you say can be verified as a lie, then you won't convince anyone.
You are losing your war on Russia.
experienced (nazi) ukrainian commanders are complaining that recently mobilized replacement are either get killed quickly or surrender at the first opportunity. Recently one such dude surrendered himself saying "What's the point? we are not going to win"

Who are you talking to? Who is "you"?
You are losing your war on Russia.
experienced (nazi) ukrainian commanders are complaining that recently mobilized replacement are either get killed quickly or surrender at the first opportunity. Recently one such dude surrendered himself saying "What's the point? we are not going to win"

Who are you talking to? Who is "you"?
The west.
The only side kidnapping people is the Russians. And that's actually true.
Nope, that was demonstrated to be a lie. And the ICC judge who made such a claim should face 25 years in russian prison.
Along with that ukro-nazi cunt who claimed that russian soldiers rape everything that moves.
Along with all western media cunts who propagated that crap. Yes virtually all western media people are criminals according to russian anti-fake laws.

By the indipendent and free Russian judciary? Lol.

Russian troops have been committing atrocities. That's been proven. Wtf?
No, it was disproven by .... ukro-government itself.

If you want to convince anyone, how about sandwitching your lies between something that is true. If everything you say can be verified as a lie, then you won't convince anyone.
Your own media found kidnapped children from the ICC report in ..... Germany.
And your own Nazi Government fired that cunt themselves, telling her "you need help in head department"
I repeat even nazis said it's too much lies.
By the indipendent and free Russian judciary? Lol.
That judge who seemed to be jailing kremlin puppets fell out of a window. Of course its being investigated. LOL.

Russian people wouldn't know how to deal with freedom if it hit them in the head. I think they prefer a serf/master arrangement. Less responsibility, more time for drinking vodka. And of course this is understandable if for your entire existence you've been killed or imprisoned for speaking your mind. You tend to get the message after a while. There may have at one time been Russian people with dreams and ambitions but they don't exist anymore. Barbos is living proof.
Ukraine is suffering from soviet brutality because they are not in Nato.
They want to be in NATO, but NATO does not agree. NATO wants Ukraine to fight Russia as its stooge. That is how much they care about Ukraine.
It's against the rules of NATO to accept a nation in conflict with another nation.
Yeah they should just commit suicide per your recommendation, and they’ll no longer be a bother.
That will be greatly disappointing to NATO. NATO wants them to fight Russia.
Why shouldn't they?
Ukraine is suffering from soviet brutality because they are not in Nato.
They want to be in NATO, but NATO does not agree. NATO wants Ukraine to fight Russia as its stooge. That is how much they care about Ukraine.
They (ukrainian people?) "want" to be in NATO maybe now, we are not sure.
Yes, we are.
In one of the most recent snapshots of public opinion, conducted by Ukraine’s Rating Group think tank prior to the invasion in mid-February, 62% of adults supported Ukraine’s entry to NATO, with just 30% opposed.

But we know that they ("ukrainian people") did not support NATO membership before 2022, according to polls. So Regime in Washington employed their usual backdoor strategy - bribing the puppets they installed in Kiev. Same thing happened in a number of EU countries, most famously in Montenegro. And recently in Finland.
Do you have proof the people of Montenegro and Finland didn't want to join NATO?
Even in places like.... (gasp) Russia???!!!!
There was no forced conscription in Russia this time.

At the end of July, Russia raised the maximum conscription age by three years, widening the pool of men that can be called up to serve. Peter is one of millions affected by this change.
Before, all healthy men in Russia aged between 18 and 27 had to serve one year of compulsory military service. Conscription was carried out twice a year.
Now, all men up to 30 years of age can be called up.
The Russian parliament has also passed a bill that significantly increases fines for those who fail to show up at an enlistment office after they get a draft notice.
They can be fined up to 30,000 roubles (about £250/$315) when the law comes into force on 1 October. That is 10 times the current maximum fine.
Last autumn, when the government announced a mobilisation of 300,000 reservists, tens of thousands of men left Russia. Now, officials have imposed a new law that prohibits conscripts from leaving the country once they receive their draft notice.

Sounds pretty desperate to me.
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