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I guess Schumer and Pelosi aregoing to start calling more gun control

Well, he also didn't start a thread about those two white thug drug dealers that murdered those four would be buyers in PA. We know Derec doesn't give a fuck about white crime.
Have I been posting threads every time black thug drug dealers kill their black would be buyers? I have not.
So your accusations are quite baseless and insulting.

So why would you speak of comparative criminal records on this thread? I was thinking you were pointing up the disproportionate enforcement on blacks until I realized you were using it as a black negative.

Re your last response. Please define what you mean by progressoauthoritarian? I understand conservatives tend to be more backward looking which is usually defined as authoritarian. Are you saying democrats are conservatives but with another brother, or are you just name calling for the fun of it?
That has never stopped you before from finding out if a black woman is a baby mama or a slut or something else. What is different this time?
Huh? Where have I shared information like that when it was not relevant to the case?
How about some examples please.
So why would you speak of comparative criminal records on this thread?
The only time I mentioned criminal records before your insulting post was in respinse to ksen asking why I haven't "dug up" any dirt on the woman.
The reason is that, to my knowledge, the woman in this case does not have a criminal record or other relevant dirt to dig up.

Compare with Keith Lamont Scott. Remember that case? The family insisted he didn't have a gun but a book and incited riots in Charlotte.
But it turned out that he had a gun and also a felony criminal record for shooting somebody, among other things.

People like you and ksen want to treat all police shootings as if they were the same thing. But they are all different, and background of the person shot plays a role.

Take for example DeJuan Guillory. He was shot by a deputy while allegedly "frogging". Police say that DeJuan slugged the police officer and then resisted being handcuffed, at which time the girlfriend, DeQuince, jumped on the cop biting him and gtoing for his gun. She says that while DeJuan did push the cop, he killed him for no reason while on the ground and that DeQuince jumped on the cop after the first shot was fired. Now, which story is true? We likely will and can not know for sure. But we can gauge probabilities.
Turns out, DeJuan had a record. Two years ago he stole an ATM with a backhoe and shot at a police officer, but pleaded to a lesser charge with a 10 year sentence with a5 years suspended (why he was not in prison at the time of the shooting I do not know). So that background shifts probability in favor of police.
But it gets messier. There are stories, unconfirmed, that Don DeJuan here was fucking either the deputy's wife or girlfriend or ex-girlfriend (the inconsistency makes me doubt the story btw.) and that DeJuan was killed out of jealousy. Now, that, if true, would shift probability back in the opposite direction.

Given that we often do not know exactly what happened in these cases and have competing narratives, backgrounds of the principal actors (criminal records included) let us gauge probabilioties of these competing narratives being true.
Re your last response. Please define what you mean by progressoauthoritarian? I understand conservatives tend to be more backward looking which is usually defined as authoritarian. Are you saying democrats are conservatives but with another brother, or are you just name calling for the fun of it?
Part of it is for the fun of it, as a counter to Underseer's name calling of people he disagrees with as "Conservolibertarians". "Progressoauthoritarians" is the inverse of that, you see.
But it is not just for the fun of it. I have found progressives to often be rather authoritarian. Be it speech restrictions in colleges or support for illiberal policies like prohibition of sex work.
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That has never stopped you before from finding out if a black woman is a baby mama or a slut or something else. What is different this time?
Huh? Where have I shared information like that when it was not relevant to the case?
How about some examples please.

You just used black arrest records as a pejorative even though even conservatives recognize laws and judicial systems in the US are biased toward white, preferably English, persons. How many ways do you need to call out with some variant of denigration? Are you afraid brown is actually a thing coming to us? Oh my. Maybe you should search your soul before you pick up another rock to throw from your glass house.
You just used black arrest records as a pejorative even though even conservatives recognize laws and judicial systems in the US are biased toward white, preferably English, persons.
And even most liberals recognize that the crime rates of black people are much higher than those of white people.
How many ways do you need to call out with some variant of denigration?
I am not denignating. I am merely stating facts. Look at FBI statistics. From Obama/Holder/Lynch era too, so you can't claim some conservative conspiracy to make blacks seem more violent.

