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I Declare Trump's Legacy. *scandal*-Lago to replace *scandal*-gate

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Ever since Watergate, it has been -gate this and -gate that. With Trump making Nixon look like a Boy Scout, I feel it is in our nation's best interest to help bestow upon Trump, a new honor.

All scandals in politics will trade "gate" with "Lago".


Granted, it doesn't roll off the tongue easily, but given time, we'd get used to it, both for its poetic justice as well as inertia. So when President DeSantis is caught running a pizzeria that has you know what going on in the basement... we can call it Pizza-Lago.
Ever since Watergate, it has been -gate this and -gate that. With Trump making Nixon look like a Boy Scout, I feel it is in our nation's best interest to help bestow upon Trump, a new honor.

All scandals in politics will trade "gate" with "Lago".


Granted, it doesn't roll off the tongue easily, but given time, we'd get used to it, both for its poetic justice as well as inertia. So when President DeSantis is caught running a pizzeria that has you know what going on in the basement... we can call it Pizza-Lago.
I dunno Water-Lago is kinda funny, engenders mental images of Nixon drowning as the oval office fills up to the ceiling.
At this point, I'm inclined to think that Trump's Legacy is the development of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump Derangement Syndrome - Syndrome where otherwise normal people exhibit an obsession of supporting a man who has no political affiliation or goals other than self-aggrandizement. The worse the man does, the more steadfast their support becomes of him. Symptoms include continuing to donate money to the man despite after it being conclusively shown that "stop the steal" donations never were even earmarked to help legal defense (there were almost no legal defenses) regarding alleged fraud in the election. Other symptoms include being incapable of justifying why they even support the man as well as buying overpriced pillows from a guy that repeatedly makes nonsensical claims about Trump being reinstated as the President. Some may also display signs of aggression and attempt to overthrow an election.
At this point, I'm inclined to think that Trump's Legacy is the development of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
You know, it just occurred to me that you meant the other way.

That the people who got all uppity over a guy who proclaimed the 2020 election was stolen for two months after the election, and then attempted to have a mob of people overthrow the election results is some sort of derangement. That people who had issue with Trump making with a quid quo pro with Ukraine to announce a fake investigation into Biden to get the Congress passed military assistance were deranged. That people who were angry that Trump was communicating directly with GOP legislatures and election officials in Georgia to reverse the results are obsessed.

But I mean, you'd need to be pretty stupid to think that. A person that is always complaining about the smell of that lump of shit in your living room isn't deranged.
At this point, I'm inclined to think that Trump's Legacy is the development of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
You know, it just occurred to me that you meant the other way.

That the people who got all uppity over a guy who proclaimed the 2020 election was stolen for two months after the election, and then attempted to have a mob of people overthrow the election results is some sort of derangement. That people who had issue with Trump making with a quid quo pro with Ukraine to announce a fake investigation into Biden to get the Congress passed military assistance were deranged. That people who were angry that Trump was communicating directly with GOP legislatures and election officials in Georgia to reverse the results are obsessed.

But I mean, you'd need to be pretty stupid to think that. A person that is always complaining about the smell of that lump of shit in your living room isn't deranged.
Your definition of TDS doesn't make a whole lot of sense, at least according to the way I was using it, and the conventional definition. According to you, it apparently didn't even exist until the 2020 election, but I can remember hearing about it even before the 2016 election.

From Wikipedia:

Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and presumed to have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration.[1] The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of his actions, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world.[2][3][4] Politico co-founder John Harris wrote that TDS is related to gaslighting, "another psychological concept in vogue in the Trump era."[5] Journalists have used the term to call for restraint when judging Trump's statements and actions.[6][7][8]

The origin of the term is traced to political columnist and commentator Charles Krauthammer, a psychiatrist, who originally coined the phrase Bush derangement syndrome in 2003 during the presidency of George W. Bush. That "syndrome" was defined by Krauthammer as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency—nay—the very existence of George W. Bush".[9][10][11][12] The first use of the term Trump derangement syndrome may have been by Esther Goldberg in an August 2015 op-ed in The American Spectator; she applied the term to "Ruling Class Republicans" who are dismissive or contemptuous of Trump.[13] Krauthammer, in an op-ed harshly criticizing Trump, commented that—in addition to general hysteria about Trump—the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was the "inability to distinguish between legitimate policy differences and ... signs of psychic pathology" in his behavior.[12]

