If a person today in the world of tech got lost in the deep woods or got left behind on a tour in the wilderness. That person would first die of fright before hunger and thirst kicked in because he or she is out of range for the i-phone.
This person has probably never really been interested in nature let alone learn to cook because of the microwave but says "they do make a mean double cheese with fries nearby and they ...er.... hold on theres a text". You know the story.
Science is the study of nature. Reality is the exact opposite of what you just wrote. I'm an engineer. If the disaster comes, I'll be fine.
You will not!
Scenario 1:
You are on the 68th floor of a building in midtown Manhattan.
Power goes out. No water, no elevator, no food, no gasoline, no telephone. no police.
Somehow, you get to the ground. Fighting in the streets, riots over food, people running in every direction, taking whatever they want; cops using their guns to obtain food. You manage to get to your house. No food, power, water. You grab your pets and kill them for food. No more pets, but kids are still alive, although skinny. You begin looking at them and licking your lips. YOU EAT THEM!
You think you won't?
It has happened before. Looking back at history:
Jerusalem was surrounded by the Babylonians. Its inhabitants were in dire straits.
From an eyewitness:
“. . .Those slain with the sword are better off than those slain by famine, Those who waste away, who are pierced through for lack of food from the field. י The hands of compassionate women
have boiled their own children. They have become their food of mourning during the breakdown of the daughter of my people.” (Lamentations 4:9, 10)
That was a time of tribulation. But Jesus said there is worse to come:
“. . .for then there will be
great tribulation
such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again. 22 In fact, unless those days were cut short,
no flesh would be saved; but on account of the chosen ones those days will be cut short.” (Matthew 24:21, 22)
“. . .Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah says:
“Look! My servants will eat, but you will go hungry. Look! My servants will drink, but you will go thirsty. Look! My servants will rejoice, but you will suffer shame. 14 Look! My servants will shout joyfully because of the good condition of the heart, But you will cry out because of the pain of heart And you will wail because of a broken spirit.” (Isaiah 65:13, 14)
I can even help rebuild civilisation again. Can you? If you're stuck out in the wilderness your the only thing your Bible is good for is kindling.
You have to survive the Great Tribulation first.
How you gonna do that?
Kung Fu?