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I guess Schumer and Pelosi aregoing to start calling more gun control


Veteran Member
Jul 1, 2005
Basic Beliefs
that people in the US are living in the matrx

......oh except this time its the cops who shot the gal who called 911 in the first place. Ooops

I guess this isn't going to work out right for Al Sharpton either. She's the wrong color. Doesnt fit his agenda for a Ferguson riot. Oops again.

......oh except this time its the cops who shot the gal who called 911 in the first place. Ooops

I guess this isn't going to work out right for Al Sharpton either. She's the wrong color. Doesnt fit his agenda for a Ferguson riot. Oops again.

Okay, I know that looks bad, but the important thing is, we're still better than North Korea.
I don't know who Schumer is, but I am aware that Pelosi is a politician, and I have heard of Al Sharpton.

Not one of these people seems to be actually involved in this incident, except as political commentators (presumably with predictable and/or routine stances that they take whenever a shooting makes the news).

It seems more than a little strange, and quite distasteful, to me that, after a person is shot by police for no clear reason, the only aspect of the situation that Americans feel is worthy of comment is the routine knee-jerk responses of various political commentators.

Police shot a foreign national who was doing nothing wrong, and who had actually called them to her home, expecting their assistance. This doesn't strike me as a cause for partisan political bullshit; It clearly has fuck all to do with the gun control debate, and precious little to do with racism.

Perhaps if Americans were to drop their political posturing for long enough to actually notice when a human being is killed (by people whose job is the protection of the public), things might be able to improve. While everyone in power sees a mere opportunity for political posturing, and while the people accept this response from them and comment only on their likely stereotypical responses, and not on the event that prompts them, nothing will ever improve.

tl;dr : What the actual FUCK, America?
This is all about hyper vigilance to things that adhere to or break narrative as spun by political and ideological opponents.

Because the "left" has a selective attention and memory on some issues does not mean that right should be same way and vice versa. The "right" also has selective attention and memory. This is like a bickering couple.

After a short intro this video outlines a lot of spinning and omissions by The Young Turks regarding race. I like much of TYT's content, especially about basic politics and congress and even someof the racial politics stuff. But they do pander a bit.

But I think that the cop punishment issue is more important than the race issue. That does not mean they are not connected.

This is about Jimmy Dore from TYT and contrasting his excessive anti-cop rhetoric with footage of a cop brain injured by the Baton Rouge shooter

Jimmy should save a good portion of that vitriol to District Attorneys and Police Chiefs.
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This is all about hyper vigilance to things that adhere to or break narrative as spun by political and ideological opponents.

Because the "left" has a selective attention and memory on some issues does not mean that right should be same way and vice versa. The "right" also has selective attention and memory. This is like a bickering couple.

After a short intro this video outlines a lot of spinning and omissions by The Young Turks regarding race. I like much of TYT's content, especially about basic politics and congress and even someof the racial politics stuff. But they do pander a bit.

But I think that the cop punishment issue is more important than the race issue. That does not mean they are not connected.

This is about Jimmy Dore from TYT and contrasting his excessive anti-cop rhetoric with footage of a cop brain injured by the Baton Rouge shooter

Jimmy should save a good portion of that vitriol to District Attorneys and Police Chiefs.

I got sick of the fox news format TYT employs. Such a shame too, because I otherwise admire cenk's convictions. What a waste.

The problem is that people think of "The police" as just "The police" and not "The police department of <Jurisdiction>" Each department should really be judged on its own merits, and bad departments should not be allowed to hide behind the sterling reputation of our better ones.

Edit: Jimmy Dore can go fuck himself though, that little egotistical rat faced fuck.
But wait, there is wingnut bait, the cop was Somali-American.

Expect the NRA to come out and proclaim "that if this woman was armed" in 3...2...1...

......oh except this time its the cops who shot the gal who called 911 in the first place. Ooops

I guess this isn't going to work out right for Al Sharpton either. She's the wrong color. Doesnt fit his agenda for a Ferguson riot. Oops again.

Sure, no Al sharpton, but I'm sure the white activists will be all over this.

......oh except this time its the cops who shot the gal who called 911 in the first place. Ooops

I guess this isn't going to work out right for Al Sharpton either. She's the wrong color. Doesnt fit his agenda for a Ferguson riot. Oops again.

That is your response?

Some veiled racist nonsense?

Al Sharpton? Where the fuck did that come from? Some Pavlovian reflex?

A cop shot an unarmed white woman.

Now we have a serious crime in America to consider. The victim is the right color for that.
I like TYT for the most part. They sometimes go a little too far, but for the most part I agree with them.

Jimmy Dore on the other hand has gone off the deep end, becoming more anti-Clinton than even Rush. He is unwatchable at this point. In a way, he is exactly what the Russians wanted, someone who will burn down the Democratic party in the name of idealogical purity, ignoring that he is repeating a bunch of BS fed to him because it helps his cause.
I don't know who Schumer is,
He means Amy Schumer's cousin Chuck.
You know, just the Senate Minority Leader.

The guy is not American.

It is to his credit he doesn't care about the US Senate.

It is a mad house.

A bunch of religious fundamentalists. A bunch of science deniers.

Really really stupid grown men and a few women.

......oh except this time its the cops who shot the gal who called 911 in the first place. Ooops

I guess this isn't going to work out right for Al Sharpton either. She's the wrong color. Doesnt fit his agenda for a Ferguson riot. Oops again.

That is your response?

Some veiled racist nonsense?

Al Sharpton? Where the fuck did that come from? Some Pavlovian reflex?

A cop shot an unarmed white woman.

Now we have a serious crime in America to consider. The victim is the right color for that.

In this forum we generally blame cop shootings on racism.

If this is your first time here, welcome!
But wait, there is wingnut bait, the cop was Somali-American.

Expect the NRA to come out and proclaim "that if this woman was armed" in 3...2...1...
Yeah, then she would have a dozen bullets in her, and maybe a wounded cop. But at least then the cops would claim they were attacked...
That is your response?

Some veiled racist nonsense?

Al Sharpton? Where the fuck did that come from? Some Pavlovian reflex?

A cop shot an unarmed white woman.

Now we have a serious crime in America to consider. The victim is the right color for that.

In this forum we generally blame cop shootings on racism.

If this is your first time here, welcome!

Who is we?
I like TYT for the most part. They sometimes go a little too far, but for the most part I agree with them.

Jimmy Dore on the other hand has gone off the deep end, becoming more anti-Clinton than even Rush. He is unwatchable at this point. In a way, he is exactly what the Russians wanted, someone who will burn down the Democratic party in the name of idealogical purity, ignoring that he is repeating a bunch of BS fed to him because it helps his cause.

I also can't stand Jordan Chariton for his one-sided "reporting" (more like advocacy) on the Dakota Access Pipeline.
The victim is the right color for that.
You mean the wrong color. If the races were reversed, interstates would be blocked, police stations occupied for weeks, and QTs would be burned.


She is the right color to actually have a serious investigation.

She is the right color to make police shootings a national problem.

She is the right color to have a presumption of innocence.

She is the right color for people to think she poses no lethal threat to police with no weapon.
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