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How should west respond to potential (likely) Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Looks like Armenia is going to tell Putin to pound salt. Can't blame them. Likely they will become the next state applying for NATO membership.
Prime Minister Modi will meet Zelenski during the current G-7 meet. Modi is an invitee to the conference (not a member of G-7).
Yes really. "Conscription" you are talking about means mandatory military service. These people under no circumstances can be sent to war. It's basically one year long boot camp and you get home. After you get home you can be mobilized and sent to fight to Ukraine. You can not be mobilized if you have not had prior military training/service of some kind.
But this is not what's actually happening. Plenty of people sign up voluntarily and that's what Russian Army really prefer. If things change they might start mobilize everybody, but right now it is what I said it is.
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NATO rules do not permit new membership for states currently at war.
NATO is a mutual insurance against invasion; Ukraine can't join for the same reason that you can't buy auto theft insurance after your car has been stolen.
"In one of the most recent snapshots of public opinion, conducted by Ukraine’s Rating Group think tank prior to the invasion in mid-February, 62% of adults supported Ukraine’s entry to NATO, with just 30% opposed."
Yeah, about as much as Ukraine “made” Putler invade, ransack and rape their Country.
IMHO, he did. He should have talked with Russia, indirectly if not directly. At one time he will have to do it, otherwise the conflict will turn into WWIII.
Why shouldn't they?
Yeah, it is NATO's game and not that of Ukraine. Ukraine is just a playground for the game.
Ukraine is suffering from soviet brutality because they are not in Nato.
They want to be in NATO, but NATO does not agree. NATO wants Ukraine to fight Russia as its stooge. That is how much they care about Ukraine.
They (ukrainian people?) "want" to be in NATO maybe now, we are not sure.
Yes, we are.
In one of the most recent snapshots of public opinion, conducted by Ukraine’s Rating Group think tank prior to the invasion in mid-February, 62% of adults supported Ukraine’s entry to NATO, with just 30% opposed.
if NATO public supports reaches good level, NATO conducts referendum in the country. Otherwise they simply bribe and coerce parliaments and key people. NATO did not have public support in Ukraine according to real independent polls.
But we know that they ("ukrainian people") did not support NATO membership before 2022, according to polls. So Regime in Washington employed their usual backdoor strategy - bribing the puppets they installed in Kiev. Same thing happened in a number of EU countries, most famously in Montenegro. And recently in Finland.
Do you have proof the people of Montenegro and Finland didn't want to join NATO?

if NATO public supports reaches good level, NATO conducts referendum in the country. Otherwise they simply bribe and coerce parliaments and key people.
There was no referendums in any of these countries, hence there was no necessary public support.
Dancing Queen Sana Marin was offered cushy job in the Think Tank after she gets Finland into NATO.
Sorry man, it's pure corruption and coercion.
Prime Minister Modi will meet Zelenski during the current G-7 meet. Modi is an invitee to the conference (not a member of G-7).
Has not citizen of Ukraine Elensky stood up Modi before? That could be very awkward meeting.
Oh, I think I remember what happened. Modi did meet Elensky and lectured the clown pianist so much that elensky could not endure next lecture from Lula and he stood him up. And get this, Lula called .... (!!!) Putin right after that and told him all about it. So it was Lula and he is still fuming. It can't get any funnier than that. Diplomacy is hard, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

I can imagine Modi calling Lula after that and saying "Sorry man, I might have been a little too hard on the boy, next time you'll go first, OK?"
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IMHO, he did. He should have talked with Russia, indirectly if not directly
Why? Pootey was going to siege their resources any way he could. They fought back like you would do.
Do you believe Ukranian people are inferior to “your” people? Why would you tell them not to do what you would do?
Speaking of Finland. Border regions were heavily involved economically with Russia, lots of tourism as well. People are not particularly happy. Finland is not a large country and EU will compensate them but they are not happy right now. Eventually I think finns will try to go back promising (behind the doors) to russians that there will be no significant US/NATO shit inside Finland.
American doing metric :D And apparently big lower of chebureks, LOL

And milk in Russia pasteurized. It tend to spoil more quickly if you are not careful than in US, but it's pasteurized.

Also, summer weather is way better than in most places in US where it's just too hot and too humid.
By the indipendent and free Russian judciary? Lol.
Don't care. That ICC cunt should face the music one way or another.
By the way, US government agrees with Russia on that one, for all the wrong reasons but they agree.
That's irony for you.

I have noticed that whenever you say that someone important in the west agrees with something Russia has done, it turns out not to be true. I might have missed some of your statements. But that's my impression so far
Speaking of Finland. Border regions were heavily involved economically with Russia, lots of tourism as well. People are not particularly happy. Finland is not a large country and EU will compensate them but they are not happy right now. Eventually I think finns will try to go back promising (behind the doors) to russians that there will be no significant US/NATO shit inside Finland.

