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How Trump will steal the election

If it was tracked, we could find out if it rarely happened or if it often happened.

The only reason it is not tracked is because there are people in power who do not want it tracked. The reason it is not tracked stops and ends there.

You have been given evidence it happens. I cannot say how widespread the practice is, but I have given you evidence it happens. That is more evidence than you see, because you do not see any evidence that implicates those you support.

The ability of the US Census and the FBI do bolster my case. I have shown that it exists. We both acknowledge it isn't tracked. Your argument reduces to "Since it isn't tracked, I don't need to look at evidence. Since I"m not looking at evidence you haven't provided any evidence."

Maybe you might wonder why it isn't tracked. No, you won't wonder that. You are happy it isn't so you can pretend it doesn't happen even after confronted with evidence. "If it actually happened, they'd track it, so don't waste my time with silly things like evidence."
If it was tracked, we could find out if it rarely happened or if it often happened.

The only reason it is not tracked is because there are people in power who do not want it tracked.

So Trump doesn't want it tracked, and Barr doesn't want it tracked. Do tell, while you're under this paranoid delusion - WHO has the power to track it and doesn't want to?
The issue goes up to the Supreme Court, which unlike the 2000 election does not decide the election in favor of the Republicans. However, it indicates again that the December 14 Electoral College deadline must be met; that the president's national security powers legally authorize him to investigate potential foreign country intrusion into the national election; and if no Electoral College slate can be certified by any state by December 14, the Electoral College must meet anyway and cast its votes.
Assuming the Clownstick loss is as bad as it looks like it could be, I don't see the SC not siding with the Dems in that FFvC's claims have no standing. SC Justice Roberts has lately shown to be pretty fed up with Clownstick and his court Jester Barr, on several cases. So that would make 5 justices that would not play along such BS. I would hope that enough Repugs would still want democracy to survive as to also back the results.
If it was tracked, we could find out if it rarely happened or if it often happened.

The only reason it is not tracked is because there are people in power who do not want it tracked.

So Trump doesn't want it tracked, and Barr doesn't want it tracked. Do tell, while you're under this paranoid delusion - WHO has the power to track it and doesn't want to?

It has been going on since LONG before Trump. Have you ever heard the name "Daley"?

It is a fact, not a paranoid delusion, that if the powers that be wanted to track it they would track it.

I also notice that when I told you to look up "Ballot Harvesting" as occurs in California, you didn't. As I wrote earlier, if the "other side" does something wrong of course you notice it, but if "your side" does something wrong it never happened and nobody can prove it happened. It's all about which tribe is committing the crime.
If it was tracked, we could find out if it rarely happened or if it often happened.

The only reason it is not tracked is because there are people in power who do not want it tracked.

So Trump doesn't want it tracked, and Barr doesn't want it tracked. Do tell, while you're under this paranoid delusion - WHO has the power to track it and doesn't want to?

It has been going on since LONG before Trump.

Jesus Christ, Jason - how dense am I supposed to think you are? If it has been going on soooo long do you think Trump would be unaware of it, and wouldn't want to put it front and center in his "Dems are stealing the election" campaign?
If there was more than one instance you could bring up - even by citing dishonest conservative bloggers who, despite no knowledge of which party these dead people are voting for, try to pin it on Democrats - I'd maybe listen to some more of your paranoid rant. But it's quite apparent that you're trying to sell a nothingburger.
Meanwhile, there is solid evidence and loud announcement that Trump intends to cheat to the full extent of his ability in order to stay in power, and you somehow deny that (but won't put down a bet on it, right?).
I'm sick of "I'm not a trumpsucker"s and all the weasely dishonesty that goes with that stance.

Here's what is important:

What happens to the down-ballot races if/when the corrupt SCOTUS sends the presidential election to the governors? Do all those invented "fake Chinese ballots" count, or does SCOTUS simply award every seat in both houses of Congress to the RepubliNazi Party?
It has been going on since LONG before Trump.

Jesus Christ, Jason - how dense am I supposed to think you are?

One of us has heard of the name "Daley". The other one is accusing the first of being dense.
One of us knows about the practice in California of ballot harvesting. The other one is accusing the first of being dense.
One of us has posted actual evidence of instances of ballots cast under the names of dead people. The other one is accusing the first of being dense.

