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How Trump will steal the election

You're still assuming we take your paranoia as seriously as you do?

You might be the first libberpublican in history to turn down an easy 10k!

No explanation offered for your gullibility, either. Any old opinion piece accusing Dems of misdeeds is good enough "evidence" for the rubes.

BTW, I sincerely hope you're right, and would be overjoyed to hand over 10k to you if Trump were to keep his word for once.
But anyone trusting that Trump isn't lying at any given moment when his mouth is open, deserves what they get.

My so-called paranoia has lots of company - people smarter and better informed than you or me:

Can Trump Really Lose the Election and Remain President?
How Trump Could Lose the Election and Remain President
Trump has a plan to stay in the White House if he loses election, former senator says
Trump Could Still Break Democracy’s Biggest Norm
What if Trump won’t accept 2020 defeat?
Trump’s Upcoming Refusal to Leave Office: The Very Bad News

Found a usual fairly credible person who "guesses" he won't try it. Just a guess, mind you.

We have a lot of things to worry about in the next eight months. This isn’t one of them.
By Fred Kaplan
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You're still assuming we take your paranoia as seriously as you do?

You might be the first libberpublican in history to turn down an easy 10k!

You should write that in all caps. It will make your case more convincing.

I think I know what the problem is. The stores sell aluminum foil, not tin foil, so you're not using the right hat.

The situation is more complex than your paranoia. It is very likely that the results will be muddled, and both Trump and Biden will claim victory and that there was tampering by the other side. However, in the case of a clear victory and clear loss, that's where your theory kicks in. You aren't saying "if it is muddled both sides will claim victory." Your paranoid rant is "omg what if he clearly loses and won't go!!!111!!11222@@@!!!"

What makes you think I even have $10k?
Now I see how confused you really are. You linked to THIS: COLORADO"S CONSERVATIVE BULLY PULPIT

It's a FUCKING OPINION PIECE. I live in goddam Colorado, and have owned property in the State for 48 years. Now you're going to tell me about these idiots?
No "News" there, just innuendo. "Secretary of State Wayne Williams says the findings show potential for fraud" in 2016. And they don't present any findings they just characterize them. And put up a stupid photoshop meme telling their gullible rubes that it was the demonkratz, despite stating in print (that most of their "readers" can't read, apprently including yourself)

"We don’t know the party registration of those dead voters who had cast ballots, whose names were also found in a federal death database. Nor do we know who they voted for."

Why don't you file a fucking FOIA request if you are interested in stopping this outrage? Find out who these dastardly criminals are/were!
Was there ever an arrest? Any big reveal of who exactly they were trying to elect or defeat? Any indication that they succeeded?

What difference does it make what their registration was? They're not the ones casting the ballots!
What difference does it make what their registration was? They're not the ones casting the ballots!

Right. We know nothing about what their registration was, who cast the ballot(s) or who they voted for.
IOW, this is a fat NOTHINGBURGER (all caps by request).
Unless of course you happen to be a semi-FOXwashed Libberpublican, in which case it's incontrovertible proof that Democrats conspired to steal an election back in 2016.
"An' that thar ain' no dam 'pinion, thass the reeel nooz!" :D
What difference does it make what their registration was? They're not the ones casting the ballots!

Right. We know nothing about what their registration was, who cast the ballot(s) or who they voted for.

So we don't know who the dead people voted for. I guess that means we should send pollsters to the graveyards to ask them.

What do you offer a dead person to convince them to vote for you I wonder.

Maybe you'll get your wish and Trump will find a way other than winning the election of winning the election. That should make you happy.
So we don't know who the dead people voted for. I guess that means we should send pollsters to the graveyards to ask them.

That's totally genius - you should go now! I'm sure they're not out and about; you should be able to dig 'em up.
Let us know when you get evidence of dem corruption out of your fantasy scandal.
So we don't know who the dead people voted for. I guess that means we should send pollsters to the graveyards to ask them.

That's totally genius - you should go now! I'm sure they're not out and about; you should be able to dig 'em up.
Let us know when you get evidence of dem corruption out of your fantasy scandal.

So you admit your whole OP is nothing but fantasy? Good for you. Admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.

The funniest thing is the dichotomy you are trying to set up - in need of psychiatric attention or a Trump supporter. Are you actually pulling a Poe on us?
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So we don't know who the dead people voted for. I guess that means we should send pollsters to the graveyards to ask them.

That's totally genius - you should go now! I'm sure they're not out and about; you should be able to dig 'em up.
Let us know when you get evidence of dem corruption out of your fantasy scandal.

