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I am Going to Stop Eating Corn

Cheerful Charlie

Nov 10, 2005
Houston, Texas
Basic Beliefs
Strong Atheist
I am going to stop eating corn. Why? Because much corn is genetically modified to resist Monsanto's Roundup(tm). Which is often
heavily sprayed on crops, especially corn. And some pig farmers have found out that such corn causes horrific birth defects in pigs.

Here for example.


Pedersen produces 13,000 pigs each year and is a supplier to Europe’s largest pork producer Danish Crown. When he became alarmed at the deformities among his pigs, he eliminated the genetically modified food sources and switched to non-GM feed. While some of the problems didn’t entirely disappear, improvements were remarkable.

“When using GM feed I saw symptoms of bloat, stomach ulcers, high rates of diarrhea… but when I switched [to non GM feed] these problems went away, some within a matter of days,” said Pedersen.

What are we eating nowadays?

Google roundup, pig deformities for more.
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I am going to stop eating corn. Why? Because much corn is genetically modified to resist Monsanto's Roundup(tm). Which is often
heavily sprayed on crops, especially corn.

Do you quite understand what GM food is all about? I ask because the above doesn't seem to make much sense. If it's resistant to pesticides, then they don't need to spray pesticides on the food. That's part of the point of some GM crops. In other cases, GM foods provide specific nutritional advantages not found in non-GM varieties, such as in golden rice.

Also, GMs are safe.
I am going to stop eating corn. Why? Because much corn is genetically modified to resist Monsanto's Roundup(tm). Which is often
heavily sprayed on crops, especially corn.

Do you quite understand what GM food is all about? I ask because the above doesn't seem to make much sense. If it's resistant to pesticides, then they don't need to spray pesticides on the food. That's part of the point of some GM crops. In other cases, GM foods provide specific nutritional advantages not found in non-GM varieties, such as in golden rice.

Also, GMs are safe.

No. Its not about pesticides. Its about weedkiller. Roundup kills weeds. Monsanto's GMO corn is modified so Roundup does not affect the corn. It seems to affect pigs fed on corn exposed to Roundup. And rats fed on the crap.

Google roundup, pig deformities for more. I guarantee you you would not want to feed this crap to your children.
I am going to stop eating corn. Why? Because much corn is genetically modified to resist Monsanto's Roundup(tm). Which is often
heavily sprayed on crops, especially corn.

Do you quite understand what GM food is all about? I ask because the above doesn't seem to make much sense. If it's resistant to pesticides, then they don't need to spray pesticides on the food. That's part of the point of some GM crops. In other cases, GM foods provide specific nutritional advantages not found in non-GM varieties, such as in golden rice.

Also, GMs are safe.

I think he's worried about the roundup, not the GM itself.
Has this been confirmed scientifically that it is harmful to humans? That's the only question that really matters.
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Has this been confirmed scientifically that it is harmful to humans? That's the only question that really matters.

I do not think it has. All what this has done is shown there is need for more research. The deformities could be caused by other things. The chemicals they found in the piglets might not be from the corn. In short there was a total lack of controls.
Not only corn but wheat, barley, rye and other cereal grains. Best kept to a minimum, if they must be consumed at all.
Has this been confirmed scientifically that it is harmful to humans? That's the only question that really matters.

I do not think it has. All what this has done is shown there is need for more research. The deformities could be caused by other things. The chemicals they found in the piglets might not be from the corn. In short there was a total lack of controls.

The Institute of Science in Society published a study stating:
“A steep decline in human male sperm count concomitant with rise in testicular germ cell cancer,congenital malformations of the male reproductive tract and drop in serum testosterone levels, all pointing towards increasing exposure to glyphosate/Roundup herbicides during the past decades, now corroborated by lab findings.”
But let’s not leave women and children out. There is a continuing stack of evidence proving that babies absorb glyphosate through their mother’s wombs, and even their breast milk. A Russian study found that feeding hamsters GMO soy resulted in complete sterility after two or three generations.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of women between the ages of 15-44 experiencing infertility issues is on the rise. An increase in pre-term and low-birth-weight births are particularly noticeable.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/glyphosates-looming-demise/#ixzz3tYd63wsm
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook

Well, it looks like studies indicate humans are being affected by Roundup.
I do not think it has. All what this has done is shown there is need for more research. The deformities could be caused by other things. The chemicals they found in the piglets might not be from the corn. In short there was a total lack of controls.

The Institute of Science in Society published a study stating:
“A steep decline in human male sperm count concomitant with rise in testicular germ cell cancer,congenital malformations of the male reproductive tract and drop in serum testosterone levels, all pointing towards increasing exposure to glyphosate/Roundup herbicides during the past decades, now corroborated by lab findings.”
But let’s not leave women and children out. There is a continuing stack of evidence proving that babies absorb glyphosate through their mother’s wombs, and even their breast milk. A Russian study found that feeding hamsters GMO soy resulted in complete sterility after two or three generations.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of women between the ages of 15-44 experiencing infertility issues is on the rise. An increase in pre-term and low-birth-weight births are particularly noticeable.

Read more: http://naturalsociety.com/glyphosates-looming-demise/#ixzz3tYd63wsm
Follow us: @naturalsociety on Twitter | NaturalSociety on Facebook

Well, it looks like studies indicate humans are being affected by Roundup.
This might be more convincing if you cited credible sources.
I can't tell if your focus is anti-GMO or anti-glyphosate. You switch between the two without a pause, so likely it's both.