Here's what is important:

What happens to the down-ballot races if/when the corrupt SCOTUS sends the presidential election to the governors? Do all those invented "fake Chinese ballots" count, or does SCOTUS simply award every seat in both houses of Congress to the RepubliNazi Party?

I don't give a damn. This paranoid delusional conspiracy theory is YOUR hobby-horse. You come up with your delusional answer to your delusional question.
One of us has heard of the name "Daley".

What makes you think I never heard the name Daley? Is it now your magic incantation to "prove" that dead democrats are voting?
One of us knows about the practice in California of ballot harvesting.

Both of us have read about it. One of us has swallowed the Rethuglican Kool-Aid version of the story.
That's the same one who asserts dead people voting without evidence.

One of us has posted actual evidence of instances of ballots cast under the names of dead people.

One of us has posted a hack opinion piece from a dishonest conservative who, despite not knowing who those alleged dead people voted for, puts up a picture to insinuate WITHOUT EVIDENCE that is was democrats. The fact that YOU call that "evidence" is quite telling.

Here's what is important:

What happens to the down-ballot races if/when the corrupt SCOTUS sends the presidential election to the governors? Do all those invented "fake Chinese ballots" count, or does SCOTUS simply award every seat in both houses of Congress to the RepubliNazi Party?

I don't give a damn.

But you care deeply about vacuous assertions that dead democrats vote, that ballot harvesting causes Republitards to lose California electors ... and you're not a trumpsucker?
I bet you're buying Trump's 3,000,000 illegal Mexicans costing him the popular vote in 2016, too.
:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:
Here's one example.

There do not exist any comprehensive databases about this crime, which I find fascinating. The US government has the resources to find out what it wants if it wants it bad enough. They have the resources to pay people to measure methane from cow farts. A woman set police cars on fire, and the FBI tracked her by identifying her tee-shirt, tracking it to the etsy store that sold it, and then finding the customer record of the purchase. Every now and again I come across some news story and say "how did they even find that person?" The questions in the US census vary from census to census, but in one census they found the smallest minority in the US was "female Puerto Rican Buddhist conservative Republicans". There were 4 of them in the whole census. One of them was a lesbian.

There is only one explanation for not keeping track of this, and it ain't "because it never happens".


Of course, this all falls under the category of "I only see crimes committed by the other side, I never see crimes committed by my side."

You want to convince me the Democrats are better? Police yourself more than they police themselves.


The funny thing is the accusations Republicans hurl at Democrats and the accusations Democrats hurl at Republicans only scratch the surface of electoral fraud.

It would have been better if you had used a primary source.

She said the dead man’s vote slipped past both Democrat and Republican election judges who examined the signatures and felt they matched. Although Myers said she was unhappy about it, she emphasized that such cases are rare. She said with about 230,000 voters registered in Larimer County, it’s inevitable there will be some fraudulent votes.

“I would be naïve not to think there is a ne’er-do-well in that number,” said the clerk and recorder.

To the south, in Douglas and Arapahoe Counties, CBS4 found seven cases of voter fraud that were prosecuted between 2009 and 2015 that led to either guilty pleas or findings of guilt at trial. All were misdemeanor cases.

So a six year old story of a case nine years old and about seven cases out of 230,000 over a six year span in a state that now has photo ID voter requirements.

What makes you think I never heard the name Daley? Is it now your magic incantation to "prove" that dead democrats are voting?

Are you claiming you have heard of him? Please provide evidence.

Both of us have read about it. One of us has swallowed the Rethuglican Kool-Aid version of the story.

I just recently moved out of California, so I got to see this practice first hand. You claim to have read about it? Please provide evidence.

Bullshit. One of us has posted a hack opinion piece from a dishonest conservative who, despite not knowing who those alleged dead people voted for, puts up a picture to insinuate WITHOUT EVIDENCE that is was democrats. The fact that YOU call that "evidence" is quite telling.

It was a news article, not an opinion article. I gave evidence. You didn't give anything other than saying "if I don't read it then it doesn't exist."

Here's what is important:
What happens to the down-ballot races if/when the corrupt SCOTUS sends the presidential election to the governors? Do all those invented "fake Chinese ballots" count, or does SCOTUS simply award every seat in both houses of Congress to the RepubliNazi Party?