I think you kind of missed my point too, in that wanting to redefine the 50+ year old "-gate" term to a new Trump related term is likely a sign of TDS.
I think you kind of missed my point too, in that wanting to redefine the 50+ year old "-gate" term to a new Trump related term is likely a sign of TDS.
Only if you are deluded enough to think Nixon was worse than Trump. There's are reason why dumb cunts like MTG and 15 year old debate lords keep bringing up the Holocaust and not Russian Pogroms to prop their arguments.
I think you kind of missed my point too, in that wanting to redefine the 50+ year old "-gate" term to a new Trump related term is likely a sign of TDS.
Only if you are deluded enough to think Nixon was worse than Trump. There's are reason why dumb cunts like MTG and 15 year old debate lords keep bringing up the Holocaust and not Russian Pogroms to prop their arguments.

thebeave's evidence to support his use of TDS is acceptable for some things but not all things. For example, saying George Bush staged the 911 attack is TDS while saying the Bush administration lied about WMD is not. Trump colluding with Russia can be characterized as TDS however stating that Trump unlawfully had classified documents in his possession couldn't.

Problem is many people who use TDS to describe the left is using it for everything the left says. Which if you ask me is definitely a sign that some folks on the right are suffering from Jimmy's reinterpretation of TDS.
I think you kind of missed my point too, in that wanting to redefine the 50+ year old "-gate" term to a new Trump related term is likely a sign of TDS.
Only if you are deluded enough to think Nixon was worse than Trump. There's are reason why dumb cunts like MTG and 15 year old debate lords keep bringing up the Holocaust and not Russian Pogroms to prop their arguments.

thebeave's evidence to support his use of TDS is acceptable for some things but not all things. For example, saying George Bush staged the 911 attack is TDS while saying the Bush administration lied about WMD is not. Trump colluding with Russia can be characterized as TDS however stating that Trump unlawfully had classified documents in his possession couldn't.

Problem is many people who use TDS to describe the left is using it for everything the left says. Which if you ask me is definitely a sign that some folks on the right are suffering from Jimmy's reinterpretation of TDS.

I get that, but thebeave's argument is replacing "-gate" as a shorthand for "-lago" is TDS. My argument is colloquial idioms get replaced when some else comes along. This could very well be one of those instances as what Trump did was far worse and far more scandalous. People stopped giving a fuck about James Brown's police chase after OJ Simpson.
1998 was a wild year. That was the same year that the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16ft through an announcer's table.

Edit: And yes, I agreed with you when saying that folks on the right who call everything people on the left say about Trump TDS is them suffering TDS. ;)

Edit2: I'm saying thebeave may be suffering from Jimmy's reinterpretation of TDS.
I think you kind of missed my point too, in that wanting to redefine the 50+ year old "-gate" term to a new Trump related term is likely a sign of TDS.
Only if you are deluded enough to think Nixon was worse than Trump. There's are reason why dumb cunts like MTG and 15 year old debate lords keep bringing up the Holocaust and not Russian Pogroms to prop their arguments.

thebeave's evidence to support his use of TDS is acceptable for some things but not all things. For example, saying George Bush staged the 911 attack is TDS while saying the Bush administration lied about WMD is not. Trump colluding with Russia can be characterized as TDS...
Anyone remember people saying Trump was colluding with Russia... and then we found out about a secret meeting the Trump Campaign had with Kremlin linked people at Trump Tower? And how those close to Trump kept having to update their 'who they met' records after the fact? Or that Manafort gave Trump polling data to Russian linked Ukrainians. 1 to 1 collusion?

Maybe not, but something was going on! Putin clearly would have loved for Trump to get elected, just to weaken the US. Trump also helped Putin out in a number of ways (or at least tried to): return a spy HQ in Maryland, exited a couple treaties to save Putin from having to do it.
Jimmy. You ruined it. Now thebeave can focus on your TDS and ignore his. Gosh
Jimmy. You ruined it. Now thebeave can focus on your TDS and ignore his. Gosh
:D I don't have any form of TDS. I comment on maybe 3% of discussions regarding Trump, whereas many TDS infected people here seem to bring up Trump when the topic is your dog having fleas. I suspect they wake themselves up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, screaming "Trump! Die! Die!".

I think all the confusion about TDS can be mitigated if we start using a different phrase/acronym for the more recent, bastardized version of TDS.
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