Again, I am not denignating anybody. But these are the facts.

Are you afraid brown is actually a thing coming to us?

Oh my. Maybe you should search your soul before you pick up another rock to throw from your glass house.
You are getting more opaque sentence by sentence.
And even most liberals recognize that the crime rates of black people are much higher than those of white people.
How many ways do you need to call out with some variant of denigration?
I am not denignating. I am merely stating facts. Look at FBI statistics. From Obama/Holder/Lynch era too, so you can't claim some conservative conspiracy to make blacks seem more violent.

Again, I am not denignating anybody. But these are the facts.

Are you afraid brown is actually a thing coming to us?

Oh my. Maybe you should search your soul before you pick up another rock to throw from your glass house.
You are getting more opaque sentence by sentence.

That is intentional since I know you understand bias in law and enforcement. What's worse, according to FBI statistics, it's not true.

Look at this table. Tell me which group commits the most crime proportionally on same race and white on black b lack on white.


Cross tabs of white on white and black on black are similar, of black on white and white on black are similar and total is about 5 to one white to black which would be near race color classification ratios.

So we are talking property crime where there are acknowledged large differences between rich and poor and drug use. So no-violent crime among blacks is higher than among whites just as poverty is higher among black than it is among whites. I suggest you get your numbers straight. Blacks with non violent records are excluded disproportionately from the voting roles as well.

Eyup. Notheing to see here, .... BS!!!

......oh except this time its the cops who shot the gal who called 911 in the first place. Ooops

I guess this isn't going to work out right for Al Sharpton either. She's the wrong color. Doesnt fit his agenda for a Ferguson riot. Oops again.

In reality, Sharpton has always been very clear that the race of the cop and shooter don't matter, and demanded justice and to join the family. There are no marches, because the cop has been indicted, as he should be. Of course, since people have this idea of Sharpton as some sort of arsonist, they rarely actually, you know, listen to his actual views.

Minneapolis chief of police Janeé Harteau resigned Friday, forced out by the city’s mayor nearly a week after a police officer fatally shot an Australian woman who had called 911.

The case has drawn international scrutiny and criticism, and highlighted the limitations of police-worn body cameras.

Mayor Betsy Hodges, who has previously called the lack of body-camera footage of the shooting “unacceptable,” said in a statement, “I’ve lost confidence in the Chief’s ability to lead us further.”

“For us to continue to transform policing — and community trust in policing — we need new leadership at MPD.”

Protesters temporarily overwhelmed Hodges’ press conference Friday evening with chants of “no justice, no peace, prosecute the police.”
Oh please! He could not even bother to spell her name correctly and called her "Justin".

There are no marches, because the cop has been indicted, as he should be.
Was he? Do you have a source?

Of course, since people have this idea of Sharpton as some sort of arsonist, they rarely actually, you know, listen to his actual views.
Well he certainly is an arsonist in a metaphorical sense of inciting racial hatred. He incited violence in New York (Crown Heights Riot, Freddie's Fashion Mart arson) and he accused an innocent assistant DA of raping a 15 year old just because he is white. In reality the girl, Tawana Brawley, made the whole thing up, but to this day Sharpton refuses to appologize.

And then there is this gem:

But because he is black he gets a pass for his racism and homophobia. He really should be shunned like David Duke.
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What's worse, according to FBI statistics, it's not true.
If you really think that, then you can't read statistical data.
Look at the FBI homicide table for 2013.
It shows 2698 homicides were committed by blacks and 2755 by whites.
But of course, whites are 72.4% of the population (including hispanics because that homicide table does not separate them out either) and blacks are 12.6% (again, including hispanics), so the homicide rates are 1.18 and 6.63 homicides/100,000 population for blacks. A differnce in homcide rates of 5.6x more. That is a huge disparity! There are also twice as many black-on-white murders than there are white-on-black murders. Actual numbers put a lie on the #BLM myth that there is somehow an open season on blacks by whites or the police.
You could make similar calculations for other kinds of violent crime.
For example, rape and assaults are less lopsided (but blacks still commit more per capita) but robberies are even more lopsided.