This paranoid delusional conspiracy theory is YOUR hobby-horse. You come up with your delusional answer to your delusional question.

But you care deeply about vacuous assertions that dead democrats vote, that ballot harvesting causes Republitards to lose California electors ... and you're not a trumpsucker?

You are willing to pretend that only Republicans cheat and Democrats never cheat. I am not willing to pretend and recognize both cheat. You are willing to pretend that only one side cheats and get deeply offended that I'm not willing to pretend. Why do you think your willingness to pretend means I am also willing to pretend?
Are you claiming you have heard of him?

You're rambling. I know of many people named "Daley". There's nothing magic about it.

I just recently moved out of California.

I don't give a damn. I lived in CA for over a decade.

Bullshit. One of us has posted a hack opinion piece from a dishonest conservative who, despite not knowing who those alleged dead people voted for, puts up a picture to insinuate WITHOUT EVIDENCE that is was democrats. The fact that YOU call that "evidence" is quite telling.
It was a news article, not an opinion article.

Now I see how confused you really are. You linked to THIS: COLORADO"S CONSERVATIVE BULLY PULPIT

It's a FUCKING OPINION PIECE. I live in goddam Colorado, and have owned property in the State for 48 years. Now you're going to tell me about these idiots?
No "News" there, just innuendo. "Secretary of State Wayne Williams says the findings show potential for fraud" in 2016. And they don't present any findings they just characterize them. And put up a stupid photoshop meme telling their gullible rubes that it was the demonkratz, despite stating in print (that most of their "readers" can't read, apprently including yourself)

"We don’t know the party registration of those dead voters who had cast ballots, whose names were also found in a federal death database. Nor do we know who they voted for."

Why don't you file a fucking FOIA request if you are interested in stopping this outrage? Find out who these dastardly criminals are/were!
Was there ever an arrest? Any big reveal of who exactly they were trying to elect or defeat? Any indication that they succeeded?


Just a scary scary nothingburger frightening the crap out of gullible conservotards.

Here's what is important:
What happens to the down-ballot races if/when the corrupt SCOTUS sends the presidential election to the governors? Do all those invented "fake Chinese ballots" count, or does SCOTUS simply award every seat in both houses of Congress to the RepubliNazi Party?

This paranoid delusional conspiracy theory is YOUR hobby-horse.

No bet though? One might almost suspect that somewhere deep under that paranoia about dead people, lies fear that the people who can see through Trump know what he is going to do.

You are willing to pretend that only Republicans cheat and Democrats never cheat.

I'm fairly certain that you can't quote me saying any such thing, so I'll thank you for refraining from putting words in my mouth.
For the record, dishonest people cheat, regardless of party affiliation. They do things like embedding intentionally misleading pictures like this in opinion pieces masquerading as news:

They even titled the picture "democrat-registration-fraud" in case any of their moron subscribers are able to read.
Democrats probably do similar things, and if you bring up such a stark example I'll readily acknowledge it. But if you retain any honesty yourself you need to acknowledge your error in linking to that fluff and calling it "evidence".
You're rambling. I know of many people named "Daley". There's nothing magic about it.

Ah, so if someone in a discussion of United States electoral politics mentions that name, it means nothing to you because it is just a name.

I don't give a damn. I lived in CA for over a decade.

So this is another case of "if my side does something wrong I don't see it so it didn't happen."

Here's what is important:

It is what is important to you. That doesn't make it important in and of itself. You want an answer derived from a premise that is a paranoid conspiracy theory. So you start with a paranoid conspiracy theory, come up with a question based on it, and get angry when people dismiss it as the insane ramblings of a paranoid nutcase.

This paranoid delusional conspiracy theory is YOUR hobby-horse.

No bet though?

You want me to bet on your paranoia?

Democrats probably do similar things, and if you bring up such a stark example I'll readily acknowledge it.

So if I bring you a signed and annotated confession from someone who cheats on behalf of the Democrats, you might acknowledge it?

Probably not.
Okay look. Step back for just a second.

I'm the only one engaging you on your latest paranoid conspiracy theory. Nobody else is. Just me. And I've openly admitted that I do not take your paranoid conspiracy theory seriously.