That's delusional. Finns hate Russia. Finlands relationship with Russia is a bit like a battered wife trying to have a nice holiday with her abusive husband. Fun fact, that's how the Finns used to view Sweden. But now we're friends. Thanks to Russia. Nothing brings old enemies together like a new, worse enemy.

The only reason Finland stayed out of NATO was to appease Russia. But after the invasion of Ukraine, Finland has realised that there's no point in reasoning with Russia and the only language they will understand is raw power. Finland is putting all their chips on NATO. All the Baltic states are doing that now.

Russia turned Finland into a pile of rubble during World War 2. Everybody in that country carries generational deep scars from that war. Everybody.

Finns like to do business with Russia because money. They are neighbours and it would be retarded not to take advantage of geography when trying to make money.
Speaking of Finland. Border regions were heavily involved economically with Russia, lots of tourism as well. People are not particularly happy. Finland is not a large country and EU will compensate them but they are not happy right now. Eventually I think finns will try to go back promising (behind the doors) to russians that there will be no significant US/NATO shit inside Finland.

The support of NATO membership shot through the roof after the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. The pre-invasion wisdom here was that economic ties would secure peace, but that mode of thinking died the day Russia invaded Ukraine.

If people in Finland is not happy, it is not because of the NATO membership, which enjoys wide support.
youtube : 81SIBAWHT4c

I watched the first five minutes to see what was better about Russia.

(1) In a restaurant you have the option to tip your server, instead of splitting the tip with all staff. I think you can do that in America if you carry cash. (Or not. Here in the Kingdom when I tip a waitress she usually just puts it in the tip box.)

(2) His bank has a car! They send the car to his home or apartment when he wants to open an account. Although they have no bank building (except MAYBE in Moscow), they will bring a safety deposit box in the car in case you want one of those too. (Do they then take that box with your valuables to the building they MIGHT have in Moscow? Or just keep it in the car?)

(3) He can transfer money to a phone number, with only a small fee if that phone is connected to a different bank.

What other advantages of Russia would I see if I watched the whole half hour?

On point (3), we can do that here in the Kingdom and there's never a fee. I've asked before and will ask again: Are money transfers also so very easy in the U.S.A.?
Speaking of Finland. Border regions were heavily involved economically with Russia, lots of tourism as well. People are not particularly happy. Finland is not a large country and EU will compensate them but they are not happy right now. Eventually I think finns will try to go back promising (behind the doors) to russians that there will be no significant US/NATO shit inside Finland.

The support of NATO membership shot through the roof after the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine. The pre-invasion wisdom here was that economic ties would secure peace, but that mode of thinking died the day Russia invaded Ukraine.
I don't believe a single word you just said, sue me.
If people in Finland is not happy, it is not because of the NATO membership, which enjoys wide support.
Let me put it this way - people near border are less "happy".

And wow, 9 posts in 22 years. Next post in 2 years I guess?
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That's delusional. Finns hate Russia
Finlands relationship with Russia is a bit like a battered wife trying to have a nice holiday with her abusive husband. Fun fact, that's how the Finns used to view Sweden. But now we're friends. Thanks to Russia. Nothing brings old enemies together like a new, worse enemy.
What are you smoking, seriously? Where do come with this BS?
By the indipendent and free Russian judciary? Lol.
Don't care. That ICC cunt should face the music one way or another.
By the way, US government agrees with Russia on that one, for all the wrong reasons but they agree.
That's irony for you.

I have noticed that whenever you say that someone important in the west agrees with something Russia has done, it turns out not to be true. I might have missed some of your statements. But that's my impression so far
Again, where do you come up with this nonsense? You come here, post complete garbage without any proof or explanation and then disappear.
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What other advantages of Russia would I see if I watched the whole half hour?
Watch the rest of the video.
But americans are usually shocked by the stuff which is free in Russia (health care, daycare, schools, education), Metro, and by the fact that virtually everything they had been told about Russia turned out to be a lie.
Some emigrate to Russia so that their kids can afford education :)

Oh and safety on the streets. No shooting, mugging that kind of stuff.
This particular american is unusually fond of russian basic food. I did not see that much difference myself.
Except bread in US was atrocious, and lack of buckwheat. Also most of apples in US were a bit weird, not as good as in Russia. Milk is milk, butter is butter. Most of the apples in Russia are probably from Poland, at least they had been until sanctions.

Negatives of Russia which most americans would not notice anyway is atrocious TV. I am talking about russian programs, TV series, etc. Long winter in most of Russia, you will notice that.
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I don't believe a single word you just said, sue me.
Well, which one of us lives in Finland, follows the Finnish media and talk to the Finnish people?

Really, the sense that without NATO we could have been next is there. Nobody expects the things to return to what they were, the business is gone for good.

As to your claim that Finland would try to promise Russia that there would not be major NATO forces, it is not true. This very day the news has it that Finland wants to have NATO Forward Land Forces deployed in the country.
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