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I can't ... I just can't

Simple. Because it's Obama shed in a negative light, so it MUST be true. He's been the anti-christ for 8 years, and it doesn't stop now. Trump will continue to blame all hs failures on Obama until the end of time, as will his fellow Republicans.
Oh for fuck's sake. These people are fucking diseased. No matter how obvious it becomes that right wing ideology is delusional, irrational, unaware, and completely fucking divorced from reality, not to mention stretching the limits of selfish callousness, those affected with the disease are locked in and unlikely to even notice. They willfully, gleefully allow programmed hatred to guide their every judgment.

Fucking ignorance-worshiping mongrels.
74% of Republicans think it's at least "somewhat likely" Trump Tower was wiretapped

Why? Just why?

I wonder if I stood in the middle of Oleander Drive and proclaimed myself the Messiah returned and today the day of judgement, could I get 74% of a given group to think what I was saying was at least "somewhat likely true?"

It depends on who is defining the group.

98% agree that Jesus is the messiah. 98% of the 100 people sitting in church with me right now.
Rep. Nunes' press conference didn't help. He pretty much said as much, 'it all depends on what you consider spying'. He used a lot of qualifying words to hide the BS, but Rep. Nunes pretty much did what the W Admin did with Hussein and 9/11. Made enough statements for the base to make the connection, though I'd say Nunes' was a bit more blunt. George W. Bush didn't say 'well, it all depends on what you consider collusion with the 9/11 attack is.'
Oh for fuck's sake. These people are fucking diseased. No matter how obvious it becomes that right wing ideology is delusional, irrational, unaware, and completely fucking divorced from reality, not to mention stretching the limits of selfish callousness, those affected with the disease are locked in and unlikely to even notice. They willfully, gleefully allow programmed hatred to guide their every judgment.

Fucking ignorance-worshiping mongrels.
The trouble here is that 74% takes this well past the fringes or very conservative. This is mainstream Republicans believing it. 3 in 4!

We are losing control of this nation, when so many people believe such partisan BS, so easily.
IMPOV, I think CBS asked a very poorly worded question. It would have been far better to ask if El Cheato was specifically wiretapped, not just Trump Towers. Additionally, it would be good to ask if they thought Pres. Obama directed it personally. I'm sure the right wing has been working many possible theories to give El Cheato at least some wiggle room to not be a total pants on fire liar. With CBS's vague question, the FBI wire tapping any one office in Trump Tower due to ongoing XYZ investigation would qualify for a Yes to the question.
74% of Republicans think it's at least "somewhat likely" Trump Tower was wiretapped

Why? Just why?

I wonder if I stood in the middle of Oleander Drive and proclaimed myself the Messiah returned and today the day of judgement, could I get 74% of a given group to think what I was saying was at least "somewhat likely true?"

This is actually good news for the nation and bad news for Trump. The more people who believe it, the more likely it will be investigated, not swept under the rug.

What is going to be revealed is, Trump was not wiretapped, his people were talking to surveillance subjects. Trump operatives were calling people who were already be watched by the intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies.

It's going to be a lot of fun.
74% of Republicans think it's at least "somewhat likely" Trump Tower was wiretapped

Why? Just why?

I wonder if I stood in the middle of Oleander Drive and proclaimed myself the Messiah returned and today the day of judgement, could I get 74% of a given group to think what I was saying was at least "somewhat likely true?"

You are too naive. Time to wake up

The Surveillance State Behind Russia-gate: Will Trump Take on the Spooks?

The real question is: Were Trump and his associates surveilled? Wake up, America. Was no one paying attention to the disclosures from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 when he exposed Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as a liar for denying that the NSA engaged in bulk collection of communications inside the United States.

The reality is that EVERYONE, including the President, is surveilled. The technology enabling bulk collection would have made the late demented FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s mouth water.
You are too naive.

The Surveillance State Behind Russia-gate: Will Trump Take on the Spooks?

The real question is: Were Trump and his associates surveilled? Wake up, America. Was no one paying attention to the disclosures from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013 when he exposed Director of National Intelligence James Clapper as a liar for denying that the NSA engaged in bulk collection of communications inside the United States.

The reality is that EVERYONE, including the President, is surveilled. The technology enabling bulk collection would have made the late demented FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s mouth water.
That is a red herring. The bulk metadata surveillance was grossly unconstitutional, however, not what was going on in '16. In '16, there was a FISA warrant to track Russian operatives, after Trump kept coming up in surveillance overseas. What happened in '16 was part of an actual investigation, which is on going. There is no evidence to support that there was wiretapping of Americans using a FISA warrant which would be against the law.
That is a red herring. The bulk metadata surveillance was grossly unconstitutional, however, not what was going on in '16. In '16, there was a FISA warrant to track Russian operatives, after Trump kept coming up in surveillance overseas. What happened in '16 was part of an actual investigation, which is on going. There is no evidence to support that there was wiretapping of Americans using a FISA warrant which would be against the law.
Or simply:
The reality is that EVERYONE, including the President, is surveilled. The technology enabling bulk collection would have made the late demented FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s mouth water.
Trump's claim was that he was specifically and illegally wiretapped by Obama for political reasons, not that he was just one of millions of Americans whose communications were subject to this surveillance.
And 3 out of 4 republicans believe him despite the lack of supporting evidence he's produced.

So your point is less than half-cocked.
The reality is that EVERYONE, including the President, is surveilled. The technology enabling bulk collection would have made the late demented FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover’s mouth water.
Trump's claim was that he was specifically and illegally wiretapped by Obama for political reasons, not that he was just one of millions of Americans whose communications were subject to this surveillance.
And 3 out of 4 republicans believe him despite the lack of supporting evidence he's produced.

So your point is less than half-cocked.
That should be:

And 3 out of 4 republicans believe him despite the complete lack of providing any supporting evidence he's produced, in fact suggesting he (Spicer) may or may not provide such information when he wants to.
Yes, that's better, thanx.
Sorry, i was at the tail end of that Vicodin... I'm all better now, though.
I'm waiting for Trump to say the moon is made of green cheese.
Yeah and 74% of republicans will be relieved to hear that their secret belief is at last recognised as the Truth.
In the world of forensic Investigations there is a term that is generally not spoken out loud...

"Parallel Construction"

In court, evidence can only be offered if it was acquired legally.... failed collection, handling, or production procedures destroy a case... even if the case was substantially worthy of action.

If an investigator stumbles upon a lead to something of interest in the course of doing something they were not supposed to do (like discovering a target's gmail password and using it to log into their email, where they find evidence the target was doing something illegal), the investigator cannot just present the evidence. First, they have to develop a "path" to that evidence that sounds reasonable. so, the investigator pours through the (illegally) collected evidence, and works their way backwards, fabricating a reasonable (and legal) means by which they would have "discovered" that evidence.

That is what Parallel construction is... think of it as "evidence laundering". It is unethical, but probably more common than one would like to think.

So what is more important in an individual case? ;That a pedophile was caught trying to seduce children using their email, or that a forensic investigator was able to violate the Google terms of service and access another person's email messages without their permission?
74% of Republicans think it's at least "somewhat likely" Trump Tower was wiretapped

Why? Just why?

I wonder if I stood in the middle of Oleander Drive and proclaimed myself the Messiah returned and today the day of judgement, could I get 74% of a given group to think what I was saying was at least "somewhat likely true?"

The scary thing about republicans is that they have become a party of conspiracy theorists. No amount of evidence will change their mind...
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