Every time I wrote that I don't take your OP seriously, you replied by practically screaming that I answer a question that uses your OP as a premise. You've used bold, large fonts, colors ... maybe you should also use all caps just to let us know you are serious about this.

Your down-ballot question isn't interesting to anyone except you. Only you treat it as a real issue. I have said several times that it is not an issue, because it is based on not an issue.

Your OP was about "what if Republican legislatures intervene?" I replied with "what if Democrat governor intervene?" You spent several pages telling me Democrats don't cheat, while getting more and more hysterical about your ridiculous down ballot question. Your down ballot question only makes sense if I adopt a paranoid conspiracy theory premise. "What if Republican legislatures intervene what does that mean for down ballot?" Perhaps you should also consider "What if Democrat governors intervene what does that mean for down ballot?"

Both questions are highly unlikely to me, are useful only as theoretical conjectures to me. One of them means something to you because Republicans cheat and Democrats don't cheat. I gave you an indicator early on about something I think you overlooked, but since I didn't take a paranoid premise as reality and didn't answer the derived paranoid question, you started screaming that I'm ignoring "the most imprtant question evah".

It upset you so much you started trying to insult me by saying I must be in a major party to dismiss your premise. I'm not sure which one. Are you accusing me of being anti-Trump or pro-Trump? It doesn't matter. All you're doing is stomping your feet because I'm not taking your premise seriously.

Chill. See if your paranoid premise interests anyone else. It doesn't.
It's going to be a lot easier. Kanye is going to siphon enough of the black from Biden vote to deliver the election to Trump. </TINFOIL>
Trump is taking the 2020 election to a dark place. - CNN
US President Donald Trump is taking the 2020 election to a dark place.

After mismanaging the coronavirus pandemic and erasing America's purring economy along the way, Trump is resorting to a familiar strategy -- divisive cultural and racial rhetoric -- in his quest for a second term. To hear him tell it, we're living in a dystopian land besieged by radical hordes.

"The left-wing mob is trying to demolish our heritage so they can replace it with a new, oppressive regime that they alone control," Trump told his mostly unmasked, indoor crowd in Arizona on Tuesday. "They're tearing down statues, desecrating monuments and purging dissenters. It's not the behavior of a peaceful political movement, it's the behavior of totalitarians and tyrants and people that don't love our country."

Pretty much the only time Trump mentions the worsening pandemic these days is to use the racist term "kung flu," which drew roars of approval from supporters in Arizona. The President's boosters are following his lead -- if you watch the nightly tirades served up by conservative talk show hosts on Fox News, you might not even know the lethal contagious disease is still rampant.
Ah, so if someone in a discussion of United States electoral politics mentions that name, it means nothing to you because it is just a name.

Dick Daley? The "switcher"? Lol! Scary shit there, Jason - you better crawl back under your rock.

Meanwhile, no excuse for falling for the dishonest OPINION piece, just because it pretended to be an exposé of dead Dems voting, even though even the piece itself evidenced NO SUCH thing.


So this is another case of "if my side does something wrong I don't see it so it didn't happen."

It would be the first case, if it was a case at all - which it's not.
But go ahead - show me on this doll where Dickey Daley hurt you:


You want me to bet on your paranoia?

No Jason, READ FOR COMPREHENSION: I want you to bet on your own stupid assertion that what I have said about Trump's intent is just paranoia.
I want you to bet on your unwavering faith that your orange avatar will concede the election if his cheating fails to give him the win. How about it Jason? I am willing to put $10k into escrow this week, and pay the escrow costs if you are willing to add your $10k to the pot on a bet that what I have posited about your Republican hero is paranoia. You probably wouldn't want to take money from such an innocent lamb as myself, right? WRONG! - You won't take the bet because you know - or at least suspect - that when his cheating fails to give him the electoral win, he will seek to overturn the results of the election.
Put up or shut up.

Here's what is important: Trump will try to seize control of the government when he loses the election.

It is what is important to you.

It is what is important to anyone concerned with having a representative government in this country. That doesn't include you. Not my problem.

So if I bring you a signed and annotated confession from someone who cheats on behalf of the Democrats, you might acknowledge it?

Sure I'll acknowledge it. I bet there are thousands, or maybe even tens of thousands of people who try to "cheat on behalf of democrats".
So what? If they succeed (like Trump did in 2016 and might do again in 2020) that's a problem.
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