Look at this table. Tell me which group commits the most crime proportionally on same race and white on black b lack on white.
Black on white is about twice as prevalent as black on white. Intraracial victimization is comparable, but blacks have an edge. But of course, since blacks commit more crimes per capita, blacks also get more victimized per capita as well.

Cross tabs of white on white and black on black are similar, of black on white and white on black are similar and total is about 5 to one white to black which would be near race color classification ratios.
The table says that 42.9% of all crime victims were victimized by whites, 22.4% by blacks.
Given that non-hispanic whites (this table treats hispanics separately) are 63.7% of the US population, non-hispanic whites are significantly underrepresented as offenders.
Given that non-hispanic blacks are 12.2% of the population, blacks are overrepresented among violent offenders by almost a factor of 2.

So we are talking property crime where there are acknowledged large differences between rich and poor and drug use. So no-violent crime among blacks is higher than among whites just as poverty is higher among black than it is among whites. I suggest you get your numbers straight.
Your table was for violent crime specifically. You provided no data on non-violent crime.
Not that property crimes are jusified in any case.

Blacks with non violent records are excluded disproportionately from the voting roles as well.
CItation needed.

Eyup. Notheing to see here, .... BS!!!
Well your inability to interpret data was really a thing to behold. Eyup.
Oh please! He could not even bother to spell her name correctly and called her "Justin".

There are no marches, because the cop has been indicted, as he should be.
Was he? Do you have a source?

Of course, since people have this idea of Sharpton as some sort of arsonist, they rarely actually, you know, listen to his actual views.
Well he certainly is an arsonist in a metaphorical sense of inciting racial hatred. He incited violence in New York (Crown Heights Riot, Freddie's Fashion Mart arson) and he accused an innocent assistant DA of raping a 15 year old just because he is white. In reality the girl, Tawana Brawley, made the whole thing up, but to this day Sharpton refuses to appologize.

And then there is this gem:

But because he is black he gets a pass for his racism and homophobia. He really should be shunned like David Duke.

Well, no, everyone knows the difference here - Sharpton has strongly reformed himself (it's cute how you include a pic of his modern look with a quote from nearly 25 years ago), while Duke is still a white nationalist as of right now. There's no proper analogy between the two today.
Well, no, everyone knows the difference here - Sharpton has strongly reformed himself

You serious?

The man didn't even apologize to Pagones, the man whom he wrongfully accused of raping a 15 year old solely based on him being white. Some reform!
*shrug* You were provided the evidence, you refused to accept it, that's fine, you are wrong.
*shrug* You were provided the evidence, you refused to accept it, that's fine, you are wrong.

What "evidence" have you provided that Sharpton has "strongly reformed" himself? Again, he would not even do something as simple and basic as apologize to Steve Pagones or to any of the other victims of his racist crusades.
Strong reformation looks different.

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Oh my. The uppity black man has got all the racists in a tizzy.

The "uppity" black man is the racist here. Not those who rightly criticize him.
Oh my. The uppity black man has got all the racists in a tizzy.

It's not that he's uppity. It's that he's as racist as the KKK.
If you can show Mr. Sharpton has a history of lynching white folk and using violence to intimidate white folk, you have point. Otherwise, you really don't.
It's not that he's uppity. It's that he's as racist as the KKK.
If you can show Mr. Sharpton has a history of lynching white folk and using violence to intimidate white folk, you have point. Otherwise, you really don't.

Does the grand dragon of the KKK have a history of lynching people, either?

Followers of both groups have engaged in murder of the opposing side.
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