With respect to glyphosate, it's very safe. (To humans, bearing in mind that its primary use is to kill things). There have been A LOT of glyphosate studies. Most of them have reported no significant health risk with normal exposure. The rest are green jelly beans.

Also note that you've never eaten anything that has genes that haven't been genetically modified by humans, and it's overwhelmingly likely that you never will. Appeal to nature really isn't a great argument...
Are you going to stop eating all things that are fed or made up of corn?
I can't tell if your focus is anti-GMO or anti-glyphosate. You switch between the two without a pause, so likely it's both.

With respect to glyphosate, it's very safe. (To humans, bearing in mind that its primary use is to kill things). There have been A LOT of glyphosate studies. Most of them have reported no significant health risk with normal exposure. The rest are green jelly beans.

Also note that you've never eaten anything that has genes that haven't been genetically modified by humans, and it's overwhelmingly likely that you never will. Appeal to nature really isn't a great argument...

Anti-roundup. Prima facie, this stuff may well be a rather nasty little problem. I have not much faith in studies that seem to absolve Roundup as being free of side effects.

I can't tell if your focus is anti-GMO or anti-glyphosate. You switch between the two without a pause, so likely it's both.

With respect to glyphosate, it's very safe. (To humans, bearing in mind that its primary use is to kill things). There have been A LOT of glyphosate studies. Most of them have reported no significant health risk with normal exposure. The rest are green jelly beans.

Also note that you've never eaten anything that has genes that haven't been genetically modified by humans, and it's overwhelmingly likely that you never will. Appeal to nature really isn't a great argument...

Anti-roundup. Prima facie, this stuff may well be a rather nasty little problem. I have not much faith in studies that seem to absolve Roundup as being free of side effects.


That kinda sounds like you only believe studies that agree with your preconceived notions...

My conclusion is that if glyphosate is so terrible that a pig farmer notices horrific side effects due to short term exposure in a population of a few thousand pigs then the controlled experimental studies would have seen them as well. If my choice is between a peer-reviewed lab study or a pig farmer's anecdotes for my scientific conclusions, I think you can tell which one I'd pick.
Anti-roundup. Prima facie, this stuff may well be a rather nasty little problem. I have not much faith in studies that seem to absolve Roundup as being free of side effects.


That kinda sounds like you only believe studies that agree with your preconceived notions...

My conclusion is that if glyphosate is so terrible that a pig farmer notices horrific side effects due to short term exposure in a population of a few thousand pigs then the controlled experimental studies would have seen them as well. If my choice is between a peer-reviewed lab study or a pig farmer's anecdotes for my scientific conclusions, I think you can tell which one I'd pick.

Yeah, not to mentions all the studies done in agricultural science.
While we are considering anecdotal evidence as data, I have a friend who treats his yard with Roundup and has discovered his marijuana consumption falls greatly during the mowing season.
Anti-roundup. Prima facie, this stuff may well be a rather nasty little problem. I have not much faith in studies that seem to absolve Roundup as being free of side effects.


That kinda sounds like you only believe studies that agree with your preconceived notions...

My conclusion is that if glyphosate is so terrible that a pig farmer notices horrific side effects due to short term exposure in a population of a few thousand pigs then the controlled experimental studies would have seen them as well. If my choice is between a peer-reviewed lab study or a pig farmer's anecdotes for my scientific conclusions, I think you can tell which one I'd pick.

Sorry, but its not one farmer, but a number of them. The photos are horryifing. Something IS going on here. So I am going to take it that we need more investigations on this situation. Unfortunately, there seem to be some good peer reviewed studies demonstrating changes in humans cell due to glyphosate but man y of these are behind scientific journal paywalls. But the studies are there that show something is in fact going on.

Google glyphosate, human interactions, studies for more.
Well if you prefer your evidence to consist of horrifying photos on the Internet, rather than peer-reviewed research papers, that's fine.

Just as long as you don't mind having very strongly held opinions that are totally at odds with reality on a number of subjects.

Roundup/Glyphosate is, due to the exertions of the anti-GMO lobby, one of the most rigorously tested herbicides in history. It was developed as, and has proven to be, dramatically less dangerous to mammals (including humans) than any other broad-spectrum herbicide ever; and it replaces such genuinely scary chemicals as Paraquat. Many people are recorded as having drunk concentrated Roundup in an attempt to commit suicide; most have failed, and those who succeeded succumbed to the toxicity of the surfactant used to help the Glyphosate penetrate leaves, rather than due to the Glyphosate itself.

But there are LOTS of people out there who are devout believers in the evils of GMOs, and they tend to also believe that Roundup is pure distilled essence of evil. The fact that such people post disturbing pictures in support of their cause is no surprise at all; the probability that such pictures depict what they claim to depict is very close to zero.

If you want to reduce your maize intake in order to lose some weight, then that's probably wise. If you want to avoid maize because you are frightened that it will harm you due to pesticide residues, then that's rather paranoid; and if the pesticide that worries you is Roundup, then that shows a level of paranoia that renders you incapable of pretty much anything else - if Roundup is dangerous, then no science at all can be trusted, and you can't risk eating or drinking anything.

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Again, there are peer reviewed articles that indicate Roundup may well be a problem. Unfortunately many of these studies are behind paywalls. Again, some farmers found their pig problems ended when they stopped feeding their pigs with Roundup dosed feed. This is not something I will just brush aside as meaningless. YMMV.
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