Ha ha... could be. This is a collectivist culture (as opposed to individualistic). Swedes get easily offended when people don't submit to norms. Stuff like belief in evolution. No, it's not a trait to be proud of. It's like this in all of Scandinavia. It's not like it's a big secret. We even have a word for it, "Jante".
"Jante" is not about konformism. It's about perceived hybris. And no, its is not a specific scandinavian trait.
I don't agree. I think it's connected. As is our love of welfare. This is a society very geared toward
1) pulling down overly successful people.
2) but also raising less successful people
I think they're essentially the same thing. The other side of "jante" I guess. Which is a facet of Scandinavian thought that I like