So you admit your whole OP is nothing but fantasy?

^ fantasy of Dem corruption. All yours.
I do admit that facetiousness is difficult to convey on the internet - especially to humorless dullards.
So you were being facetious the whole time.

Are you actually a Trump supporter in disguise?

Right. How am I doing?

Pretty good. Every argument you make against Trump is filled with so much bullshit that it makes the uninformed think that all anti-Trump arguments are likewise bullshit.

If you were to stick to better arguments against him I'd be less inclined to think you are a secret Trump supporter.
So you were being facetious the whole time.

Are you actually a Trump supporter in disguise?

Right. How am I doing?

Pretty good. Every argument you make against Trump is filled with so much bullshit that...

...so much bullshit that you are unable to refute any of it except by presenting a blatantly biased opinion piece as "evidence" of Dem wrongdoing.
Come on, Jason - even you should be able to do better than that.
Okay look. Step back for just a second.

I'm the only one engaging you on your latest paranoid conspiracy theory. Nobody else is. Just me. And I've openly admitted that I do not take your paranoid conspiracy theory seriously.

Every time I wrote that I don't take your OP seriously, you replied by practically screaming that I answer a question that uses your OP as a premise.

Psssst... Jason, I hate to interrupt you, because it seems like you are on a roll, but Elixir did not start this thread, and I am pretty sure a couple of other people have been involved.
Pretty good. Every argument you make against Trump is filled with so much bullshit that it makes the uninformed think that all anti-Trump arguments are likewise bullshit.

If you were to stick to better arguments against him I'd be less inclined to think you are a secret Trump supporter.

...so much bullshit that ...

... it makes the uninformed think that all anti-Trump arguments are likewise bullshit.

If you were to stick to better arguments against him I'd be less inclined to think you are a secret Trump supporter.
Pretty good. Every argument you make against Trump is filled with so much bullshit that it makes the uninformed think that all anti-Trump arguments are likewise bullshit.

If you were to stick to better arguments against him I'd be less inclined to think you are a secret Trump supporter.

...so much bullshit that ...

... it makes the uninformed think that all anti-Trump arguments are likewise bullshit. ... If you were to stick to better arguments ...

Your idea of a "better argument" would be to put up a link to some hack opinion piece accusing him of something he may or may not have done, call it "evidence" and start crowing.
I don't need to do that. Trump has done plenty that is in the public record to prove the case that he will dispute election results. That's why you're afraid of a bet.
Let's make it affordable, so you can play:
If Trump loses by less than 10% of the popular vote or 75 electoral votes and concedes in November, I will give you a public apology and publicly bow to your greater wisdom and character judgment in this forum. I'll start an OP with an apology and invite you to gloat.
If Trump loses by less than 10% of the popular vote or 75 electoral votes and fails to concede any time in November, you will do the same for me.
To sweeten the pot for you, if you win I will no longer point out the non-existence of the basis for any of your assertions or contradict you in any way.

In fact, I'll be pleased to issue the apology without any reciprocal promise.
I hope you are right (wish you were right) about Trump's upstanding character, integrity and strong beliefs about the American system of representative government.
Thank you for admitting you post these absurd anti-Trump rants to make opposition to Trump look absurd.

I am pleased that you are satisfied with your delusion of what I have "admitted". Maybe you should go to one of your libbertard sites and crow about it to someone who might believe you.
Your cowardice has been demonstrated in spades in this thread, and your counterfactual assertions of my "admissions" aren't helping you. Just a friendly tip. :)

Why Trump is already sowing doubts about November's vote
On those rare occasions when any instance of actual voter fraud is discovered, it is almost always Republicans who are caught cheating.

Mail carrier caught changing absentee ballot requests from Democrat to Republican in West Virginia

Just another "patriot" doing what needs to be done to make sure that God's Will is enforced, right?

The carrier, Thomas Cooper, 47, has pleaded guilty to one count of "injury to the mail" and another count of attempting to defraud West Virginians of a fair election.
The Clerk of Pendleton County, upon receiving the request, personally knew a few of the individuals who'd had their parties switched, and knew they weren't Republicans. She called the people whose requests she suspected had been changed and learned that they'd filled their requests out with a blue pen; Mr Cooper made his changes with black ink.

Looks like he would have gotten away with it, but for that coincidence.
There ya go, Jason. Evidence. Not an opinion piece designed to distort and embellish the facts, but a straightforward guilty plea.
If you want to insinuate that Democrats are "just as bad (or worse, as seems to be your bent), that is the kind of thing you need to provide, and lots more of it.
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